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What exactly makes this a bad expansion compared to legion?
Tell me Yea Forums
class design is horrible since nobody at Blizz actually plays the game anymore
mob scaling
not much to do if u dont care for raiding
Legion was only "good" because it came after WoD and introduced some fresh systems along with decent content patches. BFA does nothing to improve upon those systems and continued to degenerate the game into a Diablo style RNG loot fiesta where progression feels meaningless outside of the current patch. All of the new "additions" brought with BFA were cancer for the game that nobody asked for and none of the issues which were still present in Legion were addressed or fixed.
It's just Legion -1
Same thing all the way around except they removed legendaries, artifact weapons and set bonuses
Azerite armor is shit and doesn't begin to make up for the excitement of putting your class set together and every raid tier you'd check your set because it was gamechanging, it felt good
Essences are a good bandaid and start to fill the void legendaries left, but only to a certain extent, legendaries you could change on the fly to suit aoe, st, mobility, defense, etc
Mythic+ is still good though and PvP is still solid, though the meta is pretty annoying, rdruids being the best while having no castbars and being able to immune poly feels like there's no counterplay
The game made some pretty big strides though, 8.2 has been a pretty significant improvement, Mechagon is fun, Nazjatar is brimming with people and wpvp everywhere, encounter design is still good, but core issues like titanforging just wont fuck off
But it's WoW and you can't discuss WoW on the internet because it's so fucking cool to hate
I really wanted to like it but the class design, GCD change and the forced time gated rep grind just makes it too boring for me. It feels like they are trying to force me to play the game they want. Instead of giving players freedom and choice.
Its a shame. I really like the zones. Drustvar and Boralus are great.
but Legion had more rng than BFA when relics rolled random traits
>PvP solid
>infinite mobility melee vs facetanking range
>the concept of counterplay completely gone, cheered on by ret paladins mad that spellsteal existed
>buy game
>buy expansion
>pay subscription
>time gates
Fuck Blizzard.
shit class design
mob scaling
unfulfilling leveling (although this has been a problem for a long time)
It is solid, in a way that no other game in the genre is able to match
Like I said the meta isn't looking so good
Leveling is shit, class design is fuck awful, and the game revolves around time gates and daily shit. The game doesn't even feel like an MMORPG anymore, feels more like a shit action game.
>Really bad class design, too much pruning
>Loot treadmill is broken because of stat priorities and Titanforging. This has been a problem for a while but is way more noticable now.
>Artifact Power is tedious and unfun busywork, benefits from obtaining it are barely noticable outside Azerite Armor.
>Mob scaling makes it feel like you're not getting any stronger as you acquire gear.
>Islands and War Mode were massive failures.
>Story is a mess and completely nonsensical (The factions are at war but not really but sometimes yes, also there's fish people and an old god)
And on top of it the gameplay loop of "Consume raid patch then get excited for next raid patch" has gotten stale.
I could go on but I already feel like I said a lot.
>Class design is awful especially with the lack of abilities. Example, instead of making all the artifact abilities baseline at level 110 or including a new row of talents for them they cut them out or put them in as talents in existing rows
>Scaling being the worst this expansion
>Island expeditions and warfronts being some of the "main" features are dull and empty after the first couple of times you do one.
>Still has titan/warforging to keep you on the loot treadmill even longer to try and get a titanforge with a socket
>Player gate keeping at an all time high thanks to M+ and IO scores. Know the dungeons and are trying to do a simple 2+ with a new character? Well fuck you, be 30 ilvls above the content with an IO score of 2000+
Amputee gnomes, Mechagon and Najzatar can eat my dick
Fucking garbage
Playing the patch is a fucking stupid philosophy for an MMO, what happened to making content other than the current patch fun and relevant?
Its not just the meta, its across the board changes for less counter play and more pillarhump until your specific "go" with a bunch of cooldowns.
Demon hunters having passive dodge on blade dance, iframes on 2 abilities that just accidentally counter players sometimes. Chains of ice being undispellable, destro locks just facetanking shit because they cant kite shit like monks/dh and its not worth doing so. Rogues lost positional abilities and sap has a fucking stupid range, grounding totem got far more mindless, across the board you dont really have any conditional damage so you don't really need to setup for swaps, etc. Rogues having 3 seconds of retard protection on stealth so they literally cheap you after getting broken out of it. Its nothing but fucking safety nets for retards and limits on counterplay
Melee just running straight at people and being unpeelable while Destro/Fire hardcast nukes nonstop and rdruids are literal gods.
>let's take all of these talents and skills from legion and PUSH THEM SOMEWHERE ELSE
I'll never forgive them for this. There may not have been talent trees but the artifact weapons had some great skills that made the classes feel somewhat unique.
I can tell you the only good thing good about it - Mommy Azshara!
Classes play like shit. Story is Warlords of Dicks 2.0. Economy is shot to fucking hell and everything is overly expensive. Flying achievement has even more grind then the last ones. Also it's retail so yeah.
Thirsty little fag boy
Blizzard needs to stop with all the catch up mechanics if they want things other than the current patch to be relevant. Doing LFR all the way up to current raid content is just fucking stupid for progression. Actually all the different ways you can get gear is awful for progression.
>BfA pathfinder
But there's transport everywhere, I never needed to fly in BfA. I got a fucken whistle
What's the point?
Started playing in legion after years playing various private servers.
Legion is almost exactly the same as BFA.
2/3 of artifacts were fire and forget abilities and just passives.
Glimmer build for hpal has done more for diversity than anything on an artifact.
Balance is pretty finicky, DH and Lock got shit on pretty hard
Rogue I will concede, what a piece of shit class
Press Blind and get a free Sap out of it and people act like you're insane for collecting your free 16 seconds of CC every 2 minutes while just using Kidney on CD which times out perfectly with DRs to always be perfect, it's just so hard to fuck up
>all these people complaining about rep grinds
1st, it's only to revered so get over it. Thank God it's not exalted
2nd it's only for flying, so it's not needed unless you want to fly. You can still raid, pvp, arena, naz all that shit.
>buy expansion
>pick alliance, finally new cities! Roll rogue for pirate flavor to really get into it
>90% of boralus is unused
>three quick zones to 120
>shit worldquests, cant auto group them fast
>gearing is a nightmare, azerite gear is absolute broken ass, i spent a whole week trying to get 3x dead shot traits, it gets nerfed to oblivion the second i do, then i go for other traits and that gets nerfed since none of it is well tested
>raid is good, but no tier sets to really push for it, that sucks ass and i never realized how important collecting gear is mentally but since its the only thing to really collect cause no horizontal progression in wow, taking it away sucks ass
>mythic plus is less fun than in legion. It feels over tailored and has the jank sucked out of it
>all classes suck now, pvp sucks, arathi warzones sucked, islands really sucked, hated doing all the content. Even the RP sucked
>world pvp was fun for the first few days, got really really really bad fast since broken traits
>every patch is useless, all the gear you get will be replaced in two months. nothing you do matters. doing a raid on mythic means nothing, just do it on lfr, see the cutscenes and youre done
Rep grinds are shit because they're locked behind world quests so you have to play a certain amount of time. Blizzard does stupid shit like this to please their stock holders.
this, making mobs scale up with your item level, what the hell.
>No tier sets
>Artifact power burnout has set in for everyone now
>Needing to farm AP to use your gear
>Classes and GCD changes feel terrible
>Time gates
Most of the classes and specs are either super boring or feel like shit to play, and they said around 8.1 that they weren't going to do anything to change or fix any of it til the next expansion.
Forgot to add: Characters get WEAKER as they level up. A level 110-111 can easily solo dungeons and rare elites and such, while a level 120 struggles and has to get a group of 5 to do the same content.
>what happened to making content other than the current patch fun and relevant?
I am still 100% convinced that Blizzard's end goal with WoW when they stop making expansions is to convert everything into timewalking and put them on rotation. They have 15 years of content in that game, might as well make it all relevent.
Of all of the things wrong with bfa, and there is a lot wrong, the flying grind isn't one of them. It's not great, but it is completely optional. The raids being a clustfuck of mechanics, to the point of being a job to look up and watch videos at the mythic level is the biggest piece of shit ever. That's why everyone looks fondly at ulduar, 1 or 2 per fight, memorable speech and lore behind raid bosses, and a great environment.
>Sharding/phasing whatever it's called it's shit
>Warmode imbalance, should remove any rewards other than conquest instead of trying to coax the alliance into being the hordes punching bags by giving them a 30% reward buff since the horde outnumbers them 40 to 1
>Azerite power being a joke until they gave the neck abilities, still bad since you have to grind everything out again if you want to play a different character
>Lack of unique class armor sets from raiding
>Alliance STILL hasn't gotten their bee mount while the horde has gotten 2 quest mount equivalents
>Lock got shit on pretty hard
destro is doing just fine right now, its not a balance issue. The problem is that for destro to be functional it needs to just mongo facetank damage because there is no way a lock could ever peel a monk or DH, even with baseline port. So now to warlock doesnt do any sort of counterplay to the melee and just casts with them up his ass, and because he's just sitting there not trying to move or anything other than havoc coil every X seconds the melee have no sort off counterplay to the lock beyond kick. Aff, which cant just stand and facetank damage as well, is dead in the water. This is all back to giving classes far too much mobility.
>Of all of the things wrong with bfa, and there is a lot wrong, the flying grind isn't one of them.
Time gating a grind is fucking stupid no matter how you look at it. I'd rather grind mobs/rep on my own time instead of being beholden to world quest timers. The only reason Blizzard does this is because they want to keep investors happy.
Better zones easily. Better dungeons too. But no Suramar and they took a fat step backwards in class design. Island Expeditions and Warfronts are still basically proof of concepts. It was unfinished and ATVI's board of trustees are a bunch of fucktards who can't run a business but sure can demoralize their staff by pushing harsher deadlines.
Flying shouldnt be in the game period brainlet.
Anyway its far from the first rep beholden to dailies. People dicksuck MoP constantly and that had the same fucking issue, as did Cata and TBC.
Lock has always been about being a shit class for retards to stand in the middle of the arena and force you to line chaos bolts though, that's never changed, it has never been able to escape - that's Mage
Is it even worth using the 3 free days that Blizzard gave me? I just want to power through the main story since I haven't been keeping up with the cutscenes and in-game cinematics.
Literally not true. When it had fel flame and snares you did far more kiting. Legion wasnt a good expansion if thats what youre citing.
Definitely if you like the story. The zones and quests are fun, both two of the best continents since Wrath
>When it had fel flame and snares you did far more kiting.
Was this in Cata/MoP/WoD? I didn't play those
worse story, worse zones, worse characters, worse gameplay, worse music and most importantly of all: no fucking content
They removed artifacts and replaced them with a much worse system in pretty much all aspects. Essences are good patch job but they came far too late.
Having said this i'm enjoying playing fire mage and the new zones and raid are decent. Zaq'ul, particularly, is a lot of fun (staying in the delirium realm for upwards of 60% is fun af).
simply epic user
upvotes and gave you reddit gold
I'm not in love with how they've taken the story, but I am at least interested in playing through it. Is three days even enough to catch up with the story? I stopped playing after killing G'huun and getting exalted with all the factions.
Too similar to Legion.
Why are you shitting the bed over a simple question? Did you quote the wrong person or something? Or are you just incapable of posting without buzzwords and memes
worse story?
the story is fucking great especially the bunch of cinematics are golden
>Worse music?
Dude drustvar, zandalar, Battle for Dazar alor had some good soundtracks. Stop playing with no sound and you could actually enjoy the beauty
Too many to list but i'll give one people tend to overlook. The story/lore is so unimaginably bad this time that even those that don't care about story take issue with it. Completely and utterly nonsensical character decisions, devs admitting they 'skipped' the vindicaar because that would be inconvenient, etc.
yes, fel flame was added in Cataclysm and warlock was a skillful class that didnt just hard turrent the entire fucking time. MoP just straight overtuned it so fotmshitters loved it then WoD started pruning
>Less RNG
>Unprune classes
>Less time gating
WoW is so easy to fix (unlike other blizz games like Overwatch) but they just refuse to do anything
>LFR still in the game
>Sharding still in the game
not an MMO so still trash
No soul.
I don' t get sharding to be honest, wouldn't be better to make a mega server if they're going to use sharding everywhere, at least it would be a good reason for it to exist.
The story is complete gibberish right now, you have to be trolling. Sure the cinematics look great but how can you look at the overall story and go "Yeah, I know exactly what's going on right now"?
>the story is fucking great
So how bad did they gut Sub Rogues?
I stopped during the early half of Legion
every alliance zone is visually dull and doesn't feel like wow at all.
Horde gets characters that are (mildly) interesting.
Most of the war quests are done in a jokey fashion and don't really matter.
The conflict was basically a forced way of making the 2 factions find new allegiances.
Warfronts and island expeditions offer no challenge and they feel the same.
World PvP is a joke because everyone turns war mode on to get the bonuses and never bothers to interfere with anyone because they know it will just be a waste of everyones time
YO BROS can I get an inv to asmon layer?
the dialogue is worse than something you would see in a cartoon and the expressions most of the characters make are as exaggerated as an overwatch movie
Class design is worse. Most of the artifact abilities were removed and not replaced with newer and better stuff. There were few/no new class abilities.
Artifact weapons were awesome, and were replaced with a shitty neck that zero people give a fuck about. Its still a shit system a year or so later.
World quests were not improved in any way and are mostly worse than Legion. You can't get legendary items from them, you can't get mounts or pets or toys or any of the other shit that you could get from emissary chests.
Mythic+ didn't improve at all either.
Tier armor and set bonuses went away and generic armor sets for cloth/leather/mail/plate replaced them. None of the armor sets have been particularly good and there is a lot less diversity of transmog options.
Basically nothing was improved and almost everything went backwards significantly. The game is worse that it was in almost every way.
Right now it is the same as Legion, with some different pros and cons
The game feels even worse if you played Legion.
Imagine having a broken fun class with situational legendaries and a cool ass weapon while fighting high tier power level enemies in terms of the game's lore and then they take all of it away, remove your abilities, make the game slower by adding abilities into the GCD and then making you fight fat pirates.
I skipped this expansion entirely. It was no surprise to me that it wound up sucking. Look at the theme. What is it? When a new expansion gets announced, we rub our hands together and wonder "Where we going this time? Who are we going to fight? Who's the big villain?" To anyone like me who doesn't follow the lore like a nutcase (apparently the villain is N'Zoth?) it seemed like what Blizzard was selling was "You're going to Azeroth, and you're going to fight the opposite faction." So... the thing we've been doing for the past fifteen years? Then you start looking for a new class. Nothing. Maybe there's some cool new system like artifact weapons or world quests. Nothing. It's "Azerite Armor," armor with traits. Well that's not very cool. So we're going to Azeroth, we're going to fight each other, and there's no cool new features. Knew right away it would suck. They had nothing.