Come and look upon the heart
upon the heart
Come and look upon the heart
I think you're a thief!
Because you've stolen my heart.
Who was in charge of art design?
They should be fired...out of a cannon....into the sun.
What is he even wearing?
Is a dwarven statue head or something?
cum nerevar
It's a house Dagoth mask that is also apparently a modified Dwemer miter which enhances his dream-sleeve based telepathy, mostly to mind control and invade dreams...or so it seems from various snippets.
Nobody knows.
I think the artist ran out of time and gave a frying pan two extra handles and called it a helmet.
There was a great deal of "Odd for the sake of odd" in Morrowind so nobody noticed.
Pleb, Morrowind has amazing art direction
It just may.
OPs pic certainly isn't an example of it.
The artist and the main writer of the lore is the same person, it's Michael Kirkbride.
Dagoth Ur helmet is scaled down head of Akulakhan with the third eye since he is a waking dreamer, it also connects to Dwemer technology and house Dagoth symbolism.
early concepts of Dagoth Ur helmet
I like villains with a face obscured by a mask but something about Dagoth isn't right. The eyes should be slightly bigger and the mouth smaller. It's hard to look at that face and take notice of anything other than the huge lips.
So, how do you get XP for Sneak in this game? It's not explained in the manual.
The helmet looks nothing like the head of the giant robot in the volcano.
Nice try though.
A helmet like that would have been cool though.
Cope, tranny
That's the engine's fault, not the artist's.
How is it a fault of the engine that a helmet in game doesn't look like the head of a giant robot in game?
I know "muh engine" is a popular rallying cry around here but it has nothing to do with this.
Is there a retard proof guide for modding this game that spells out everything in laymen for retards like me.
It is called Skyrim. This mod fixes everything that was wrong with Morrowind.
Is it supposed to look like a giant robot helm? I think it fits perfectly on a godlike being
just download OpenMW, the only downside is that they fixed the diagonal walking bug
Not bait.
The only thing Morrowind did better was the main quest,and that was far and away better, everything else needed serious work.
Actually I'd like to know too. Never really played this with mods because the Nexus site seemed to have only shitty ones.
What is so hard to understand?
Both Dagoth Ur and the Akulakhan have a third eye which connects them to the theme of a waking dreamer, someone who is alive in dreamsleeve and dreams in the real space, which is how he controls the dreams. Both Akulakhan and Dagoth Ur also have Dwemer styles prongs coming from their head since Dagoth Ur used Dwemer tech to ascend to Godhood in the firstplace and house Dagoth had to interact with the Dwemer a lot. The full gold look and the gaunt face is show of wealth and power specifically stylized to look like some weird, like Mayan designs.
ESO also implies that Dwemer used miters like pic related to enhance their "Calling", which was basically telepathic though sending/messaging. Since Dagoth Ur has power to invade minds it can be inferred that possibly his helmet also similarily amplifies his abilities, or it did before he died and his current form is a projection of his dream self.
Would have been nice if it looked like the giant robot head in game and not a frying pan.
The robot head in game had a mix between Roman legion and Babylonian.
Whoever made Dagoths helm dropped the ball.
OpenMW isn't modding though and half the shit MCP does is unavailable in OpenMW. For example MCP lets you dispose of a corpse without looting it, as far as I know you can't do this in OpenMW. MCP also lets you scale Hand to Hand damage with Strength, OpenMW ONLY does this for Werewolves.
I know the tribunal questline is a chore, having to enter the sewers for everything, but what did you all think about solstheim? Kino?
>the hand is splitting when he looks at it
>just like in a dream where you can never look at your palm directly
Nigger it's a mask, not a helmet. And think about what someone who thinks they're a god would wear. Gold, conspicuous, intimidating, kind of mystical looking. I think they did a good job with it.
A lot of blah blah about the background.
We are talking about the art direction for the helm not its backstory.
You think that frying pan is intimidating?
You must literally be scared of your shadow.
Bitch, I been making dough
Every orc wanna take a picture with the goat
And I'm smokin' greens, then I beat my meat
Wanna beef with me? Nigga, brush your teeth
I like my bitches like I like my armor: Ebony
Try and flex like me, boy, you don't know my recipe
I'm flexin' better than the Thalmor Embassy
>E-everyone I don't like takes hrt!
Rent free
No you're right it should be a robot bucket helm. Damn they really missed their chance with this one
Literally no one has ever complained about design of Dagoth Ur, your low effort bait is pointless. You have a shit taste and are probably a punch able faggot in real life.
the fuck
you ever the concept arts nigger?
All this proves is it easier to write cool shit than actually design cool shit.
Do you really feel that the distinction between stupid looking helmet and stupid looking mask is an important one to make?
They should have made it look like the giant robot head in game.
That was cool looking.
If you ever try make it count.
Why would that matter?
The most hassle free modding experience for your first time I can suggest is OpenMW + Mod Organizer 2 with it's OpenMW extension. Download mods into MO2 using its download feature and once you're all finished use the OpenMW extension to "Export to OpenMW". This edits the .cfg file in your My Documents and allows OpenMW to read the mods and put them into your game. It's really really easy and doesn't touch your native Morrowind install.
Just drop the files into the data files folder and select them in the launcher.
Fucking hell it's not even remotely complicated.
Okay but how, do I just copy paste EVERY single file in the folders into the data files? Do I make separate folders for textures? What if I want to use more than one texture set? The fact that there is no modding resource that explains everything in excruciating detail on how to mod is why things like MGSO exist.
can't believe none of you posted the fucking song yet
Just copy paste everything, it's worked for me so far.
I find it remarkable how most fan artists downplay Dagoth's obsession with Dwemer machines and aesthetic. He lives in a broken down Dwarven citadel filled with tinker toys -- hell, he even built himself a giant mecha.
How in Azura's name did I miss it ?!
I feel deeply ashamed right now.
Speaking of shitty art.
This It's a Dwemer tin foil hat retooled to his ego.
I never got deep into Morrowind. Does it have the same weird quests that Oblivion and the other game throw at you? I really liked the daedric shit breaking up the tedium.
>Does it have the same weird quests that Oblivion
a few, yeah
most of the guild quests especially early are really underwhelming in MW though
Yeah I found the early game pretty boring and never really went far with it at the time.
The non MQ quests are fairly bland. Pretty much MMO tier.
At the end of the TG quest you can become totally not Robin Hood.
Too add.
If anyone ever offer you an escort quest refuse.
Oblivion has better Guild questlines but Morrowind trumps it in exploration, main quest, and character building.
He was asking a simple question, user, no need to act like a fag
>Holy shit dagoth is wearing the same helm as the giant, 10/10 game, based Bethesda and their deep lore
If it's a mask, it explains the frying pan look that the other guy mentioned.
Does anyone know what Inventory Icons MGSO uses for potions?
retarded frogposter
>ugly world design
>bad art direction
>substanceless writing and lore
>god awful combat and general game design
Morrowind has got to be the most overrated video game of all time.
I forced myself to finish the main storyline waiting for the part where it would finally get good, but it never did. Such a boring and uninspired game, just like Oblivion and Skyrim.
b-but muh alien architecture and BROWN LANDSCAPE
Stealing your heart
The world building and art direction of morrowind are 2 of it's strongest points dude, what are you talking about? Did you play the game? The alien and unique landscape and culture was one of its kind
>just like in a dream where you can never look at your palm directly
Do you have fucking Down's syndrome? I always wonder how broken these people's brains are when they can't do normal ass shit in dreams.
So I just started playing this.
I am in Balmora now.
Is there an easy way to tell when someone has a quest for me or unique dialogue?
This encyclopedia shit is tedious.
If he was wearing the same there would be no issue.
He is wearing that dumbass frying pan.
Most NPCs walking around won't have quests. Most quest givers are found in taverns and such, if you want quests ask about Latest Rumors and Little Secrets.
Its the truth.
The fact of the matter is Bethesda was always bottom-of-the-barrel tier as it pertains to RPGs. Even at the time of its release Morrowind was an extremely mediocre game at best, both gameplay-wise and graphically, and it has not aged well either.
This is another example of Yea Forums parroting OLD GAME GOOD NEW GAME BAD, when in reality Bethesda games were never good to begin with.
Muh Mushroom trees and odd for the sake of odd aesthetic.
It's intuitive. Having conversations with NPCs will point you to locations of interest. The guilds have huge signs infront of their respective buildings
>No nevevar, what are you doing, I'm a virgin!
I can tell you're trying hard so here's another (you)
Solsthem is great. My only problem with Solstheim is that since ti's a relatively small area they put more enemies on the surface so it makes exploring a tiny bit tedious. Since by the time you'll be attempting Bloodmoon you'll likely just be avoiding combat entirely out the sheer monotony of it because you don't need to level up anymore. I really enjoy its world map. I'm actually mad how how shitty Solsthem was in Dragonborn.
Excuse them for trying to escape the generic fantasy look, you big bully.
I'm tired of this conversation. Goodbye
>people unironically talking shit about Dagoth Ur's mask and Morrowind's aesthetic
when did people lose the taste for original things?
why does every fantasy setting have to be not-Vikings or not-Knights?
Well i played it at release and you're wrong, the graphics were pretty good for the time, especially the water efects. Running it on max settings required decent hardware.
Furthermore it was extremely well recieved critically. The gameplay is an old school dice roll RPG campaign system in a 3D first person game, which probably wasn't the best idea, but that's how ES games were at the time.
Morrowind is a hand crafted world, and a passion project. It's far from a bad rpg, in fact it's an amazing RPG. The expansions ran a bit short though.
Iyaaaa~, Nerevar-kun! Matte kudasaaai!
Tribunal was the true kino, most are not advanced enough to understand that and think Bloodmoon is better.
i want more dark fantasy/scifi its hilariously underrepresented in gaming while being perfect material for it
Im sick of vikings every other fucking game and now we have fromsoft is making another
Skyrim was also well received critically despite being a dumpster fire. Both games were designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator at the time, its no surprise they were beloved by sheep with 0 outside experience with the genre.
Morrowind is about as soulless and by the books as an RPG can possibly get. Copy pasted mushroom trees spread around the world doesn't turn the otherwise ugly, brown, barren wasteland into a work of art.
How is sifting through wiki articles intuitive?
I just realized the tubes coming out make it look like a the veins coming out the top of a heart.
There are a few good scifi games. Deus Ex, Shadowrun.
No idea what you mean by dark fantasy though.
If there's one thing I can't for the life of me stomach is cyberpunk. It's unironically the tumblr of the fantasy genres.
Tribunal is fucking ass and you know it
>No levitation
>80% of its quests involve running down identical sewer tunnels
>Absurd level scaling
>Sil's Clockwork """"City"""" is 7 mostly empty rooms taped together
>Rebuilding Trueflame felt unrewarding because every single piece just so happened to be in one city when it could have at the very least played into Ur's citadels in Vvardenfell
>Adamantium armor is heavier and worse than Glass
>Adamantium ore weights 50 lbs per piece and there isn't even enough Adamantium in the expansion to make everything.
Bloodmoon was much better.
Aside from the dark brotherhood, goblins under mournhold, and shrine of the dead quests, it's great. I love serving my deranged elf wife and dealing with her enemies.
Well at this point it's a discussion of opinions which is a dead end discussion. Since by your standards a good game is a game that you think is good.
So I don't think we need to argue about this. You think it sucked and that's fair enough, I think it was great and replayed it quite a few times.
You can just stop responding. You don't have to announce you are done newfriend.
So what constitutes a work of art to you then, because I guarantee with enough reductive brute force I could turn whatever you like into "copy pasted assets spread around an ugly brown barren wasteland"
FUCK I meant steampunk.
Goofy isn't exactly the best alternative.
This is Morrowind's greatest offense.
Why bother having cities populated by dozens of personality-less NPCs if they all robotically spout the same dialogue and have the same encyclopedic knowledge of the world around them?
Your immersion is killed whenever you stop to talk to a random passerby. This is not good RPG game design.
So what did Dagoth Ur do wrong again?
I'm sorry to break this to you but you are a pleb baby
>Start game
>Just cheat all my attributes up to 100
Fuck Todd and fuck grinding
What's goofy about Morrowind?
The graphics were a step below when it released.
Bethesda has never chased the graphics whore audience.
I was surprised by how striking just pine trees were to see after all the strange foliage of vvardenfell. Snow areas are just great in general. All the nord myth setting stuff was nice too. The only problem I had with it would be the jump in strength between the werewolves and literally everything else there. Made the werewolves fun to fight but it was just a huge jump in strength.
I think I like bloodmoon more but mournhold is overhated imo. Only problem I had was figuring out who to talk to for the main quest. Mournhold itself was really cool looking and the main quest was interesting.
The adamantium weapons being so weak really pissed me off though. And more than two types of fabricant would've been nice.
Not only was it the best looking open world at the time, you're not even right about your second point because regardless of how you feel about Skyrim's quality as a game it did look good at the time it came out.
dark scifi and fantasy ala warhammer 40k and berserk
It''s also the comfiest xpack. You get your own house in the skaal village after they recognize you as one of them. Also the Mead hall, with your own personal shipments of mead and a bunch of warm clothes and nord wives.
He went nuts on heart juice when Nerevar told him not to.
oh ok, that makes more sense than cyberpunk being tumblr
steampunk automatons and stuff look cool but I could never get into shit like "clockwork hat"
Honestly nothing, Nerevar told him to stay with the ancient corrupting artifact and the ancient corrupting artifact drove Ur quite mad.
They had a system to put all the wiki articles on specific NPCs. iirc they had NPCs designated as scribes or scholars. Slap all the wiki shit on those and don't clutter the general populace. It would have let you have more focused interactions without sifting through a ton of shit while retaining said shit if you felt like sifting.
it's stated to be a golden mask
It's because the difference between automatons and steampunk is unironically the difference between utility and superfluousness. You can have cool steam and gear powered shit in your fiction, but it becomes stupid as fuck when it's there for no other purpose than aesthetics.
>Why bother having cities populated by dozens of personality-less NPCs if they all robotically spout the same dialogue and have the same encyclopedic knowledge of the world around them?
So twenty years later someone can pull up an image of Skyrim's capital and shitpost that it's nine houses with eighteen npcs.
>NOOOOOOOOOOOO the mask isn't SYMMETRICAL and ROUND, I don't understand this shape!!!
Led to the destruction of the dungmer homeland and the debasement of them at the hands of the Hist lickers.
So what did he do wrong? Not a damn thing.
OPs pic for one.
Dagoth Ur is a God.
The aesthetic of Gods is beyond mortals, which is why Vivec is half yellow and Almalexia is covered in semen demon tattoos.
Gods that look exactly like humans are boring as fuck. What’s so godly about them if they’re just humans that can do magic shit? Nothing.
If you dont play orc femaly in every elder scrolls game you are a fucking faggot
It was the only open world game at the time so yeah.
I exclusively play refined high elf females, install sex mods and let huge, smelly, uncivilised barbarian orcs breed me silly
Sure from the inside it could be like that.
From the outside its an NPC with a goofy looking helmet.
This is why art direction is important.
I actually got really sad when I played Oblivion and realized the two surviving Thirsk Mead Hall Nords died to the Udyfrekt Matron near Bruma.
thirsk is top tier
What was the point of the main quest? Being recognized as hortator and nerevarine didn't help shit, only thing that helped was vivec giving me wraithguard, and getting immunity to corprus.
what do you mean "from the inside"?
I hated in Dragonborn the Skaal are basically just tree hugging hippies. They don't even have guards anymore.
>Sil's Clockwork """"City"""" is 7 mostly empty rooms taped together
>he doesn't use Sotha sil expanded
From the internal game logic or if the game were real that would explain it.
From the outside is me sitting on my couch playing.
Mods don't absolve the vanilla version of the expansion from criticism.
So you're saying that it needs art direction, because someone who is playing a role-playing game without taking account the role-playing part will not pay attention and will just think it's goofy?
Sounds like a personal problem.
>on my couch
This makes so much more sense now.
Yeah but it means you can ignore it.
Whoa there pal I think Tribunal is the best part of the game unmodded and even I think that's dumb as shit. Sotha Sil expanded is not Sotha Sil. Saying one is good does not mean the other is good.
I'll take the bait because I'm a hungry fishy.
The only time Skyrim took me by surprise was when I ended up in Markarth after drinking in some tavern and plunged ass-first into the prisoner uprising quest. That was fun and confusing. The rest of the experience was a resounding meh, never even bothered to finish the main quest.
Morrowind on the other hand, even though it's familiar territory now, still is a wondrous and mystical place to visit. For lack of a better term, Vvardenfell feels more "lived in" compared to Skyrim. Not everything exists for the sake of the player. Not all dungeons contain loot and bosses that somehow has gone undisturbed from gangs of adventurers and raiders. Some are just worm lairs where you can find eggs and poor workers and the occasional nix hound. Some homes contain a grumpy dunmer who isn't a quest giver or plays a role in some quest down the line. Not everything exists for the sake of the player/protagonist, something I think many developers are afraid of due to (((inclusivity))) nowadays.
I guess if you're a gameplay (The combat is better, but not really good either for instance) over mechanics and roleplaying depth fag, Skyrim is the better game.
>I think many developers are afraid of due to (((inclusivity))) nowadays
what did he mean by this
Raven Rock.
Makes the mantling more coherent rather than just being forced. Just being in the final situation and doing it means you are him but doing it without the preamble just confuses the dreamer.
Not him but I think he meant that if some frat boy buys Morrowind so he can play in his xbox while all his bros watch, he might not appreciate his friends calling him a fucking nerd because of all the weird shit that's in the game.
Or that since 100% of the quest directions are in the journal, and that sometimes they're vague as fuck, this dudebro might simply lack the attention span to play it and won't recommend it to his dudebro friends, whereas Skyrim's "follow the marker" gameplay is much more casual-friendly.
He probably meant niggers by way but the reality is women are the ones ruining gaming. Full Stop Tyrone does not give a shit about gaming and isn't saying a fucking word about how things are designed to any goddamned one.
>*disturbs your rest*
come nerevar
come to me through fire and war
i think this will forever remain my favourite morrowind meme vid
awww he's smiling!
lay down your
it is not too late for my
>want to play Rebirth with MGE XE
>single digit FPS in Balmora and Ebonheart
Yes it needs art direction because if a thing makes sense in world but looks goofy the player will notice the goofy.
Unless the internal game logic demands it look goofy. If that is the case then well the problem isn't art direction.
So people on couches don't like goofy things ?
Not following you.
But it doesn't look goofy to the player that is able to immerse themselves in a world that is different and are capable of suspension of disbelief, which was the intended target of this game.
Did the NPCs staying in exactly one spot the entire game add too or detract from that lived in feel?
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you not making a connection that most people manage to immerse themselves in that world and you don't? Maybe the problem is that you are a retard?
That's fine and all but why didn't I get any sort of backup? No one went into ghostfence with me, nigga why I got to do this by myself?
You fucking tell them. Don't listen to the other trannies, probably halfway through dilating.
Idk, try talking to them?
Fucking zoomers, honestly.
Did he have sex? How did the mask help?
no recall or intervention can work in this place
there is no escape
no recall or intervention can work in this place
there is no escape
>keytar sounds
Anybody willing to spend 60 bucks on it was the intended audience.
Come and look upon the heart, upon the heart
i'm a god
how can you kill a god?
what a grand and intoxicating innocence
i'm a god
how can you kill a god
shame on you sweet nerevar
i'm a god
i'm a god
i'm a god
i'm a god
i'm a god
i'm a god
Usually if they have a quest, the keyword will appear on the first thing they say to you.
I meant inclusivity in the sense that pointed out, more than anything. Games today are made to appeal to every ADHD ridden retard and console downie, rather than autists who can pour hours into dicking around in an interesting and deep role playing experience
Comfy af.
That is quite a leap to reach that conclusion.
I actually enjoyed Morrowind. I also thought meeting and fighting Dagoth Ur was the weakest part of the game.
The goofy mask was the first thing then when we fought I jumped to the heart platform and he jumped into the lava. He walked around OOOFing every now and then while I explored.
Ur as written may be fascinating. Ur in game was a let down.
aint nobody got time for no blight disease
Everything in the final boss chamber except the actual mechanics of the fight were great, dagoth ur's design especially. The fight itself was pretty weak though, you're right
His design was a naked dungmer with a goofy helmet.
We disagree on his design I believe.
>substanceless writing and lore
more like substance induced awesome writing and lore
Dagoth Ur's design is fucking great and very memorable in its relative simplicity. Despite just being a dude in a golden mask it's, maybe not overtly evil, but still unequivocally threatening, without having to resort to dark spiky armor or anything stereotypically edgy. I've always loved that design even before I played the game.
Damn, Morrowind looks like that?!
Leave Dagoth Ur and Almalexia to me.
>If anyone ever offer you an escort quest refuse. arch nemesis
Fuck I remember being quite young and playing this for the first time when it came out and some fucker wanted escorting past the ghostgate. Experience ruined the rest of the game for me. Didn’t try it again until 2009. Fuck that ghostgate guy.
What kind of aesthetics do you want in elder scrolls 6? Assuming it's gonna be in high rock/hammerfell
I'm actually fine with just a continuation of Skyrim's art style. Skyrim unironically felt like the proper transition of Morrowind's art style. I just want better models and more unique architecture.
And no fucking Dwemer ruins.
> Skyrim unironically felt like the proper transition of Morrowind's art style
ah yes i too enjoy fine models such as BROKEN_FORT.tga and WOODEN_GATE.tga and ROCK.tga
skyrim's best strength is it does conform more to the morrowind aesthetic than oblivion did, especially with the look of the races and general atmosphere. windhelm really did look good.
my only problem is it just wasn't fantastical enough, looked nothing like how I imagined it did when I read the lore in previous tes games. just like cyrodill, they majorly toned down and retconned a lot of the more barbaric and wild norse stuff.
skyrim was generally enjoyable but ultimately disappointing. my biggest gripe was how shitty the guild quests were, theres absolutely no pacing and you go from newbie to 'chosen one' after the first fucking mission half the time. Oblivion is a better game almost exclusively due to how good the guild quests were.
>look up Morrowind Graphics Guide
>tells me to use a mod program to help install and sort mods
>doesn't say how to use it to install mods
God I fucking hate being a brainlet
>when you forget to unequip your lantern before jumping into the water
I cant get immersed in morrowind with all the NPCs robotically standing around.
i prefer them standing around over trying their hardest to be 'alive' like in oblivion or skyrim
Any good sex mod for Morrowind?
>Go to clear rats out of a ladies attic
>Level up light armor twice during it because I apparently suck at hitting fucking rats
I will never play an ugly retard race and you can't make me.
He ripped me to shreds the first time I fought him.
him and the tribunal all have comically powerful fuck-off spells
Sounds like beginner Morrowind. Your weapon skills basically affect your chance to hit. Having a high Agility also helps. This type of system makes Trainers very important. Utilize them.
and trainers require tons of cash which is hard to get starting out if you don't know where the sword of white woe is
Shame on you, sweet Nerevar :D
The werewolf side of the quests was underwhelming as fuck, also wish there were more unique enemies and less fucking bears and boars, other than that it was cool
>not using alchemy to get your attributes to several hundred thousand
except for speed ofc
Yes it gets confusing when they don't stand in one spot the whole game.
I installed MGSO and did everything but nothings changed in game, it still looks vanilla :( any help?
So disregarding c0da cause i doubt the games will follow it, is tes leading up to a conflict with the world pillars/towers? As i understand it, they have been deactivated one by one in each game.
You guys are missing the whole point of the adamantium weapons: SELLING THEM TO THE MUDCRAB MERCHANT!!
>Mark Mudcrab merchant
>walk to nearby daedric ruin
>ALMSIVI intervention to Vivic
>Divine intervention to Ebonheart
>go to Mournhold
>go to adamantium smithy
>buy as many adamantium claymores as you can carry for about 1k each I've gotten it down to below 800 before
>Recall to mudcrab merchant
>Sell adamantium claymores for 10k each
1 0 0 % I N T O X I C A T E D
>1 0 0 % I N T O X I C A T E D
1 0 0 % I N T O X I C A T E D
>1 0 0 % I N T O X I C A T E D
Morrowind looks like it skipped leg day
Just another 20 years before Tamriel Rebuilt is finally done!
They are going to reveal that nirn root actually anchors Nirn to reality.
It turns out your previous characters compulsive picking of them endangered reality and through time travel you must go back and kill the previous games heroes.
>ever going beyond "ur the hero and u need to defeat the big evil"
I assume he worked with the smugglers inside the ruin, guarding the approach and murdering and robbing people for money. As for why he would choose to do such things, who could really tell, Imperials are often greedy and seek to compensate their low birth by seeking to dominate others, perhaps it's simply in their nature.
I just wanted to worship Almalexia, I was hearbroken when she betrayed me
>spent all weekend grabbing mods from tesgeneral's list of shit making sure to keep everything compatible
>instant ctd on startup