40k Fire Warrior released on GOG

absolute mad slavs


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Other urls found in this thread:


Epic is finished

Isn't this game dogshit? Weird

>shit game
>remember it fondly
why is it like that?

Was pretty decent desu
Plus you play as the good guys
And it's pretty modable to make your wet 40K dreams a reality

Die xenolover

>good guys
End yourself, limp wristed fag.

Ok the least badly-guys

So is THQ just gonna revisit every game they've ever made/published?

I'm still somewhat in awe that this game was even made.

> Nordic has a mysterious upcoming title for Gamescom

Don't they castrate and enslave other races?

>good guys
nice try weeb

no it was absolute dogshit
everything about this game was fucking awful except some of the art design

Does it actually work? I remember it took me so much work to get it to play on Win 7

>Fire Warrior 2
Why though?

No, it's complete trash.

Both Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom and Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus are vastly superior games you should be spending your money on.

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did they fix the godawful aiming, controls, sound effects, and story

>Does it actually work? I remember it took me so much work to get it to play on Win 7
Unlike Steam, GoG actively tries to make games run on newer systems. Their executables are modified.

isn't it the first 40k shooter ever made? or one of the first 40k vidya ever made? and you play as a tau lmao, that's kind of based

>good guys
Based retard

>fire warrior 2
space marine 2

What if it's Space marine 2

Take it from someone who played the entire game to completion just to say I had because I'm a big 40Kfag: don't


don't miss the opportunity to pick up this masterpiece?

based brainwashed Gue'vesa

absolutely BASED

now release black and white

>isn't it the first 40k shooter ever made?
>or one of the first 40k vidya ever made?
>you play as a tau lmao, that's kind of based

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>Necrons to be greeted in great ceremony
They never learn, do they?

>mind control population
>neuter conquered species
>be exterminated if you refuse to join their empire
What a bunch of swell fellers.

just by your smug response i can already tell how unhealthy and overweight you are

That event was their first lesson.

no wait
A game using the Space Marine engine, but where you play as commander Farsight.

my bad, I thought the cultural exchange with the Dark eldar happened before that.

I would love to play a game like Space Marine but actually good

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But why?

>unironically liking space-communists

Right back atcha, tittyboy.

most 40k games are desu

Oh, now this is a good post.

Space Marine is a really good game, although it does get repetitive after a while.
How the fuck are the tau communist, you retarded fuckstain? They have a goddamn caste system in place.

name the least bad-guys than

insider here, fire warrior 2 is coming. the plot is about a cute tau girl being sent to a slaanesh cult to welcome them to the neighborhood and teach them about the greater good.

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literally the Imperium of man

I think you're missing the point of 40K entirely. There are no good guys, there is only war.
I guess the Salamanders could be somewhat considered good guys, unless you're a xeno.


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Don't the t'au have three genders or something?


Yes, pussies, fags, and communists.

Maybe when the Emperor was in charge. The Imperium in the 41st millennium is probably the most evil of all the factions.

That was imperial propaganda in Dawn of War.

Sounds like they took inspiration from your trailer park lmao

The Tau have always been my favorite purely from an aesthetic stand point. The just look so fucking cool.

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>only game that gets bolters and lasguns right
>its one of the worse 40k games by far
Such odd thing. I still got my ps2 copy somewhere

>holding back chaos
what are you, tau?

I like them, just because of all the butthurt they generate among players. Also mechs are kewl.

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Inefficient, corrupt, yeah. evil? Not by a long shot. Most organizations within the Imperium adhere, with more or less zeal, to the "save humanity" creed. They may swerve away from this (being only human), but I don't think they're actively evil.

But they actually do brainwash and make sure the leaders are better off than anyone else, pretty sure.


Joke's on you, I actually live in my car.

I heard that that after the Dark Eldar incident, most Tau went full "PURGE THE ALIEN" on eldar on any kind until some craftworlders kicked them out of an exodite planet and gave the survivors a list on how tell each eldar faction apart.

Game looks fun but the imperium are the good guys unless you like forcible human sterilization and literally no awareness of chaos

It's called recycling, user, they make sure you are useful even after death.

No, two genders: male (I in the forehead) and female (Y in the forehead)

>aloof eldar: GOOD
>dino eldar: GOOD
>spikey eldar: BAD
it really isn't that hard.

Is the Tau still mildy OP in battlefleet gothic 2? When the dlc came out you could take a dump on anybody as long they didnt play orks with nuva kannons or traktor beams

It's about as cruel and evil as you can possibly get. It also invalidates any bitching about brainwashing.
Also see: cherubs

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Their souls are gone user, would you rather they get made into corpse-starch?

>It also invalidates any bitching about brainwashing.
Ah, the "they do it so it's OK" argument. Truly the trademark of a least-evil race.

I'm not sure I would want a Space Marine 2 after how Darksiders 3 turned out

you can't just judge people based o the spikiness of their outfit, it's 40.019

I mean, in this universe they all do it, except maybe the leldar but they're for LGBT players.



>people still think Tau are good
>don't know about what happened with the fourth sphere

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>yeah I mean the Tau clockwork orange people but the Imperium turns dead people into robots!!!!
Okay retard

I wish the Imperium and the two "good" xeno races would stop bickering but "Tau are good and the Imperium is evil xp" types are queers

You're right, that was Kabalophobe of me.

Snitches get stitches.

Right on both ends. That's why I said the Imperium is not anymore evil than any other race.

their minds have been wiped, ie. they have been executed. the body is then put to use because why not? i honestly don't see any evil here, not even memeing

>dead people
This is what those toaster fuckers want you to believe.


>new Warhammer game gets announced
>it's Age of Sigmar

Just give me Vermintide 40k but with the Blackstone Fortress crew

Boy, do I have news for you.

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because you can still have an enjoyable or fun time with bad games. you remembering it fondly doesn't have so much to do with the game as it does to do with your experience of it at the time

Age of Sigmar is good, though.




The game was ass, but that railgun is some of the most satisfying shit in all of vidya.

This. They need to make another crazy EYE game. GW just isn't going to let them do anything crazy with 40k.

Why are there so many 40K games and so few Fantasy Warhammer games? Fantasy is way better

They became low tier in 2

da only gud guyz are da orkz

have sex (oh wait, you can't because you're probably a tau lover)

Oh well, are the green bois still good or they got dumped? What about Crons? They are shitslappers like in the BFG tabletop or they are crappy?

Until you suddenly find attacked by the aloof ones and they don't talk you beyond something about "impeding doom". Or some douches that look like the aloof ones attack, but they act like the spiky ones.

Well, the Ynnari are trying to make the Imperium stop shooting them until Abby kicks the bucket and Ulthwe are trying to get chummies with the Farsight Enclaves.

Necrons are the only ones who can realiably stop the ooga booga warp chaos bullshit from happening.

most of them are on the same level of least bad as you consider tau.
orks aren't good or bad, they just are. eldar are arguably better than tau, they don't give much of a shit about other races but they don't conquer, neuter and enslave them nor do they lie about their goals. imperium have plenty of good within them, just so happens they have a lot of cult lunacy on the go too.

i played this game a fuckton when i was a wee kid. The best was when i played the whole campaign using the katana apart from when i was forced to use a gun.

>Was pretty decent desu
Hahahaha.. No

Don't craftworld Eldar like the Tau? I remember reading some passionate quote (might've Ulthran) saying something like "they're so cool, they're destined to rule the world, yo. and they're smart af"

Blood Angels are the best faction in 40K.

even that scene in the ship's corridor? you know the one, with a big hulking space marine at the end.

>nor do they lie about their goals.

In general, they see potential in them (at least way more than humans), but this being 40K it will not stop the eldar to fuck them over is it means ensuring their own survival.

Are they ones that nick everything?

orks git no lovin from the 2019 'umies

Oh yah, at that point i had forgotten about the marine, so when i got to him im like... Back up, REVERSE! REVERSE.

Also fuck that level with the snipers on the spires.

You know what I meant. They don't say they want to help you then not help you, they don't say they'll liberate you then enslave you and cut your nutsacks off. They'll not necessarily tell you their true goals in regards to eldar business because you're not eldar

Those are the Blood Ravens

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the one where you have to wait for a ramp to open while they are shooting you? yep, that was garbage.


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>was pretty decent
>good guys
oh, that explains your shit taste

also I still bought it just for the fucking novelty

Now I remember this game. I wish I didn't you asshole.

will steam get it too

they like to release shit on gog wait a few months and then dump it on steam
ive been jewed like that too many times

Orks are the same with no major changes, Necrons got nerfed from how they should be lore wise, probably for balance. One of the weaker factions but viable if managed properly

GW had to add this shit to the lore to make Tau seem as bad as everyone else.

> i want it on steam because i feel jewed on gog
Zoom zooooom

Fucking why though?

>Age of Sigmar is good

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You realize that the Tau only exist as being part of a GW franchise, right? They're not real.

Disingenuous lie.

i literally didn't say any of that
learn to read retarded boomer

how 2 kill monolith?

>they like to release shit on gog wait a few months and then dump it on steam
>ive been jewed like that too many times
>>i've been jewed because they release things on steam after GoG


> i want it on steam because i feel jewed on gog
i asked if it will be on steam cause i want it on my main account i don't care if it is a gog exclusive you retarded piece of shit

waiting on warhammer games to release on epic game store

GW didn't even add the neutering shit. That was from Dawn of War

Yeah, by exterminating all species with a warp presence. By that logic any of the races can reliably stop chaos.

why not just buy it from gog? You don't need a launcher for that.

> steam
> main account
> old game without DRM
How the fuck can GoG attract so many zoomlet

Not a heretic or anything, but there's something about Sanguinus' geneseed...

No, as in, they can literally shut off the eye of terror with a death star without killing anyone. That's what happens in Gothic Armada 2.
Necrons are Tomb Kings in space now, not mindless killing machines.

All fire warriors carry around a katana. It's not really supposed to be used in combat though

>why not just buy it from gog?
>cause i want it on my main account

>You don't need a launcher for that.
good to know

>How the fuck can GoG attract so many zoomlet
cause they got good games that aren't on steam mr. boomer

I think the eye of terror is the least of the galaxy's problems now.

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>Gasket Games is lead by ex-Relic classic DoW devs
>they're on Age of Sigmar instead of 40k

Well fuck.

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>Tau tucked away in a fold of the cicatrix maledictum
Looks like there's a whole load of CHAOS heading their way

There is, Morty is pushing their shit in as we speak. Also Morty is back.

Like I said, Necrons could probably fix that.
You are underestimating the scale of the War in Heaven and how advanced the Necrons are. They could just blow up the Sun if they wanted humanity truly gone, they have a device that can cause any star in the galaxy to supernova. They could do it do Abbadon too, the writers just won't let them.
Making new pylons would be zero trouble if they felt like it.

IIRC as of the latest lore the Death Guard are on a mission to fuck them up lead by Typhus himself.

>You are underestimating the scale of the War in Heaven and how advanced the Necrons are.
Well, no, because that's the reason why they're in dire straits in 41K. The war was so huge it literally forced them to take a nap for millions of years. Also they seem to have trouble organising, kind of like the Orks do.

>necrons are the best ever and have the best tech and can do whatever they want without even trying
And I thought taufags were bad

their decision to hibernate was due to them getting their shit pushed in, kinda like the Protheans in ME. keep in mind, also, that only a fraction of them has awoken yet.

I'm down for Farsight vs Typhus

is anyone else crashing on the 2nd level? I just CTD as the second blast door open

Is he still butthurt from being Nurgle's bitch boy?

That and getting the snot beat out of him by the ultrafags.


Their weakness is indeed that they have a hard time organizing. They did have to go into stasis, but that was because at the time the Silent King (the only sentient Necron at the time) said they needed to, there was no way of knowing for sure if that was the truth or not because only he had sentience at that time and he could have misread the situation, just like how he misread the C'tan's intentions.
You forget that as above, the Silent King was the only Necron with sentience at the time because he had a master program to control them all. He could have easily misread the situation. I think it's more likely that such a thing occured because wer've seen no peak Eldar tech with the exception of the webway which isn't even theirs. You'd think a few mega powerful Eldar relics would exist if they truly were as powerful as they were hyped up to be.

Hope they've patched it. This game straight up crashes on the second level for me.

yeah i tried to play it again about a year ago since i remembered it being good and holy fuck.
the auto lock on shit is clumsy and the guns just go everywhere.
environments are great though

Holy kek.Artist?

I am not that well versed in Necrons, but they were up against far more than just the Eldar. Old Ones, Krork, Jokaero (in a way) were all fighting agaisnt them at the same time.
>You'd think a few mega powerful Eldar relics would exist if they truly were as powerful as they were hyped up to be.
Yeah, that, and the fact they stole the webway from the old ones (when one golden boi was all in took for humans to almost build one) is a little weird. I guess most of their tech was on the Crone worlds and got lost with the Slaanesh tumble. Think about it, the craftworlds are like the Mayflower, built for escape.

this ruined my day

What was the deal with that one corridor on the Tau ship where you hear a bunch of panicked shouting and gunfire then the door opens to reveal a bunch of dead Stormtroopers with blood and bits absolutely fucking everywhere? I remember being pretty creeped out by it when I was younger and I don't think I ever figured out what was supposed to be going on in there.

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Dark Angels
Black Templars
Grey Knights
Also fuck authors trying to give SPES MARINES human traits and emotions. Especially to the primarchs.

i really liked the later levels where everything was clearly fucked up by the chaos

AOS is shit.

whatever streumon is doing i hope it turns out more interesting that space hulk was

I still think that Necrons still had a decent shot at victory against all of that, especially if they were able to shatter the C'tan into shards. Also, even if the Craftwords are like the Mayflower, consider that the Webway realms like Commorragh certainly aren't and remained nearly untouched. Don't get me wrong, Eldar technology is still leaps and bounds above almost everyone but Necrons, it's just that Necrons are so high AND that their technology is completely non psychic, so they don't get any shortcuts through that route like the Eldar which makes it even more impressive to me. Also, in lore, the Necrons have done way crazier shit than Eldar from a purely technological standpoint, like making a tomb complex in the center of a star and being able to have a limited control of time.
The takeaway, at least for me, is that the Silent King was hilariously incompetent and his judgement has been incorrect just as much as it has been correct.

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I like them because they actualy use and develop high tech stuff.

The Silent King declared war on the Tyranids after coming back from his several million year long extragalactic hike, so at least he seems to be in competent mode for the moment.

eh, I would argue that Commorragh itself is a marvel of technology. How often do you find an entire world transported into a parallel dimension? The problem with Eldar is that it's hard to see the line between technology and esoteric bullshit, due to their psychic penchant, like you said.
But yes, necrons are probably the most advanced race in the galaxy right now. Humanity does have the Esperanza (the self-aware ship rumoured to have a complete STC on board, also the ship that was able to teleport an enemy vessel back in time so its shot would connect), but god knows when they are going to tap into that potential.

Still not on Steam...

Nice Jok Trollss, they clearly are...

Why? This game is fucking terrible.

Call me when it's on Steam. Fuck GOG.

Because Crisis armor.


>good guys

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For now.
I think humanity was nearly War in Heaven Necron tier in some respects during the dark age of technology. Obviously Necrons had the edge by not having to rely on the warp, but if the Esperanza was not a special case, like how the World Engine, Dark Throne, etc is for the Necrons, then they could even have been the better of Necrons in some fields, assuming that the teleporting in time was not a warp function. And like I said, the Eldar are most certainly advanced. I didn't mean to downplay things like Commorragh, only to use it as a comparison to Necron tech.

I'd much rather they do a different race than SM or IG

something from the warp came and tore them to shreds, user. the deal was that you were supposed to realize that "oh shit maybe I'm dealing with more than Imperials here"

he's delusional, we both know it.

Is Farsight the only one in the enclaves who can fight in melee?

You are right about the tech on Crown Wordls.
But the vigger issue is that GW simply doesn't care to flesh their former Empire out like they did with DAoT humans.
They had combat robots in the trillions controlled through psychic power which waged war for them anywhere, some world buster that was mentioned once.
Generally their tech solely relied on psychic power for activation and controle which is why the Craftworld Eldar forsake most of it.
Also true and yet again I blame GW for lack of background information on the Eldar in general.

Most playable factions have world busting stuff, don't know about Tau though.
Also most factions have robots in some form except obvious stuff like the Tyranids.
I think the Webway and Infinity Circuits are the most impressive of Eldar Tech outside of some of their weapons.

>self-aware ship

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But... they can't even fight in melee!
Nah, seriously, fuck you. Enjoy renting games instead of buying them, dipshit.

Necron unquestionably have the best technology, but you are underestimating the Dark Eldar. Things like black-hole-in-a-box as a party gift, decoding space marine geneseed in just a couple of years (something Bile has worked on for 10,000), taming tyranids, making Night Lords afraid of the dark - Dark Eldar alongside orks still have the "ridiculous to the point of humorous" edge to all their technological feats. If an asshole can think it, they can probably do it.

On note of large-scale stuff, they dropped a whole planet in the middle of a tyranid invasion right into the Webway for unlimited bug toys to play with. When they felt their multiple suns were too bright, they built dyson spheres around them just to make them a bit dimmer. Commorragh itself was a few planet-sized cities in the Webway 10,000 years ago connected by portals. In the years since, they build up all the space between the cities with more cities, making it one ungodly metapphysical urban conglomerate. The megapolis that is Commorragh goes beyond the scale of anything we can imagine. In the Andy Chambers novel, a craftworlder who sees it for the first time realizes that just his one section of Commorragh already holds more eldar than a million craftworlds combined. Having no limits on reproduction like their craftworlder cousins really makes a difference.

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Why? We haven't really gotten any Guard games. Some catachan shit would be dope.

what I meant to say, was of course that the machine spirit aboard was self-aware, there is no reason to think it would be anything else, or that I would know about it in any way shape or form haha


so what exactly, besides GW not giving a shit about them, is the reason why they don't leave the webway more often and fuck shit up on a galactic scale?

What happened during the Pale Wasting?

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that bad, huh

Because they're basically Skaven but without the Great Horned Rat to slap some sense into them from time to time.

>Plus you play as the good guys

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Men of Iron remnants

Because they are also fucking insane and bleeding out soul 24/7, leading them to depraved means of extracting bits of soul from others, which in turn widens the leak in their soul, leading to even more depraved means, for a wider leak, and so on until you get the god-awful society that makes up the deldar.

More to the point, raiding has a very important dynamic every archon has to pay attention to. Invest too many resources into a raid, and a rival kabal ruins your shit at home before you return. Invest too little and you become a laughingstalk, opening you to a joint invasion from rival and friendly kabals alike. Invite strong mercenaries along with your raid and they will plan to betray you and take your loot. Invite weak mercenaries or none at all and you've become a joke, thus, invasion.

In short, Commorragh keeps itself in check through its own dickass dickery. But when they do go out to fuck shit up, they are almost guaranteed to succeed. Looting the entire population of tau worlds, stealing the Panacea (a cure-all to diseases and poisons that completely eliminates all things Nurgle), looting hivefleets for experiments, you name it.

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Yeah, like I said earlier, I didn't mean to downplay the Dark Eldar, just use them as a comparison to Necron tech. It's even crazier than you say as well because since Commorragh is in the webway, the Necrons can't just blow up their suns. They have to fight on Dark Eldar terms if they were forced to fight.
Techwise I think it's
Necrons (Slaves of the C'tan)>Old Ones>>>>>>Necrons (Current)>>Humanity (Dark Age)=Eldar (Peak)>>>Dark Eldar>>>>>Craftworlders>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Peak Ork>>>>>>Tau>>>>>Imperium (Great Crusade)>>>Imperium (Current)>>>Chaos>>>Ork
Don't really know where to put Harlequins. Also, the ranking changes if you are talking about specific advances in a field

>still no not!GTA: Necromunda
Busta, straight busta.

What a bunch of dicks.

>RDR: Krieg
Fund it.

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Kriegs go from point A to point Enemy in the straightest path available.

uh... then the second R is for Revolver.

outstanding post

>press F to steal Van Saar faggot's bodyglove
nice. fuckers'll finally get what's coming to them.

>good guys

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reeeeee the game keeps crashing
can't get beyond the start of the 2nd level
google says nothing

is there a log somewhere?

In the grim future of Warhammer 40k, what do toilets look like? And do they have a machine spirit?

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>touching Van Saar's gear
Nigga you dumb

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All I remember from Fire Warrior is that it gave me a blue screen once and I uninstalled and never tried to run it again.

it's ok if you wear them for 90 seconds intervals.

They look like toilets made of human flesh and have a fully sentient servo skull in charge of the flushing mechanism.

Eldar shit crystals, they probably don't need toilets.

can't find a crash log. a little bit more google digging says that a popup should appear that says a crash log has been made, but it doesn't seem to show for CTDing

>Blood angel archivists have no record of any such exchange


Anyone have a download link for DoW1 Soulstorm?

You can replace the '>>>' with '=' on Peak Eldar and Dark Eldar. Every Ancient Haemonculous is pre-Fall. They were researchers, scientists, and inventors of the great tech of the old empire that avoided the Birth by having been within their private Webway labs during it. Some are even suggested to have founded the pleasure cults that had caused the fall in the first place. They are mentioned (in a novel) as still possessing their old notes, blueprints, designs, etc. from that era.

Not only do they still possess their old tech, they are constantly innovating during the 10,000 years since. Mostly for better ways of filling the soul leak, but they demonstrate feats both big and small in lore, such as in the Dysjunction before Khaine's Gate broke.

Amazing enough fighters that deldar don't care to fuck with them, but their tech is just basic craftworlder stuff. Nothing special.

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I dunno user, I have found this mentioned in a couple of places, maybe this will help

The reason I put them lower is because they have less resources to work with, but I guess it would make better sense to have them equal on a purely technological scale.

>good guys
but we're not playing as the Necrons

sounds good to me. excited for some aos shit

>you play as the good guys
this game isn't about emperor's children though

Thanks Mandalore you piece of shit you caused this

caused what? a quality thread?

I don't get why they still use horses.
Wouldn't it be better to armor up some motorbikes?

He partnered with GOG around this time last year and now they just happen to have added this game an exact year later

It was rumor milled for a while this was happening

>less resources
How so? They make what they need and loot what they can't make. Only really rare things like Shattershards can't be reproduced. Even the rarest of rare artifacts like soulstones, Vect made an army of one million Wraithguard all studded with over a dozen soulstones. Just to prove he's better than the craftworlders.

Tfw no codex will ever again give the personal detail and love to every weapon that 5E did.

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You use what you can get your hands on, especially in a death world.

I hope they release all the games he's reviewed.

what's with eagles looking the wrong way with imperial shit?

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So are you the guy who whacked him?

Lowry sends his regards

Who? Never heard of a Youtuber called Lowry. Is he good? What games has he done?

>he doesn't know

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>you play as the good guys

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Hey guise, are you ready for all the stupid retard normies asking bullshit questions once Eisenhorn becomes a TV show? Asking for a friend haha.

Oh wait, it’s a reference to a seven hour twitch stream. I don’t watch Twitch sorry.

fucking nice!

Can you just imagine being this much of a faggot in daily life? Just a never ending stream of dick right to the throat.

reminder: no non-combatant human populations have ever been sterilized by the Tau Empire, and humans who willingly secede from the Imperium and join forces with the Tau are treated as first class citizens will full rights and autonomy.

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That'd be pretty badass.

>taming tyranids
thats what they think

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I'm no Taufag, but I'd totally be a Slaaneshi DarkMech and diddle their battle suits

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