What's your worst gacha pull, Yea Forums?

What's your worst gacha pull, Yea Forums?

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Post the rest.

I got two Momokos on the Kyouko banner

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Man, that time I pulled Sayaka instead of a good character was awful.

You mean the uncute?

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post the rest. I might even help you out then.

Bump for non-furshit Exzodia

I haven't made one for it if you thought it was a complete set, but will do soon.

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Thanks senpai

gotta help somehow

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>be partially blind
>see naked blonde girl on my screen
>she's busty and transforming
>think it's a new form of my wife Mami

Well, the line where she says, "okay!" in Engrish is pretty cute I have to say.

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if you insist

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stop here mate

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since the thread is still alive I might as well finish the job.

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I play Exodia, the forbidden one.
too bad that none of the mods could stop this disaster!

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aight, now post it

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so what is the context here exactly

based user

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I got a pisswizzler and two gobboslaps when i splooged on an elite chest in Willybop.

i want to play prison battleship again now