Who will win?
Who will win?
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>two anime characters
Who fucking cares
This isn't Yea Forums and its not even confirmed to be the next episode or even in this season
It'll just happen eventually
Alucard obviously
World over heaven dio
Won’t be used
Dio of course lol how is this even a question?
How does he kill Alucard?
By the end of the series Alucard literally turns into a concept.
It's not even a question.
Timestop and deletes all his life with rush attack.
How the fuck is Alucard supposed to win against something he doesn't even see?
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
Probably alucard, what could DIO even do to him?
>just punch him a literal billion times in 10 seconds lmao
Alucard exists everywhere, nowhere, elsewhere, somewhere at the same time. He literally can't be killed. He's as infinite as time itself.
Basedbasedbased-based based-basedbased
Alucard is the most laughably broken anime character, bar none. The very concept of his existence is erased from reality, and he just walks it off.
Also, notvidya.
He can't do Release Lvl 0 anymore since he had to destroy all the souls he had inside him in order to overcome Schrodinger's power, but these Death Battle things usually use the most powerful incarnation, right?
Who would win between Vanilla Ice and Seras?
delusional, Alucard cleans the floor with him
Alucard doesn't see The World, Alucard loses.
Very one-sided. It doesn't matter that Alucard cannot interact with The World, he can simply destroy Dio's body. Alucard is indestructible.
Doom Slayer curb stomps both.
I love DIO but Alucard would destroy him
DIO doesnt have any way to kill him
>dio can punch him invisibly and use timestop to not get hit
>alucard just cant die
unless its world over heaven dio then alucard wins
>dio traps Alucard
>dio tires him down
>Alucard tries anything but still fails because the second Dio sees any shit coming at him with a high velocity he just stops time
Alucard of course, he can't die while Dio is shrekt if he gets decapitated or if he or his stand get damaged enough.
What the fuck do you think DIO is? He got outsmarted and tricked by Jotaro multiple times.
How does DIO stop this?
DIO died by asspull, not Jotaro being better
This will be the result .
Alucard can't be killed by Dio, Dio dies from just a single anti vampire bullet...ho no how could alucard ever win !
>bullets doing any damage to The World
Vanilla obviously
You can't block his attacks only dodge them
the whole horse could damage the world with bullets
People saying Dio are retarded. Unless it was that dumb non canon ass game shit that was essentially fanfic levels of retarded he stands no chance. Because Alucard is fanfic levels of retard. Stopping time for 10 seconds against a being that potentially might have an asspull to do something similar as well won't give him shit. Thousands of lives that even a young Walter with his wire shit ripping through couldn't put a god damn dent in.
Those aren't bullets from some faggot pistol, those are literally cannons.
only stands can damage stands
even goku couldnt damage a stand
With antivampire shit in them I may add.
would work on DIO, but wouldnt work on his stand
only stands can damage other stands
His bullets and gun is a stand
>only stands can damage stands
Some stands can be damaged by non stands but those are the exception not rule
Not true, there's many times where they outright just threw a rock to a stand to hurt the user.
The world isn't a Vampire, he can interact with Hamon just fine.
Hol horse's gun and bullets were a stand.
All he has to do is steal the soul of a Stand user.
Alucard can't kill dio. Alucard bleeds like crazy and dio could use it to heal himself. it would take dio a long time to get through alucards regen.
It does not matter , all those years under the sea have made Dio a complete retard
Are you dense?
Or did you forget that stands can only damage other stands, not regular pistols that are not the Emporer
>Autism Battle
>DIO can wi-
And post shroedinger he literally can’t die unless he wants to. He would also ignore time skip
That's not how that works
>Hol horse's gun and bullets were a stand.
yeah thats my point, im hyping up hol horse
i love dio but alucard is basically a joke god character
no way he loses
It took the major getting Alucard to go level 0 and that took 50 years of prep work. Even then, he had to break some rules in order to poison Alucard.
Fucking relax, I didn't watch the faggot youtube video alright and I got sidetracked by the one user saying Alucard's canons were just a pistol. I'm sorry.
My point was that he could damage DIO with the weapons.
You know the entire horse never shoots dio right, im just saying he's someone who could hurt dio with bullets
specifically because his gun is a stand
Jotaro outsmarted, and then overpowered DIO. It was all fair play.
All I know is that Jojo is fucking shit that only teenagers talk about because characters are like pokemon cards.
Alucard said he can't be killed by a monster.
But why didn't Joseph turn into a vampire after Part 3 when he was infused with DIO blood?
His hamaon was inactive when he was revived and it only takes minimal contact with vampire blood to turn someone. Will Joseph turn after death like Dio, and vanilla ice? Will part 9 be about Joseph rematching Kars in space?
But thats half the fun. Most of the fights are decided by who can distort the rules of their card the most, like how Jolyne made a Mobius Strip out of her own body to counteract C-Moon's Surface Inversion
Hey I don't like gay sex either, to each their own.
DIO was confirmed to have infinite ability to stop time with enough...well time to adapt to his body. In the course of one fight his time stop doubled.
I think you lack the understanding of what a billion is.
*defeats them both*
Why do you retarded faggots care about this Death Battle bullshit when they've repeatedly shit the bed?
Soul Steal
>Jobs to a kid who wants to play rock paper scissors
stfu faggot. Doom Slayer is unironically not even that strong.
Yeah unlike Death Battle, right?
What did you say?
At this point he's had decades of training using Hamanon. His blood is infused with the stuff, even while he's dead. Even then, as soon as he begins breathing, his body is creating the stuff because he's taught to breath perfectly all the time.
All Joseph got was an unnaturally long life, which is why he's still alive at Diamond is Unbreakable.
But he beat the shit out of hell an infinite number of times canonically.
Because Hell thought that focusing on using technology was better than magic.
If this were the case, then Dio would have died instantly upon draining Joseph.
I wouldn't consider 79 to be unnaturally long, especially since he was senile and had written his will.
I'm a big JoJo fan and even I know Dio is heavily outclassed, now Dio Vs. Sakuya? That's a battle I'd like to see, it's even Yea Forums related
Sakuya would win her time stop is longer
Joseph is still alive in Stone Ocean
How the fuck is alucard supposed to lose is what you mean. Dudes nigh unkillable, even if he didn't pull batshit dimensional warping and weird ass tentacle dogs arms out of his bag of tricks.
Guess Hell fucking sucks in the DOOM Universe then.
But Dio can see in stop time, and Sakuya is as showy as Dio and will probably do the knife trick a couple of times which is easily countered and give Dio enough time to assess her abilities
>death battle
who freaking cares.
92 is long, but not unnaturally so.
Kars would be a more proper comparison.
That doesn't matter when her timestop is way longer plus time stop isn't her only time related ability plus she can also manipulate space
The longer Dio time stops the less punches per second he has to sustain.
I do, it's fun
The hell from his games isn't really anything special in terms of powerlevels is what he means. Sure doomguys pretty swag and all, but when you start getting into ass pulls it doesn't fly. It's like trying to put other relatively normal mechs up against demonbane.
But for how much longer? Also Dio has a stand, which Sakuya can't see, all he'd need to do is get within 5 meters and it's over
>she can also manipulate space
We have no idea what that really means other than that she uses it to fuck with people
Do zoomers even know about Alucard
Alucard literally can't die so this would go on for ages
Here faggots
>there are actually "people" over 12 who watch these garbage videos
OMM is literally random
Who would win in a fight?
They'll find a way to make Dio win.
Just like how they made Aang win by saying he can react to lightning.
>implying Joseph kept training
Is this any different from
>le xhinc chong ching Alucard & le dio have le des powers for no reason and rgey cant die and its le epic XD I love animooo
Isn't the later version of Alucard basically turboimmortal in the way that he cannot die as long as he believes he exists/wants to exist or some shit?
This Vs. Gionro's Requiem Stand would make the universe implode
She creates parallel universes made a mansion way bigger than it should be on the inside erasing objects speeding up time slowing it down She can age and deage dio in seconds time compression erasing time plus the amount of knives she throws is insane
Bruh Dio is so far outside of Alucard's league it's not even funny.
Ok this one is literally like dividing zero
Plasticman easily wins
>Is untouchable unless you can bypass the dimensional barrier
>Can insta-kill anyone
>Has unlimited extra lives
>Can just go to a different dimension if things get too hairy
>Can bring dozens of versions of himself from alternate universe to kick your ass
>Has the blessing of Jesus on his side
>Fights for his country
How could you stop him?
Yukari implies that Sakuya can really only slow down time, where are you getting those other time related skill from?
Aang beating Ed was retarded and a prime display of 12 year old playground logic
>age and deage DIO
ok retard
How does this make you feel?
>laughs in Golden Experience Requiem
This one will always make me butthurt. But I understand why he lost.
It's their research team, it's full of biased retards. That blonde dude, I don't even know or care about his name, that always comes in the QA videos is full of himself and always picks the winners by favoritism.
*beats both*
>Aang win by saying he can react to lightning.
speaking of lighting
>Sora Vs. Pit
>they show the fight against Ursula
>Ursula is very clearly summoning the lightning
>Sora has light speed reflexes because he can dodge REAL lightning
Old DB was full of retarded episodes.
They retconned a few by fan demand but left this one untouched because they hate Naruto.
Everyone shitposts about King Crimson, but how the FUCK does GER work?
His name is Ben Singer and he's a massive SJW
I love DIO but the truth is he exploded by getting punched in the leg by a teenager
>but it was his bad side
>but he was recovering from having his leg sliced off
>but Star Platinum broke diamonds that one time
doesn't matter, it just proves he can be worn down and killed by totally normal means
And to be honest I don't want them to retcon this one. I want to give Gaara a better adversary, even if he loses it would be a lot more of a honest episode.
Like Gaara vs Sandman, or Gaara vs Crocodile.
Make Toph fight Tera from Teen Titans, ffs. That would be a much better match up for her and I would actually love to see that one.
Does Steve have potions?
not a capefag here, can someone explain why this is dividing zero?
how much prep time does Steve get?
Not that one. It's the dude that did the research for the Ben 10 vs GL episode.
Ben actually looks like a chill dude, I don't wish them any harm.
Been a while since I watched Hellsing but wasn't Alucard's whole schtick that he couldn't die unless he actually wanted to?
Over Heaven DIO's time is infinite, and time erasure is useless as Golden Experience Requiem didn't work on him.
Isn't Over Heaven's range to actually manipulate reality only 5 meters though?
I liked this one. This logic is the same logic Ed should have had to win
Nah Ed would have lost that.
nope time stop is for the entire universe
he can only rewrite things he punches though and the world has a punching range of 10 meters
Unstopable force vs Umbreakable wall
Stop Watching Death Battle.
I think the biggest problem with this fight is that we have no idea how long Sakuya's time stop lasts, if it's infinite then it's effectively a draw, Sakuya is way faster than Dio and can fly, but really wouldn't have any way of fighting back unless Remi made her win
He has all of his best equipment + potions with a week of prep to boot.
Update more regularly then, nigger.
Technically he was still alive at that point but i agree dio would get bodied by alucard
You don't need to prep for hose pussy. It's horse dick that requires prep time.
>by totally normal means
Getting punched by Star Platinum isn't normal
if he has time to build redstone traps he has it in the bag
Dio because Hellsing was a shit show
*z-targets your omnislash*
Against jotaro sure but not against Aang. Ed just had to touch him and was way stronger in base form than Aang so it’s more likely he would have ended it before Aang powered up
Aang is literally a wizard with unlimited mana.
it's just force
Alucard cheats and that's what killed DIO in canon, so the lame unstoppable Vampire God takes it.
It's different from Alucard because Doomguy is actually a super wanked meme towards any threat. And it's different from both because Hell in DOOM is super beatable. Not a single commonly incomprehensible bit in sight.
Not even fallen angels made out of eyes and wheels.
>dio tires him down
alucard has never gotten tired or trapped though by anything other than the belmonts of his series
thats exactly how it works, summon the stolen soul as a familiar and it can use stands
He's vulnerable to instant kills and can be attacked when he emerges from the gap to attack you, so I guess just a gun would do the trick.
Fuck you 3rd hokage is shit
>Really wouldn't have any way of fighting back.
Didn't Jotaro just beat him by punching him really hard....AGAIN?
saitama would beat goku.
1. They have the same stand
2. He incapacitated Dio with D4CC
>DIOfags think they have a chance
Fuck even vampire Walter could beat DIO.
His stand is vulnerable not valentine and even the infinite rotation couldn't instakill him
But Jotaro punched his stand, she can't see stands and doesn't have one to punch with
Keep in mind that alucard can't see The world.
not like that matters when kenshiro beat jotaro
Doesn’t need to.
>3rd hokage is as strong as Hashirama
Fuck off, Seth
Alucard easily, he is way too op.
Dio can only stop time for less than 10 seconds, it's more of an annoyance for alucard than anything.
>She can't see stands
Okay, anyone who nonironically pretends this makes any sense in a world with actual heightened supernatural sense is a giga autist.
Everyone main character wise in Gensenkyo has anti-ghost, anti-phenomenon, anti-youkai, and anti-monster abilities but apparently stands are magically the only truly invincible thing.
Move over Demonbane, you can't beat The World, holy shit.
I mean the entire 'only stands can hurt stands' thing goes out the window when Death Battle let Izanagi hurt Star Platinum. Not to mention that Yu could see it in the first place.
Alucard could totally wipe base Dio no problem.
Alucard could just consume Dio.
Only way Dio would win is if they used Over Heaven, which they won't.
Kars vs Alucard would be more interesting.
calm down sperg, I'm just explaining how DIO died from a punch, don't get your pannies in a bunch holy fuck
Only in Jojo canon, not by the shit that Death Battle uses
Not that he'd need to
No one could get through alucards regen, dio got dizzy and nearly died from a punch to the head so all alucard has to do is point a gun and fire. Dio would be cocky enough for it to let it happen so theres that
>Everyone main character wise in Gensenkyo has anti-ghost, anti-phenomenon, anti-youkai, and anti-monster abilities
you can see those, not only that, if there was anybody in touhou who could see stands, it certainly wouldn't be Sakuya
>whoa calm down buddy, I'm just gonna pretend you didn't make a counterargument.
This isn't twitter sir.
Kenshiro and Yu pretty much already have stands, so it's fair game
How can anyone watch Hellsing and think DIO could beat Alucard?
Alucard has ridiculous endurance and healing, he has familars he can summon, he can spawn an entire army and more
DIO has knives and punches, both of which Alucard will shrug off. Jojo vampires are kind of meh compared to Hellsing. Being unable to see the stand doesn't mean shit.
Not video games.
Alucard beats Dio with and without shroedinger right?
Death Battle’s researcher says Dio wins
Alucard is the product of angsty edge
Dio is the product of a closet gay westaboo
Alucard’s plot armor will be stronger no matter how it’s cut
No one in Gensokyo has a stand, it's pointless to just break rules simply because one thing doesn't exist stands don't exist in that universe
Sorta, I'll give you that.
No. If anything it's a much deadlier Hamon.
Yes, there is no conceivable way any form of Dio can win against either Alucard
Counterargument? I wasn't even the person you were having an autismfest with, but your counterargument was shit anyways. DIO can fly at high speeds by hitting shit with his stand, and The World Over Heaven is unfair as shit. It defeated the power of infinity and the power of zero, it's only weakness was a copy of itself combined with dimensional bullshit. Suck my dick loser, she would get shit stomped.
Also vaporizing freeze and space ripper stingy eyes.
does it seem like Death battle is always way outclassed or just bullshit
There are some fair fights sprinkled inbetween, but the fights are typically stomps since it's matching the characters up by (vague) similarities
>Fuck you, I'm gonna argue this, I'm not a conceited autist!
>DIO can fly at high speeds by hitting shit with his stand
Have you played ANY Touhou game, they're capable of full 3D dimensional flight, not glorified hulk leaps.
>The World Over Heaven
Fanfic bs and if we're gonna go into assisted transformations, the Touhous can shadow each other, and her master Remilia has fate manipulation.
>The rules that don't exist in this dimension or this height of supernatural ability still count because....
Never mind the ghost alley
>3D dimensional
lol whoops.
Simon Belmont and his galaxy power level would wipe them both out.
Raimi can't see stands, she just knows that stand users have some kind of special ability simply because they can see her
depends if they're counting twoh dio
if so, dio
I said the ghost alley, not Raimi.
Also Rohan didn't get his back ripped when the souls stole Cheap Trick so Araki's not exactly pulling off Hunter X Hunter in ability consistency.
I really wanna make my own video game or anime/manga so that I can see people debate about which characters are stronger.
Should be Kars instead. Kars was way more dangerous than DIO.
the process was interrupted by the ghost hands
>Ultimate Lifeform
>Doesn't even have a stand
>Jobs to an arm.
what a fag.
make me the strongest
>Interrupted by the ghost hands
>Which are supernatural
>Which can manipulate stands
>....obviously this means stands can only fight stands makes sense in a universe/character base where heightened supernatural is extremely common.
A persona is literally a stand.
Ok. So share your evidence then.
>The world isn't a Vampire, he can interact with Hamon just fine.
This is not true.
>Anime battle on V
Couldn't one just suffocate the other?
Too bad both anime series for this are bad. I really wanted it to be good, but even the art doesn't stand up to the fantastic stylized grit of the manga. It's just not animated well enough, and they use too many superimposed effects. It's too clean. The audio is garbage, too.
The revived Toonami block aired Hellsing Ultimate a few years ago so yes, they know about it.
Imagine thinking that power levels are any more real than pro wrestling. Imagine thinking that the outcome of a fight isn't solely based on what makes a more compelling story.
>DIO keeps timestopping Alucard, tears him apart
>Al's literally reduced to a puddle
>DIO starts ranting autistically about victory
>Al's puddle suddenly becomes a giant mouth that snaps shut on DIO while his guard is down
Except dio would know that vampires can regenerate from puddles.
>they will not used over the world dio
Those faggots have allways used media thats not canon or that could barely be considered canon at all.
He forgot in this case.
God, I fucking hate power level faggots. They're part of what ruined Yea Forums, and holy fuck are they annoying. SCPfags, Yea Forumsutists, Batfags, Doomfags, Kirbyfags, etc, they're all so fucking annoying.
>DIO had several opportunities to kill Jotaro within stopped time
>instead keeps his adversary alive which allows the latter to learn time stop and beat the former at his own game
DIO died for being an absolute retard, not asspull.
Dios head cant regenerate from being turned into a puddle
the world dio has no means to kill alucard
the world over heaven dio wins instantly
Samus stomps master chief. We all know this.
World over heaven would be against shroedinger who can resist reality warping
shroedinger fucked alucard up so much he spent like 50 years killing every soul inside him just to be one again : it's not exactly a boon to him
>it's not exactly a boon to him
It is now that hes in control of it, especially since Alucard doesnt want anyone but a human to kill him so that would render Dio unable to do anything to him.
Make fun of him for being fat
Allow me
I know he says that, but it doesn't make any sense considering that he and straits both did that in part 1 and 2
oh right I forgot about that last part
yeah I guess you're right
>A demi-god
>Losing because a vampire can stop time
That's a stupid matchup, Dio wouldn't stand a chance.
Now Cars on the other hand-
shouldn't kars GET a stand by virtue of other stand users existing?
Does Alucard count as a living being? If so shouldn't Kars get all of his powers?
ok Yea Forums, who would win?
alucard or T H I R T Y S I X KARS ON MARS
>josuke can summon cars by using crazy diamond on josephs hand
a-all thirty six of them?
Whichever one josephs hand is stuck to.