Let's say western video game developers and companies weren't politicized. No diversity hiring no quotas, no bias, no muh-feminism or no kill nazis .etc.
Do you think overall quality of video games would be better? Do you believe there would be much more talented and educated individuals (mostly white men) in the industry compared to the rest?
Let's say western video game developers and companies weren't politicized. No diversity hiring no quotas, no bias...
probably not, the major problem with games is garbage designers, muh diversity is just icing on the shit cake
Is that her fucking name?
no. imagine the level of scum the likes of EA could conjure up had they hired competent people for the job.
you don't have to think
we already have history to prove it
yeah, definitely.
thats why games back then were much more ambitious. they were only restricted to the technology they were given at the time.
nowadays, its all backwards.
devs generally have to worry about diversity and how not to offend people first and then worry about developing a game around that.
>much more talented and educated individuals (mostly white men)
thats a large assumption on your part. how insecure are you?
yes obviously but that isn't the only problem. the other arguably bigger problem is inflated hollywood budgets that demand a massive return so there's no room for experimentation or niche titles. these stupidly huge budgets allow the fluff staff of triggered bluehairs to get hired in the first place.
Probably not. Even if we could, for argument's sake, remove all manner of political pandering both in and outside the game itself, they can still come out buggy, unfinished and/or plagued with monetisation schemes. Won't change the fact some will still focus more on such things like graphics and story over gameplay.
It's all the result of Hollywood rejects getting into game development so they can push their shitty stories. It makes me mad every time I hear "cinematic experience."
>tfw the devs get interviewed and all they talk about is wanting to tell a story
Her name is Bio Jade Adam? Really?
>Do you think overall quality of video games would be better?
On average yes but only slightly
Many games that aren't SJW infested are shit anyway and even those that are infested might still not be good if they weren't
So only those games that are infested and have a lot of potential would be different to now
>Do you believe there would be much more talented and educated individuals (mostly white men) in the industry compared to the rest?
Yes especially in large development studios or studios owned by huge publishers
The bigger the company, the bigger the push diversity hires
Smaller companies would probably experience little to no change but AAA companies would be notably less preachy and gay
A bit. They need to learn from the japs and focus on the gameplay.
Without a doubt. The companies that focus less on woke bullshit also make the most fun games. Coincidence?
I think overall writing would be better only because there would be actually “diversity” in stories being told and perspectives they’re told from. It feels like these studios create a whole culture in their workplace that caters to this leftist/sjw/social media driven ideology, which means those people are brought on to help contribute to this culture, which means the product they ultimately put out is a result of said culture.
I could be totally wrong since I have no inside knowledge of how these big studios work, but I’d bet that half of it is driven by corporate suits pushing for these politics because they see social media trends and think that’s where the money is. The other half is most likely a new generation of creators who were influenced too strongly by the advent of social media “cancel culture” and left-wing universities applying race/sex-colored lenses to every facet of life.
A lot of poor quality video games are coming out because they’re not being treated as an entertainment medium, they’re being treated as a story-telling medium. Story, characters, dialogue, and even gameplay takes a hit because creators and corporate suits are too focused on reminding us that racism is bad and women can be strong too and heroes don’t have to be white and orange man bad yada yada yada
I would invest more money in this hobby that's for sure
>Do you think overall quality of video games would be better?
of course they would
western games becoming politicised is a symptom; the root problem is the narcissistic idea of "growing up" or "maturing" the medium, and you can't just treat symptoms
i mean i would rather this stuff was excluded than included but would i really be playing battlefield 5 or the last of us or w/e if it didn't have politics shit in it? probably not.
you can't even make the case that the quality would be improved because this is superficial content stuff, which is actually really pernitious since modern video games are *politicised* without actually being *political* (this fuels the narcissism)
you would think this would concern people but it's easier to say "this female character is handled well, my daughter now has someone blah blah" than it is to do some basic thinking about the form as well as the content
Did the west even release any good game this year? Resident Evil 2 Remake, DMC5 and Sekiro are the only note wordy games I can think of from this year and they are all Jap games.
I de-degenerised her
>if they hired people on merit instead of filling a quota, would the quality of the product improve?
I'll need some time to think about that one.
They wouldn't change all that much in terms of quality, take the politics out of a shitty developer, you're still left with a shitty developer.
>the majority of notable art and fiction in human history has been created by whites, mostly men
That's not to say chinks or whoever else can't manage (except niggers, lets call a spade a spade here, banging drums and rapping is the extent of their creative talent), but can you cogently argue that white people haven't produced a wildly disproportionate amount of highly regarded art across all media formats?
>it's pronounced "bee-oh zhaahd"
>coloured hair
>disgusting rat face
Well that's because you're dumb and lack ability to understand. Most of these "shitty" developers were actually good (or at a minimum decent enough to enjoy) at one point but all their talent left when shit started to hit the fan or they got fired to hire cheap college kids with no skill but would accept vastly lower wages.
Politics and greed literally created the shitty developers you talk about and the new shitty ones exist because they believe they are in good company. They would not exist today if the standard of quality had no depreciated so much because they would have been ostracized fairly quickly.
>>Do you believe there would be much more talented and educated individuals in the industry compared to the rest?
Replace much with some and my answer would be yes. A lack of socjus bullshit won't fix every problem but it will fix many problems and will return some much needed levity and fun to an industry that is taking itself faaaarrrr too seriously right now.
No. All this pozzed stuff is a drop in the bucket compared to the malign influence of greedy shareholders.
Gguys wait, i have a controversial proposal
what about hiring people based on skills and talents only?
Even tranny have a chance. As long as she'he'it actually have some skills/talent. Obviously even trannies isnt this dumb to use MMMUH TRANNY as a argument to get a job right?
EA/Ubi/Activision etc dont give a shit
They just want your money for as cheap as possible, when the SJW fad is over they'll move on to the next thing.
The reason you are seeing more SJW devs now has less to do with diversity and more to do with them being cheap and young.
The extremely talented are making it on their own independently or switched industries entirely.
They have no confidence in the truth, their beliefs, or themselves. So they see every single interaction as a vital propagandistic battlefield. They've eroded the barrier between fantasy and reality in their own minds. Imagine if you needed to constantly talk about how great gravity is to keep from falling into space. Imagine if you really believed that. You'd be just as neurotic and schizo as they are from the sheer stress of it all.
These kids are sick and their corporate enablers should be ashamed.
>skills and talents
Bad move. Skills and talents are hateful right wing conspiracies that need rapid decolonizing to make way for People of Diverse Ability. Just because someone is bad a coding doesn't mean they shouldn't be a programmer.
It's how they currently do it.
Trannies and programming go hand in hand.
Wait, I have a better one.
>People Expressing Diverse Occupational Success
>casually putting SJW garbage with nazi killing
hang yourself /pol/tard.
>someone made a big comapny script to choose best people for choosen task, based on skillset etc only, completly ignoring race, gender and other things that dosnt affect engineering and completing that task
>it shoudl be ok since machine operates 100% on logic and not on emotions, prejudices and other emotional shit
>algoritm picks mostly white man and asians(no India, mostly if not all chinesee, japanese, koreans, taiwan
Nope, trans people have one of the biggest "waste" per hour of work in IT industry. On 7hr shift, those whit ebigots spend around ~6hr working, while trans spend ~4hr. The fuck are they doing in this 3hr
>inb4 source:my ass
I remmeber reading paper about it, it should be somewhere in internet
its a man
Trannies at least have always been in the development game. Main difference was all this shit used to be private, personal business.
The real answer is to burn social media to the ground across the board. The less private everyone is, the smaller the border between shame and shamelessness, the more people feel compelled to push their shit on you unasked for.
I agree but I don't know how that connects to politics, unless you're referring to company politics.
I remember even a insider saying that in japan a game proposal is usually 3 pages, with the plot usually only apearing in the last one while in the west they are usually 10 pages with the first 5 dedicated to the world nowadays
It's the difference between a game developer who is trans, and a trans who is a game developer. If you understand my meaning. Elevating (arguably, but humor me) immutable characteristics above deeds in the reckoning of human value is a mistake.