What does Yea Forums think of this ?

What does Yea Forums think of this ?

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Its one if my most played 3ds games. I want a switch sequel so badly, but that probably wont happen for awhile because Animal Crossing is going to be taking the spotlight for this market. Anyone know how well this game even did?

It sold pretty well considering Nintendo is still selling it with the Nintendo selects label.


It is good but at the same time it makes me sad watching my Mii get a happier life than me.

It's okay. Has some amusing stuff but has way less depth than something like Animal Crossing.

It was fun and charming

Fun for like a day, then you've seen everything.

It's the tenth best selling Nintendo 3DS game nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/finance/software/3ds.html

miitomo was a mistake

I adore this game, would love for a new game in the series but Nintendo is busy with Animal Crossing right now I doubt it will come out anytime soon.

Alright bros, name features you would want in a potential sequel
>Same sex relationships. I know Yea Forums would hate the idea, but it would make the game wackier. Who wouldn’t want to see Obama and your best friend get married?
>Actually being able to customize a mii’s apartment with purchased furniture, alongside pre set themed apartments
>Items aren’t just shitty pngs anymore and are all fully modeled
>Remove hair dye since the switch miis lets us dye hair anyway
>More pet options, like a monkey or a bird
>Make the island twice as big, and add new locations like a public pool and actually being able to visit the school

Being able to actually be mean to Miis would be funny.

I want a Miitopia sequel with more combat depth.

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sad game

It's the top 10th most selling game on the 3DS. That's pretty cool because most games above it are Zelda, Mario or Pokemon

>She was a bitch to the absolute end
TwoFaced lives up to her name.

All i remember is this

repititve and gets old fast.

Based ost

Attached: 26740 - game_tomodachi_life streamer_vinny two_faced.png (814x836, 205K)

Did anyone else make a bunch of Miis which were basically OCs specifically for this game?

I will always miss miitomo

more ways to create drama and be rude to Miis just so I can create a more convincing soap opera

Who was the best girl

>Had some of the best facial expression options
>Photo feature was actually good
>Unique clothes
>Clothes for promotions of other games
>All lost
I will never not be mad.

I did, I had maybe two people I actually know in the game, the rest was random characters i made or characters from games or shows.
My mii got married to a tiny cockroach lady.


I still have it installed on my phone even though I can't even open it. all of my friends used to play it and post dick jokes all day, it was pure kino.

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>minigames that aren't garbage
>a neighborhood instead of an apartment or having both
>more miis
>being able to dye your mii's skin color to any color like with hair dye
>selectable jobs for miis that affect how much money they give you at the beginning of every day
>more shit to do at night
>houses/apartments being spaces that you can interact with like in the sims
>clothing and items that reference other nintendo IPs

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If you are just talking in terms of looks: Clingon and TwoFaced
If you are talking in terms of events: Clownlady and Alpaca

I feel like if they merged Miitomo with Miitopia, like you have a kingdom with Mii citizens that are also your party members and the kids of Miis would grow up to be party members as well and inherit a single ability from each parent, that would be really dope.

For me it’s Meta Hamburger

Sea Biscuit


Tomodachi Life not Miitomo, wtf why my brain thought and typed that shit app is beyond me.

It’s fun

>Same sex relationships. I know Yea Forums would hate the idea, but it would make the game wackier. Who wouldn’t want to see Obama and your best friend get married?
Terrible idea because the relationships are random. Not only will Chad cuck your friend, but he will fuck him in the ass. Of course you should be smart and leave yourself trapped on the island with your waifu until you marry her, but doing that for every mii would be painful.

>Same sex but you can opt out of which character can get the option or not
>Minigames that don't suck, probably make a light version of Miitopia that gets progressively bigger after each success
>Remake Check Mii Out so that you can browse for Miis easier on Switch

Like 90% of my island was characters I made up for the game. I really love how much control you don't really have over the miis.

>She never had a kid with Link
It is a shame, it would have been perfect.

>More dynamic Mii emotional responses
>Miis getting angry after breakups instead of depressed
>Miis actually having memories of miis that have already been deleted
>For example: Mii has parents, you delete one of their parents, they will reminisce about them, maybe resent you a bit for deleting them
>Making it slightly more The Sims-like in the way the Miis interact with eachother
>Miis on the island can rate your musicals
>Make the musicals have some random generation for some kind of American Idol thing that your miis can participate in
>Your look-alike actually represents you in-universe, as the superintendent or something
>Remove the stupid fucking sneezing minigame

Fun for only a few days.

This, if I had paid any more than 20 bucks for it I would have felt ripped off. Had a good amount of fun with it while I played it.

It was good but it really needs more minigames and general shit to do. It gets old after a month.

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Once you have around 50 miis, it gets really fucking tedious trying to feed and level all of them.

>No Tomodachi on Switch that includes songs from the Japanese games as well as the 3DS one

I don't think a sequel will ever happen. After the whole 3DS launch/Wii U disaster they probably want to distance themselves from their more "blue ocean" casual franchises.
Don't expect to see a Nintendog or Mii in anything that isn't Smash ever again.

More than likely they won't bring it back after the whole gay marriage debacle

Half the people there are IRL friends and family and the other half are streetpass miis I got from college and my jogs. It's super comfy just to see the interactions and just making rooms and feeding people random garbage.
>TFW I accidentally married my Sister
>TFW some dude named Trash Boat stole my wife
>TFW Tomodachi Quest came out and I just sent out the kids of random residents to fight the dark lord Reggie Fils Aime

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give me more shit to do. I hate waiting until one of them wants to make a friend or wants to play a minigame

sure user

It's another one of those "fun with friends" kind of games.

Would a sequel even work without streetpass and Miis?

>Miis actually having memories of miis that have already been deleted
it really is kind of unsettling how your miis act like the one you deleted never existed
like they've been god damn brainwashed

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The only reason I'd hate the first point would be because they made such a tantrum out of it initially already.
Otherwise yeah. I do like the png items though, it's amusing in comparison to the Mii models.