Quake Quakecon /arena/

Quakecon 2019 is live.
No threads, no discussion, no /arena/.
Date: July 25 - 28
Place: Gaylord Texan, Dallas, USA

Better late than never, I think there ought to at least be a post about QuakeCon 2019 here.

10 players from Europe and 10 players from the Americas have been invited.

Representing Americas: United States of America br1ck, Canada cha1n, United States of America DaHanG, United States of America dramiS, United States of America Effortless, Brazil nosfa, United States of America psygib, United States of America rapha, United States of America sib, United States of America whaz
Representing Europe: Poland Av3k, Russia base, Russia Cooller, United Kingdom GaRpY, Germany k1llsen, Hungary RAISY, Sweden Spart1e, Sweden toxjq, Italy vengeurR, Ukraine Xron

Note: Belarus Cypher was also invited but visa is still an issue, so he once again can't compete. It is also the case for Serbia Serious and possibly Russia Agent.

Game mode is the new mode 'Timelimit Duels' in Quake Champions. Prizepool is yet to be determined, but this tournament is the kickstart to a whole season of Quake. quake.bethesda.net/en/news/7mo7u2K4mxkmBC4u6X1Sx6


Thursday, July 25 - Round Robin Group Stage, Rounds 1 to 7 - 16:00 BST to 00:00 BST
Friday, July 26 - Round Robin Group Stage, Rounds 8 to 13 - 16:00 BST to 00:00 BST
Saturday, July 27 - Round Robin Group Stage, Rounds 14 to 19 - 16:00 BST to 23:00 BST
Sunday, July 28 - Playoffs and Grand Final - 14:00 BST to 21:30 BST

Full schedule for each player, with Twitch stream links. quake.bethesda.net/en/news/64298n7zhAYo1e5pXEdCaX

Live Stream

tv.quakecon.org, twitch.tv/quake

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Other urls found in this thread:


Quality Quake World Championship tables: twitch.tv/xronya/clip/SullenEnjoyableAlmondCmonBruh


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this is the proper link to see all the streams

Where's the drama and the twitter screencap? You didn't even mention SJW or women once, this thread is fucking dead.

t. xhep


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How the hell did EUs even get in if Clawz, Cypher and Agent didn't

xhep is cringe but ins is based

Cooller and Rapha are playing.

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visa problems or some shit like always


Agent is casting Quakecon.

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cypher was caught with weed in an american airport i think lmao

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>half the relevant players from eu are missing
yeah no thanks

You guys are missing so much if you cannot understand Agent, the guy is basically 2gd without any limits, always shit-talks everyone.

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translate for us

I really wanted to see Serious, imo he has the best aim of any player in any fps

clawz just doesn't care about qc and cypher never gets a visa

Lots of other European players made it though. Sucks that such big names got the short end of the stick this time.
Son of a bitch

>нaгyбaцкий нoгoшлeп

I don't even know how to translate Agent's comedy gold.

Cooller vs Killsen series were great though.

Any good Quake maps that have come out? I'm prolly gonna replay Arcane Dimensions once I've moved in to my new place.


inb4 twitch chat

Quake fucking sucks.

isnt quake dead? whats the point of this thread? doesnt the quakebabby have some cs threads to be made?

Get the fuck out, zoomer scum.
Quake will never die.

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Something nintendo related is getting revealed 38:28

I fucking want wolf et pro 6v6 again reeeee



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Cs, half life, doom, unreal, tribes, duke, blood, shadow warrior> gayke.

Got really sad when I searched for arena on /vg/ and didn't find anything.
I know we're dedgame but that's a bit much.


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it comes and goes. we hit bump limit on the last thread

Don't respond to bait.

Quake doesn't take skill.

It been dead for months but they attempted to revive it and failed so it's sitting in the shitter with /wotg/

Yeah but there not being a thread during doomcon would be next level dead.

How come? Surely you can explain.

duel me

my wish to see this game die and Sync Error being fired along with Zero 4 and tokyo increases every day

>rapha losing all his game

oh no no no no no nono nononoooooo ameribros how could this happen

it's definitely going to die with Diabotical drops, what did zero4 do?

>it's definitely going to die with Diabotical drops, what did zero4 do?

>rapha plays anarki
I'm glad he's losing

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Dreamhack is better. That might not have been the case before bethesda took over, but QC is a shell of what it once was.

Been to 9 quakecons, and every dreamhack in texas.

Bethesda turned Quakecon into a joke.
And they are ages behind PGL / ESL events in terms of quality.

John Romero was right, and he predicted that

It really was sad to see it. No more charismatic speakers, no my hyping up the crowds and byoc sections. Everything just feels so sterile and by the numbers now. The worst part is I miss the more raunchy aspects of quakecon. Nobody at dreamhack ever screams out autistic shit like "When I find out who's spawn killing me I'm going to find you and fuck you in the ass". On the flip side, the cringey aspects of QC aren't at DH either though, like the a2m fags.

oh my god, again with the "The arena FPS will be saved when Diabotical comes out, y-you'll see" faggots

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Stuff like this opening & recovery doesn't happen in QC.

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Fuck, I forgot about this shit. So guys, what do you think will get revealed on Saturday? They said they had something for Nintendo, exclusive costume for Switch version of Eternal?

its happened multiple times today lol watch the streams

I'm sorry am I retarded or is there is no main quake stream, and every player is streaming individually, and none of them are using their mics because of tournament rules?

What the fuck is this retarded fucking shit?

Right now it's round robin. Yes there's no main stream right now. In fact the players weren't told about the details of this portion of the tournament until this week.
>What the fuck is this retarded fucking shit?
I don't know how else to describe it.

its a round robin for the first 3 days. everyone has to stream. the main bracket on the weekend will be casted like usual. its great actually i can watch any duel i want. see link here

I know right? It's nice to be able to see everyone but they could have had a main stream where big matches could be viewed with commentary.

>Only 17 posters
Sad quakecucks.

I like that everyone is streaming but they couldn't have ONE main stage with a caster? Or at least let the players talk? Seriously the decisions they make baffle me. Personally I love watching Quake, and I don't mind no commentary but for most people its gonna be a major fucking turn off. What is wrong with betheseda.

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other streamers are doing that though. its kinda fun.
check out xhep and agents stream. or flee if youre into twinks

That's absolutely what people should watch.
Agent is speaking Russian. And I know Russian is like the lingua franca of quake but that's not the case for twitch or 4channel.

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where do i find one?

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Go away retarded pepe poster, quake dads have no girl problems

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What's the consensus on QC nowadays? I remember champions being really annoying and no one being on but that was months back. Has it gotten better?

Everying is much fucking better, balance wise its actually in a great spot. The 10 minute duel is also a massive fucking improvement. No fucking matchmaking for it yet which is infuriating, and performance is still absolute garbage.

Nice office dress code

Xhep is a bald creep though.

Yes i do play Quake Champions, how did you know?

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whenever I get into a match in QC it gets stuck on the loading screen :(

got his ass B& from Qcon for being too based

What about the unlock restrictions and grind? is it finally gone?

We can always tell our fellow QC players

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Glad to hear the devs back peddled on that weird duel format. Sad about the performance thing though. If it's the same as it was, I'll get stutters even if I have 100fps. Will definitely give it another go regardless.

Based Cooller is raping dabigbang

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It's honestly pretty fun in its current state, if the performance was good it would elder god tier. I have everything on low and 70%res scale and I get 120. But its like you said, even when the 120 is solid is stutters randomly. It's so fucking annoying.

Dude theres so many menu's I don't even look in them for the unlock shit.

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Serious is overrated.
clawz could get into top3 or even win qcon though.

Stopped going to quakecon 5 years ago cause it got really boring. Quakecon was its best before 2005, when using a lan for gaming actually fulfilled a purpose

>Serious is overrated.
I don't think he would win I just like seeing his aim