Comfy MH thread. Other one is just full of console-warring

Comfy MH thread. Other one is just full of console-warring

Attached: sleep tight, nerg.png (500x500, 123K)

Other urls found in this thread: better roster, EVEN if you remove subspecies; also more than just wyverns, has insects, snakes, spiders, frogs etc./!fcB1TSxD!6Zkd4-dKgozG_h5hEu0I5w

Defend this

Attached: MHGen-Crystalbeard_Uragaan_Render_001.png (1067x935, 932K)

sleeping giant is qt

have you seen the armor you get from this fucker? it makes my dick hard as diamond

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>Get it, get that tail

Has there ever been a more chad monster

i'm trying to learn switch axe better in world, but i saw a guy latch onto a monster like a mount with a stab attack but i cant figure out how to do that myself, does anyone know?

Has anyone here modded their game on PC? Any must-have mods? I-I won't get banned right?

Sleep tight, nerg

Attached: 1520363330635.png (1276x717, 470K)

As of right now? No, you won't get banned.
But apparently they're adding anti-cheat to Iceborne

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I still want a MEGA with a folder of all these cute monsters. I dont want to tire myself downloading all of them on pixiv

You have to charge your sword gauge with sword attacks (use Circle attacks, they charge it faster than Triangle), then do the discharge.
In World SA is more about maintaining constant sword energy, you switch to axe and vice versa all the time in the same combo string now that you can transform after any attack (unlike before) and now that your axe wide spam can be done from zero (unlike before where you had to do an upswing 1st, then get into wide spam, then transform)

WAY better and fun weapon now, I can't play this class in any other games now, felt way too shit. And Iceborne is bringing buttery sweet upgrades to SA mechanics and movesets.

ziggy, tiggy and nargy are the childhood weeb friends who each went separate ways after high school. ziggy became a gymrat, tiggy became a neet living off autismbux and nargy never got over his edgy atheist phase. they all still hang around each weekend for anime marathon or going to an anime convention, is all fine and dandy until ziggy invites his bf mizzy who'm nargy seems to get irritated by his looks.

Attack in sword mode until your weapon starts glowing, then Triangle + Circle.
Consider taking a look at the weapon guide on kiranico of you haven't already.

Good. PCfags cheating constantly and then saying this game is easy is really irritating.
World is just as difficult and intense as the old (bad) games.

What I like most about MHW is that all weapons feel great to use, even IG despite shit damage.

4U was flimsy in its weapon balance. Dunno about XX/GU. Is CB alright in XX?

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>world had the worst monster variety in the series
>only one good level as the others are trash that rely obnoxiously on climbing
>annoying story literally forced on you
>severe lack of customization and the worst weapon visual variety yet.

I want my gun hammer back you hack frauds. Also where's my Nibelsnarf??

Is the super lavasioth event coming for the event?

Don't see it on the event page

cute as fuck

wait until Iceborne. It has unique weapon models so who knows

Gotta disagree with you there champ.
SnS, DB and Bugstick all feel horrible in World compared to 4U and GU.

is laviasoth the most pointless monster aded in MHW or was it an excuse for not having water monsters, yet?

Are you serious? World has the biggest gaps in weapon balance since MHF

We don't know that for sure yet. It could very well be like the base game with some weapons having unique final upgrades and some not.

As a GS user, I agree.

>It has unique weapon models
lol no
have you seen the weapon designs they revealed?
barioth is now just basic iron weapon with 1 tusk attached.

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Base game had a pretty consistent pattern where most weapons that got shafted in the model department (besides Lunastra but she only had a unique Longsword and Hammer outside of Frontier) never hit Rarity 8. So i think most things will actually get fixed on that front by the end of their upgrades, we've already seen quite a bit in the promotional screenshots like the actual Rathian switch axe

Oh God, what do they mean by anti-cheat? Will minor QoL stuff like pillars of light for shinies trigger stuff do you think?

Maybe just some basic checks for things like no weapons with 16000 paralysis allowed in online lobbies

nah, the saves will be server-side instead of local to prevent cheating

god i love bazel

I want to see a turf war between Bazel and Brachy

>japanese game
oh laffing

Any use for Gala armor other than the top hat?
I could use my remaining tickets for the layered set in that case.
I'm on PC so my things aren't going obsolete so soon

Okay, cool. The hardest I've ever modded was adjusting some KT weapon drop rates and then deleting the mod file once I got what I wanted. I should be fine then, I hope.

Wait... no I used Cheat Engine to change my character's name once after I gave up on a save data transfer from PS4. Here's hoping.

Let's hope so.

Virgin Radobaan VS Chad Uragaan

I hope it doesn’t prevent mods. I NEED my hunters naked. Need it.

sure but you can't deny MHW improved all weapons being able to use more easily giving them more combos

>Never got a subspecies
>or Variant
>or Rare Species
>or Deviant
I feel bad for /ourpinecone/

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Nothing in World is as shit on as 4U Longsword or Gunlance were

not really because in a lot of weapons it ended up causing you to just wanna spam 1 move in the ideal setup.
also gunning was completely ruined in world.
i'm not a gunner only guy but it hurts.

Gunlance was JUST'd so hard in many games. I am so fucking glad it shined the most in MHW

Funlance best lance

What are you referring to? Because aside from Bow being broken as shit, I can’t think of anything egregious, and even then it’s kind of par for the MH course. MH4U had Hame runs, MH3U had Kelbi.

If Glavenus could get a subspecies in Iceborne then I don't see why Steve couldn't later down the line.

i've got pretty much completed meta builds for all of the weapons i like playing
i've done all of the AT monsters and all the event quests/optional quests
is there anything left to do? I never bothered with fishing/gathering is that fun?

Which weapons weren’t about spamming one move? About the only thing I miss is draw crit GS. Admittedly CB SAED spam is dopey, but was AED spam really any better?

i love gunlance but i still need to learn my timing correctly because i end up being open for an attack in the more inconvenient of times

Is the switch monhun good for beginners?
I wanna play it with someone but they've never touched MonHun before

yea except that actually using the gun part is inferior to just swiping into a monsters face

draw crit GS is still useful in multiplayer when the monster is moving around all over the fucking place.

It's the first game I really got into after years of playing the games for a few hours and then stopping. I'd say it's fine, especially if you're got somebody more familiar with the series to help you out.

No, the beginning of the game is so fucking boring that it’ll turn newcomers off. There’s way too much gathering frontloaded.

Great game, retarded quest design.

Does Iceborne have transmog?

Early online is pretty dead in GU but if you're not hopelessly shit you should be able to solo the online far enough to play with the remaining autists

so exploitable

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Not really? Crit draw’s pretty pointless when every meta set essentially has 100% affinity versus weakpoints.

man i wish giggi would come back

I love him, hope he gain more love (and a subspecies).

What meta set for GS gives you 100% affinity? Because the top swords start with negative affinity.

Pinecone's a good boy, most underrated flagship.

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What sort of sub would you give him?
Blast would be redundant because Bazel, and just slapping an element on a status boy seems real lazy. Miasma?

He's my favorite and I'll be sad if he didn't make in

honestly i cant stand the scout flies, so the mod to remove those was a must have. And The light pillars for drops are nice to have.

The deal with gunlance and shelling in other games was in general:
Low rank - shelling is OP
Hig rank - shelling is good
G rank - shelling is shit

So we'll see what happens in Iceborne.
So far shelling was by far the most viable in Mhw and with Valor style in GU.

an electric one, imagine pinecone paralyzing you. is will be quite annoying considering his agile movements

If I were to use an elemental CB and don't have any of the Kjarr ones yet, I'd use AEDs instead of SAEDs right?
Asking because I don't have the Kushala gauntlets yet and need to get them later today.

Electric Steve is just too close to Astalos

Steve fights literally nothing like astalos

Technically not confirmed but there was a screenshot where you could see a "layered armor" tab at the smithy. Could just be hand picked pieces though

Apex Seregios should be its own thing even in games without Wystones. Make it a variant the equivalent to Savage and Furious Jang

>Kamaitachi Seregios
>Spends most of the fight in the air, almost never lands
>Makes use of wind pressure to strategically stun hunters
>Can't fire off its scales anymore, but uses them to slice the air instead, sending out razor wind and cutting cyclones instead
Basically just cuck Rathalos out of his "King of the Skies" title as well as his girlfriend.

a ice or water one.

nothing at all besides being dragon and using thunder but if there is another option for sergios i can only assume water since their blight drains your stamina a lot which is something you need to dodge his moves more often

>anti cheat in a single player game

Why does FU LS feel so much better than post-Tri LS?

Don't you mean the Gen gunlance. 4U gunlance was amazing compared to the heat gauge nonsense. Thankfully Valor and adept styles added in GU helped a lot in making it less shit (but still far from retarded buffs that already OP weapons like HBG and GS got with Valor)

you don't need to think about red
also fu ls sucks

Just played MHFU for the first time in 8 years and wow its so much more slower, with better gameplay than later entries. Its shocking how different it is, I can't believe I forgot. Not having iframes on demand and being much slower makes the enemies so much more dangerous.

God I hate 4th Gen and all the cancer it brought

Event starts tomorrow lads and I can't fucking wait

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You can't deny the game is easy as shit when it gives you Glutton hbg or rocketsword. Plus in my 900 hours of 4U i saw hundreds of cheaters where as in mhw i saw none (besides myself). I already have 600+ hours and have everything so let me mod and cheat for once reeeeeee

Because FU has better gameplay. The LS in MHFU is extremely slow by modern standards, and plays almost like a proto Switchaxe. It's meaty as fuck and you can't spam foresight slash iframes.

MHFU LS feels like a real weapon, modern LS feels like an iframe anime stick

it starts in 3 and a half hours


I'm yuropoor

Stuff like Extreme Behemoth sure, but overall the average fight is easier than 2nd Gen. You never have to worry about running out of stamina, you move much faster, you have access to tons of iframes on demand, enemies don't track you as well.

Gore/Shaggy when?

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Kaiser y
Drachen a
Drachen a
Kulve y
Xeno y

Crit meta set. Add in max might and whatever utility you need + elementless

Why is the quest that gives you layered beetle armour the only one that won't be available during the event?

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But all of them have the same intact moveset from 4U (the only game with movesets, GU doesn't even count as a MonHun game, not with that butchered gimmick ridden cancer) and add more on top? How do they feel worse?
For example with SnS World added 2 options after the jump attack, whereas in 4U you did nothing afterward outside the normal ground spam combos. And in IB they added the element/status timed combo on top of the already 2 new added attacks, not even counting anything related to claw or slinger burst.
Same deal for DB, there's nothing more in 4U than there is in World.
And IG was absolute shit fun-wise in 4U, only good because of its OP MVs. But the kinsect feeding system was broken shit until you can actually do something useful with it IN G-RANK! And harvesting colors was death, with the bug only traveling horizontally on all those sloped maps and high-head monsters, the one and only option to "aim" the kinsect was to clumsily use the pheromone system which would fuck up your next harvests. The weapon overall was much simpler while being 10x more unfun. World's aerial moveset was much improved (before you only had the one downward attack and nothing more - or shooting pheromone mid-air but that was accidental 100% of the time). And IB adds kinsect buffing and a new actually viable aerial downward thrust>groundattack>pheromone attack string.

Your nostalgia can fuck right off.

I think you still SAED, it’s just not as good. Phial damage from SAED is like 10x element, versus 3.5x element for AED.

The only time glaive has ever felt better was with aerial style back in gen

>gray damage on her face
>weak point on her wings

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As much as I like World I have to say I preferred flat levels with better designed monster fights. Too bad 4th Gen took that away from us.

Does anyone know if the Black Diablos Switchaxe is still the strongest choice for Switchaxes?

No it's not even close. The best Switchaxes are Terror Tyrannos, Taroth Axe Paralysis, Power Smash 2, and Empress Axe Ruin.

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why is this trio so popular and i mean being put together?

stop minmaxing and play with whatever you like

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Nerg hat + 4 Drachen + focus charm.

I spent three hours making a pure attack build for Switchaxe. It's my favorite weapon ever. I want to know I'm doing it justice. I'd use it even if it had no good weapon options.

Thanks for the heads up. Just looking for raw damage. I'll get into elemental stuff when it comes up.

This was the biggest loss in the transition to World

Why do you need Masters touch on greatsword?

drachen + damascus beta chest
drachen + nerg gamma waist

Terror Tyrannos is the best for raw damage despite its dragon element. There are no good elemental Switchaxes outside of maybe Kjarr Axe King.

Soon I hope

The casual filter trio

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I dunno but it's cute

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more like easy spinning trio

Switchaxe is the most oldschool weapon in World because it has no defensive options. It plays shockingly similarly to MHFU LS.
Prove me wrong.

Aw fuck meant to quote Speedtyping while you play vidya is dangerous.

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Because if i recall correctly, Wyvern Ignition has only like 10 hits of white sharpness, and Master's touch lets you have that all the time practically.


You're right because its just as shit

Yes that's correct.

Is this bait?
Neck is gray, face and horns are orange. You have the Hunter's guide in game for fucks sake

I'd rather not have a 55-iframe foresight slash that makes the game boring.

Ah I guess I’ll get that weapon today.

>casual filter
>the evasion tutorial
>the absolute joker who even stands still for you and is easily beatable with barely any weapon upgrades (Even though Zin actually got noticeable buffs in gen 4)
>the absolute UNGA who only has the title because of the fuckhuge damage he does

I'd rather have a weapon that doesn't make me deadweight to the party

He doesn't need a sub, just give him a variant with moves more focused on legs/kicks attacks and/or shooting more scales and maybe an extra bleed ailment.

Switchaxe is the best Paralysis weapon in the game, and I'd rather have one in my party instead of a foresight slash iframe redditor.

i couldn't get the items necessary for its last upgrade, now i have a useless WI

that's a cute headcanon

every single attacks with GS on her face was gray

Her face isn't orange to slashing iirc, your best bet vs Luna is honestly just to say fuck it and use an Ice LBG

You're hitting the neck, which is really easy because GS doesn't have any autocorrect on hitting weak parts, and the face hitbox is really fucking gimmicky. Hammer for instance can big bang from between her side legs and land on the face, but GS will always hit grey except for like extremely front facing angles.

Honestly shes just a shit blademaster fight, and you're better off just using a hammer/ranged, or unga into her sides and forget about trying for weak point hits.

You are both wrong. I use GS on Luna every time, her head is very vulnerable to it.

literally this also helps that its armor was basically made for sakura farming

>very vulnerable
>has hit zone value of 40 and you need 45 for weakness exploit

OH no not the meta

Vulnerable enough to not get grey numbers, it's the the best place to hit her with greatsword most of the time based on vulnerability and availability.

>stupid ass dragon design

i mean, nerg manage to be in this game

The difference between 40 and 45 hitzone is a 50% difference in damage when you factor in weakness exploit. It's not some minor difference.

MHW actually gives shelling a bonus modifier against HR monsters. Probably they'll bump it up further for master rank.

No, it isn't a 50% difference in damage. Critical hits don't do double damage, and not having weakness exploit isn't the difference between always getting critical hits and never getting critical hits. Without weakness exploit, assuming you have 100% crit with it, you will get critical hits only 50% of the time instead of 100% of the time, and extra damage from critical hits ranges from 25% extra damage to 40% extra damage.

That's fine believe it or not.
Many monsters before your first MH game were designed like this.

Another person, but I'm curious, do you guys think it might be better to forgo WE against Lunastra, because the only real opportunity you get to use it is during head-based knockdowns on the wings.

I'd say yes, but iceborne is close. With the new claw ability, you should be able to turn her head into a weakpoint for edged weapons.

Here is one change I want that nobody else wants because I'm a sadistic fuck, not even for balance just to fuck with everyone imaginable going into IB. WE needs a 60 hitzone to activate

more room for MM/peak/agi

You think that is devilish? You are smalltime
>Make WE give 40% affinity

if you furries like MH doujins from sadpanda, start archiving them. Site's being taken down


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Sadpanda's being taken down cause Netherland's new laws. The same laws that took down loverslab and AtF mods

>menus have way more delay
>Charge Blade and especially Bow are easy yet overpowered
>SOS system siphons from the lobby system and there's only a limited number of lobbies and SOS quests while hundreds are hidden (at times can't even find an event SOS when AT Nergigante is live)
>Capcom doesn't want to add more skeletons because it's too much work for them
>challenging quests are time-gated
>yinstantly craft and pop Ancient Potions, which in theory nullifies all difficulty
>crammed and visually busy while monsters clip and can even shoot through all the trees in the forest
>can't skip cutscenes because Capcom wants you to watch their "beautiful work"
>quests still randomly select zones for you to spawn in
>some of the worst monsters in the franchise, notably Zorah, Lunastra and AT Kushala who flies constantly without even an airborne moveset
>Palicos instantly heal/revive
>bad hitboxes
>paid DLC
>Nargacuga and others got neutered (more openings)
>neck-snapping camera
>Capcom is too greedy to bring more skeletons and monsters are too rehashed
>NPCs are all scattered across the hub and you have to run to the lift after every abandoned quest
>mantles are a thing
>can't see previews in the crafting menu
>likewise can't see things like your weapon slots in some menus and the way decos are sorted is random
>invasions are more likely, even elder dragons you can't dung and that can track you
>so much walking
>access to your box any time
>most of the weapons are reskins
>95% of armors are useless
>automatic animations such as sliding or taking off mantles after sheathing can himper your gameplay
>can't pause
>can't see other quests when you're already a host, even though you could do it in past games
>random cards after quest
>roars and tremors even more pervasive

Do we know if Iceborne fixes most of that? Or anything?

>most brain dead AI and slow monsters
>casualized and dumbed down from real console games
Good one. Might as well go all the way and play the real old-school monster hunter games that were on PS2 instead of casualized portable crap balanced for kids who play MH in their parents cars.

MHW has way too many flying wyverns, it's such a generic roster

Report and filter listfag. Do not reply to him, his shitpost thread got ignored

so, the era of the wild west is finally over

loverslab is still working and no one cares about pedo mods
it will be fine

Criticism isn't a rule violation, one post in a 500 pots thread isn't spam, especially when it's not even the same.

You violate the rules. You are crazy, defending a video game like you are getting paid for it

kill yourself listfag

don't reply you retard

It's 20% for each hit, and a big DPS loss because you lose sharpness because masters touch.

I just don't get why It's always like this in every MH thread, people realise they're not convincing anyone right?

The people that enjoy World won't stop and Crapcom won't care because of It's huge success. What's the point?

This, stop replying to my post I actually spent time and effort on with your room temperature iq assperger posts.

Convincing of what? It's just a greentext of FACTS


And Capcom aleady fixed a few things with the IB demo, so yes criticism helps. Only your fanboyism never dose

Do not reply to listfag. He doesn't care about MH and was proven to be a console-warring shitposter on multiple threads according to mods

Attached: The ballad of listfag.png (1571x2725, 1011K)

Hi there are many things wrong with your list:
>you claim LS isn't overpowered
>you claim they won't add new skeletons, but Iceborne has new skeletons
>you claim roars and tremors are bad because you are casual
>you claim Lunastra is bad because you are casual
>you claim hitboxes are bad because you are casual

You got a lot of things wrong, but fix them and I might agree with some of the list.

Do people honestly get a rise from this? Am I too much of a normalfag to understand it?

He's responsible for derailing MH threads for 2 years until he pissed off the mods weeks ago. After being banned constantly, threads went back to normal

People cared, of course.

Now post one where Bazel catches a literal load of shit in its mouth from a dung pod.

Turn turn turn fireball
Quickturn Quickturn charge

Describe your favorite weapon with a single image

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>why is this trio so popular and i mean being put together?
They were the faces of the series when MH started going mainstream in Japan. Kinda like how Cloud’s everywhere in FF fandom.

Give it a few years and I expect that Nerg and a couple others will form a similar trio.


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Are the festivals live yet?

The weapon isn't what you think it is.

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He's cute

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It's because monsties are extremely lewd and useful only for satisfying sexual desire! Especially Zinogre.

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Thank god i keep the doujins i like in a separate HDD

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hunter can help with that

There's something... off... about this Zinogre...

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He never recovered from this vicious Tigrex attack.

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Lunajiiva gunlance

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>implying tardgrex could hurt anyone but himself

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>Use to play 3 man hunts with the boys
>One of the boys gets a gf
>She plays MH so we play some 4 man
>The comfy atmosphere is gone
>Have to baby her the entire way despite her claiming to have played for years
>We try to be friendly to everyone
>The couple only make comments about each other
>Effectively ruined hunts with the boys
Fucking hell

NEVER underestimate tard strength

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You arent going to be hitting only weakpoints in multiplayer unless the monsters entire body is a weakpoint. Masters touch crit draw wyvern ignition build is actually better dps playstyle in multiplayer and gives more utility slots than all the wasted crit on drachen

Mentally healthy Tigrex rare species for endgame when?

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Im glad you arent on the design team because that sounds like a shit fight

He's a cute tard though.
Never. Tigrex and retardation are synonyms.

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can someone post nergigirl from this pic? pretty please?

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very nice, thank you

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Filename aside it still applies

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why is ukanlos' theme so good

post your:
>First game
>Favorite monster
>Most used weapon
>Favorite village/hub

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and Bazel loves you!

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Dont really have one

If they put gore and shaggy in but change their DBs I am going to murder the one that made the decision

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World's solo/offline hub


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Attached: toothpick.jpg (636x358, 83K)

>Tie between Nargacuga and the Magalas
>Tie between Hammer and LS

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Kushala is for bullying.

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Better to die peacefully than be shitposted into oblivion

I'll be alive soon. Events in 10 minutes

>Great sword
>Loc Lac City

I miss it bros

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Kushy is for facesitting and marriage

Hunting Horn
MH4U G-Rank Hall

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Gore Magala

Attached: 1.gif (400x225, 214K)

>Moga obviously

>WAY better and fun weapon now, I can't play this class in any other games now, felt way too shit. And Iceborne is bringing buttery sweet upgrades to SA mechanics and movesets.

This, i switched to p3rd and seriously i cant play this weapon anymore, it feels weird even in GU.

>Pokke hall for life


>Gore/Shagaru Magala
>Val Habar

Attached: 1497499295179.png (774x509, 18K)

>pic related
>probably GS
>yukomo and it’s farm was top tier

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Is it worth farming anything from Kulve or any of the Arch Tempered monsters considering Iceborne is out soon and the first set of armour in it will outstrip anything we can currently make?

Attached: bazel.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

layered armor

>Think of farming AT Kulve
>Remember i have a 1/200 chance of getting the weapon i want

Where's the My Name's Lavasioth event quest? I can't find it. Am I blind? (PC)

4 Attack Up
3 Weakness Exploit
3 Fitness
3 Health Up
1 Normal Up
1 Crit Eye (kek)
And whatever jewels I can slot in for element/non element. Is this a good bow set up post Nergigante?

There's a mod that makes kulve weapons craftable

Its fine, try and get a Spread gem

And Bow Charge Plus. That's the real key

Yeah, Spread Jewel and Mighty Bow are RNG works in progress. I'm going to molest Xeno tonight and start working on getting to T2 so I have a chance at those.

starts on the 8th

You're not blind, for some reason they decided that should be the only quest in the entire game with unique rewards to not include in the festival.

I only fought normal KT back when she came out, how different is ATKT? Is there a new strategy?

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Same shit, more weapons added to the already terrible RNG.

Exactly the same until the added fifth phase.

Best monster soundtrack imo.
Her fury state is great

What's the fifth phase ?

if conditions are met, phase 4 changes into a furied KT, who gains attack patterns and more status resist

If all her breakable parts are broken enough times in the session, then in the fourth phase when you enrage her the music changes and you get a little notice saying ‘Kulve Taroth’s Rage has Been Incited!’ She gets more moves and does a fuckload more damage, but if you break her horns in this state you get way more rewards and of the highest tier (ATKT has a new tier of weapons above what KT had too).

Post yfw Yian Garuga is in.

Attached: 756FBFB9-472F-40C7-B0DE-2FB78DE1FB52.jpg (516x891, 37K)

>see a rogue Yian Garuga with a black spike sticking out of him
>think it's cause he got attacked by Nerg
>turns out he just figured out the secret of the spikes

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Huh, sounds nice.
Does KT drop any hammer better than Diablos Shatterer 2?
Haven't played in a long while so my Hammer loadout is a bit outdated

I just played World a week ago, got to Behemoth...really was nobody mad about this? Why the fuck did they include a literal MMO fight in the game? An npc even tells me to get someone to aggro him by hitting his head. Really why the fuck is it so awful.


I played 150 hours on PS4 and then switched to PC when I came out, modded the shit out of my save and cheated. I kind of want to start fresh for Icebourne because I don't feel any attachment to this PC character, should I start now or when Icebourne comes out? I only have only ever played with GS/Bow and CB, is SnS fun? What about Lance?

>Why does this optional crossover quest have elements of the crossover game?
And no, people were complaining when it came out, too. Behemoth is easy once you get used to his gimmick but Extremoth is a pain in the ass.

SA isn't getting any meaingful buffs in Iceborne. Still no iframe moves or guards.

There's no good reason why LS should get a 55 iframe counter, and SA gets nothing. MHW has bad weapon balance

>Haven't played World in a long time, coming back to it
>Trying to find a quest to ease myself back into the game
>Oh, a USJ quest with Dodo and Azure
That's a BIG Dodo.
Not as big as Zamtrios 3D though.

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Weeb Blades
Bherna music wise, Pokke otherwise

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He's one of my favorite fights in World right behind AT Nergigante. The MMO mechanics fit the fact that it was a FFXIV collaboration and then there's the fact that the fight is just fun and it's nice how it makes all the team collaborate.

Can I change my gender on PC with a mod or something? Or save editor? Is this a retarded question?

The collaboration monsters are all terrible, that’s been discussed to death. You’re about 11 months late to the party on Behemoth so people don’t talk about it much anymore. They tried to emulate FFXIV’s gameplay as close as possible and it shows. They did the same in the Witcher collab and Leshen is AIDS too. Don’t even get me started on Ancient Leshen.

Hi Cuteanon. It's the same + more damage and such but if she does get to the Fury state which is the extra phase she starts spamming the lava attacks and goes way more aggressive, so be careful about carting to them. Try to time mounts / sleep / para on this phase with your group so you can get through it quicker.

Behemoth isn't that different than a regular monster. Aggro mechanics already existed before Behemoth. Tornados aren't new. Meteors aren't new. Tail swipes aren't new.

Behemoth is difficult and people (you) try to make excuses.

Ancient Leshen is a shitty fight, but Behemoth is one of the top 3 monsters in the game. May even be the best depending on your tastes. The MMO mechanics are a great way to separate the fight from others, results in great gameplay, and is way, way better than other MonHun fight gimmicks like sieges and whatnot.

this desu

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>they tried to emulate FFXIV
Horseshit. Behemoth is a monster hunter monster through-and-through. You can dodge 100% of his attacks. Find me an MMO fight where you can avoid 100% of damage through proper timing.

Oh hey, thanks for the tips user, i'll probably try to improve my Hammer loadout before jumping into ATKT then, havent even bothered to get Drachen yet, hopefully the festival gives me the motivation to play more.

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On the steam store there's a free one time character gender change

Alright Yea Forums, what quests do you have left to do for the 5 week event and how are you preparing for Iceborne?

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>world (yeah world babby i know i know)
>Tobi-Kadachi or Kulve Taroth
>Wyvern Ignition Impact
>the one from MHGU

Behemoth is fun when your team knows what they’re doing but complete shit when they don’t, I’m 50/50 on him. Ancient Leshen is ass cancer no matter how you look at it.

Pokke, though I haven't gotten around to emulating freedom 1, dos, or p3rd yet so it may change

Behemoth is the one thing that MHW did right. Reminds me of 2nd gen difficulty and tight monster fight design.

Fucking Kulve.

All of them
I made a new character on ps4 to prepare for iceborne

You should try to get Drachen, it is honestly waaay more fun than Katie. Katie is great, but the fact that you need to sit through so much bullshit to get to the actual fight and how much farming you might need to do to get the weapons you need actually burned me out on the game once because I kept doing nothing but Kulve every day. Meanwhile Behemoth is amazing, especially if the group knows what they're doing. Do you play on PS4 or PC?

Just Ancient Leshen, will probably solo him with SA.

Also I am going to farm vouchers and I recommend anons do the same. There's a low rank event in the arena that gives 2-4. Remember, vouchers give you guaranteed food skills.

Freedom 2
HH probably
Loc Lac

Finally got around to buying World, and I'm enjoying it so far, especially being able to check out the range weapons for the first time. Have to admit that I was put off from gunners due to having to craft an entire new armorset.

As the other user said there's a free voucher to change your character's appearance. Other than that cheat engine works great but it's a bit of a pain
>download cheat table
>make new character
>make it look like what you want
>take a screenshot in cheat engine of all the appearance values
>get back to main character
>change appeatance values based on the screenshot
>delete new character

I kinda want to know did you solo him or hunted him in a party? I don't think doing him solo is ever fun especially with some weapons like GS.

I did everything back during the appreciation fest, so all I’ve got left is AT Nigger Grande.

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>soloing Ancient Leshen
Jesus fucking Christ, good luck user.

I'm a PS4fag, but havent renewed my plus yet, probably gonna do it early august.
but it doesn't bother me, i'm a mostly solo player.

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Probably gonna cart through KT for the first time and get the event layered armor that isn't tied to AT elders since I just don't like em.

Both. I soloed regular with SA, and beat Extreme with a team. Solo is fun if you have a top tier weapon, otherwise it's really tough.

I have sets for nearly all the weapons I care about (Lance, Longsword, SnS) but I need to do a bunch of AT fights I never did like Xeno for his layered armor and one AT Kushala for one of his pieces so I can get a little better damage on my CB set and call it perfect as well. Sadly I STILL do not have Guard gems and I have a feeling I'll need to get an Offensive Guard charm in Iceborne so I'll have to farm for Guard decos. That's most of what I'll be doing before Iceborne.

Switchaxe actually does OK for AT Leshen solo because it has the right moves to deal with the jaggis.

Insect Glaive

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need some decos still so probably farming fattest jagras

I'll probably skip the Kulve grind since Iceborne will invalidate all of the weapons. Will do a bunch of AT Jagras for sure, probably AT elders for fun. Don't care about layered armor, I don't use it.

Ah, I see! I'm on PS4 too. I was going to say you could add me if you wanted to do Behemoth with someone.

I think i've gotten everything i need aside for a few decos and filling out my collection of AT Kulve weapons. For some reason I'm trying to get the best ones for all weapons so i have good ones to try out later on since i mess around with all the weapons, even though I might have to end up selling a lot of them to make room for all the new armors and weapons if they end up really good. Other than that i need a few crowns and maybe shore up some extra supplies

Kirin, Black Diablios, Vaal and I think Luna, need all those damn crowns.

Coulda came up with better archetypes.

I don't know why people bitch about behemoth. Hes the most fun monster outside of black dragons/dala/gore. Behemoth really brought back mmorpg nostalgia desu. Even after 600 hours i still run behemoth with randoms or solo despite already having everything in the game

>Worst Monster variety
That’s Tri lol fucking nubile lobotomy victim.

Which of the current old world monsters are you most interested in seeing Wordlets go up against? Reasons could be either to get their asses kicked or to see them become fans of your favorite monster(s).

Thanks for the offer man.
if you're still hanging in these threads when Iceborne launches we can arrange a session.

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Go back to 3U idiot

>MR Kulve doesn’t drop MR weapons, but upgrade materials needed to turn the HR weapons into MR ones, so you still gotta grind her in HR

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I probably will, cheers Cuteanon. I usually hang in these comfy nighttime threads, you seem to do it too, so maybe we'll run into each other again. Good luck!

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I know this is selfish but I'd probably be okay with that just so the countless hours farming her crap don't go down the drain. I think the worst timeline would be one where they just replace ATKulve with MR Kulve with added drops to the same pool.

Good luck to you too!

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I don’t see them replacing AT Kulve entirely with MR Kulvevsince then HR players wouldn’t be able to fight her anymore, so that option is thankfully very unlikely.

That'd be silly. Maybe the weapons will be upgradeable but I wouldn't bet my time on it.


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They know most players fucking despise how Kulve’s drops work so there’ll be some minor change at least. Nothing too drastic most likely but something.

cute Zinogre

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Another Cuteanon, hi!

If you get it, back your switch and get a save that let's you skip the boring as fuck LR/early HR. Made the game so much better cuz my friend had his gen save he ported over lol.

Zinogre? More like put him in the Binogre!

Zinogre looks a bit too overdesigned for my tastes. Not sure why he's so liked, is the fight just really good?

i hate @lunastra, but the randos are worse, i want the gamma armor

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I needed help from my friends to be able to do that quest. I love the fight but I am not good enough to do it solo, and the nova is absurd.

>panda is dead
>all those monhun doujins lost to time

There is literally nothing wrong with fucking a monster.

I call dibs on Nargacuga.

It's a fucking shame, I'm sure some pandaclones have some of the doujins tho.

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The pandaclones are all going to die too because they're hosted in the netherlands as well, and also rely on panda to get their content anyways.

>this is what Great Bow users masturbate to

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>Try to fight g-rank hellblade with any weapon that isnt greatsword
>get absolutely raped
What the fuck do you do against that giant explosion with his tail? By the time you notice its not a normal attack you already run out of time to seathe and dive, but staying unseathed almost always means no escape unless you happen to be right next to him. The hitbox even travels a decent distance into his crotch. Is there a secret to this im not getting?
I can still access the site, whats happening?

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Politicians in the Netherlands.
Freaked out ISPs.
Laws about to change.
3 hours until Panda is gone forever.

Oh goddamnit, Guess i'll have to claim Shaggy then
It's gonna die because of Netherlands laws changing to prohibit Loli/Shota, Sad Panda will die in a few hours with E-Hentai dying by the end of the year.

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It doesn't apply right now, but when September rolls around, it will.

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The 12 confirmed monsters for Iceborne;
>Shrieking Legiana
>Acidic Glavenus
>Fulgur Anjanath
>Ebony Odogaron

Additionally, a Gameinformer preview teased that Khezu or Gigginox would appear, making the total 13. At SDCC, after the Acidic Glavenus reveal they said there’d be more subspecies shown soon and proceeded to show an image with Pukei-Pukei, Paolumu and Tobi-Kadachi on it, implying they will be receiving subspecies. This brings the total number of known monsters up to 16. We know there is one more trailer to go before release, which will most likely reveal Brachydios in full and tease one more new returning monster like every past trailer, which brings the total to 17. We can also expect a new final boss monster, giving us 18 monsters minimum added in Iceborne.

MH1 G Rank added 13 monsters. MH2 G Rank added 11 monsters
MH3 G Rank added 17 monsters (but cut 6)
MH4 G Rank added 23 monsters
MHX G Rank added 22 monsters

Assuming the 18 count is the total (it probably won’t be) how do you feel about the amount of content Iceborne is adding?

how long will this event last? I'm still behind and can't get all the cool shit :(

furries out

It will last until Iceborne launches on consoles, So you got a whole month i think.

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Poor moose :(

Bleed bow is too op.

cool, also is the Kulve Taroth siege coming too or is he gone for good?

pretty standard, as expected from GU devs

Kulve will be available too if i'm not mistaken

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>login server dead
>cleared my cookies recently

I feel so burnt out. Farming gems, ATs, etc. and timed content is tiring me out hardcore.

Kulve is live every event, so you got five weeks straight to Farm her.

Which Frontier monster would you like in Mainline?
For me it is Espinas.

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Very clean shot
That moose could feed a family for a year

A lot of the base forms are pretty good. Stuff like Zeniths can stay dead though, they’re fun but don’t fit in aesthetically with mainline.

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Just starting kulve taroth i have no idea what the fuck im doing

Akura Vashimu

absolutely none, holy shit

how do i kill the pickle?

There’s plenty of good shit in Frontier you silly sausage. There’s a hell of a lot more that sucks complete ass though.


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Zinogre is still my favorite monster, but I beat his ass the first time he showed up in Portable 3rd.

Was disappointing as all hell,.

All those monsters will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

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>Jhen Mohran
>gunlance in 3U, CB in World
>the port in 3U, though Astera is kinda comfy in its own way

XX is a good game for everyone

>vastly better roster, EVEN if you remove subspecies; also more than just wyverns, has insects, snakes, spiders, frogs etc.
>actual weapon design variety; tons of weapons to craft and they all look different and unique so it's a lot of fun
>online lobby system is multiple times better and more social, it's the good old fun of actually joining a room, talking to people, exchanging guild cards, chatting inbetween hunts, taking turns posting quests, sticking together for many hours... it's what makes MH online great
>insane replayability due to sheer endless amount of weapon+skill+style+arts combinations, opening up so many possibilities
>catlolis which are very cute
>lets you use the transmog system instead of keeping it only for specific DLC/event armor
>actually challenging endgame, has some of the hardest quests in the series, tough as nails shit to test your mettle as a true hunter
>rebalanced new weapons: insect glaive and charge blade DPS is now more in line with other medium-sized weapons. charge blade now force you to utilize more of its axe moveset.
>virtually no cutscenes in gameplay ever. you can, however, unlock ecology videos of the elite four plus valfalk by beating their village quests.

I'd like to see duremudira as an end game monster

another list already? better roster, EVEN if you remove subspecies; also more than just wyverns, has insects, snakes, spiders, frogs etc./

Posting this when the mods come here for another sweep at your ass

Again I'm hoping COG releases a standalone Frontier arena mode game with all these dudes in it. You wear preset gear like in arena quests so no need to grind for shit. I played frontier years ago though and I think I only got up to the wyvern that barfs monster parts at you. I did fight erzerion (the last monster in the pic) but in PSO2 lol

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>Armored Seregios
>Scales are much longer and form a sort of protective shell around his head
>must be broken in order to stun Seregios at all, but they can eventually regrow

Theres probably some other junk that could be done with it on top of that idk


>Tetsucabra and Malfestio
>SnS, LS, or GL depending on the game
>Val Habar


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Frontier monsters that would fit aesthetically in mainline;
>Hypnocatrice (he already made it to mainline)
>Lavasioth (he already made it to mainline, but I wish he hadn’t)
>Akura Vashimu
>Akura Jebia (they’d probably just add Vashimu but give him Jebia’s extra moves and shit)
>The Orugarons
>Dyuragaua (please don’t though)
>Doragyurosu (way better than >Berukyurosu, please just do this guy instead and say that the base species they’re descended from is extinct or something)
>Abiorugu (kinda redundant though since Glavenus took his gimmick and did it better)
>Shantien (he’s discount Amatsu, and once they got the real Amatsu in Frontier they ignored this guy hard, so he’s redundant too)
>Hyujikiki (also had his gimmick stolen by Seregios, now he’s redundant)
>Giaorugu (add him instead of Abiorugu, same excuse as Doragyurosu)

Frontier monsters who are kinda out there but would still fit;
>Laviente (too god damn big though)
>Odibatorasu (the cannon looks pretty silly but otherwise he’s quite inoffensive)
>Midogaron (fine in terms of appearance, but his speed and teleporting is kinda over the top)
>Rebidiora (Rukodiora is more interesting imo, no need for this sub anyway)
>Forokoruru (very vibrant colours but also he’s fucking massive for a Bird Wyvern)
>Guanzorumu (besides the spikes on his ‘crown’ he isn’t too put there for a Frontier Elder Dragon)

Frontier monsters that just don’t fit mainline’s aesthetic, at least not without a makeover;
>Aruganosu and Goruganosu (they look fine but they’re literally just a gold and silver generic Piscine Wyvern that swim through solid fucking rock)
>The Gougarfs
>Mi Ru
>all the remaining Elder Dragons
>Burst Species
>Origin Species
>Zenith Species

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It's not *a* Great Jagras, it's THE GREATEST Jagras

Greatest Jagras has some devestating attacks user.

>Frontier will outlive exhentai

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Nerg and Velk are already in mainline, so I dont know who else


Oh fuck yeah!

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he keeps getting banned and keep coming back lol

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Holy fuck, why are mentally ill ninceldildos like this

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Wait, did Capcom actually make a super strong Great Jagras?


doesn't matter if you kil it

he shitposts all sides

For what purpose? Guess I need to finally get back to playing World.

Sounds rad.

For the memes I guess. Oh and tons of decos

is it the best deco farming?

Sure thing retard

Hey pard, what brings you here?

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From what I've heard, it is.

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Lavasioth is better, but that quest isn't running now for some reason. Greatest Jagras is much better than anything else you can do.

Some say the tempered lavasioth event quest is better due to higher worn feystone droprates, but it's not up yet (for the PC) so greatest jagras is the best one currently

Part of me believes they'd add more new/returning Elder Dragons asides from Oroshi, Alatreon and maybe Fatalis. The only mid-sized Elders left are Chameleos, Gore/Shagaru and Valstrax. Popular large ones include Amatsu, Gogmazios, Dire Miralis, Dalamadur, etc.

Basically if we go by the one trailer left rule, there won't be any more Elder Dragons besides the 3 I first mentioned.

Greatest Jagras is unironically one of the best fights in the game and a joy to fight.

Amatsu isn't a large Elder.

Why the agression user?

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yeah, just make sure to make it puke as much as it can for the drops and ignore the deviljho, he has no chance against the greater jagras

classic hunting horn bro

Monster hunter ps2
Probably the tri village

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Memes and high deco drop rates. After he’s eaten he spams his vomit attack and every time he does it there’s three shinies in the vomit pile and each one is a deco.

is it safe to install MHW on my SSD? since there's Denuvo in the game and I can't find any solid proof that it won't deteriorate my SSD faster, I'm hesitant to move it from my HDD

>Switch Axe but I might change to longsword seeing the new moves they're adding in iceborne
>As much as I like astera, Moga village will always be special to me
Glad to see there are other tri bros out here

Monster Hunter 1
Chameleos. Because it is cute. CUTE!
Striker Charge Blade
Kokoto Village

Loc Lac

It would be very dissapointing if they left out Cham, Gore/Shaggy, and Val.

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Great taste.

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>Shovelface or pinecone
>Pokke the best

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god damn why does world run like shit


Chameleos, Gore/Shaggy seem like they have a 50/50 chance. However Valstrax feels like he's too anime for world. I mean he literally sounds like a jet when he flies.
>inb4 bro glav moves like a samurai bro hes anime too

There is anti-cheat in the base game. It's just very poor anti-cheat.

>MH6 will most likely be on RE Engine

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They really don’t care about things being too ‘anime’. And jet sounds aren’t that big a dealbreaker considering Bazelgeuse was designed to sound like a B52.

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Well yeah, Glav throws that argument out the window, especially with the Acidic subspecies, who studied the ways of the blade and harnessed the power of god and anime to cut down his foes. If we can have the dinosaur with a heated sword for a tail and his samurai cousin, we can have the jet dragon.

>Great taste
More like tastes great, I wanna try a Chameleos Burger! Some Oonazuchi Sushi!

Baruragaru’s ecology focus is pretty neat, he seems much more like a real animal than most other Frontier monsters.

The Frontier monster I want the most in the mainline series, along with the wolf duo.

Really hope the subspecies from these guys give some new water, sleep, or paralysis weapons.

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It's on its deathbed, with ~4 hours left.
Shame, since C96 is just a couple weeks away

There are real life animals that use jet propulsion and other similar forms of locomotion. Conceptually Valstrax isn’t actually that unrealistic, he’s actually more realistic than an animal with a sword like tail in that regard. Obviously his design and how they incorporated the jet propulsion into his body is pretty crazy, but it’s hardly too far out there by MH standards.

Do you think squids are too anime just because they have jet propulsion too?

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You don't know how jet engines work if you think that's even remotely realistic.

Valstrax's design was probably influenced by the peregrine falcon, the fastest animal alive

>he seems much more like a real animal than most other Frontier monsters.
That's not saying much when its other competition in Frontier is a generic JRPG ice dragon and a DeviantArt OC with a fanfic ability to trample on other mainline elders.

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When I think about it, it's not that Frontiers monsters weren't that unrealistic, it's just that their designs were cluttered with too much spikes, and the constant AoE attacks made them look over the top and flashy.


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Squids don't look like a stupid mecha dragon with rockets

What environments do you think these assholes’ subspecies will inhabit? That might give a clue as to what status or element they get. We know that Acidic Glavenus is the Rotten Vale’s new subspecies, and that Ebony Odogaron and Fulgur Anjanath are invaders on all maps, so that leaves Ancient Forest, Wildspire Waste, Coral Highlands and Elder’s Recess without a new subspecies.

Pukei-Pukei is found in the Ancient Forest and Wildspire Waste, so his sub will probably not be in those maps.
Paolumu is found exclusively in the Coral Highlands, so his sub will probably not be in that map.
Tobi-Kadachi is found exclusively in the Ancient Forest, so his sub will probably not be in that map.

My guess is we’ll get a Paolumu subspecies for the Ancient Forest that gets Water as an element and a Pukei-Pukei sub for the Coral Highlands that gets paralysis or sleep. I’m not entirely sure about Tobi, but the two outs ones I see are; Tobi sub in Wildspire Waste and Steel Uragaan returns for Elder’s Recess, or Tobi sub in Elder’s Recess and Sand Barioth returns for Wildspire Waste. I think that second option is more likely because I can’t see a Tobi sub working in a desert, whereas the Recess has a lot of enclosed spaces for him to jump around and off of and shot like that. No clue what element or status he’d get though.

TLDR my guess is Water Paolumu in Ancient Forest, Sand Barioth in Wildspire Waste, Sleep Pukei-Pukei in Coral Highlands and some kind of wildcard Tobi-Kadachi in Elder’s Recess.

I’m not saying animals having literal jet engines is realistic, but plenty of animals use jet propulsion and Valstrax is basically that but dialed up to 11.

Case in point

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We don't hunt regular squid in Monster Hunter either so that counterpoint is moot.

How do i git gud with the glaive?

stop flying around and learn your endless bnb combo. i dont play glaive that much so i forgot the input for the combos.

valstrax is made for fucking
your girl is a slut for hunter cock

>Nergigante is a Frontier OC
Listfag please, it’s getting tiresome.

You aren’t fooling anyone, Ryu.

That’s a point. I don’t think Zeniths and Musous towards the end of the game’s life helped that perception much either.

I want to fight that OP White Fatalis that deletes your hunter from the arena with laser beams

Honorable mention to the fire Rajang, Raviente and the giant fire deer.

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I fucking swear to God I will never understand how anyone finds fighting Teostra enjoyable in the fucking slightest.

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About to take on AT lunastra, is that alright ? Was warned about wind pressure but do I need it to its fullest ?
>inb4 ur not optimized

Based. It's by far the comfiest, used to chill in the back of the house where the sword was.

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Niggergante also sounds like a jet when doing certain attacks though

Tri had the lowest roster size, not the lowest monster variety, you dumb worldbab.

>>inb4 bro glav moves like a samurai bro hes anime too
inb4s doesn't nullify what cracks your headcanon

Not a squid, and the methods of movement aren't even remotely similar. Val is a rocket dragon.

The reason this is false equivalence is that all forms of jet propulsion utilize liquid and are either done in the ocean, or at sea level. Valstrax is literally an Ace Combat fighter jet and utilizes the mechanical methods of jet propulsion. Val works exactly like a fucking fighter jet even in the official explanation for how his propulsion works. He doesn't work like a squid.

>No Adrenaline food
>Only three people in the combat team

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Valstrax is an unironic jet dragon with rocket fuel bursting out of its wings. It's one of the least realistic monsters in the entire series. It even sounds like a rocket when flying. You people keep mentioning squids and jet propulsion, but It isn't a squid and no animal flies, or moves, around like it in real life.

Can anyone give me a quick rundown on Kulve? I feel like looking up a guide would ruin the fun but at the same time I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.

I didn't want Val, but reading this post really makes me want him in just to see retards like this drop the whole REALISM shitposting.

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Valstrax is pretty out there but so are most Elder Dragons. What’s the hubbub about?

I want Val but fuck if I'm gonna pretend he functions as an actual animal.

Who the fuck thinks any of these monsters function as an actual animal? This isn't fucking Hunting Simulator

The mental gymnastics is insane

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When pursuit level is 1 focus on breaking shit, go until 3rd phase if you can then leave the quest, don't abandon it. 4th phase is needless when pursuit level is 1 because you won't be able to break the horns. If you're in a populated session, once you're done with the first quest, the pursuit level should have risen to 3 or 4, then you can attempt to break the horns in 4th phase

Is there an element that is a must on weapons?
Also, is poison stuff worth it?

Some retard ITT said that Valstrax is one of the most realistic monsters in the game because of jet propulsion.

Also forgot in previous post: for phases 1 to 3 have partbreaker jewels equipped, or the charm

Obviously the faggot meming about squids and jet propulsion.

well that's a fucking retard alright.

Valstrax's status as a flagship hopefully means he won't sit on the bench for 4+ games like some of the other non-flagship EDs.

You need to break parts of her coat to increase the pursuit level. The higher the pursuit level, the longer it takes for her to run away next time, and her parts become even easier to break. The end goal is to reach her fourth phase and break her horns, at which point you get your rewards and the pursuit level resets. First phase you need to soften her up with cannonballs. Second phase you need to smack her chest to get her enraged and liquify her metal coat. Third phase you need to destroy every part of her metal coat so she detached it completely (if the pursuit level is high enough and your team does enough damage you can actually break her coat entirely in phase 2). Fourth phase you fight her properly and have to break her horns to finish the hunt. There’s an optional fifth phase that nets you better rewards and is accessed by enraging her in the fourth phase after all her parts have been broken enough times. It takes several hunts to complete fully and progress on the pursuit level is tied to the lobby you’re in, so find a good lobby of people dedicated to farming her and just follow their lead and you’ll figure out the specific details as you go along.

All natural life that utilizes jet propulsion can't do it in continuous bursts, and utilize a completely different method of achieving it. Not only that but they're all marine life which negates two important factors - the impact of gravity and air resistance. Water resistance works differently, but because of most organisms being less dense than water they can float. All marine life that use jet propulsion utilize a nozzle that determines the exact strength of the burst. At that point they expel oxygen, effectively shooting out an exhale at extreme speeds.
Unlike those marine life that utilize jet propulsion, Valstrax doesn't exhale breathe through a nozzle. That picture alone proves it. They designed Valstrax around the idea of an oxygen fed reaction engine. That can only be found in jets; artificial, mechanical, unnatural jets. Something that only occurs in nature on a macro level in universal physics in celestial bodies.

I said conceptually it was grounded, not that the final design was.

In all honesty, anyone that says a monster should be kept out of a game because of realism of all things should be ignored. Hate Val for being too over the top, anime, or whatever, but his chances of appearing in Iceborne and future games won't be affected by how unrealistic he is. In fact as a flagship, you can expect him to be a series staple, only taking a break in between 2 games at best.

How the fuck is "Let's have a dragon that is literally a turbojet engine" more conceptually grounded than "Let's have a dinosaur with a sword for a tail?"

Neat, so I should use the cannons then. Any recommended weapons? I tried the quest with GS to check out the arena and she didn't have many openings.

I explained it above. The concept was ‘creature that moves with jet propulsion’, which isn’t far fetched because jet propulsion occurs in nature. The design evoking actual jet engines and propulsiom though is where it crosses into the realm of fantasy. On a conceptual level it’s nothing too out there, it’s how the concept was depicted that makes it unrealistic. That’s not even a bad thing.

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i use hammer, also bring barrel bombs+ when she digs in the second phase for extra damage. if you have temporal mantle, use it, she is too big and you might not able to dodge her rolls which is something you should be aware of and also if she starts to shoot fire at the ground, stay away from her our you'll be getting fire damage

In the early pursuit levels yeah. Pursuit level 5 and 6 it’s quicker to just jump down and attack her yourself, you can break a couple parts and get her enraged before she even reaches the room for phase 2. Try to memorise the locations of droppable boulders too (there’s a couple in the room for phase three, not just phase one, they’re quite useful) and when she crawls through a hole in phase 1 try to remember which one she crawls out of, regardless of pursuit level or the route she takes each hole is linked only to one other hole, so you can predict with 100% accuracy which hole she’ll pop out of next.

Don’t worry Zinogre, you’re in too. You’re just so popular that to build hype Capcom are leaving your invite til last!

I really like this image.

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there there, capcom is holding a special occasion just for you, ziggy

>Last monster teased is Seregios

tfw failed nerg after getting him to the last zone
tfw not gonna get to tempered elder hr in time to do all the event quests

Ignoring the dumb jet propulsion fag, I'd fucking love it if Valstrax made it into World but they really would have to do him justice.
>keep the pristine and fair hitboxes that made his fight feel really polished in comparison to other monsters. If I can't weave through his wing-spear attack or stand in-between the fingers of his wing slam attack like in GU, then the World devs half assed his inclusion
>don't fuck up his theme
>don't make me fight him in a super tight environment like Ancient fucking Forest, Wildspire Waste or Elder Recess would be ideal or whatever the new map is (haven't seen it yet)

I hope they rework statistic screen at end of the mission. Absolutely useless information like how much slingshot fired or monster poo collected. Give us god damn damage numbers.

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On a conceptual level the moment it was anything but a marine animal it crossed into fantasy.
The kind of jet propulsion you're thinking of? Insect glaive does it. Air bursts. That's what happens in nature, and even then it only happens underwater.

They should do a tease like Smash did with Banjo. The silhouette looks like Zinogre but then it’s revealed to be Seregios sitting on top of Akantor or something, only for the real Zinogre to jump out afterwards.

There are no fire breathing dinos in real life, nor are there any sword tailed dinos. Throw your retarded ideas out the window. It's perfectly possible for a valstrax to have evolved an engine organ in the monster Hunter universe. You have spell casting black dragons ffs

well, hitbox wise they are doing mighty fine with Narga's tight hitbox, and Tigrex absolutely horrible hitbox
authentic FU experience

>tfw exhentai going fucking down

I'm archiving some of the monster ones.

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is zinogre the banjo of monster hunter world?

Tigrex really wouldn't be much of a threat if he didn't have a full body hitbox on every move even when it doesn't make sense

That's just fucking wrong. It's not a big conceptual leap to go from "dinosaurs with thagomizers" to "dinosaurs with bladed tails." It's a big fucking jump when you go straight to "dragon that flies at supersonic speeds because it's a fucking jet engine."

Post them once you finish downloading

more like him and Brachydios were the Lucarios of MH up until World where they got cut until they inevitably return in Iceborne.

>30 minutes for AT lunastra
Wew. Is it normal or am I just shit


is sad to see one of the greatest sites for hentai is being taken down because muh children. the internet is no longer the virtual wild west that it used to be

This is Monster Hunter. Nobody gives a fuck about realism. Kys nigger faggot.

Having some iron build up on your tail or chewing on materials like flint and expelling flammable liquids to carrying the fire isn't the same thing as a fucking reaction engine. You're literally a fucking retard. Like, an actual fucking retard.
Do you even understand how difficult it is to build and maintain a jet engine from the 1970s? Most countries can't do it. In fact it's literally easier to split the atom, enrich uranium, and build a nuke than it is to develop a modern fighter jet. That's part of the reason only the US, France, Germany, and Russia build their own fighter jets from scratch.
Reaction engines capable of sustained terrestrial flight are one of the most difficult things to build in the world.

Godspeed user

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you just can't risk it, even if it takes you half an hour as long as you manage to do the quest, is fine

Oh but it's perfectly fine to have literal dragons that call down meteors, thunderstorms, shoot sustained laser beams. Or a mantis that spin webs and control giant mechs. Or a giant serpent that shapes the earth. You guys are turbo autists.

t. actually thinks a turbojet engine is more likely to naturally occur than some dinosaur with a glorified tail weapon

>Val is realistic because squids
>"let me explain to you why that's bullshit"

I did almost all AT, didn't do xeno and zorah, and they took 15 to 20 minutes each except nergi. I did play safe against luna but what added so much time, does she get a fuckton more health ?

more base health and some of the worst hitzones on any monster

You are a literal retard. Im not the squid user. Im saying Monster Hunter isnt about realism, in their universe anything is possible. Youre a nigger and you never said shit above aforementioned monsters. To you, its perfectly realistic for such monsters to exist, despite being contradictory to your views about Val

Also mech mantis was fucking retarded too and is more fitting in a Lost Planet game than Monster Hunter. And that Dalamdur shit is flavor text with no supporting canon material, AND BESIDES THAT, even fucking ants can reshape the planet given enough time.

pretty generous of capcom to give us a second chance to get everything we missed. now i can do the DMC quest but the greatest jagras is definitely what i liked the most.

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I'm really only doing it for layered sets since nothing matters once IB is out.

>monsterhunter threads get infinite replies and there are literally always at least 1 up at all times.
>mariomaker and final fantasy threads get holocausted at 100 replies for being generals
Jannie are you ok? Are you ok jannie?

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The whole argument is predicated on whether one is more realistic than the other. You don't get to upend the table like a toddler having a tantrum and decide you don't want to play.

the only reason why MH threads are left alone is because the furry jannies and mods are just waiting for the porn to be posted

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Ok realistic or not, who here actually hated Valstrax?

CTR threads suffer more than yours.

whats the hardest AT monster?
I don't want to kill them all so i'll just kill that one to soothe my autism

Not me. GU's G-rank was a downgrade in terms of difficulty compared to 4U but Valstrax sticks out.
AT Nerg. AT Zorah if you REALLY want to suffer

rank the AT elders from easiest to hardest to kill solo, I never killed any and I want to do it this weekend

>valstrax realism
>when crystal dragon jesus exists
What the fuck

chameleos is the most unrealistic monster
invisibility makes less sense than some jet wings

>the 5 week celebration is on
I only have nerg gamma gear, which of the other events should I get started on?

I haven't done the MEGA folder thing before but tell me if this works.!fcB1TSxD!6Zkd4-dKgozG_h5hEu0I5w

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So what's the rundown on PC vs PS4? PC runs faster but gets things later? I have both but I'm wondering which I should play World on

pretty much
and with PC you can get mods, which can be pretty damn fun

AT Luna is WAY harder than AT Nerg
AT Nerg is sufficiently hard to be a casual filter though, shitters will say his slams is bullshit

Thanks man, you're doing god's work here.

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Im sorta a turbo autist that got bored of base game so i got the insanely difficult quest mod installed,
Finally beat this shit

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Based. Yeah, it works.

well those are the only ones i've done so I guess I lucked out

Yeah as long as you play solo or keep track of him in multi you never get his by his insta slams. Just roll to the right. I can do it consistently without any crutch skills like Evade extender/duration

just install an ssd lol

Only Nergfags hate Valfie


thanks user, think I'm gonna skip zorah though. fuck siegeshit

Numerous instances where they keep bringing up jet planes, while dodging the question about how Nergigante can realistically take down an elder dragon without his elderseal bullshit.

I found nerg way harder with the horn
its just so hard to get a safe hit in with that fucking slam

His instaslam hitbox is fair desu, i like AT Nerg way more than the other ATs

then surely you can bring up archive links right?

The mods are letting them stay up while they try and identify listfag (he shitposts everywhere not just here, they wanna ensure he never posts again).


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I don't know what's hard to understand. He just gets in close and beats the shit out of them.

They're all relatively easy if you don't have any problem with the normal ones, most of them only get boosted stats. Only xeno and nerg have new moves

Meant for

My dad could beat up your dad requires no proof, just belief in dad.

new bread

Who's the listfag? I mainly go on Yea Forums.

>This guy
>Charge Blade
>Pokke Village

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