He's an ideas guy

>he's an ideas guy

Attached: loffit-shigeru-miyamoto-03.jpg (900x649, 215K)

>want to develop games
>care far more about the gameplay/level design philosophy than the actual programming

No he isn't.

What is he?

Just learn to program enough to be able to build prototypes, then get investors to pay for your code-monkeys. That makes sense, right? I dunno.

Good idea guys are great and rare, but you'll always have a horde of jealous code-monkeys pretending they aren't. If they could understand why they're so expendable, they wouldn't be. That's the irony.

>At Nintendo Co. Ltd.:[1][2] Designer (1977–1984)
>General Manager of Nintendo EAD (1984–2015)
>Senior Executive (2002–2015)
>Representative Director/Creative Fellow (2015–2017)
>Representative Director/Fellow (2017–)
Not to mention he was the artist for many of the early games.

None of that is quantifiable in the mind of an autistic who fell for the STEM meme.

Matters not. His job isn't idea guy, nor has it ever been.
You want a creative consultant for that.
As for the job people usually think shiggy does, that's creative director, although that isn't his job either.

Yup, just synonyms for "ideas" guy.

Yeah, if you're retarded.


He coded games on his own you cuck


No he hasn't. Show proof.

Are you implying that that guy is incorrect because Miyamoto can code?

Typical idea guy cope
Stop coming up with excuses to not learn a useful skill, I bet you don't even have enough ideas to fill out a GDD

Blueprints alleviate some of that suffering. Take your time and go through some extensive tutorials, and take an online class on logic. You'll find that game logic is kind of game-like in itself.

Why do people try to spread misinformation and lies about this guy so much?

exactly right, nintendiedrones seething

>useful skill
Keep jacking off about how useful you are while you work for an "idea guy" until you are replaced lol.