

Attached: Mgspw01212010image3.jpg (1024x768, 55K)

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>lets make an origin story for the MGS series.
>great idea!
>Lets also give the origin story metal gears better technology than the first 3 games (Metal Gear 1,2 and MGS)
>fucking genius move!

Is there a bigger hack than Kojima?

It's fun, shut up.

Attached: Peace_Walker.jpg (1120x769, 502K)

I mean, they weren't going to make designs akin to MG1 or MG2, if that's what you were thinking

I love this game

cool mech
heres mine

Attached: khamsin.png (1920x1080, 332K)

All the Big Boss games should be treated as a separate timeline, especially since the events of Peace Walker, Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain retconned MG1 and MG2 out of existence.

So we have the timeline where Solid Snake hatched an owl to trick guards into thinking it's night time, and the timeline where he didn't?


It is the best Metal Gear game imo.

Attached: Clbr_mgr_091225.jpg (2000x1500, 230K)

you know pupa means ass in polish?

>>Lets also give the origin story metal gears better technology than the first 3 games (Metal Gear 1,2 and MGS)

The Shagohod has limited movement and combat capabilities, while also needing a runway to launch an ICBM.

Do you even play video-games user? Cuz I remember this from playing 10 years ago.

the voice is cute
When the robo hides and appears again it makes a noise I can only see with this face

I didnt meant to green text, fuck

What's the song that plays in the Boss AI?

you're a pupa

i really liked fighting giant mechs that could barely fight back dozens of times

That's the point of the game, user. They're meant to be fought over and over for parts and AI boards.
Peace Walker is basically Metal Gear - Monster Hunter Edition.
That's why it is a great handheld game but it gets boring really quickly when played on a console.

As a matter of fact this alone proves to me that Kojima actually knows what he's doing every once in a while design-wise.

D-walker was the best part of Phantom Pain and a blast to use.
I really wish they would make a model toy of it

Attached: dwalker1.png (1356x844, 848K)

He's talking about all the weird shit in Peace Walker. Although you can chalk it up to Huey and Strangelove being unparalleled geniuses, that still doesn't explain the TX-55 was a hunk of scrap metal that couldn't even move properly.

>Implying the board-removing minigame wasn't fun as fuck
Wait, it wasn't. Sometimes it took more than the boss fight itself.

>two-legged robotic platform that rockets around on wheels, demonstrating that its own legs are worthless

kinda looked like a weird robot on their knees and hands, with the cylinder being their head.

it disappointed me when i opened it up and it wasnt, so im off to /y/s robot thread

i dont think kojima ever claimed he was doing anything other than shoot from the hip with his stories

well it could run or glide thats what was nice about it. I think it walked and ran at lower speeds and glided at higher ones.
I found it very satisfying to ride and would have pirated Survive if i could, just for it

Attached: dwalker2.png (1399x916, 1.17M)

The Pupa is just Shagohod Mk2, the Cocoon is a big fuckoff fortress on treads, and Peace Walker is pretty much a proto-Metal Gear.

But what the fuck's going on with Chrysalis? How does it fly? Or are we just accepting that they had magic repulsor tech in the 1970s and forgot about it after using it that one time?

Hunh, I don't think I ever used it or researched parts for it. I used d'Horse until I acquired d'Dog and then never looked back.

>Play game in single player
>Run out of ammo before the boss dies
>Have to quit and grind upgrades to be able to beat it because the health was balanced for multiple players
Fuck this game.

you could call ammo drops user

get this get this
you could
you know
use the supply marker
that I believe the game gives you for free
and get more ammo
and rations
and fultons

I was including the ammo drops, since you only have a limited number of them. Using them also drops your rank.

It's implied the Patriots restricted a lot of tech when they took over

Huey wasn't there to make the TX-55. And even so, Huey didn't make anything worth a fuck in Phantom Pain aside from the Walker Gears.
Sahelanthropus and Battle Gear were made with tin foil and toilet paper tubes. They didn't do shit. Hell, Sally was just a giant metal puppet. It was never intended to work under its own power.

You should go back and play the game without D-Dog or Quiet. Having all the marking done for you just makes the game way too simple.

It wasnt always the most practical, especially for stealth, but I love mechs and it was satisfying to move around in.
The intercept mode upgrade had potential but it wasnt implemented well

Attached: D-Walker-walker-gear-Metal-Gear-фэндомы-2442106.gif (640x480, 1.47M)

I preferred D Horse to D Walker

Shinkawa's artwork for this game is so fucking beautiful. The only MGS which did it better was 1.

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It wasn't just Huey and Strangelove, but also Granin being a supergenius who designed several of the original Metal Gears, all far too technologically advanced for the era, hence why they went with Sokolov's Shagohod.
Granin's ideas could only be partially realized a few decades later. Pupa was based on Shagohod (which would explain why it was likely the most capable yet compact of the AI Weapons), but Chrysalis, Peace Walker, ZEKE and Sahelanthropus were based on his research while having Huey and Strangelove working on them. They had to be massive to handle the size of the AI Pods (which overall didn't allow for much complex behavior), yet dramatically toned down to function properly (or in Sally's case, it couldn't function at all without a super psychic child moving it around).
Fucking Cocoon drove itself into a mining shaft and got stuck. Based on some of the tapes describing it, it's actually a massive piece of shit with obscene power consumption and heat issues.
Chrysalis looks hyper advanced, but consider those discs aren't any sort of hover technology; just the equivalent of modern day "bladeless fans" where the blades are just hidden inside those discs. If anything, it is the most simplistic oversized RC helicopter of the lot.
Peace Walker was the one romanticized to be hyper intelligent, but despite two Pods, that too also wasn't all that special outside of spouting a lot Boss quotes.

TX-55 and D were designed by Madnar, kidnapped by Big Boss and using limited funds. He didn't really give a shit about building the Metal Gears in the same autistic way that Huey did, so his models were half-assed and easy to destroy.

>Using Aim Mode to perform instant high speed turns and drifts
>Park somewhere safe to activate Scout Mode
>Whistle and get your mini-walking tank popping up behind you a second later
Best god damn buddy.
Only thing that could have been better was bringing Peace Walker's Cardboard Tank back and sprucing it up.

>have had this stuck in my head for weeks for some reason

2019...I am forgotten.

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Lalala lalala lalalaaaah

D-Walker could be pretty nuts. Especially with the fulton ballista. I can see why that was a rank restricting weapon.

I wish he didn't die, he was a good boy

>the best MGS song is in the roughest MGS game


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It would be great if he showed up as a recurring boss, and when you beat him the final time, you figure out that he's just another hallucination.

I will admit that the limited use of supply drops often meant that you could fuck yourself over if you called without emptying every weapon first. The supply drops were something that I didn't get the hang of entirely until the custom armored vehicle fights where they became necessary to master. When you just need 3 rockets and a ration or a curry and it drops a fucking lime soda and pistol ammo, you want to quit.


Makes sense considering there was a literal Monster Hunter Crossover mission

The legs made it all terrain

>tara strong voices Paz
Wait a minute...is that a...

I have that artbook. If I ever feel like playing PP, I just pull this out to remind myself not to bother

The ending cut scene of phantom pain reveals venom snake was the big boss that got killed in MG1.
If anything V add more to MG1 and 2, Venom established outer haven as a distraction so Naked could establish Zanzibar land.

TX-55 and D were not meant to be combat Metal Gears anyways.
Big Boss wanted a portable nuke launcher.

Why do people shit all over Peace Walker? I really enjoyed it.
The story, the gameplay and Mother Base was cozy as fuck.

One of the reasons I dislike about V is it pissed all over everything you built in Peace Walker.
Mother Base became a depressive shithole, being able to walk around it made it somehow less immersive.
V game lacked a lot of the MGS goofiness I loved, no tapes of Kaz and BB fighting in the showers and the sauna.

>AI units more advanced than current test beds today, in the 1970s
>retarded future sci fi tech in the 60s that does not fit.

Yes i did, 3 was fun. Yet extremely retarded.


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I really enjoy the tape recorder conversations. The cast has a real chemistry.

Based la la la poster.

I'm still trying to figure out some cope head cannon for this to this day.

Played it solo like five years ago and loved it for what it is. Then playing in coop with a friend and enjoy it even more, we had a blast. One of the best coop times we've had, I wish MGSV had at least coopable side missions in that vein, I'd probably be playing it to this day.

Also Heavens Divide and Love Deterrence were magical and I remember them fondly now because of how comfy the game felt.

Big Boss.

Attached: Big Beautiful Boss.png (496x522, 513K)

La, la la, lalala, lalala

la, lala, lalaaa, lalala

I was honestly a little peeved about it
One of my favorite things about the Shagohod is that it feels like some cold-war bond-style technology.
Peace Walker is too fucking advanced for the era it's in, let alone for the modern era even in MGS1 time

Each game is basically it's own self-contained world that uses the previous games as a mythology and general set of events but not as the actual world. Each one is basically meant to be an interpretation of the events past games have set up.
Like you fucking know that in MGS2, Kojima never had in mind to have the patriots be a bunch of goofballs from the sequel that wasn't even made yet.
Hell, in MGS1 you know for a FACT that he didnt intend for the patriots to even exist or for Ocelot to be some quadruple agent.
None of this shit is planned out, Kojima just does whatever he's into at that moment