What are your opinions on DayZ SA that is being renewed and repolished as we speak, anons?
What are your opinions on DayZ SA that is being renewed and repolished as we speak, anons?
Who gives a fuck. Arma 3 just added aliens and a whole bunch of other new stuff.
WHY would they add aliens. Where's my realistic battlefield with cool spec ops?
I'm digging it. Always have but the polish put into the animations and control makes it so much better. Zombies aren't anywhere near as buggy as they used to be too.
Have they removed the negative mouse acceleration yet?
who gives a fuck about arma
a shitton more people than dayz
>7.4gb update
>buy contact
>another 1.7gb of content
Either way I cannot wait to shoot sectoids
6 years too late to be relevant or worth playing
But why? Isn't it a realistic mil sim?
>defining games through "relevancy"
Gameplay wise you are right, but the game is already basically dead and forgotten by most people hence why these updates are too late
>Where's my realistic battlefield with cool spec ops?
Still there? Completely untouched by the optional DLC?
Project zomboid when
so far they are putting in features into dayz that were in the original mod for arma, nothing to congratulate here since there back to square 1, if they even reach those standards.
It is. And you can still play it that way. Aliens are just cool and seem fun to add.
I am playing it a lot, and it's so good.
Zombies could be more fluid, fighting against them is a coin toss
And even though the inventory management has been improving, it's still so fucking clunky and you might lose items out of nowhere.
There's no animation canceling for when you need to bail on a situation or respond to a hazard, I was applying bandages to my wounds and someone started shooting me, I tried to stop but it took legit 5 seconds for my character to stop applying those damn bandages even though I had long stopped pressing the button.
Then there's ridiculous things like rapidly losing health if you haven't eaten or drunk anything for like 15 minutes, that's not how it works.
Still so much fun, other players really make it stressful and exciting, you never know what's gonna happen when you enter a city, a military base or just travel through the woods.
I think they need to make the infected more dangerous, food more rare, and expand the loot to more weak weaponry, limiting the stronger firearms, all to encourage cooperation between players.
nah i cant have pesky zombies or hunger bothering me when i'm merking dudes with a high powered sniper rifle for no reason
>/dayzg/ will never exist again
i remember when dayZ came out i would rush to electro, find a lee enfield (which was ridiculously powerful for such an easy to find rifle), lay on the hospital roof with a boatload of ammo and just kill everyone untill i dropped dead from hunger
I feel like PooBG might be more of your sport, f a m
>v0.28-v.0.61 while also kinda fixing the terrible performance
>v0.62 50% of content removed, game runs like butter
>v1.0 (aka 0.63) content still missing
>v.1.2 yeah um we may or may not add some of the content back into the game, we don't really care. buy this DLC later in 2019 though.
BI can go suck a fucking cock i'll never buy a single thing from them, even if it's Arma 4 running on a new engine without those gay ass performance issues.
I've never gotten why Dayz was ever popular. You spend half of the play time looking for shit just to run around a barron empty wasteland for an hour just to get sniped from 5 miles away. It's like watching paint dry.
each to their own
Resource scarcity is for the servers to decide.
There needs to be a lot more different guns for the early game and the mid and late, right now it's always the same, BK-133/BK-18 > Mosin/USG/SGK > M4/KA
Zombies should be more numerous but make them the Romero type and have a few runners / fresh infected among them, have hundreds of the shamblers roaming the streets. The bigger the city, more zombies will be there, but loot would also be better. It'd be incredible trying to stealthily loot houses and if you start shooting indoors, the front door would be flooded and you'd need to run out of windows or fight your way through
>no bows
>no helis
>no notes
>no books
>no fishing
>no something else probably
I was genuinely shocked, but it runs well. Wish they added more hardcore survival elements, like fatigue.
I my best to enjoy it. The only time I've ever had fun with it is with the old Arma 2 Dayz fucking around with my friends. It was so fun camping on the roof of elektro and holding the place hostage shooting any guy who showed up. But the SA edition has none of the same magic.
they should find a way to make food/drink more challenging. Now its only an issue at the very beginning. It would be really cool if you would be forced sometimes to take river water and then have to boil it, forcing you to take the risk of making fire. Now you never have to since its so easy to get bottled water. Same thing for food. There is absolutely no reason to hunt and make food by fire, while this would add a lot of immersion due to the risk of hunting (shooting sounds) and fire making.
i miss dayz mod
It's a sandbox game. Only autists treat it like a simulator.
I think the game should work with the thrill of survival more. It's kinda bland rn, no real dangers in the world. Add bears, fiercer wolves, harsher weather, maybe some UN cordons or something, I don't know.
Well considering Dayz is a glorified deathmatch, the only danger you really need is other people. Adding dangerous NPCs really just makes the experience more annoying.
I agree, the survival part is too easy. I'd hate to say it, but maybe skill system would work well.
yeah i know feels bad man
The original idea was a bit different, the fact that it's a deathmatch is the main problem.
I totally get why some people don't like it. But for me, searching so long and building up gear makes inevitable confrontations with players really exciting when they do happen. Or when you kill someone and you go from having shit to being geared from a single kill, it's also a pretty big rush. Of course, this is all dependent on not getting headshot instantly by someone far away.
Go play your instant action shoot bang boom boom games zoomer. Games that need brain activity don't seem to be your forte
Zoomies were crying the same thing about PUBG, even though that games is 100 times more fast paced than DayZ
>wahhhh I loot for 30 minutes and get shot by a sniper from miles away, wahhhh
also the same people
>Wahhhh I dropped to this remote location and I haven't seen a player in 15 minutes, this is boring, where are the firefights wahhhh
Obviously these things don't happen unless you deliberately play like so.
How is it that in my 800 hours of gameplay of DayZ I've yet to be "sniped from 5 miles away after running an hour"?
Is it sheer luck or am I playing the game in such a way that minimizes the risk of that happening?
Why are you so sensitive? Also how is Dayz a boomer game? It came out in 2012. You really need to chill and dont cry when someone doesn't like what you like.
Honestly, I think adding "realistic" aliens (that is, aliens who operate, while potentially bullshit, on their own laws) is an awesome addition and one I would want to touch in-game. Not too many mil-spec shooters with something completely out of the blue.
it appeals to boomers more than traditional quickscope runny runny shooty shooty
you just one of those boring boomer fuckers who still reads the newspapers and reads books. Fuck outta here u punk ass pussy.
>make loot better
>make the environment more difficult to survive in
it would feel a lot more rewarding once you survive environmental hazards and get good stuff
Right now the early phase of looting is just brains off running from house to house to get a gun and ammo, water and food.
Game would also profit from a skill tree, the longer you survive with one character, the more they improve and it would make surviving a lot easier, but make it so that it doesn't give an edge in combat against other players, otherwise a fresh player wouldn't be able to kill someone with hundreds of hours survived.
You are the reason why society is failing and third world war is near.
Still /comfy/ lads. Books added back when?
get back to me once it matches Epoch for arma 2
Yeah sure, well you can tell how society is falling apart becaue you're probably stuffing your fat cunt full of food tubby.