How the hell do I git gud at shmups? They keep kicking my ass

How the hell do I git gud at shmups? They keep kicking my ass.

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Write notes to yourself about the routes you take so you can see whuch ones give you the most success?

Most suggestions will be just practice, mind.

Learn basic techniques like tap dodging/streaming and fundamental concepts like different patterns types (aimed, static, random, varied), break down stages/attacks that give you trouble into components, memorize them and come up with a plan to deal with them, use bombs for parts you're inconsistent at/quick killing tougher bosses, practice until you have the muscle memory to pull off dodges. Use save states to practice individual levels, bosses or even patterns because that makes everything I mentioned easier and quicker. Pay more attention to your pb's instead of only caring about the end goal whether it's a 1cc or scoring. Like with everything, you play a lot and it gets easier.

Play more until you either memorize everything that gives you trouble or you just refine your reflexes to the point you can manage.
If that doesn't work watch other people play the same game well and try and apply what you learn watching them to your own play.
If a game has bombs don't be afraid to use them to avoid deaths. If a game has rank, look up exactly what affects it and then do everything you can reasonably do to keep it low.

All very good advice, thanks a lot anons

That's how.

Attached: Master_Roshi_Max_Power.gif (500x375, 763K)

>practice micro dodging rather than swerving around the screen like a mad man
>learn your hitbox
>kill all niggers
>if a game has a scoring system learn it
>if a game has a rank system learn it
>stick with one game
>use save states to practice certain levels or bosses
This is usually what I do.

One thing is to find a game that really clicks. I don't like Cave games, but kept forcing myself to play them because of reputation.
What game are you trying to git gud at?
Also any tips for Radiant Silvergun?

Micro dodging is usually a last resort when you've already fucked up your routing, moving around the entire screen is good as long as you do it deliberately to misdirect patterns and move into position for enemy waves. It mostly comes naturally as you learn the stages and try to quickly kill enemies before they spew a lot of bullets. With some games micrododging is unavoidable though

>shooters with no mission select

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Start with simple ones. I began with Deathsmiles when it released on Steam, good introductory game, also the lolis are cute and the music is really good.

Attached: deathsmiles_cover.png (565x750, 990K)

Okay I should've phrased that first point better. Was mainly trying to emphasize that positioning is way more important than swerving all over the fucking place hoping you won't get hit in a panic.

It's usually not bad, you just have to change your playstyle. Don't keep restarting all the time, just do a couple-few credits and take a break, and work towards improving your pb. It's quite fun seeing yourself get further and further each credit, save states and select undermine that sense of satisfaction.


>What game are you trying to git gud at? For now? SNES version of Aero Fighters.

How do you guys feel about credit feeding a new game?

If you don't bomb during the guy before Tyrannosatan he spawns a life up item, so you can just bomb spam the big dude himself with no issues. Just avoid picking level 3 too often and doing Canyon until you're decent, that makes all hell break loose.

Fucked up the greentext
Aero Fighters for SNES


He becomes the lolis companion in the sequel, pretty cute senpai.

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I hate it, it kills my focus and makes the games dull and unenjoyable even if I'm trying to get into it. I just play individual levels via savestates/mission select or play a few runs to get a feel for a game.

Credit feed once you hit a wall.
If you keep making progress every time you restart you don't need to use credits.
You'll master the earlier levels and improve your skills faster rather than trying to tackle the entire game all at once.

Try to position yourself in places where as many of the bullets on the screen at once will miss you
Shmups are more about positioning than constant flail dodging

The perfect kind of game to be played in mobile. just let it auto shoot and a small button for bomb or some triple or double or some swipe for panic bomb. Make it free, with progression system and paid content like new aircrafts/skins.

Stop shitposting

Practice. There are a wide variety of little things and big things you can do, and a lot of it depends on the game or the challenge. There are general skills like spacial awareness, being able to focus on multiple targets, and being able to react quickly. And specific games will generally require specific skills, especially in certain spots where you might need to kill a high priority target or take some specific evasive maneuvers.

Early on, just don't worry about it and have fun. Spam continues and blow stuff up. You'll start to get better just from repetition, if nothing else because you'll get used to different waves of attacks and start to understand how to avoid enemy fire. Past that, though, it's more about which game you are playing since some require constant movement, some require positioning yourself correctly, some require killing certain enemies before they spam annoying attacks at you.

kill yourself

>the cavefags on nu/v/ still can't hold shift

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>Yea Forums
>Even knowing Cave or shmups
Come on patchy

You just play for hundreds of hours and maintain a regular practice schedule. LOL

What 's Cave even been doing recently?


Such as?

Gothic Mahou Otome someshit and some newer one, cant you just check wiki

Any good mobile games like this? I love these types of games

Danmaku Unlimited 2-3 are pretty good, people also like Bullet Hell Monday but that one has shitty progression mechanics so idk.

DanMugen 2-3 as the other user suggested. There's also Danmaku Death, which is a solid boss rush game.

As well, there are ports of the RaySeries (RayForce, RayStorm, RayCrisis), Blazing Star, Darius Burst, R-Type 1-2, OpenTyrian and Raiden Legacy (Raiden Fighters series).

I have Aka to Blue, but I haven't played enough of it to really give a recommendation.

Attached: DanMugen.png (320x427, 299K)

>Started Radiant Silvergun yesterday
>Couldn't even get up to the first boss because I died
>Eventually get up to him with no lives
>Keep practising
>Eventually can get up to him with 2 lives
>Keep practising
>Now I can get up to him with no lives and get %90 destruction rate
From barely any time in the game. You've just got to pick a game you love and practice