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Other urls found in this thread:


*motorboats dem titties*

nice try, kid

Uh, ma'am, you appear to be on my dick.

Did Makoto choose Kyoko or Komaru?

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What would smell stronger? Aoi's armpits or Aoi's underboobs? Legit question

Komaru is for Toko, and Makoto for Kyoko. They have orgies from time to time though

Her ass. She looks like the kind of girl that doesn't wipe.

>komaru is for toko
They're both well aware komaru has a brother complex.
>Makoto is for Kyoko
100% true, but the question is whether Komaru is for Makoto or the other way around.

Komaru does NOT have a brother compelx, stop spreading lies!

Sure, Komaru. Go back to sleep and moaning "Makoto, Makotoooo!" so Toko can't get any shuteye.


>t. Komaru Naegi

Could you really be friends with people who just condemned you to death?

he yeeted

I want to bad end the donut girl

I'd her donut

*Cumaru Naegi

What’s Touko happy about?

She would be a murderer because I'd die of happiness.

Gimme a big hug!

Underboobs, those udders must sweat like fucking hell.

She's happy because Makoto is alive. Toko is a good girl, she's just a bit socially retarded

She could’ve fooled me.

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She shouldn't cry. She should be happy that she's capable of feeling the purest form of love.

But it’s not true!

Now, now. I'm sure Makoto would be happy if you just tell him.

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Makoto is for Kyoko only.

Makoto is for Kyoko, yes, but Komaru is for Makoto.

This, he exists only to have pure gloveless hand holding with Kyoko

>For anyone

Naegi is for everyone.

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>komaru not even there
No, that's wrong!

Attached: cut.png (1025x1031, 776K)

Remember, if your waifu died she was a shit waifu. Also virtual reality death counts.

Face it, Cumaru. You’ll never get your big brother’s dick.

Does this mean Akane is a good waifu?

This is the 4th Dangan thread currently alive. What is happening??

Of course.

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I imagine it's a bunch of spic falseflaggers mad they saw two threads in the catalog one day.

I don’t know. Maybe the sale?

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Theirs only one true answer....

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I want workout paizuri from her.

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Makoto looks like he’s dead inside.

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That wasn't even clever!

It was.

Look hajime! I cut myself even more for you! Will you go out with me now!

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No?! HAHHAH! I-im not crying *sniff* im...im not! *hic* im not cryi-*sobs while running away*!

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If 0 Ibuki is worst girl once and for all

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Ibuki deserved better. She was so cheerfull that seeing her die a shitty death in a shitty chapter to a shitty killer (muh despair disease) saddened me.

The memes were the best part of that shitshow

why is Mukuro pictured twice, here?

The despair disease made me angry. Especially how they didn't even bother trying to explain how it worked.

They literally did though? It was Junko messing with the source code.

>kys or starve to death
And people say that DR2 is the best one

Attached: CFCBA7A7-9050-4F90-8093-FDBFCD644D87.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

That's not how you do it Tanaka-kun

Attached: 1509425187831.png (500x500, 168K)

Somewhat better than V3's literal
>kys or I'll kill you
to fucking start the killing game. 1 had by far the least retarded and hackneyed motives.


WAAAHHHHH! why dont you want to date ibuki hajime! Ibuki showers every other day, has a strict diet, exercises, and ibuki can make you music! Pllleeeeeaaase hajime!? Im so lonely!

Attached: self harm sad ibuki.png (484x556, 351K)

Oh. How does that make sense? Nagito, Ibuki, and Akane are actual people, so how can you alter their "source code?" And why did nagito get sick? was it because he was physically incapable of being on despair's team?

>people still don't understand that 2 and V3 weren't ideological battles like 1
It's been how many fucking years and this fanbase is still full of retards.

>implying she needs to beg

Did you actually play the fucking game?

>Y-You don't get it
The killing game is the draw to the series. Motives are a big part of what makes this concept function. It has nothing to do with ideology and everything to do with how the shitter/forced the motives, the less effective they are.

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Yes? The characters in the game were avatars of living people, so how was robo junko able to alter their personalities? How does that make sense? It's like hacking into someone else's playermodel on gmod and saying shit through their mic. It doesn't make sense.

These threads get dumber with every fucking reply.

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>no ur rarted xD
If you're not going to bother replying why do you bother solving the captcha?

The despair disease is a shitty motive, but the point is still legit. She remembered she was one of despair team.
It's shitty because she simply isn't the same person you knew.
>if you commit a crime and then get amnesia you get a free to jail card
I... Just don't like it



I'll turn Makoto into a red smear across the concrete, Kyoko is mine.

>play the VR demo
>glitch the game so you can walk anywhere
>motorboat in VR





How do I get a Kyoko gf, bros?

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Slam a girl's hands in a grill.

The atmosphere of the VR tech demo was actually really good; it made me want a full game. There's a lot of potential in translating the complete formula to VR. I find that idea more exciting than Tokyo Chronos, which just seems to be only a bland visual novel in VR with almost no interaction to take advantage of the immersion.

Attached: CYBER DANGANRONPA VR THE CLASS TRIAL_20161227154551.png (960x720, 730K)


>*Kills your favorite character*
>Humanity is beautiful

Attached: 156414.png (1200x1200, 1.35M)

But he killed the worst characters in the game?

Based Subarashiiman killed the two worst characters though

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girls don't sweat?

Aoi is such a sweetheart, even if she tried to kill all her friends and herself. I felt genuine despair at her "death" in DR3.

>unironically outsmarts Byakuya
Based Hina is based. I forgive her just for that

She didn't outsmart him she out angeryd him. He didn't expect a woman to be so braindead emotional that she'd sacrifice herself to kill everyone.

Fuck off Togami, you're a retard

I love Ibuki

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Well, someone has to.

>Aoi charges at you at maximum speed
>the impact of her fat tiddies slamming against you have the same effect of a cars airbag
>you’re propelled across the room smashing into the wall causing you to break your neck and die instantly


if they used the same machine to wipe their memories, then i'm sure they can do the same to add memories.

Kill yourself bitch

>play the VR demo
>seated next to Aoi
>involuntarily tense up and feel nervous because I’m next to a cute girl with big tits

Based. Ibuki is canonically ugly and noone loves her, not even her band could not deal with her shit despite being a prodigy in music


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t. Noone with a functional brain

The VR demo was actually really fucking cool, would love to see a full remake

Sorry you cant appreciate her, more for me i guess.


Imagine how Makoto must have felt every time he was next to her.

Nothing, because he belongs to Kyoko.

After replying that, user keep hugging that piece of shit called Ibuki with the comfort that noone will take her away from him...

Somebody stop me

Do it, user. Do it for her.


Why do the parasites from DR2 get to live but my wife Ishimaru can't?

Toko legitimately likes and respects Makoto. Play Ultra Despair Girls.
Her route in School Mode is also top-tier.

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I kinda want one for chiaki but I don’t know how to explain it to people when they see it

Go fucking seesaw trick yourself, folklore cunt.

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oh? you're approaching m-

Was Naegi's real talent having panty wetting aura. Seemed to infect all his classmates including Junko.

He’s the SHSL Harem Protagonist.

You've got that wrong

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did you think his talent was just being lucky and not GEtTing lucky too?

There can be multiple students with the same title.


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Why do have that picture saved then?

Hajime was the original "fuck hope"

>We'll never get a full DR1 remake in VR
>Everything fully rendered, walking around the hallways in vr
>Tons of added interaction, such as physics and objects you can interact with, 3d models appear in hallways now
>All cutscenes redone to be in VR
God fucking imagine it
I don't even care if the ps4 doesn't get it they should do it for the ps5 and it's inevitable VR headset upgrade, at the very least.
It's about time Japan starts making VR kino. And Danganronpa would fit perfectly.

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I love Ibooky!

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Congratulations. You’re the only one who does.


wrong, she is my wife.

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In a series with a bunch of pretty harsh deaths, for some reason, this was the only part that scared me. I actually jumped a bit when I first saw it and I still think it's pretty creepy. No idea why though.

Because it's a complete surprise with no warning.
All the deaths usually have some sort of foreboding scene before it happens

The whole hospital just gave me a creepy vibe in general

Danganronpa didn't really get into outright horror until Ultra Despair Girls (and the first area in that is a similar run-down hospital)

>Makoto gets to fill Kyoko with HOPE everyday
Why is he so fucking lucky?

Because he just is.

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Strongly disagree to all three.

Why are there so many DR threads recently?

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I wish they'd make another game.
Nothing can fill the gap DR left.

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Hiyokochads RISE UP

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i love hiyoko

play your turn to die. it's free




absolutely based and hiyokopilled

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i also happen to love tenko as well

why bros why do i love hiyoko so much? WHY DO WE LOVE HIYOKO SO MUCH!?

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Hiyoko is my lovely favorite, tenko is close behind too.

How did DR get two separate anime meant to be watched alternatively (H1,D1,H2,D2,,ect). Has anyone else done something like that? How did they fund this shit

What's the first thought that comes to mind when you see this image?

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I step aside and let her run, so I can get to the object of my desire, Touko

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she looks like she wants to fuck her brother

She's the best
>While we're walking around, let's look for stuff that'll make good playthings. Like Mr. Ants, butterflies... and Mikan.
>There are so many blooming! I love flowers, they make me so happy! C'mon Hajime, let's stomp on them together! Breaking flowers is a man's wildest dream, right?
>The treasure you're looking to find at the library... it's not porn, is it? Well, if it is, I guess that's okay since I'll get to find out what you're into. Okay, do your best then.
>Ah, that sounds like fun! It looks like it'll have a great view! It totally feels good to look down on people from high places. Of course, you're gonna piggyback me all the way up there, right?
>...Do I look like a lost child to you? Cause if so, you piss me off! You're treating me like a kid!... B-But if that's not the reason, I-I don't mind holding hands with you.

>...I get it. You're even more of a nasty pervert than I realized. If you really insist, I'll let you take it off for me... But you better know how to tie a kimono.
no pedo by the way

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"Wow, I really wish I was playing Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls right now"

Attached: KURO'D.jpg (1280x720, 215K)

Toko's taken, though

>Love the puzzle aspect of Danganronpa, Zero Escape, etc.
>Can't stand the visual novel style of "dialogue boxes with no true exploration".
>This shit happens.
>Have VR.
>Will never get a Danganronpa or Zero Escape where I legitimately get to experience the scenarios in VR.


pass thh they just couldn't write the double murder situation anymore.
2 sucked turbo dick since one of the victims was tacked on as an accident, and v3 wasn't any better with the culprits motive.

based i also have this as a wallpaper in both my persona computer and my work on in my office

Dangmanronpaul is fucking gay

Imagine the type of physics puzzles you could make, or optical puzzles where you have to stand and look in the right spot to find the solution.
Hell, just the thought of picking a box up, and putting a key in it to open it in vr sounds 100 times better than >click >use >click >open
The potential is unbelievable.

I like hiyoko for the same reason I like tenko in V3. Both start out kinda bitchy for no good reason but they really grow on me after a while. Too fucking bad they both get the best character development and deaths all in the same chapter, fucking why.

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Obviously we couldn't have both Fuyuhiko AND Hiyoko redeem themselves and survive. I mean who would be left to give us brilliant comic relief like "CALL ME YOUR PIG MISS SONIA" and "HE WAS GRABBIN HIS FRONT TAIL"

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Do choices matter a lot in this?
I'm already getting anxious playing through the first bit.

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I love my gorgeous wife!

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angie's and in turn tenko's death was really only used to develop himiko, which ok that makes sense.
hiyoko's death really seemed like after the writers did that entire thing with mahiru they didn't know what to do with her so she just got the axe

Lol what a retard

>You will NEVER wake up to this

Attached: 502180115226198d7ac7f584bd5ff2c148aa3030v2_00.jpg (400x400, 27K)

Good im not a faggot cuz i love hiyoko!


tfw pics like this are just soft enough to make me want a vore fetish

>Not wanting a qt trap gf to dress up as Kokichi

I'm not the faggot here

Attached: D_0Oj0hX4AA7L94.jpg (901x1200, 134K)

you want to fuck a man user that gay

Wanting a woman to dress up like a man is very gay.

The chapter was annoying more because of how it presented 5 different twists it could use to drastically mix things up in the story, and then proceeded to do none of them.

Unironically the best protagonist in the series.

that doujin where she and her brother fuck

It’s not incest.

>can walk around the school and click on shit
What more do you want? A VR DR game would just be the same shit except you would have subtitles plastered to your vision when someone speaks instead of a dialogue box. Plus the pop-up book/cardboard cutout style of DR is kino and I don't see that working quite as well in VR.

>You will NEVER wake up to this

Attached: kok.jpg (645x594, 34K)

You may not be gay but you're still a faggot

can kokichifujos just fuck off to /drg/

It's more like wanting a man to dress like a woman dressing like a man
which is even more gay

To make a Kyoko gf from scratch you must first invent the universe

>Makoto is for Kyoko only.

Attached: 1560890408770.jpg (400x560, 42K)

That's Junko in her non-mastermind clothes
Mukuro is a qt who is shy!

Worst girl.

>who are you again?

Attached: Makoto_Naegi_Halfbody_Sprite_14.png (237x374, 63K)

>D-don't you remember? I wa- I mean Junko was gonna show you a girl to be friends with
>I saved your life from an execution
>You don't remember?
>You don't remember when you gave me that smile?
>A beam (((she))) never gave?

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Not enough love for best boy

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Makotos luck protects him from literally all harm if you were a bigg enough and consistant threat you would be in danger yourself

That’s true. Junko tried to throw a wrench at his head once, but his luck protected him from it being lodged into his skull.

Kaede....the protagonist spot....

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I never know if these are edits or legit from the games

I want to commit a crime to that cripple

But she’s not a cripple.
At least at that point.

>It's another beta version looks better than the full game.

Attached: tumblr_inline_no96rkFZ2F1trxcuk_500.png (500x281, 192K)

Komaru is for Kotoko

>when the beta designs basically didn’t change at all

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Post the bad (also know as true and best) ending where everybody fucks her.

Something about this picture seems a little bit off to me...


>*she trips and falls face forward*
>*catch her from behind*
>Wow are you okay? W-Wait ... what's up with your pants.

Attached: 70.jpg (480x360, 11K)

based and epic

Girl love will save the world.

Attached: 46330131_p0.jpg (1578x1121, 1.7M)

>kills annoying character who's indoctrinating everyone into a cult and turning them into drones
>then kills annoying DANSHI girl just because he can
how based can one man be

Attached: kiyo dab.jpg (320x320, 24K)

What was this again? I know how she died but I don't remember anything happening in the hospital

Most beautifully he was doing it for sister.

Attached: kiyo.jpg (963x1200, 208K)

Is this videogames? What name?

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It was just her standing there.... MENACINGLY!
When she had despair disease she was extremely gullible and would always have a creepy, literal NPC smile. When you enter the hospital at night, it's usually barren and creepy music plays, then you see that out of fucking nowhere

There's a trap in this game already, newfag

>Look it up
>Horror VN, one of it's tags is "Memes"
Any choices to make in this game, or is it more or less a book?

Attached: 1561549603090.gif (220x257, 277K)

Ah, the true reason for the horror tag is revealed.

Attached: Kent Mansley.jpg (500x500, 62K)

He dies before you even find out he had a dick

Yeah but is there a futa?

It's a VN with light gameplay elements. If you've played and liked Ace Attorney or Zero Escape games you'll enjoy this. I wouldn't call it horror by any stretch though.

So it's psychological horror instead of jump scare horror. Mhm, I see, I see.

Attached: 1131429492142.jpg (702x562, 67K)

Not many, its mostly investigation.

Well there should be, I nominate Aoi.

>Any game, EVER, that isn't flat out porn, having a futa, EVER, for any reason.

Is there ANY hope for a new game?

They all voted for Makoto to die, then they run up to him like it's nothing

You know hermaphrodites are a real thing, right?

There is only despair

They had to.

>Being a hopelet

Attached: 5(264).png (960x560, 388K)

>It's not sex if my brother cums inside!

Yes, for some animals and plants that function that way, they're mainly seen as anomalies for humans and like, what? 0.1% of the population? Normally born with one organ not fully developed and normally not capable of having kids with either gender? Again, futa, EVER, outside of porn. FOR ANY REASON. Only way you'd get away with it, is probably by making an entire race of hermaphrodite girls and even that might raise eyebrows.

Still they run up to him like nothing happened and he doesn't even get mad.

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Obviously she could use the VR interface to overwrite their brains. Memory wiping and implantation if V3 is canon are featured in every game.

Current game devs would call people like you a bigot. If we're getting transfaggots pushed nowadays there's nothing stopping anyone from making herm characters.

>It's not sex if I'm cleaning his penis with my mouth
>It's not sex if I'm massaging his penis with my hands so he can relax
>It's not sex if I'm using his face as a chair because I'm tired
True, context matters.

Piccolo from DBZ is a futa, does that counts?

No choices, but there is puzzle+light action gameplay.

Well, thats the standard nip "everyman" protag

Stop with the memes, you jackasses, this is a legitimate question and not a fucking joke.

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That one's real


No, they probably wouldn't, they'd probably see you as a pervert, tell you that you're objectifying people who were born with bodies that may very well be a struggle to live with and that they'll never add them, specifically because people like you exist. Ever seen their reasoning for not adding female dwarfs, or dwarf romance options?

Why is the art slightly worse than a 10 year old's drawings?

Tenko with a dick is in my favorite DR doujin

Worst death.
I'm still mad he had to die.

A hero who let himself get caught for shuichi

If you played V3, the answer should be very clear.

Attached: Danganronpa_V3_Shuichi_Saihara_Halfbody_Sprite_(No_Hat)_(20).png (604x985, 395K)

Sort of ? What even was he don't remember, plant man? Slugh man? I recall supposedly them having no genitals.

I was suprised at how much crass sex words they used in the game. Edge and generic cursing doesn't affect me, but seeing "cum" and other sexual slurs was just a suprise

Or the blatant child porn mentions in UDG

>actual hopelet in my danganronpa thread
I am unamused

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Do you really not understand why they're shoving trans characters in wherever they can?

Namekuji means slug in nip IIRC, the namekians are internalized futas, they fuck themselfes and birth without partners instead of the traditional herms.

Trans does not equal futa. Pretty sure, and if you're actually suggesting it's to pave the way to futa characters. I feel like you'd have to watch ALOT of futa porn to reach that hard.

>One side has useless weak faggots and shitty brawler types
>Other side has super trained soldiers, superhuman people, geniuses and weaponry
Seems pretty one sided to me

A bunch of kids get locked into a school together, and are forced to kill someone to get out, while condemning the others survivors to death. Your job is to prevent that by figuring out who the killer is, so that only the killer dies.

>Komaeda goes to clown college

Depends on how much SC wants to milk the franchise. They could still shit out a DR4 where the ending twist is that the whole series was a dream Makoto had in DR1 before he wakes up with his memory gone.

Aw, sounds kinda ... alright-ish, I guess. Was hoping for a bit more choice. Especially with how people were dropping waifus left and right, like there was some romance thing you could influence in the game or what not.


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No one said he was, Chihirofag

It was a joke, m8.

you can spend free time events throughout the game with characters of your choosing,, with a friendship stat to max out
other than that there's also minigames in 2 & 3 (i think) that are focused on the romance aspect

And one side has Sakura’s boyfriend, who she has never beaten, Kenshiro.

Of course not, he looks nothing like this.

Attached: 1555420447628.jpg (1200x1600, 224K)

Not him, but could Kenshiro witstand Syo, Sakura and Mukuro at once?

hokuto no ken is unbeatable

Pirate it and give it a go

If he’s anything like Fist of the North Star’s Kenshiro, then absolutely.

what a great imouto

Yeah, one of Chihiro's favorite gifts is a men's perfume that's known for attracting women.

Also, Ishimaru is the only male character that outright hates it

>What is Nier

What girl would fall for him?

I can imagine the photographer who "hates" macho masculinity

>Ishimaru is the only male character that outright hates it
There was already a lot of hints that Taka is gay, but this subtle detail is the nail, damn. Taka is how you do lgbt representation

So subtle that most people will miss it?

If you miss it during the entire sauna part there's no hope for you

Sounds like fujo speculation. He's the straight edge guy no flirting on school premises military type.

Nah m8, fujos would scream about how much sex they had. You also gotta undestand Kodaka knows marketing, so he gotta pander to fujos and waifufags

>Sounds like fujo speculation
I am like 80% sure he developed feelings for Mondo

the incest doujin

Usually when this happens with a game it means it's shills and a new one is on the way. As a huge Danganronpa fan I can say nothing interesting has happened lately. I can also say that if a new game comes out I will be kinda butt blasted because the series is clearly over and they will only be doing it to make money. It could also be related to the game Spike Chunsoft announced which is basically Danganronpa but this time there is a new cast and they are in 6th grade.

>dangle oppai thread without a single subhuman mikanfag
we did it bros

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It’s a miracle.

A-Am I too late for the Danganronpa thread?
P-Please don't be angry at me..

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