Moonlighter and This War of Mine are the current free games.
>B-b-but Epic only gives out shitty indie games!!!1
Moonlighter and This War of Mine are the current free games.
>B-b-but Epic only gives out shitty indie games!!!1
Other urls found in this thread:
I already have for honor for free since fucking ages thanks to ubisoft themselves. And Alan Wake has been on DIRT CHEAP ($1) sales for fuckign years now you autistisc chink
This, is epic even trying?
Didnt you just post this thread like an hour ago?
Your meme's shit m8
Saved,based epic chad see you soon on the battlefield
It's the shitty starter edition
Reminder: Epic is so incompetent that if you uninstall the "free" games from your computer, they are no longer free on your account
And Enter the Gungeon has never gone below $7.49 and I got it free on Epic Store
i love beijing tiananmen
said no one ever
Worst fucking forced meme in this plane of existence
Lmao what the fuck
>spam Yea Forums with your worthless memes
>turns out its a Yea Forumsedditor
daily reminder not to give epic your credit/debit card
>doe honor
>alan wake
i'd take the shitty indie games than those piles of dog vomit
I could just pirate them from the shadiest possible source if I wanted Chinese malware on my PC.
These games already went for fucking dirt cheap if not outright free.
Trying too hard user
Of the four, only For Honor has been free
And lowest price Moonlighter has been is $9.99 according to SteamDB - that's not cheap, but then again, Steam users buy games and then don't even play them.
>sorry, you are rate limited please wait and try again
What the fuck
I was only talking about Alan Wake and For Honor. Alan Wake especially went for like under five bucks.
Moonlighter is fucking garbage why would anyone want to play that?
And This War of Mine is just okay.
>Alan Wake especially went for like under five bucks.
Instead I get it for free
Another example is Subnautica whose lowest price was $9.99 and I got it free on Epic Store.
You could already get those free years ago. Nothing new.
>You could already get those free years ago.
When? Where? Like I said, only For Honor has been free of the games mentioned.
Epic bros.... we're going home....
>complaining that you can't play a free game again after you're done with it
Who hasn't played Alan Wake at this point? That game has been dirt cheap countless times, and maybe even free at some point iirc?
okay, this is epic
Every other fucking launcher that gives out free games lets you keep them, why can't Epic just not be retarded when it comes to programming their shitty store?
You really are a sad shill ain't cha?
>A total bullshit story and Yea Forums believes it just because it feeds into their "EPIC BAD" mentality
Beggin' ya Steamcels to have sex
they're a new company and still getting used to programming, just wait
Free westerngames yes
This is epic
Tmes you acted like the mask?
>Bouncer asks me for my ID
>Give him HIV instead
>have laptop+PC
>have to buy new HDD
>or reformat
>or reinstall because XYZ fucked up
Oh yeah these things never happen
Never happened to me
>Alan Wake
you mean the game that's not only on steam but has been consistently discounted to 1$?
>Oh yeah these things never happen
The original claim never happened - and Steam drones are literally willing to believe ANYTHING bad about Epic Store, up to and including that it's spyware
>Epic only gives out shitty indie games
indie or not, every game they have given away is indeed shitty
Gift horse, mouth yada yada yada. I don't see any reason to complain.
If you want something to complain take a look at steam and their retarded idea of putting a 40 cent minimum price on all games sold on Steam.
Fucking rarely. I've had one of those happen to me in the last 7 years. Ive forgotten more passwords in that time for sure.
Fuck this thread.
The Mask was a great movie and an excellent cartoon.
>trusting chinamen
>giving companies that resort to slimy tactics in an attempt to force you to buy from them your money
Enter the Guneon, Subnautica, Thimbleweed Park, City of Brass and Slime Rancher are shit to you?
Ever think you were just an unreasonable asshole with shit taste? Yeah, I think that's the reality my dude.
Only Subnautica is good because of the setting.
And EtG is bad Nuclear Throne.
All those games were already free one way or another, I can't wait for this shitty "store" to fall into obscurity.
i liked that ace ventura/mask cartoon crossover
what a fucking time to be alive
You know what never should have happened?
Son of the Mask. FFS who put that movie and this shit together? Should have just been more relevant to the comic and slap an R. Jim Carrey wouldn't just be doing comedy if that were the case.
That being said though, I honestly don't give a shit if those games are for sale on steam for 5 dollars or free of charge with Epic Store. What I want is convenience.
If Epic Store is gonna go the video game cloud route while competing with Steam, might as well have them communicate with Steam to regulate the fluctuation of sales and therefore both profit.
Maybe charge a few bucks to transfer games from one system to another. I don't fucking know. Anything to stop Yea Forums from constantly bickering and endless shitposting for things that really don't matter that much to begin with.
Now that I'm back on topic, lets get some real arguments going. Like who the fuck decided to use Son of the Mask?
>I can't wait for this shitty "store" to fall into obscurity.
Only one store will fall into obscurity, and it's not gonna be Epic Store
>celebrating free games when you can simply pirate
>have to install epic
>then have to install uplay
>for a dead game that was already given on uplay for free
>>celebrating free games when you can simply pirate
Steam drones were doing this for years
no videogame will ever match this scene
>one is a shitty walking simulator
>one is a dead multiplayer game desperate for more players
What about the first two?
>chinkoid spam is still going
Mods, how about you start doing your job?
Both look like some indie artsy fartsy "games"
So Epic gives games away everyone already has from the Steam give away?
Why is this retard spamming the mask shitposts everywhere? Is this the same faggot that was spamming killua a few days ago?
>Recettear rip off
>pretentious anti-war survival game
fuck off chink shill
They are good for 2-3$.
It's just your average autist sperging out before they finally go shoot up a school
13. Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts.
Was the Son of the Mask good?
I never actually watched it because the old ass video rental store in my backwater town closed down before I got to try it out.
Aren’t you the guy that was complaining he got banned for saying nigger?
It was prob on CS on steam and that also explains the antiCS schizo
>I actually get to play Alan Wake again
>on PC
Holy fucking shit, hot damn. I havent played it since it came out on 360, and that shitter of a console is long gone. It'll be nice to revisit the game, I hardly remember anything about it outside of it being pretty damn good.
I think there was a mask nostalgia thread on Yea Forums yesterday, and some user, or multiple anons, have decided to try to make maskposting a thing
You point a flashlight at enemies before you can actually shoot them. Rinse and repeat until the end of the game.
The writing is hella good but god damn the gameplay was not great at the time and certainly hasn't aged well.
>>So Epic gives games away everyone already has from the Steam give away?
>Being retarded enough to pay for games that were already free on Epic Store
Excuse me, hehe... "my bad"
What started all this mask posting i'm seeing?
Does this epic new meme hurt your reading comprehension?
It's not related to Yea Forums.
>someone makes a regular thread about a particular scene from Son of The Mask on Yea Forums
>3 days later, another thread SOTM thread
>someone posts the same scene and gets a ton of (You)s and reactions, followed by other threads on the same topic
It's only that one faggot from Yea Forums who's spamming it.
I'm a huge sucker for shit like Twin Peaks so I can guarantee that I'll enjoy myself.
>Implying Steam gave out any of the games in OP except For Honor
Don't you just love Yea Forums?
Go away chang shill.
Holy why are epic chads so good at creating eternal buthurt with creative postings
literal who? games
I know how to make this thread truly based...
This is so wrong I dont even know where to begin. Steamcels will literally sink to any low and make up any lie to discredit Epic.
Keep forcing this meme until it leaks to social media please.
Hey, Yea Forums user, can you or some other guy from Yea Forums tweet Jamie Kennedy about this terrible, borderline horrifying movie? He needs to know it was an affront to God to and everything that is alive. Thanks.
Why didn't pestposting take off bros...
Haven't both games already been free? I'm sure For Honor was free on UPlay then a month later free on Steam
I can't fucking stand that guy
Steam didn't even gave out For Honor, they gave out the Jewish starter bait edition
>Go away chang shill.
Uh, "no way jose"
NOBODY MESSES WITH THE FROG, SEE? (The frog meaning god)
steam basically gave away alan wake when it was about to be taken down
alan wake is overrated shit though
why is Yea Forums such cancer
>steam shill
>it's a /pol/fag
why is it always like this?
why can't you faggots play not dirty for fucking once? Is spreading your conspiracy theories seriously the only way you can make a post?
Alan Wake is so cheap and easy to get I found it in my steam library and didn't even know where it came from.
Credit to Epic for the free games, but so far it's been Origin on the House Peggle tier.
That movie is a hidden kino
Maybe it was part of a bundle years ago? Even I have Alan Wake on steam and I haven't even put in any hours on it.
>Instead I get it for free
hope you never delete it from you drive or its gone forever :)
based and chuckpilled
>absolutely seething over being BTFO
>pot calls kettle black by creating conspiracy identity for someone who dared not to suck EGS cock
>schizo Mask spammer is also a Epic shill
why am i not suprised
>A game released 7 fucking years ago is being given away
What the actual fuck, is this supposed to get me to support epic for some reason?
the quality of the movie is irrelevant, why does Yea Forums always try to force shitty memes by spamming them all over the site
It's just a mentally ill avatarfag. Nobody on Yea Forums like him either. He's a tripfag without a trip to filter unfortunately.
Filter his pics you mongoloid.
>he says on Yea Forums
oof, no fun allowed
he's just like every other autist on Yea Forums trying to push a shitty meme like sneedposting or SO YOU BE SAYIN
every year since 2014 has felt like Yea Forums forcefully trying to recreate the success of Baneposting
Plenty of fuckers have tried and succeeded at forcing memes by spamming them on the popular boards. I remember when that "well memed" pepe variant first started out, someone made like 5 threads on Yea Forums that were just him posting the original image, and then posting 10+ recolors of it without context or post content. Most anons were confused by it, but the original variant started to pop-up in threads around the site within a few days
That's what I thought. Must have been a long while ago because like I say, can't even remember getting it.
>filter a whole autists's image folder
Fuck that waste of time, I just ignore him.
So Steveposters are now Epic shills?
Wew laddie.
dont forget Boomer/Zoomer and NPCjack
seems like memes today are only made by autists longing for E-fame and adopted by newfags trying to fit in
Filtering takes like two clicks and they aren't even that many.
will israel ever be defeated?
The meme was already a thing by the time that faggot was doing that.
Better livestream it, user.
Yea Forums was the board who ate up that forced meme the most.
not suprising considering Yea Forums is one of the fastest IE newfag central
If you're not willing to pay for games, then they're all free with no need to use Epic's spyware.
Reminder if you hate steam you should hate egs more
Both are bad, but egs does everything steam does except worse
Alan Wake has been on multiple humble bundles throughout the years, meaning you could've bought it and American Nightmare with 1 dollar
Even on steam its on sale multiple times for just few dollars
For Honor has been free twice because ubisoft insists on keeping the game alive, and it deserves to because it's a genuinely fun game.
I've realized that people who keeps claiming these "free epic games" never actually play them. I'd reckon some people create multiple Epic accounts, claim all free games and then sell those accounts, others are just collecting games which they'll never touch because the Epic platform is so fucking shitty and clunky.
you gotta understand 1 dollar is alot of money to the chinese
thats about the same amount Tim pays them to shill here
EGS is truly the Son of the Mask of digital storefronts