How is this? I played the first game and thought it was good but flawed

How is this? I played the first game and thought it was good but flawed.

Attached: fc0fea76b4a2f75dc282d0dba05a31a1.jpg (800x1128, 393K)

>good but flawed
wew what an opinion man

Guess what, 2 is also good but flawed, who would have thought?

Gooder and less flaweded

2 is so much better than 1 it's not even worth comparing them.

Heavily flawed I should say. Quite a lot of questionable design decisions, but a game that is unique and appealing enough that you just have to deal with them.

>good combat system
>tons of different builds and viable playstyles
>fun loot system
>quests usually allow multiple solutions and are usually somewhat interesting
>tons of content (almost too much Tbh)

>Way too long
>Quests are much too convoluted
>literally impossible to figure out what arbitrary, ass backwards bullshit the games want you to do to proceed without checking the wikia
>finding where NPCs are at or where a merchant who sells a particular item is at are a massive pain especially with no map markers
>missing one tiny little item or detail can completely fuck you up and cause you to lose a ton of time
>inventory system is clunky as all hell
>crafting and smithing are horribly explained and very convoluted with the obscure item combinations in conjunction with clunky inventory, it's likely you'd reach the end of the game without even having upgraded any of your weapons and armor or crafted any useful items
>writing is passable at best, which is really disappointing for a CRPG. I just started skipping dialogue halfway through

Overall 7.5/10 (which is still a pretty great score) but could have been a lot better if they hadn't purposely obfuscated so many mechanics and quests. Unfortunately, you're literally required to do a huge portion of these quests in order to level up and to get enough bloodstones to beat the game. Combat is a high point, but the utterly mediocre writing weighs it down a great deal.

>>Quests are much too convoluted
>>literally impossible to figure out what arbitrary, ass backwards bullshit the games want you to do to proceed without checking the wikia
this is outright false, I played the entire game recently and didn't look at anything online once, you're obviously skipping dialogue or not reading notes/journals you pick up, and if that's the case, then the entire genre isn't for you.

>skips dialogue
>why don't I know what the fuck am I supposed to do in this quest reee shit game
seriously kys

So is 1 worth playing first or should I skip to 2?

skip one, shits boring

not him but skip 1

the two games aren't related story wise, I played 2 first and played the first about a year after I finished 2.
I found them both fun but you wouldn't be able to play the first immediately after finishing the second since the second is a huge mechanical improvement.

I think you might actually be retarded.

that 1 puzzle involving the painting to active the lift to the god king shrine in act 4 was p ridiculous
other than that i agree

>game too long
Unironically complaining about a game having too much content now?

not him but i get it
sometimes a game just needs to end and div 2 going for 100 hours a play-though is just a tad too much

giving side quests more xp so you don't have to do literally all of them to stay on level with enemies would fix that

tl;dr: best crpg since Dragon Age: Origins
>act 1: well designed intro chapter that's paced well, has multiple routes for progression, and a good difficulty slope
>seriously, act 2 is a game in its own right, with a shit load of side quests and a giant ass fucking map
>it's very difficult to find the intended route of progression because of the non-linearity, which is only an issue because the difficulty level spikes like a mother fucker
>you will soon discover how thievery breaks the game, how summons break the game, how lone wold breaks the game, etc - but breaking the game in so many ways is very fun
>act 3: outside of the character-specific side quests, pointless
>another giant fucking map with less to do, but the difficulty spikes again
>lots of the side quests and arcs tie up nicely here, which is impressive considering how many choices there are in everything you do
Great game, but too long for its own good. Which is a shame, because the amount of player choice here is insane, and it's begging to be replayed over and over otherwise.

The writing and story are shit. Why should I have to read that garbage instead of just focusing on the strengths of the game (combat and builds)

I feel like player choice is overrated unless you've got good consequences and with Larian's terrible writing they can't do any of that convincingly

>too long
shut the fuck up. there's no such thing as a game that's too long, the fuck are you smoking. and divinity os 2 definitely doesn't qualify even if it did, at only 4 chapters with 3 being significantly shorter than 2 and 4 being barely a chapter at all, it was way too short if anything. game coulda been twice the length and actually fleshed out the chapters so they were all as big as chapter 2

as for op it's significantly better than the first, still has some flaws

I don’t see how people can think builds are deep, ifs just pumping main damage stat+skill.

The writing is pretty good and you're pathetic

if you hated the story of the first, then know the second has a shittier story, same level of trash writing and the same shitty journal interface.
So either suck it up and actually read what characters are saying or remain ignorant about your quest objectives. Or you know, don't play the game.

>Why should I have to read that garbage
because you didn't buy a dungeon crawler, you bought a crpg which have stories and quests and shit that requires reading

>there's no such thing as a game that's too long, the fuck are you smoking
damn imagine being young enough to think this

Stop complaining about not knowing what to do with quests when you're deliberately not reading what quest givers are saying, are you literally so fucking stupid that you don't see the issue here? It's not the game, it's your dumbass

>Waah! I want less content for my money! You don't agree with me? CHILD!

>pad game out with repetitive shit, grinds, filler quests and low effort content
>'wooooah this game is 500 hours long that's like $0.02 an hour wot a bargain! now I can convince mom to buy me the game!'

Grow up

he's right though, when you're waging and have actual responsibilities then playing a long game like that could take literal weeks to finish, kind of annoying when you have a long backlog

That's the first thing that came to mind too. The thing is, the main story isn't long in the slightest, but the design of the game necessitates completion of sidequests to pump your levels since there is a fixed amount of experience in the game, and the difficulty jumps at the start of each act - the devs assumed most players would complete a good chunk of sidequests. Without sidequests, the game isn't long and is paced quite well. With sidequests, it's ungodly long even if the sidequests are enjoyable for the most part.

Imagine being enough of a retard with your money to think otherwise.

Oh no, it might take weeks?! The horror. Imagine wanting to be immersed and progress in a game for more than a couple of days. Fuck, how do all those people who play d&d campaigns that last months manage it? How do you manage to watch a tv series when it's only airing once a week? Shit son, life must be hard.
Your backlog isn't an issue, your dumb mindset about your backlog is the issue. It's not some mountain you have to climb as fast as possible, and you should stop buying fucking games if you're not gonna play them within the next like week or two at most.

>Fuck, how do all those people who play d&d campaigns that last months manage it?
they have dungeon masters making it unpredictable and other players who (depending on the abilities of your fellow players) have interesting characters

That's not what they did though.

It's pretty mediocre, just like the first one, same mistakes overall but with worse progression and even more mistakes.

I want to fuck the Red Prince.

Attached: Red Prince.png (326x333, 142K)

divinity 2 is short as fuck
act3&4 are obviously rushed
fuck you mouthbreathers

Imagine lying to hide the fact that you're just too stupid to get the quests
What backlog? You don't have any obligation to finish X amount of games in a month. Play what you think is fun.

What fucking world do you live in where there's a backlog of games to play?

There's like 1 or 2 good releases per year.