I am forgotten...

Attached: Castlevania_III_-_Dracula's_Curse_-_(NA)_-_01.jpg (1534x2100, 1.78M)

Symphony of the Night killed the series.

Dracula's Curse is worse than the first Castlevania. It's also inferior to Rondo of Blood, Symphony of the Night, and arguably Bloodlines as well.

I literally just played it like a minute ago

Taking the series in a new direction isn't killing it. Besides, Classicvanias peaked with the triple whammy of masterpieces that were IV, Rondo and Bloodlines. I don't think you can get much better than those.

I'll never get over how awful the Netflix knockoff animu adaptation of this was. Why couldn't they pick on SOTN instead?

Are the series cancelled? Weren’t they doing another season?

That's a weird way to spell Lords of Shadow

This, although I think IV is a tad overrated (and Bloodlines underrated)

Have you played the Japanese version? I think it surpasses the first, although of course with more levels there's more rough areas

Didn't finish S2 but I heard it ends by setting up for SotN

Season 3 has been confirmed, yes.

I mean, if the game was really only forgotten in 2019, then good for it desu

What about Castlevania 64?

Are the two N64 games and the two PS2 games any good, actually?

man, metroid, mario and zelda all succeeded in the transition to 3d, sad castlevania didn't.

i like simons quest

What about Simon's Quest Redacted

Yeah, fuck Yea Forums for shilling that fanfic tier trash.

The Netflix show was great. hahaha keep seething faggots

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Sheer fucking autism.

shit taste, dracula's curse is the best of the classic games

>admitting to having such shit taste

Thinking about it though, a proper classic CV game could work in 3D, it's just they've never done it properly.

A 3D classic CV game would essentially be demons/dark souls. Slow paced game with an assortment of weapons and slow weighty actions that force you to commit, where you need to be be very careful of every action you take as you progress. I think the perfect comparison here would be Sen's Fortress vs the gear tower level at the beginning of CV3

Attached: sens knight.jpg (1920x1080, 585K)

have sex
