Quaketards and Yea Forums forever seething

quaketards and Yea Forums forever seething.

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Seems like you are cus you're posting about it


They know it's true.

Did some jewtuber make a video about this game or something? The amount of shitposting about CS over past week is out of nowhere for Yea Forums



It's one autist obsessed with valve games plus some others. He goes through periods of making hundreds of spam threads with the same copypasted posts hating them. Did the same with Half-Life, Portal, Blood, and Serious Sam.

>That Quake thread he made a few days ago where he literally bumped it for 13 hours straight with "CS babbs BTFO" "CS fags can't even defend their game" or some variation of that every single time the thread hit page 10
13 hours straight

1.6 is great, source is also pretty good, but global offensive is trash

People always loathed cs and said it was casual and inferior to arena shooters.
Stay in denial thinking your game takes skill.

Is that why Arena shooters are dead?
Because the moment anyone went +2 in higher level play they just snowballed so much it was impossible for the other guy to win because not only did he not have a gun that could effectively do it but because the guy now has a railgun, armor and overheal?

1.6 > 1.5 > cs:go > source

No because casuals like you that love realistic tactical shooters and suck at quake.

Kys cs was never good.

>Casuals love sims/tac shooters
>CS is a realism/tac shooter
The term you're looking for is "Arcade shooter" my posing friend

>quaketards and Yea Forums forever seething.
why? i still enjoy all the quake and counter-strike games with my bros on a regular basis

>cs 1.5
okay retard


1.3 > 1.5 > 1.6 > power gap > cs go

Source>1.6>1.5>CS:GO FUCK ITSELF

blessed post. 1.6 is the least likeable CS for me but i'd play it rather than fucking Quake.


Why do people think it's impossible to like both quake and CS? How fucking retarded can you get? They're barely even the same genre.

Yeah nah i bet you're trash at games, I was actually good at cs so yeah, also Ultra diamond in street fighter and grandmaster in SC2, Id kick your ass in tribes too but im sure your newfag ass doesnt even know what that is

Next you will say halo and cod are good.

Its bait l e l unless this guy can post something proving he even plays quake its just another troll or maybe hes legit autistic

cs:go isn't better than anything

Because one of these two casualized and ruined multiplayer fps.

Cs go didnt have proper hitboces for the first three years of its release bros thats enough for me to call it shit, i dont know about source release but thats pretty hard to top

only retarded zoomers think csgo is better than css

Nah people let games like that die, if you really think fucking counter strike with sub 1 million players is THE CASUAL SHOOTER, consoles, call of duty remember that shit? While i was playing quake I didnt hear people talk about counter strike source, it was CoD

Besides take the red pill and stop playing team based shooters, I used to run into fags like you talking about the glory days of shooters and why they were playing so shit was because "this isnt optimal" then I moved onto 1 v 1 games

Good, fuck arenashitters.


Further proof that old school pc autists are the most disgusting schizos ever.

don't give a shit about go

There is a lot evidence, a lot of old threads, forums calling cs casual and shit.
Are you going to ignore that?


>the same game with better shooting mechanics and overall better visuals is worse
wew lad
im not a cs fag but the only thing i can agree with is the lack of modding and community servers in cs go but the game is not about that anymore

csnigger should be hanged.

you can't deny this

Quakefags are not real they are just trolls

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you didn't prove me wrong in previous threads faggots. Call me schizo all you want but i already won the argument.
