
When did you finally realize Kingmaker is literally the best cRPG up to date since BG and Owlcat literally the only current devs capable of making a good BG3?

Attached: pf enhanced.jpg (1920x1080, 883K)

Other urls found in this thread:

When Owlcat dropped $2.37 into my bank account.

The game is pretty horribly imbalanced. But that's Paizo's fault, not Owlcat's.

Quite literally unplayable at “normal” difficulty until they came out with the 3rd dlc

>pretty horribly imbalanced
to be fair the difficulty is highly customizable and being able to build broken shit akin to BG2 is part of the fun, unironically.
If anything the enemies are the ones that get shafted since you can become so strong as to make demigods blush
As a matter of fact I don't think melees have ever been this absurdly overpowered in any other D&D game ever. The fact you stack so much AOO through teamwork feats spells the doom of most enemies, it's hilarious to see.
nonsense, literally.

Attached: Ghostly Guards ft. Attack of Opportunity.webm (1000x562, 2.85M)

the "kingmaker" part is boring as fuck and it takes up 50% of the game. cross genre RPGs are universally awful. just make an RPG

Still, it's "minmax or die" on 1x settings. Much like actual Pathfinder, but with less options.

When I bought it on sale and started playing it. It's still pretty buggy, for example there have been couple sidequests I haven't been able to complete and sometimes shit like fascinate stays on forever even though my characters are getting succesful saving throws. The Kingdom part is pretty shite though, but at least it's the best attempt at it in this genre. The one you have in NWN2 is fucking awful, same goes for Pillars.

Also the game is well balanced. You absolutely don't have to minmax on default settings. The first levels are tough but that's the same thing with BG1 and IWD1.

>horrid writing
>bugged beyond belief (actual gamebreaking bugs)
>horribly balanced
>horribly designed elements, even major selling points like the kingdom system is garbage

In what fucking dimension is this anything but sub-par at absolute best. Is it the same dimension where EA saves gaming?

>it's "minmax or die" on 1x settings.
I wouldn't say so, user.
You can make do with just story companions and a main character that has 19 in his primary attribute just fine through all the game.
Spellcasters actually have also never been as strong as in Kingmaker, even chain contingencies in BG2 can't compare to the damage of quickened true strike hellfire rays through grandmaster rod.
Teamwork feats and good spell selections don't require minmaxing and work just fine on Normal where you take 80% of damage only and crits are weakened.
As a matter of fact even bosses have low saves like most of them have garbage Will.

>for example there have been couple sidequests I haven't been able to complete and sometimes shit like fascinate stays on forever even though my characters are getting succesful saving throws.
I've played some new runs ever since the Enhanced Patch and I can't say I've run into any bugs besides a few typos and loading screen crash.
As for Fascinate, I'm guessing you are fighting nymphs, they have a fascinate aura that will perma fascinate every male humanoid character in range if they fail the save until the nymph is killed.
It was buggy as fuck on release but now it's bretty stable.

Attached: Harrim vs Ankou Swarm.webm (1920x1080, 2.68M)

I'd like to be more open to rtwp but it's the worst mechanic ever conceived. can't wait to play bg3 in sweet turnbase

Adding turn-based to BG3 would be a terrible design in so many ways that Larian would be genuinely stupid if they did it.

Making a long-awaited sequel to one of the most popular and well-known RTWP games and you change it to turn-based? Might as well cancel the game right now because that's a flop in the making.

I don't think you've played the game, only Unfair mode autists minmax. You can build anything you want and beat the game on Normal

>You can build anything you want and beat the game on Normal
This is so incorrect it's not even funny. One of the biggest complaints is precisely that not all builds are viable. The difference in this game is that you can't even progress with certain ones.

I was watching it on youtube for a while and I came to the realization that they game is boring! I bought dos2 and poe2 but decided to skip this unpolished frustration-fest.

What builds can't beat the game? I've played through 3 times now, and didn't get stuck for more than a day or two on certain bosses

The game is decent but I feel like these threads are just reverse trolling.

That's every thread on Yea Forums, there is always someone against the topic

Here's your tank for today, bro

Attached: Pathfinder Kingmaker Screenshot 2019.07.17 - (1920x1080, 3.29M)

The difficulty is weird, the party is OKAY at best, the gameplay is very old school D&D CRPG, which isn't necessarily a good thing (no, surprisingly enough most people DONT think prebuffing is the coolest shit). The min maxing is good if you are some D&D veteran min maxer but otherwise is overwhelming. Most people just want to play PALADIN, they don't want to play Paladin, and fighter, and rogue, and wizard, and three subclasses mixed in. Its also balanced funky. There is so much shit that breaks the game, like summons, but also so much shit that is just noob traps.

Its good for a specific niche, but thats not the same thing as being the best CRPG ever.

Shame it has PF rules. would have been god tier instead of good tier.

>Most people just want to play PALADIN, they don't want to play Paladin, and fighter, and rogue, and wizard, and three subclasses mixed in.
And the game is perfectly beatable with single class builds so long as you aren't on Unfair.
Single classes like Bard, Ranger, Cleric are actually extremely powerful pure and Wizard/Sorc don't even need to multi if you don't want to lose spellcasting progression by 1-2 levels which can be very annoying.
Regardless once you get Stinking Cloud and Haste all challenge is gone even on Hard.
You only need mercs/min maxing for Hard early game until Chapter 2 or so, and then for Unfair until you hit level 10-11 after that story party members manage just fine since you get exponentially stronger with each level and the gear properties are so strong later on as to make ToB seem like low level

Attached: Crag Linnorm Hard.webm (1280x720, 2.64M)

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Not yet.
>nonsense, literally
Idk about 3rd dlcs but the game did have a bug that outright stopped progression

I think he meant controlling the party, user.

>check out game on GoG
>Shit loads of overpriced DLC
get fucked, shill.

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I went to respec my Hedwig, just to see how much I could respec. (Turns out everything)
But repec is bugged as fuck, it just gives me 25 more points. You can have 28 of your main attribute at level 1, that's not right. And you can't just "skip" those extra points, you have to spend them all. So you either become broken, or just don't ever get to use the respec mechanic.

>the CRPG is great when all the talk in the thread is about becoming a munchkin and no one even mentions the story

How is a pure paladin? I like smiting evil.

Where do you go to respec? I feel like I fucked up my protag's build, as one of the subclasses I didn't check out just does the job better.

>The game is pretty horribly imbalanced
It isn't any more imbalanced than the average TT game, even considering Owlcat's inhouse changes to the ruleset.

Now what is garbage about the game (outside of RTwP) is Owlcat taking out basic features like crafting feats, having a horrible selection of archetypes or taking out sorcs' mechanic of changing spells when leveling, and on top of that, adding a shitty kingdom managing minigame that makes no sense, which nobody wanted or enjoys and that also doesn't really benefit from the gorillion of gamebreaking bugs.

Despite all of this though, it's easily the better CRPG since decades, together with Underrail
.>All that fuss for something that dies to Phantasmal Killer

Strongest paladin in any D&D game, however some late game enemies are CN because (((fey))) so you can't smite them

The base game alone is literally 120+ hours

Fucking CN fucking shits.

merc hire girl
only on normal and below by default

Even without Smite Evil, Pathfinder Pallies are a very solid class.
Plenty of smiting to do in other places either way, like Vordakai's tomb, Rangers get the pleasure of dealing with Fey.


>Playing RPGs for the story or the "Roleplaying"
If you want ebin make believe bullshit you'll have better chances with your local drama club.

garbage story.

Not yet. Just finished the tutorial and so far I'm not impressed. Does it get any better?

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>and didn't get stuck for more than a day or two on certain bosses
do you think faggots like him would spend more than 2 tries on a boss?

nah its garbage. don't believe the lies. stories bland. the only thing there is to do in the game is min max. look at these """gameplay""" webms
thats what it all amounts to. minx maxing, hitting pause before every encounter, pre-buffing, and than just running your dudes into the bad guys and watching the game play itself, and than do that for the 1000000 trash encounters the game throws at you. its boring garbage. at least if it had good roleplaying and story like FONV or KOTOR you can ignore the shit gameplay, but alas, it doesn't. OP is a shill

>at least if it had good roleplaying and story like FONV or KOTOR

Attached: 1561382454899.gif (360x314, 1.8M)

what would a pathbabby know about good roleplaying or story

That bear's face

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>find a horde of hungover f*y
>Communal Delay Poison
>Stinking Cloud
>spam Animate Dead
I love it. It's the most fun I've had with a game in years.

Attached: 1422042241505.png (600x539, 103K)

It was clear as day by the end of chapter 1. No one else has ever come as close to BG as Owlcat. I regret spending money on PoE, but Kingmaker was worth every penny.

Based dumb zoomer

I don't even like Pathfinder, try another poor strawman before pretending Obsidian or Bethesda can do RPGs, let alone good stories.

>pausing in a rtwp game is minmaxing
Bro just admit ur bad and drop the difficulty.If you want to minmax you wouldnt be letting the game play itself for you as you would be moving, focus swapping etc.

What are some good rpgs

PoE has convinced many zoomers they're hot shit. So when they get their teeth kicked in by a game with proper difficulty it's always the game's fault, and not theirs. Of course their ego couldn't take lowering the difficulty. I find it very funny.

Do you lack reading comprehension? Did I ever call pausing min maxing? Try again retard.

But shitfinder is easier than POE which wasn’t even difficult to begin with.

If it's easier, why are there so many complaints about the difficulty?

I didn't because I'm still encountering game-breaking bugs in my game and Owlcat won't so much as acknowledge them.

Wait till you get cloudkill.

Attached: Greater Enraged Owlbear.webm (1000x562, 2.55M)


Your point being?

>can't fuck barbarian girl


sorry your barbarian with 16 cha cant land a hit

No arguments here.

Yeah, Paizo is literally retarded. I can't believe based Russians succeeded so much even despite them.


Attached: Count Tanksalot.webm (1920x1080, 2.87M)

I hate shitmaker but you’re obviously a brainlet. Probably a turn based babby too. First RTWP rpg?

I don't wanna play this because it looks fucking ugly
I'd rather just go play something that can be enjoyable

M8 you’re just bad imagine not knowing how to get through arcane defense buffs.

I genuinely dont understand why Piazo wont let you fuck Amiri. I get that she is a canon character and shit but that still doesnt make sense when you look at Amiri showing up in multiple different settings

Smart man making smart moves. Shitfinder: Shitmaker is garbage

Yikes. These are the kinds of “””people””” shitfinder attracts
Bro can you just not be a cringe waifufag, stop caring so much about video game romances.

>+32 attack
>2d6+26 damage
why would you include something like that in your game?

I don't think I ever bother to memorize Dispel unless on spontaneous casters like Linzi.
Regardless Wisps get nauseated so easy that you can auto attack them to death even with absurd AC on Hard/Unfair.

Attached: Erastil be praised!.webm (1920x1080, 2.57M)

>Paizo is literally retarded.

I imagine they want tabletop players to be able to fuck Amiri if they want, and they think an "official" romance would interfere with that.

Literally the game didn't give you two possibly awesome romances such as Amiri and Linzi. Instead you get an elvish girl that wants to peg you.

It's a challenging optional encounter. Old-school game used to be packed of them, but of course they were before your time.

That's just normal Pathfinder. Kind of low, actually.
PF is a godawful tabletop for most things.

Did they add the furrys and robots yet?

Why not?
A 15th level fighter is sitting at 15 bab, probably +1 weapon focus, probably +3 weapon. +5 at least from stats and a -4 from power attack which they will almost always use. Im sure Im missing some fighter styles or someshit because I actually never built a fighter in pathfinder. Im sure you could reach +26 to hit or something similar.
And thats a single party member. The owlbear there is alone so why would it not be an absolute assmualer?

Because it's actually chump change compared to what your characters can get.
Take the goblin party member for example who has dual wielding, 15-20 crit range, 6+ apr, dex to damage on every hit AND up to 10d6 sneak on every single hit, nevermind that almost nothing in PF is immune to sneak/crit besides ghosts/oozes

Attached: Pathfinder Kingmaker Screenshot 2019.07.15 - (1920x1080, 3.61M)

Yes, exactly! Thank fuck Owlcat added the tiefling sisters, or your options were said half-elf slut, a fighter too dumb to liveo, or the literaly Hitler main villain. Inceldom was preferable to any of them!

Dude the best is way too much, it's pretty good but by no means does it even compare to Divinity 2 or even both Pillars
Lack of choice is my main complaint, also you never get to go to hell and have any meaningful discussion with a devil, same with the other games mostly but they arent in pathfinder

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>The owlbear there is alone
I thought that at first, too.

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Just ignore the brainlet. Your party can easily, EASILY handle that owlbear by level 10-11 at most.

>Muh no romance with "Iconic" characters
Blame Paizo, they're the ones enforcing this shitty term in the contract.

My humble mage/fighter with 14 base STR has 32 STR at level 16, 40 in Dragon Form, 38-59 damage with just +5 Fauchard/no power attack, never got a single point into it at level up.
I can't even begin to comprehend how much STR/damage a fully focused fighter would get in Kingmaker.
Nevermind Legendary Proportions giving a fuckton of weapon damage as well.

Attached: pf necrotopia.jpg (1920x1080, 236K)

Gonna play this after BG2 and then IWD.

Waiting for the PS4 version to play this

well, i didn't know because i'm perma-stuck on around lvl 6 in the game due to a bug, and we never played epic level shit in D&D

I pretty much disregarded all enhancement bonuses in my calculation, so yeah it could get far higher

The fact that her voice actor is clearly like 30 years older than the character is supposed to be is a little offputting

+5 Level Up
+8 Enhancement
+2 Bokken Elixir
+2 Circumstance from Ring
+6 Size
That's of course not counting +4 Alchemical from 1 Vivi/Alchemist, +4 innate from RDD/Abyssal Bloodline, +4 Sacred from Eagle Soul.
Anyways, even if you went pure 20 Fighter you can get +23 STR with ease,assuming you started at 19 you end up at 42.
And then you also turn into a huge dragon for fun and get +8 on top of that, late game weapons have Dragonkind III as
1 use/day.

I'll give you the combat is fun. If only they could write NPCs with even a remote resemblance of likeability.

>it's basically unanimously agreed upon that the gameplay and battles are the worst part of the genre
>make a CRPG focused mostly on battles and a shittier story

Attached: 1554097963214.png (500x536, 443K)

Vivi is unethical and as an ethical gamer I would never use Vivi

Don't tire yourself, he is not gonna listen. Turnfags are the most autistic and retarded idiots to ever walk the earth.

>t. pleb thast hasn't played ToEE, or pathfinder itself
Just because you ADHD zoomers can't stand one minute without watching explosions it doesn't mean other people can't have fun with RPG combat.

I'm playing Pathfinder right now, but I'd have taken a better story over an improved battle system, because it seems like the former was sacrificed for the latter.

>made by russians
>stronghold management
Hard pass

Should I fuck Fey or Demon pussy?

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This isn't unanimously agreed on at all. The community has been divided on whether isometric RPGs should be principally narrative driven or focused on ultra grognard simulation of the tabletop rule-set since like the day Icewind Dale came out.

Despite its faults the biggest strength of Pathfinder:Kingmaker is that since kickstarter resuscitated this genre it's one of the only games to even try to do both.

desu Kingmaker is one of the weaker narratives of the APs since its designed to be very open ended. They should adapt a much more exciting one next.

Maybe second darkness but rewritten to be slightly good

fey is meant for purging
demon whores are meant for breeding

People seem to think Ironfang Invasion is what they're working on next.

Oh I agree, it gets points for trying to balance both combat and narrative but narrative is clearly what got the shorter end of the stick.

>one of the weaker narratives of the APs
Very true, but the Russians did a terrific job in adapting the original mess into a cohesive story. I've read the Path, and my hat's off to them.

Well, I certainly won't claim the tabletop is any degree of balanced, since it's the GM's job to tailor the game to his players. However, Owlcat did severely unbalance what little semblance of balance there was, so badly that it's still hardly balanced even after many patches.

Well, that settles it then.
Demon twins, here Asimar cock.
Also, expansion when?
I want to fuxk the evil Winter Wolf lady.

Jesus fuck leveling in this game is giving me anxiety. I've forgotten much of the old D&D nuts and bolts, so this shit is incredibly opaque. The fact they seem to be encouraging multi-classing optimization bullshit where you don't even select your own class as a default doesn't help. "Oh you wanted to be a charisma bro sorcerer did you? Well I hope you know exactly what spells are good for the rest of the game and have a long term 20 lvl build theme in your head, CHAD, because you got one shot."

I finally kind of see what all the bitching about 3.5 rules was about for once.

I did the tutorial then forgot about it and started playing FFXII.

It, too, has RTWP, only better.

You can't really fix PF unless you're a great GM that can adapt to any party.
Being a computer game, Kingmaker loses a lot of that reaction ability of a real GM.

This game is a shitshow of bugs
Also, the entire "kingdom management" thing is a disgrace.

Oh yeah for sure. I havent read Kingmaker but Ive read a number of APs and while they have some really exciting stuff in them they aren't nearly as fleshed out as Kingmaker was. They also did a much better job on difficulty imo, I know a lot of people bitch about the game's difficulty but the APs just have stupid easy fights so often, 2x 8hp enemies at level 3 and shit

My point was that kingmaker wasn't made to be as narratively focused in the first place, it was made to offer players a lot of freedom. Some of the narrative focused ones could be really awesome. Not sure how I feel about Ironfang, I guess if they make the war subsystem good it could be super exciting, I was hoping for Curse of the Crimson Throne or Legacy of Fire personally

is this game now finished or is there anohter dlc/super enchanced edition comming?
i swear to god i cant play vidya nowadays without waiting 1-2 years to play before they finish their to early released game

it also looses a lot of the wild stuff full casters do in tabletop like invisible flying wizards dimension dooring and planeshifting.

3.5 is indeed powergaming heaven, but the game isn't hard enough to require any hardcore optimization at all. If you stick to a single class, buff your party and stick to a modicum of tactics you should be fine. You aren't playing on hard, are you?

>Curse of the Crimson Throne
That would be great, agreed. I trust them with Ironfang though, with the engine ready and a proven hit on their record they should have more time to polish the whole thing much better. They've proven they have the chops for it.

Nothing more has been announced. They're ostensibly working either on a console port or a sequel. Or both.

Is pic related actually viable?

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I hope they build on their kingmaker base heavily for whatever they do next. Touching up spell effects would be fine but pathfinder really shines in its options. Stuff like Ironfang should get Cavalier for sure, as well as archetypes for everything.

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is their ever gonna be a popular tabletop based crpg game that is also MP and gives the DM such tools that they can atleast recapture some of the spirit of the real round?
As much as i like Kingsmaker this "we making SP Rpgs of modules/property" seems like a dead end for the genre

By the way, is there an agreed upon area for popular tried/rated builds? I guess people don't use gamefaqs anymore and steam seems pretty barren.

Just normal. It's just frustrating how all the really big decisions in feat themes are in the first couple levels where I am. Just starting out.

Attached: 1536802379363.png (750x714, 857K)

They've already been busy adding stuff with the DLC. I have no doubt they'll add even more in their next game.

As long as they add the missing core wizard spells (Black Tentacles, Teleport, Meteor Swarm, Time Stop, Wish) I'll be ecstatic. Teleport especially was noticeable.

You think the future is in MP?

Those are the stats of a CR 17+ creature.

Not all stuff from there is implemented in Kingmaker, but you should get the basics. Or ask here or in the General, people are generally happy to help.

>big decisions in feat themes are in the first couple levels
What do you mean? The only big feat decisions in the early levels I can think off are the weapon feats for fighters, and you can find a list of unique items somewhere so you know what to aim for. And, of course, there's always respec if you mess up something.

CR is a bad system and I could find multiple CR 1 mobs that can tpk a level 5 party if their wizard didn't prepare a certain spell
Kingmaker is also on a 25 point buy


not solely, no. But, atleast imo, the most problematic thing in crpgs right now is that the DM role is rigid compared to a real round of pen and paper. And i rather getting that resolved with MP/player driven DM in the short term rather for waiting for human AIs

Actually yes.
Pets are absurdly powerful when buffed properly.
Ideally you'd want to mix pet classes instead of just Druid x6, however.
Just give everyone reach weapons like Fauchard, Teamwork feats such as Outflank, Combat Reflexes and Seize the Moment.
Actually, after level 7 or so you can just sit back as the memedons solo all content.
Bonus points: Stagchads are actually more powerful for battles where you can begin out of combat.

Attached: Stagchads vs Cultists.webm (1280x720, 2.6M)

You have no idea what you're talking about. CR17 creatures may do comparable damage, but they generally have way more attacks per round and a crapton of abilities to boot. This is just a bear. A bear that hits hard, yeah, but only brainlets can't deal with that.

>instead of just Druid x6,
pretty sure those are Mad Dog barbarians based off the armor.

Attached: Pathfinder Kingmaker Screenshot 2019.06.24 - (1920x1080, 3.53M)

how does this happen?

I think normal difficulty is mostly fine, but fuck whoever playtested House at the End of Time and thought it was fine for a first playthrough. The Wild Hunt is broken and it being an army at the command of the dryad doesn't make any fucking sense lore-wise.
It's not hard considering the amount of gold and magic items you have at that point to spend on resurrection scrolls, but it's a fucking chore.

I love my CUTE wife Valerie! You SHOULD play Pathfinder Kingmaker AND romance Valerie! (You should! You should!)

Attached: Valerie.jpg (702x700, 123K)

Varnhold's Lot DLC

Attached: why arent you laughing bro.png (800x820, 328K)


>The Wild Hunt is broken
They really aren't for a level 19-20 with party kingmaker end game gear which is what you are at the end now

>it being an army at the command of the dryad doesn't make any fucking sense lore-wise.
they are at the command of the Horned Hunter who is just another avatar of the Lantern King, who is the true mastermind behind all the events of the game

Attached: This is fine.jpg (1920x1080, 262K)

I love the music in this game.

Is it playable on toasters? My pc didn't have upgrades from 2009 aside of ssd and another 4gb ram.

Dunno, the engine is kinda wonky. It should have the same requirements as PoE, if it helps.

But probably yes, unless its a notebook.

Attached: pf harrim sip.png (765x592, 287K)

crap, I meant to quote this:

I didn't play PoE.
athlon x4 2.9ghz, 8gb, radeon 5770

You should be fine.

Attached: pfkm reqs.png (654x366, 104K)

> true final boss actually has 3 phases and 3 different battle songs for each phase

Attached: trisjay and silent reg.png (1022x821, 914K)
This one's probably my favorite.

Very nice then, thanks.

Attached: 1354433432546.jpg (240x204, 9K)

I like the companion quests resolution song
That music reminds me of traumatic days when there wasn't throne room to world map exit.

The game does get kinda bloated performance wise past the mid game or so, so it's best to reduce some settings like grass and shit if it gets too much for a low spec

Attached: pf slut.jpg (768x1024, 127K)

>that webm
RTwP needs to die. Thank god for the turn-based mod.

There is only a lot of pausing due to auto pause when new enemies are spotted, otherwise it wouldn't have any pausing whatsoever.
It's just auto attack.

I've been playing it on my kind of old Macbook and imo no. In the sense that it's buggy and I couldn't even character select without it crashing.

But you can turn down the settings and things work out pretty decently. Doesn't look half bad since it's isometric. That's what I'm doing.

give that list a try, compilation of builds from a youtuber. i've had success with just about all of them I've tried, some of them are pretty basic but there are some interesting ones in there too

>Enchantment or Divination specialization
What the fuck, those are the best schools to ban, not specialize in. Not to mention you need to have Spell Focus in the relevant school before you can get Spell Specialization, and so you can't get Horrid Wilting with his build.

please dont link that, nerd commando is trash

They're some of the strongest in tabletop PF, but I assume that doesn't translate well to kingmaker.

>Mfw I can't run the game and a friend of mine is playing it so I turn him into a Valeriefag in my place

Attached: 1562025009539m.jpg (729x1024, 62K)

Thank YOU user! You ARE a GOOD user! All anons SHOULD romance Valerie she IS my wife! (She is! She is!)

Attached: Cute Valerie.jpg (1000x760, 159K)

Enchantment is fucked in Kingmaker due to the lack of various spells, Divination is also not that good when in most of the scenarios Evocation or Illusion magic is plain superior or simply more convenient, Conjuration is also hilariously broken.

Who should I link then? Who has good builds?

Divination cant be good without a DM to play 20 questions with, unfortunately.
How is a hole-wizard now? I havent had a chance to replay since they added the pit spells.

i ended up downloading a portrait pack for her since her default one makes her look like jim carrey in dumb and dumber

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You fuck eternally young JaeBae

The stronger pit spells are pretty powerful.
However you kinda kill shit faster than watching them melt away or get chunked by the pits, though obviously it has the benefit or removing foes from battle, they are also still subject to aoes cast on top of the pit
Doesn't help they're also Memeration school.

Attached: Rift of Ruin.webm (1680x944, 2.72M)

Do YOU like short hair user! My wife DID cut her hair BECAUSE she DID get MANY compliments! She IS cute! You CAN fluster Valerie BY giving her MANY compliments user! It IS cute!

Attached: Long Valerie.png (702x700, 610K)

>How is a hole-wizard now?
Eh, pits are good if you play RTwP at high difficulties, they do give you some safe time for emergency healing and things like Acid Pit also do some decent damage on the side, but why bother when you can just stinking cloud/cloudkill everything? A bunch of undeads aren't going to be worth using pits on, not even undead cyclopses are.

In turn based, you do not want to use pits, ever, it's probably the first thing you have to cross out of your spellkit.

something about pits are just so fucking funny to me. Imagine a hole 100 feet deep just appearing under you and you slip in.

That's still ugly, should have used OG Valerie

Attached: adf.png (936x786, 1.17M)

What do you think about Beta In Process of Approval Valerie?

Attached: pf valerie cute.png (1362x997, 2.02M)

Your wife is a retard, a bigger retard than Harrim. Nok Nok and Regongar.

Valerie IS the BEST Valerie BUT I want ALL Valerie pictures EXCEPT Reviewbrah Valerie!

Attached: Pretty Valerie.jpg (719x720, 239K)

Dont bully Harrim.

And that pit is trying to chew you. It's hilarious and an awful way to die.

>Reviewbrah Valerie
What? Someone made Valerie look like Reviewbrah?

What! 9 Intelligence IS good user it IS 7 higher THAN a dolphin AND dolphins ARE smart user! My wife IS smarter THAN a dolphin!

>install Eldritch Arcana
>mfw Selective Wail of the Banshee and Dazzling Sirocco

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Reviewbrah did a Valerie edit?

I did NOT save Reviewbrah Valerie user BUT it WAS on /pfkmg/ MANY times!

The very animation of enemies or your own characters being swallowed by the pits is very chuckle worthy

You IDIOT now you've made me curious

Spiked pit is super brutal in raw damage at lower levels in tabletop. Climbing out hurts and is super fucking slow, plus if you fail a climb check youre probably just dead

This game is ruined utterly by the Kingdom Managment.

>want to explore
>lul go back to the capital every 2 encounters because mindless events where you push a button and wait are fun

Not to mention that the design of nearly every area in the game is pretty fucking bad. When over half of your areas are some variation of "outdoors place with 2-3 enemies guarding a body with loot" you know things have gone wrong.

>a living hell hole suddenly opens up under the feet of some bandits
>the rest of your party stands near you, horrified of the screams they can hear coming from it
>it spews back half-digested, crushed remains

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You need to be in capital once a month at worst, brainlet. You run out of content before you get bothered with it.

thats the one i downloaded
she looks so much better in this version

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>When did you finally realize Kingmaker is literally the best cRPG up to date
I can't as it's still RTwP garbage.

holy fuck report of the week valerie?
that sounds like a holy picture

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Harrim is a giant fucking retard
>But Harrim-dono, actually you've been blessed with an incredibly rare gift that does prove Torag never abandoned you in the first place and you c....
Granted that anyone but Jubilost and Ekun is a retard to various degrees, but Harrim's up there in the pole position with Valerie, Reg, Nok Nok and Amiri.

That first dungeon had me really excited about this game and low and beholder the great sycamore was like the only unique dungeon in the entire game.


There is literally nothing wrong with following Groetus user. Its just accepting reality

>Harrim is my high priest
>Allow all religions in my kingdom and have him REEEEing at me about how it'll be the end of me
I don't think there was a single bad event for allowing all religions either

But that's not a resolution of his quest at all. He doesn't learn who blessed him with the art of unmaking and he is happy just with thinking that every end is another beginning.

>There is literally nothing wrong with following Groetus user.
t. Harrim

But they are a fucking mercenary death squad -like unit, not an army. Maybe they would've made sense in a room, not in the whole house.

Also don't tell me that room with 4-6 mandragora swarms isn't supposed to instagib your team the first time you enter it.

Largely because it was a broken mess and poorly guides players around, especially at early levels.
This coupled with the launch systems random battle generator putting elder elementals against you at level 2.
So players see fights that are, realistically, not intended to be beaten at your level...but this isn't very well conveyed.
Fuck I doubt many people even know the option to investigate enemies even exists in the game.

Then the Kingdom management isn't hard but it also doesn't make its systems very aware to the player either. It's a "go check the manual" kind of game but they didn't actually provide said manual, if you catch my drift.

fucking hell thats terrifying

4 questions: can I play a rogue that talks his way out of things and into things and general use dialogue to solve shit?
Can I play as a druid and summon an army of bears (will accept modding it if needed)?
Does the druid class have the natural spell fear to cast while shapeshifted?
Is there a point in playing a second time for evil playthrough or is it like Neverwinter Nights where it's like "haha me evil give me money now or me kill you"

And also, I killed the Spawn of Rovagug at the end of the Tenebrous Depths and it was hard as balls but at least it was fun and I felt accomplished afterwards. Wild Hunt is just annoying and makes me want the whole chapter to end already.

Regongar is based and Nok Nok is a goblin. Thotavia is far, far worse than any of them.


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>can I play a rogue that talks his way out of things and into things and general use dialogue to solve shit?
Rogues excel in that because they get so many skill points.

>Can I play as a druid and summon an army of bears
Yes. No mods needed.

>Does the druid class have the natural spell fear to cast while shapeshifted?

>Is there a point in playing a second time for evil playthrough or is it like Neverwinter Nights where it's like "haha me evil give me money now or me kill you"
Evil is mostly about just killing everything. But if you go Lawful Evil you get some more variety.

Wild Hunt are only really an issue from the perspective of their giant aoe paralyze, which is neutralized by FoM anyway.

By now you should have 1-2 "the world will die by my spells" tier wizards/sorcs/etc to actually kill them with.

1/ you will be able to skip some fights and quests by being diplomatic/fearsome/etc. but there will be a lot of combat, regardless.
2/ Druid? yes. Army? Not quite. Herald Caller is a better summoner for the most part. But you still get your mandatory pet with druid.
3/ Druid can get natural spell, yes.
4/ There are some differences and you get differenet buildings for being different alignments. But the core story will stay the same.
Of course you should play it again to get the real ending to fug your dryad waifu

Real talk though, Jae has the best protag fucks her end scenario though

She comes around for a month of baby making sex every year or two, then when she gets old, she picks her most beautiful daughter and takes her body to continue the process.

>Kingdom management is shit. (Can be turned off but it was advertised so fucking much.)
>A lot of areas on the map are the same cave map, others are just an open area with one enemy
>If you boot Tristian, as a good character you basically have no community advisor for the entire game
>Story is really shit for the most part. (Not their fault entirely but it still is)
>Entire last dungeon is a buggy mess
>Party members are pretty hit or miss
>V doesn't get pregnant in your romance ending

It's a solid 6/10. I'm mildly excited to see what they do next.

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I just uninstalled.
Man, what a dull game.
Gfx were nice, and the mechanics were just pathfinder on a pc, but christ almighty, it had such a BORING storyline.
And who the fuck wrote the party members? They're so tortuously bad. (except maybe harrim, he was kind of interesting)

>If you boot Tristian, as a good character you basically have no community advisor for the entire game
Am I the only person to not use Tristian as an Adivisor?

You can avoid combat and in many cases it's even better because passing certain skill checks gives insane amounts of experience.
There's a Rogue archetype (Thug) that's based on Charisma skills (Persuasion/Intimidation) which makes it also useful in combat.
You can summon nature allies (amount and type depends on the level of the spell)
Evil playthrough is fun, dialogue is a bit cartoony but the same applies to being good.

>can I play a rogue that talks his way out of things and into things and general use dialogue to solve shit?
Yes, as long as you invest into Charisma a lot, which isn't optimal for a pure Rogue, but you can rebalance that with feats anyway, or use the Eldritch Arcana mod and play as a Eldritch Scoundrel/Arcane Trickster with the feat that changes your persuasion rolls to use INT instead of CHA.
>Can I play as a druid and summon an army of bears
Yes, no modding needed.
>Does the druid class have the natural spell fear to cast while shapeshifted?
>Is there a point in playing a second time for evil playthrough
This game is an actual RPG, unlike both Neverwinter Nights games, so yeah, there's actually a fair bit of changes and approaches in a Evil playthrough.

Wait, what? I've literally never seen that ending slide.

The only other Councilor options come either after your coronation or literally during tristians questline.

You have to pick either the very obvious nasty advisor at the very beginning, or spare a minor quest character and then find them again later on. It's a pretty small pool.

I think you can use the beast god woman as a community leader? but it seems like most people don't know you can recruit her.

Its pretty obvious why: why the fuck would you

Thug is the worst possible Rogue archetype, playing with a thug is the equivalent of playing with an arcane bomber or an eldritch knight, that is a horrible choice.

Lamashtu is terrifying, and you should never want her cult anywhere near your kingdom.

You can use mercs as advisors in the EE.

She's shit anyways and will leave if you play anything above neutral evil.

You let her take her daughter's body, get an ending where you are immortal, and have a good relation with her.

I think I have a save at the end of that run I'll check real quick

>Unironically using Tsanna as councellor
I bet you think putting fucking Vordakai in any position of power is also a great idea.
Mercs have basically nonexistent kingdom stats compared to uniques, if you really wanna use a merc you have to put them in from the very beginning and invest heavily into them, they're extremely unviable and often start with negative stats too unless they're minmaxed.

I liked it but something about it didn't feel right. Like the way all attacks connect just seem weird.

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I was running a true neutral kingdom, everyone was welcome until they did bad shit, then they died.

In the end game there is a special scimitar with extra effects if you wildshape into a bear and your animal companion is also a bear

>until they did bad shit
Did you miss the whole "Lamashtu cultists give birth to literal monsters" shit?

Monster aren't inherently bad

>until they did bad shit
>deciding what is good and bad
>true neutral

You and I have a very different definition of the world "bad".

The only thing you can excuse Tsanna and the rest of her cult is that they ultimately weren't responsible for the everbloom and that they sometimes they DO help the common folk, but they're still crazyass cultists out for blood.
Not like Calistriafags are much better, let alone Sarenrae nutjobs, but Lamashtu's blessing aside, there's very little good in letting Tsanna and her clique live undisturbed, it's basically a time bomb.

Here it is

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Grotesquely inflating enemy stats isn't how to do difficulty. That isn't good encounter design. Making your game quicksave-quickload: the game is not good design.

And the game was an unbelievably buggy mess on release and literally couldn't be completed. Around half of the quests had some kind of bug and a huge amount were uncompleteable.

The writing and characters are passable but not approaching BG2 levels also.

The kingdom management mechanics play better on paper when they're vetted, and in this game they're mostly frustrating and cause reloads.

It's a hell of a lot better than Pillars of Eternity, but it's not BG2, my dude.


Thanks user, that's really something to keep in mind for my next evil playthrough.

Kill all fey

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>but it's not BG2
This is true, it's better.

>Not buttfucking anything with Hellfire ray spam
Even after being considerably buffed, D&D martials are still boring as shit.

That's for bosses only, user.
Single target and all that.

>Doesn't have enough cantrips to fuck up ten or so enemies
Then use sirocco u fucking noob lmfao

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You kill them far faster through auto attack when properly buffed and Outflank+Combat Reflexes+Seize the Moment than Memerocco

But you need more than one party member to do so.

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It's comical how badly implemented the OOA system is in the game.
EVen flanking doesn't work as it is supposed to.