Borderlands 3

>49 days left for GOTY
You did preorder the Super Deluxe edition, right Yea Forums?

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hello randy

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Yeah, well...actually my name is Bandy. That's right, this is not my game, but you should buy it just because it's badass

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Bought the Handsome collection and am currently going through a "Borderlands summer", I recently started TPS. I'll know whether I buy the 3 or not at the end of this journey, so far it should be positive. Golden keys are nice to transform the experience into something really comfy.

Buy Borderlands

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pirating it asap and maybe buying it once it hits steam assuming it's as good as it looks
I don't take pleasure in this randy but you've forced my hand

I want to fuck and cum in Amara

This situation is just annoying as my friends dont want to buy it till it comes out on steam but I want to play it in September so I think I'll buy it on PS4 and then buy the GOTY edition on steam in a year or 2.

>and then buy the GOTY edition on steam in a year or 2
So, well after your friends have stopped playing?

I didn't think of it before but multiplayer may be ruined for lots of players groups in your exact situation.

Played them all too much, what to do to pass the time now?

Shadow Warrior 2

No. They said they are going to wait for the GOTY edition on steam.

Not if they announce crossplay. Tim said there was crossplay for Steam and Epic users and Gearbox is working towards it being across all platforms possible, so who knows if in the future you could play it with anyone

Why should it matter whether you play the game on Epic Games or Steam?

There are still timing issues.

Autists are steamdrones and don't want competition for Valve and try to rationalize this by bringing up all that garbage social features Steam has that has no bearing in the game.

Normies just want all games in one place, so they get butthurt they have to install more shit on their computer to get the games.

Why do you find this so hard to understand. The game being on the epic game store and not on steam is EXTRA HASSLE for ME without any benefit. If I am being inconvenienced then I should get some benefit.

Let's not talk too much about pic ok ?

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Rip Battleborn
They did not deserve their fate
Borderlands will carry on in their stead

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>They did not deserve their fate
Yes they did. The entire game was shit and uninspired, they should have just made another Borderlands spin-off like Pre-sequel

Is the hype for this game organic or is it all shills? I cant help but feel tired thinking about playing another borderlands desu

It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. Just bad timing

Any game that manages to sneak Shitting Dick Nipples in is alright by me.

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I don’t know that leak a few months back saying the story in only 16 hours has me nervous

I loved 2 but dropped the pre sequel after 1 hour, is it normal?

>No more Isic or Oscar Mike bantz
Rip ED-2001 and GI-Bro