Yea Forums tells you a game is shit

>Yea Forums tells you a game is shit
>it's actually good
What's her name?

Attached: assassins-creed-syndicate.jpg (608x877, 437K)

Pic unrelated

All of them

That the free one?

Every Assassin's Creed game is shit

>I have absolutely no standards

Final Fantasy XIII trilogy.

Last of Us
Fallout 76
Skyrim (but I've played it waaaaaaay too much and never see myself playing it again, ES6 will probably be my all time favourite)

In the reverse:
Dark Souls
The Walking Dead by Telltale
Any Final Fantasy (in fact, any JRPG)

I've noticed threads like this are always filled with posts like this by posters who have the most shit taste possible.

Go to bed, Barry.

Not pic related.

Get some taste

Every game someone on here will tell you it's shit

I don't hold Yea Forums opinions in high regard, due to not being mentally deficient.

It was trash like every Ass Creed game since Brotherhood. Don't blame Yea Forums if your standards are as low as dirt.

No it was Unity.

Attached: federation force.jpg (954x837, 277K)

>Fallout 76
Are you memeing or serious?

>Assassin's Creed is tras-

Attached: Assassin's Creed Origins Combat.webm (720x406, 1.92M)

I fucking hate batman combat

Have you even played the game?

I hated pic related but I unironically enjoyed Arkham Knight more than City
>Batman has actual agency
>Batmobile is really fun outside of the forced stealth segment boss fights
>Combat is at it’s most fluid and freeform
>Stealth is admittedly op but at it’s most fun
>5x grapnel boost
>Legitimately massive Gotham with landmarks

I've played every single asscreed an embarrassing amount. I could talk to you about this worthless series for fucking horus.

Should've been its own thing IMO.

But it's not batman combat. Where did that come from

batman combat came from batman

It's the same trash combat formula as in batman / DMC and all there dogshit derivatives

AC combat has always been bad but it at least tried something different in the past, and had some good kill animations to show for it. Now it's just generic TPS open world RPG combat #57890 that's been engineered to garner as addictive of a response as possible in the player in order to keep them progressing through the RPG system, etc. It's a fucking joke.

moving goal posts and stretching terms beyond meaning. This games combat has nothing to do with the arkham games. "Batman combat" is very specific, and you know it once you see it.

Generic TPS combat is not batman combat.

kill self

Wolfenstein 2

Battlefield V.
God this game is so fucking fun, i've been having a blast so far.

Attached: 156093186518.jpg (220x301, 21K)

I think the sidequests bloated it a bit gameplay-wise but they definitely made it feel like Batman slowly but efficiently chipping away at a small army. It sacrificed pacing but gave us a better Batman power trip. Also the graphics and attention to detail are ridiculous, it's easily one of the best looking games on console

How has it improved since launch? I refused to buy it at launch cause of how gutted it was content-wise. The "SJW" stuff meant nothing to me because I'm not a brainlet

>game set in the 1860s
>guns arent a major part of the gameplay
>the gunplay that is there is complete dogshit
>no rifles