Doom Slayer is now an anti-theist

>Doom Slayer is now an anti-theist
That's stupid.

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Other urls found in this thread:

why is he so sexy?

Catholic guys are hot.


honestly i was annoyed when they announced that heaven would be in the game because it seemed like obvious pandering to the christ-hating sjw faggots. And I don't think DOOM is a good game for having people kill fucking ANGELS. However I think it depends on the motivation of heaven; for example I think it'd be interesting if Heaven has decided the time for the rapture/cleansing of earth is now since hte humans fucked up so bad releasing hell on earth. So the angels go to wipe out everything on earth including demons, and doomguy is like "fuck off i got this" and then kills them and the demons. I mean it's kinda interesting I think. I'm only slightly annoyed by it now.

Angels are the bad guys too and Doom Slayer has to kill heaven now.

does the game end with him nailing Jesus to new cross and killing god

This is the same game that had the "mortally impaired" joke.

Why does everything have to be about politics to people? Have you considered they are just doing this cause it's be cool?

Evil higher beings/deities isn't even anything new and is a trope old as dirt.

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Doom X SMT X Devil may cry X Bayonetta fucking WHEN?

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Didn't Doom already establish that Hell isn't literally Christian Hell, it's just another dimension full of demons? Why would that not be the same for Heaven?

>an devout Atheist not taking the chance of pissing on religion and expressing his views
Don't be silly.

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Because people need to come up with reasons to be outraged.

does that mean we'd see fanart of him and bayonetta?

What's this about shooting angels now?

I guess I could get doomguy being pissed about angels not doing shit while demons ravaged the earth, though.

>doom slayer vs metatron

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>Having anything to do with nu-iD
Also, this whole muh forces of evil bad, forces of good worse became boring real fast.

Carmack isn't even working on the game and actively hates giving games a plot you outrage seeking faggot.

Yea Forums's opinions are determined almost entirely by being contrarian.

He doesn't hate plot in games, he just doesn't care

Oh so now they get to rip off Darksiders now. Great.

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Do we actually know if the angels are evil or is just pre-emptive outrage?

>>>/leddit/ is that way.

>Doom Slayer
Is there anything about this game that isn't completely cringeworthy and reddit-tier

Angels are mad DOOM Slayer killed demons since humanity deserved punishment and now Doomie fights them.

He was Doom Slayer in the last game tard

>since humanity deserved punishment
they're not wrong honestly, if you try to harness the power of Hell and expect it to work just fine then you deserve extinction

>not being cringe
Your first mistake was playing the series post-90s.

Ok, leave

I think it's just gonna be "Demons got into heaven too!" and then you just exterminate demons again but in a pretty, white environment.
Unless a trailer has showed him fighting angels, in which case just ignore me.

>People complain a game is offensive
>"Its just a game stop being so thin skinned"
>Game says something slightly bad about Christians

Everybody looks cool in a badass armor.


Fucking gross design

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Nu-Doomguy literally has a guardian angel, I doubt this.

We dont even know if the angels are bad or what is even gonna happen in this heaven dimension. There is literally nothing to be mad about right now. Are your lives just so dull that you have to force yourself to get mad at some pink haired,soiboy opinion peice? The reason shit like this even is written is because of reactionaries like you. Fuck off.

Yea Forums's really been pulling off some Olympian tier mental gymnastics in order to be contrarian about this game

power armor is for pussy

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my mind is thinking Bayonetta

>Doomguy shows up as Heaven's champion and kills Doom Slayer
It will be worth it.

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My point stands

>Hell isn't literally Christian Hell, it's just another dimension full of demons?
It's a mix of both.

Autists who obsess over the name need to be gassed. You remind me of myself when I kept crying about Dr. Robotnik being named Eggman in the west. Just get over it.

just wait until you see his exposed forearms

Doomguy = Doom Slayer

So now Doom is both anti-corporation and anti-religion. Nice

Sôi tier but not for the obvious reasons.

it just doesn't really fit. If you have a hell as the "place of ultimate evil" and heaven is supposed to be its opposite... why would you be fighting heaven? It just doesn't really sit well with me. I just don't like the idea of doom guy fighting God; maybe if it's just some renegade angels like Lucifer before them? Or like God has been absent in heaven and now angels are in civil war since they can't make decisions without the big guy?

I dunno, it just annoys me that theres this whole "The good guys are actually the bad guys" thing going on because everyone is so desperate to subvert the established power structure in this world (as if their shitty games really have that much of an impact). Seems too obvious, too much pandering.

>Nu-Doom is Old-Doom
Low iq spotted.

Where did that come from?

>Akshully the Holy People arr evil!
Literally JRPG shit.

Who exactly do you think they're pandering to? Is there some massive group of people who want to see God get buttfucked by a space marine I don't know about?

>Angels are the bad guys too
You mean Angel. They've literally only showed off a single "bad angel" the entire time they've been marketing the game. It's likelier that he's taken matters into his own hands against heaven's wishes or some shit.

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Sooooooooo. . . . . .he's now Bayonetta then.

could be christian hell of another universe

Old Testament Biblical lore is pure kino. We need more games with that instead of more Norseshit and Greekshit

Any critics like Atheists for one thing.

based retard

>nuDoom continues where oldDoom left off
They're the same guy.

>This is the same game that had the "mortally impaired" joke
And? 100% it's going to be cut from the release version

those angels look like shit, they ought to be more majestic

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>thinking Nu-Doom is the sequel to the original
Based retard!

Same. Fucking. Person.

>Darksiders in any way pioneered hell vs heaven

New levels of brainlet here

yes? are you not aware of all the antithiest sentiment in the world right now? People who don't understand the massive contributions that religious institutions have had over the course of human history and instead scream and shout that God is dead and people who believe in him are pieces of shit?

maybe pull ur head out of your ass and you could see that.

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He will be in between. Stupid centrist like Spawn.

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>darksiders invented the “angels are evil” trope
You have to be 18 or older to post on this website

based and ballsofsteelpilled

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>thinking “god is dead” was a or even meant to be antitheist quote
You’re actually room temp iq

canon is what we want it to be; not what your fucking licensing agreement states. You can say nudoom is the same doom guy all you want, nobody has to accept your particular version of the oh-so-sacrosanct doom lore.

>he chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him.


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Neitzsche didn't mean for it to be antitheist, but that doesn't stop brainlets from interpreting it as such

stfu loser, we can use language however we like we aren't beholden to dead philosophies. it was just the fastest way to say "people hate god". suck my cock nigger faggot.

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I seriously don't understand the rage around this. What does it matter if Doomguy is religious or not. You don't need to be religious to kill demons. Playing Doom won't make you suddenly special in your church reunion, if anything they'll scold you if you even mention you play Doom. When, in any game, his affiliation to religion has been important? Games are literally 'kill demons and save humanity'. There's no more deep lore than that. Hell he wouldn't even be a good Christian or Catholic because one of the comandments is "You must not commit murder." Which is the thing he does best.

>the massive contributions that religious institutions have had over the course of human history

Yeah, the massive contribution of starting the Dark Ages and slowing down human progress. Fucking religious retard.

But that's cliche as hell. JRPGS already do "angels bad".

>canon is what we want it to be
Right, ergo he's the same guy.

>Yeah, the massive contribution of starting the Dark Ages and slowing down human progress.
>he doesn't know

That sounds fucking awful

He was something worse: an Islamicadmirer.
>Dark Ages and slowing down human progress
Stop vomitting out debunked lies, ledditor.

if only

Mad ass samefag.

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>insulting someone elses' intelligence when you are this ignorant

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That’s been debunked user, I’m really shitty at religion and even I know that. Islamic Golden Age, Church Scholars, some of the most ancient discoveries were kept protected by religious institutions. The “Dark Age” was just a short period of very specific Spanish Inquisition bullshit.

I';m 90% sure that's just a rebuilt Samuel Hayden.

It's time to chew ass

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Can we instead talk about what we all hope to see in Doom Eternal?

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same person, and he went to hell after dying in the first game

>Doom slayer is an atheist.

Finally some proper representation.

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The Virgin Mary calming down Doomie.

You speak like it’s impossible to realise how religion has played an important role in building our civilisation but simultaneously think that we’ve outgrown the need for it.

People are smart enough now to not need a magic man in the sky to force them to behave, and most people are emotionally strong enough to deal with the meaningless nature of existence without the need for fairytales to justify life.

more naked doomguy

Doom guy is a Christian. The only one that matters in heaven and earth is Jesus Christ, and he'll let him rule an empty heaven if his Angels get out of hand.

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>If you have a hell as the "place of ultimate evil" and heaven is supposed to be its opposite...
Did you not play the game, user? Hell is just "a" place. The creatures there don't have a particular fixation on human or human morality and most of their population comes from taking over other aliens and planets.

Even if he's catholic I don't think he'd let God kill humanity.

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i mean, what i saw of the gameplay looked pretty good. Grappling hooks and invasions and so forth. The problem is I swore I would stay away from any game that I thought was pandering to SJWs in any manner whatsoever. I consider it a zero-tolerance policy. I hate SJWs so much that that even the possibility they are influencing a game means I won't buy it until I can confirm. And here's the difference between me and all the COD boycotters, I actually follow through, because i can just pick up a pirate bay copy.

>Christian is a brainlet, a racist and a homophobe
Way to play into every conceivable stereotype

>a racist and a homophobe
I thought you were trying to insult him, user.

>Most progress for Humanity in the scientific and engineering fields was made by Christians
>”Dur Christians Dumb! Me Stop having children for Bill Nye and based black science man!”
When will Atheist stop appropriating the science discovered by Christians?

This post is so embarrassing that I’m unsure if it’s pasta or not.

Every game you've ever loved was touched by someone you politically disagree with.
Besides the game already made fun of SJW nonsense.

>unironically think it's the theist heaven
>not knowing its Hayden's version of heaven since he became Kahn makyr

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epic dude

more of my favorite buffman

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>I';m 90% sure that's just a rebuilt Samuel Hayden.

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you say that, but I don't agree. I think there is an abundance of evidence, to the contrary, available to anyone with an internet connection. People need faith and need guidelines or else they become useless hedonists. It doesn't even have to be a particular religion; simply having faith, whether in God or Humanity, is vastly important. People can draw a lot of strength from belief. That's part of the reason religious people conquered most of the known world.

>People are smart enough now to not need a magic man in the sky to force them to behave, and most people are emotionally strong enough to deal with the meaningless nature of existence without the need for fairytales to justify life.
You replace God with money and the government. Good job!

He should
I fucking hate humans

Why not just ignore any pandering and enjoy the game play? Most pandering to SJW's and even the right sometimes is done purely as a marketing tactic no matter what idiots on twitter say. Its easy to enjoy a game if you look at it strictly as a product and not as some social commentary.

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lol u guys mad im not buying ur propaganda? lmao get fukt it's my money and you can't have it bitches.

>caring about story in Doom

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Those are some badass looking angels.

I thought Doomguy was Catholic?

>People are smart enough now to not need a magic man in the sky to force them to behave, and most people are emotionally strong enough to deal with the meaningless nature of existence without the need for fairytales to justify life.
very optimistic, but utterly wrong.

>gobbling shit
If it's your thing, all right then.

when did it become cool to be a devout god fearing christian on fucking Yea Forums

The Dark Ages are a fucking meme myth
Open a history book that isn't older than you sometimes

When people don't need to follow the hive mind. Learn to think independently.

>Why does everything have to be about politics to people?

Because westerners are incapable of not making everything about politics, hence the state of western video games and hollywood. That's why you get retards like this . More over, its not politics that's the problem. It is far left values ruining video games. And as you should know, being a far leftists isn't a political opinion, its a disruptive pattern of thinking.

>Way to play into every conceivable stereotype
This isn’t 2003 anymore user. If anything, Christians of today are huge cuckolds that let niggers rape their daughters and let homos make their sons gay.

when radical atheism had proven itself to be nothing more than a running joke
and probably when people realized humanity didn't have its shit together as well as we thought

God damn, remember when this game was hailed as an alt right fucking meme game? This is one wild ride.

It looks more angelic and less robotic there, but there's no denying how robotic that angle looks. Plus there's that whole shot in the trailer showing those scientists gathering Sam's mostly broken body.

Probably something like this.

When Fedoras came out of style and everyone started noticing Atheists’s bullshit.

Or they're doing it because angelic designs are way more interesting than demonic ones and there are only so many different ways you can do "ugly vicious monster" before it gets stale.

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don't take shitposting on Yea Forums seriously.

You should read the bible sometime
God's pretty badass

Nothing, it will end as cliffhanger like every other western videogame.

Some of these guys aren't shitposting, user.

>overarching story is that "hell" is a dimension that's been invading all the other dimensions to take over
>doomguy and haydn manage to find a dimension that's able to fight back
>haydn takes over that dimension and tries to take over hell again for energy
>doomguy has to kick the shit out of him to make sure hell stays locked away forever
people are literally going out of their way to misinterpret obvious plot beats to get angry about dumb shit

>Hayden obsessed with argent energy
>boasted about "solved an energy crisis the world had no answer for."
>""""""""angel"""""" bringing argent energy to humanity
>its not Hayden bro

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Why do theists give a shit tho?
I get that athiests like to wank it off. But you're getting upset about the game, not them. Religion was great in terms of bringing people together and producing great works. But the damage caused with it as justification is fucked, and while shitty people will be shitty people, it prevents them using it as a disguise. Say you hate gays, but don't pretend you love them because you want them to be straight. Gays is just an easy example, and is not the core issue of this point.

because nihilism is just misery

>independent thinking

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I want to see more guns, but from what they've shown that's not happening.

Still, if we get more open areas and more mobility with more vertical play I'll be happy. The dodge looks really nice, hopefully it works out well.

LARPing is shitposting.

I realized Hitchens and his like weren't as smart as people thought he was and started reading books.

>""""""""angel"""""" bringing argent energy to humanity
That's not humanity, those are some Argent D'Nur guys.

next time you want to 'Judge' someone, at least do proper research.

Neither Carmack, NOR Romero, work at ID anymore, Doomguy fighting both Demons and angels in order to save lives is a cool thing.

no one complained when Bayonetta did it, so theres no reason to do it now!

Maybe it's Hayden controlling an army of cybernetic angels. Maybe he's playing god or trying to take God's place.

So who's the doom 3 guy?

When atheism became mainstream. Always gotta pick the nonconformist option.

A decade ago this website was heavily left leaning and full of atheists. Now it’s full of hardcore right wing Christian fundamentalists.

It didn't, it just stopped being cool to be a fedoralord.

Alternative explanation is that there are a lot of weebs here who are at least somewhat into Abrahamaic religions because Christian/Hebrew mythology (and even the canon stuff really) has some metal as fuck shit that only the Japs are willing to take inspiration from.

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>within religion there are defined rules
>without religion anything can be real, leading to much more interesting philosophical debates with outcomes that can still include the existance of god.
Christianity is babbies first theism

>there are only so many different ways you can do "ugly vicious monster" before it gets stale.
>While talking about the series with a brain spider, tomato, dual homing rocketlancher wielding skeleton in pants, and a ressurecting skinny naked pyromancer

Separate guy in a parallel dimension invaded by the same hell.

this is a boomer website now


we are not smart we just follow trends and swing the other way.

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Yeah but all those are ancient, nuDoom didn't come up with any particularly interesting designs as shown by the Super Shotgun still being the coolest weapon ever

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>But that's cliche as hell

Standard Doom fare then. The way JRPGS do "angels bad" is shit. Doomguy fucking angels up actually sounds awesome.

He doesn't care because he played games for the gameplay. The mechanical aspects.

It became a thing because they thing religious = anti left, despite the pope being pro gay and pro immigration. Not to mention all of the American religious community being pro Israel.

>admitting to being a reactionary

Basing your worldviews off of things you hate instead of things you love is the sign of a miserable person.

I never thought I'd actually be intrigued by the lore in a Doom game. But there's so much crazy shit going on now, angels, ancient warrior races, Doomguy might be an alien, like what the fuck.

>nuDoom didn't come up with any particularly interesting designs
The Barlowe-esque summoner demon was pretty cool.

Meh, we need someone to actually come up with unique monster designs. ID aint doing it, old doom modders are just remixing a caco for a 50th time

>game makes joke about SJWs
>"lmao grow thicker skin faggots"
>game lets you pound disgusting angels into the dirt alongside disgusting demons in a triumph for HUMANITY FUCK YEA

Wow, I'm guessing because Bayonetta let you kill "angels" too it's bad now.

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When it became more normalfag tier to be a tipper, is when. Never forget that Yea Forums as a whole has a cloying need to be edgy and contrarian.

So your telling me Doom 3 guy isnt the ancient evil that plagues the demons of hell like in 1-2 and nudoom, but instead Is a regular jack off who defeated the forces of hell while not being able to see shit?

Damn Doom Slayer is a pussy compared to him.

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>Basing your worldviews off of things you hate instead of things you love is the sign of a miserable person.
That sounds an awful lot like Atheism.

> the pope

true christians don't care about the pope, they know no man on earth can be perfect or holy, and while the catholics help spread christianity they have distorted the true message of jesus christ and became everything he spoke against.

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>not just laughing at all the mad christbois who commited the deadly sin of wrath over a fucking video game
see ya in hell lol

>Basing your worldviews off of things you hate
News, most everyone bases their worldview off of things they hate. Martin Luther wrote the 99 Theses because he despised how the Catholic Church was running things, and in turn the Catholic Church launched the Counter-Reformation and cleaned up its act because of hatred of radical Protestantism.

isnt anti theism the opposition to the belief of god, not god itself?

To be fair, the protagonists for both 3 and its expansion had access to some pretty OP equipment (i.e. the soul cube and the artifact).


most cringe thing on the planet, fuck /tg/ for coming up with it
talk about arrogance

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It can be both. I'm not sure what's it's called but there is a belief system that believes in God(s) but opposes the worship of them.

"demons bad" is already more cliche.


>A decade ago this website was heavily left leaning and full of atheists.

The good old days...

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reminder god isn't real
reminder religion is just a method of control and monetizing mans fear of death

if this is true, this make sense with most of the monotheist religion, where satan or the devil (or how do u like to call it) is actually a Corrupted Angel.
Therefore, Doom Slayer, is still fighting against hell.

damn those are sick designs

All humans are sinful, user.
Stop trying to fish for "gotcha Christfag" moments

>Doom Eternal is just a fucking Unguided album
feels good

havent you heard? games are political.

>method of control and monetizing mans fear of death
The same can said to all systems, retard.

Yes, and can you name the last triple AAA game from the west that did the same trope? Unless you're going full retard and saying that nobody ever is allowed to use something that appears in JPRGs.

Seriously, this is literally just cringy spergs getting triggered that 'muh paragon of western masculinity" (yes there were some people on /pol/ unironically referring to the doom guy/slayer as that) is a ball of rage that exists to spit in the face of everything that isn't humanity.

How can someone seethe this much?

Maybe they could hire the guy who did the original designs, provided he's still around.

>That imposing, grand organ playing alongside an aggressive choir to convey a sense of holiness but also one of danger

>That Angel arrogantly giving a sermon about the reason humanity is suffering from a demonic invasion is due to heaven seeing it as fit for their punishment and that if Doomguy continues to interfere, heaven's wrath will be unleashed

This shit's cool, niggers.This probably means that the Seraphim that powered up Doom Guy was probably a rogue. Since the Wretch, a demon traitor that pimped Doom Guy's armor, an angel traitor juicing Doomguy up to raze hell and kill the status quo is pretty interesting.


Nice digits, but atheism isn't some belief structure, it's just a lack of one.

I'm not telling you to become an atheist anyways.

Ah yes, "holier than thou".

>News, most everyone bases their worldview off of things they hate.

Nah, mentally stable people seek out the things they enjoy and find like minded people and happiness around them.

You're also no Martin Luther, don't compare yourself to him.

pray to god in private to give you proof, I have experienced miracles user. I don't know which religion is right, but it doesn't matter, God is real.

It's not even pandering, it's just a different set of enemies to deal with.

Doom guy killing cyber angels is a fucking cool idea, i don't know how these fucking pearl clutching retards are actually having a problem with this shit, you all honestly sound like 60 year old women complaining

Reminder you get this concept form tv, remider that this was pushed from jews, reminder now your women are whores and your men homosexual onions bois

>"holier than thou"

no one is holy.

>You're also no Martin Luther, don't compare yourself to him.
>what the fuck is an example

>seek out the things they enjoy and find like minded people and happiness around them.
yep, why try to solve problems at all, just live in blissful ignorance. Muh "pursuit of happiness" is a meme.

you may just have schizophrenia

fedora tippers got so mad of people making fun of them so they put a fedora on jesus

>Not knowing history and spouting fedora memes

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This. Humanity is sinful by nature.

this is true though. Make a joke about christianity and you'll instantly be swarmed by butthurt replies

>heavily left leaning
ok faggot

The jews are so in your ass that this is what you truly believe, sad

well i guess i would rather upset a bunch of internetties than get my house blown up

maybe, but here in Mexico our health system sucks, so it allows for truly miraculous situations to happen, like my gf who was told she could not have children, now pregnant with my child. I was an athiest just a few months ago and I'm happy to be proven wrong in such a beautiful way.

God I can feel it.

This site, being composed of contrarian edgy spergs is going to swing leftward again. Shit like this post by some dumb boomer are just hurrying it along.

A cliche is a cliche. Going "b-b-but" isn't going to do anything. Also go back to /pol/.

Left then does not equal left now.

look at that beard and tell me it wasn't a perfect opportunity with a straight face

Just let it die but not ike tomb raider pls, he doesn't deserve this

It's essentially become a belief structure. Dogmatism takes all forms.

lmao imagine getting cucked and thanking god for it

mod support, please, for fuck's sake
it's a doom game published by bethesda, this should be a given, yet the previous game didn't have shit

>actually using products you didn't make yourself
LMAO Cuck detected!

the jews invented monotheism

>not taking the purgatory pill
Infinte life should give people the chance to redeem them selves.

It's a larp from people that don't even go to Church.

Bill O'reily called Yea Forums a hard left website for spreading child porn, and everyone hated him and Bush. Now the main stream has swung the other way and it's hip 2 be counter culture.

Yet clearly there are true Christians and untrue Christians. Semantics.

>yep, why try to solve problems at all

There is a world of difference between trying to solve a problem and basing your entire personality around the things you hate. One of these is mentally unhealthy.

For some, yes, for others, no.

Smartest post ITT

Jewish derived models of hell are brainlet tier stuff imo

I've always found the idea of some of the more eastern concepts of self inflicted hells, where until you can put aside your guilt you torment yourself more or less.

Who even fucking says this is legit heaven? It could just be a faction of alien nutcases who BELIEVE they're angels.

seething and well trained religion cuck- I don't watch tv

>heaven turns out to be aliens invading earth and hell

>Yet clearly there are true Christians and untrue Christians. Semantics.

Well true, every religion can point fingers at each other and call them false.

All I can say is that the bible talks about false prophets, and you will know them by the fruits of their labor. So to me, protestant christianity produces better fruits, it cultivates people who are truly chill and friendly, that to me means that they must be doing something right.

>I based all my opinions from the internet.
It's even worse than I thought.

All I want is for the loot pinatas to get toned down. The harder difficulties are destroyed by the fact that any time you get hit you pretty much lose all your health to balance out the fact that killing any enemy at half health is almost a complete refill. Kills the tension

Thats an alien

>protestant christianity produces better fruits

Which is another term for "holier than thou".

>muh right muh left
Talk about Doomy Ternal gaybois.

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>Basing your worldviews off of things you hate instead of things you love

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You're a faggot, but a faggot with taste

Carmack hasn't done anything related to Triple A games for a decade now.

American detected.
Kill yourself and your millennial ebonics.

There are so many things that seems interesting about doom but then you look at the game and it's badly designed for pieces of shit mongoloid crap. There are so much they get wrong from the HUD the glows up and press the button to instakill your enemy refill health and ammo mechanics (also temporary invincibility) all looks so bad and for dummies by dummies. Also hate the enemy design (,also esthetically they don't standout like in the old games and all look samey). Hate how few enemies the engine supports. Hate the stupid "screaming at the screen" close up effect. It's a shame, fast gameplay and ultra violence and making fun of pc immigration proponents the they throw it all away with dumb as shit game play and visual design

well if we are looking for the "truest" religion you gotta look at their better attributes in comparison to others.

It's not wrath when it is a justified anger, and offending God is a justified reason to be angry, probably one of the most.

That said, Doom is a fictional Universe and we haven't even seen really what the plot is for the game. In any case, it isn't unheard of to have bad angels. But overall, people can be upset with the boring trope of "What if good guys...bad guys?!" or painting religion is a bad light.

lol yeah right. you can go back to plebbit anytime.

>it cultivates people who are truly chill and friendly
tell that to the Puritans, no denomination has a monopoly on morality honestly
.That user had the gall to have an opinion, not being "holier than thou"

He is fucking right, you retards just replaced believing in god with video games. Fucktards, it's the same fucking thing. Self inserting and arguing about absolute tripe dogshit on how a tiddy is too small/big or whatever got censored. In fact replacing it with your internet vandalism is even worse. Look at what that got you, the world is in shambles because you became even worse than beta orbiters and just looked on when SJW took over the reign. Now you have to deal with the kneejerk reaction from the last remaining non-video game players and have gotten two fucking oranges onto the playstage of the world elected. Congratufuckinglations. Your inability to get off your asses and get active caused the legit fear of a third world war.

>yfw the final boss is Niggurath
>yfw game journalist complain that its a racial allegory

>you're a faggot
Literally a discord tranny desu
>faggot with taste
Sunstone is gr8

Its not a coincidence that Yea Forums and athiesm share sterotypes in the media
>anonymous mask

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implying that wasn't just co-opted a long time ago

> no denomination has a monopoly on morality honestly

Truth. Anyone who claims otherwise is ignorant or a deceiver.

>still crying about orange man bad

5 more years, faggot.

Bayonetta wasn't established. Doom is established, he never fought angels before.

Oh nonono bros. First the war on christmas now this, this is a complete genocide on.

lmao imagine being unironic godturd in 2019

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ah yes because every time I make an Achmed joke I get raped by police officers

oh wait I don't live in Europe LMAO


Religion paints itself in a bad light, your brainwashed dipshit.

>imagine being christcuck AND turboautism

>christ-hating sjw faggots

Boomers are indistinguishable from zoomers now lmao

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That fucking clown ruined everything. And now we have an orange clown in the EU too. Fuck that shit. I wonder if we get an orange hitler next.

Autistic sperg who alienated herself and died alone on government bucks lololol

Hopefully this thread doesn't 404 before this comment gets posted

still trying, no arguments, just crying.

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>an devout Atheist taking the chance of pissing on religion and expressing his views

Why does this make you angry? Let people express their views lmao

When the fuck was that ever established in the Doom universe? Fucking never.

>That fucking clown ruined everything
that clown is in charge because everything was already ruined and he was one last hail mary attempt to break the status quo and do something worth a fuck. It didn't work.

It's always the same with this type of poster. It's one of 2 things. 1: They're just deliberately trolling for attention. 2: They're the sort that's fine with any kind of content regardless of public sentiment until they personally find it offensive, then it needs to be banned immediately even if their interpretation of the situation is entirely wrong.

He's Mormon

you can blow it out your ass amoeba iq subhuman, your sky daddy isnt real

Attached: randligion.jpg (480x360, 27K)

You faggots are gay as shit.

I'm excited as fuck about the music.

>everything was already ruined
nice meme. thing are worse than ever now

>Replies with a boomer facebook meme

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I hope we get to fight real angels and not the gay ass fag with wings angels.

>Objectivist calling another view primitive

holy shit you guys still use that pic of a leftard larping as a maga? how pathetic. Find some new material.

>that second track
I love this game so much and it's not even out

When has the "Doom marine" been a christian?

It was kind of fucking obvious considering we literally never see any humans in Hell that aren't there as a result of demons invading other places.
If it were Christian hell, where are all the dead people being tortured for all of eternity?

in case you don't have it already.

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>Healthcare bad
>Except when its for me

based Ayn

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Just give me SMT: DOOM edition already.
Better yet, somebody make an SMT themed Doom WAD.

could not possibly be more fitting

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i hope your life is more miserable; my life has been great since the fall of the msm

>everything was already ruined
Nigga I wasn't paying $450 a month on health insurance I almost literally never use before he took office. And health was 9/10ths of what people complained about with obama.

They aren't, they're just think their being clever by pretending to be Christian to "own the libs." They're mostly refugees from r/thedonald that came in around mid-2016. Real room-temperature IQ types.

>anti demon
>anti angel
nothing worse than a centrist desu

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I'm not annoyed because it pisses off Christcucks, I'm annoyed because it's so fucking trite. Every single setting has "Church bad". And every game that has you fighting demons has you fighting Angels eventually, because there's only so much you can do with Demons I guess?

They could have tried harder. Bring in aliens or something, idk.

>they're just larping
said the increasingly nervous leftard for the 2000000 time

What was Grezzo 2?

I really wish you guys would stop making a mockery of my faith with these constant "Christian outrage" threads when most of you are probably /pol/ LARPers at best

>reading the bible
>not familiarizing yourself with Gnostic texts and the Kabbalah

He's literally no different than any republican president, breaking the status quo my ass

Considering they still say Shub-Niggurath in Quake Champions, we should be be fine if this comes to pass.

that's exactly what a satanist would say.

>things she never said contradict her ideology
she also died immensly wealthy and succesful by the way

>Gnostic texts
piss off, Demiurge did nothing wrong

>If it were Christian hell, where are all the dead people being tortured for all of eternity?
Classic Doom has the scrolling wall of faces and Doom 2016 has corpses all over the place in hell.

Why are christcucks so sensitive?

your religion is dumb and so are you
satanists are mildly based and somehwat redpilled tho

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Why would I be nervous about someone who think's they're being clever by feigning religious outrage on an anonymous imageboard about video games? Feel free to shit up the place all you want, better men have tried and gotten bored of it years ago.

>The fucking trailer shows how Heaven is letting demons pusnish humans for using argent energy
>Doomguy goes there to beat them and probably something to resolve the demon problem on earth
Why is Yea Forums so retarded

Or any Democrat president for that matter.
The biggest, most successful lie Donald Trump has ever told was that he is any different from any other soulless greedy POS politician out there. The only difference between them and him is he's retarded.

doom 2016 was shit and this game is gonna be shit too, its really fucking stupid to be fighting in arenas for the whole game in doom 2016 and eternal doesnt look different in the fucking slightest.

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What's next? We'll kill communists in Wolfenstein?

that man is the definition of "trying too hard"


Politics are so fucking gay, I'd rather just play video games

>People are smart

Remember when we could talk about videogames without some room-temp IQ, deep south conservacuck who just got internet infrastructure set up in his shithole hamlet whining about "the gay degens" or MUH CENSOORRSHIP?

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>Flooding the thread with 2008 atheist takes and buzzfeed quotes
I'll pray for you

it's ok user you'll grow up soon enough.

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Feat that they are losing influence as the young don't give a fuck about religion

Spotted the newfag. Dude probably doesn't even know about the good works Yea Forums used to do.

Have you even played the fucking game? There is literal fucking proof all around
>B-but that doesn't count!
Fuck off and stop trying to eschew the original premise.

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butthurd /pol/tards mad about literally anything ever

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whatever helps you cope with being a loser lmao

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it's your fault faggot, shouldn't have made games political if you didn't want us to trash your immature regressive philosophy.

>eternal doesnt look different in the fucking slightest.
Did you even watch the trailers? There's plenty of roaming

>When new fags thought their cancerous ways were ever as popular as it was now.
R.eddit is just the fucking site for you nigger.

She died living on food stamps in public housing, you ignorant retard.

you know in this scene the gun is clearly pointed at the middle of tom's head yet when he shoots it only blows off his toupee

Thanks you've split my sides

This is like if that one christian guy in highschool was on funnyjunk in 2007

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>roaming around arenas

Wow, someone's getting angry over videogames.
No one has presented any proof in this thread that Hell is the Hell described in Christianity. It's almost like it's a videogame and you should stop acting like it's some kind of gospel that needs to be upheld to the highest degree. Play the games.

CSGO-tier hit detection.

How is this a bad thing? Doom guy takes shit from no one.

You are literally roaming around street levels. They are not constrained corridors like DOOM 2016

>shouldn't have made games political

Games have been "political" (just like every other form of art or media) for decades

>Shouldnt have made games that challenge my current political views

is what you actually mean,

Wow, you must have literally not played Doom 1993. There are tortured corpses all over hell.

Whatever helps you cope with being dragged to church as a kid. It's probably time you got over it though dude

Everyone trying to inject their pathetic christfag insecurities over this game is just embarassing, you're literally no different than the pearl-clutching retards who were sperging out about the original DOOM being "unchristian" 25 years ago. It's not a political statement, it's a new set of enemies in a first person shooter set on mars you fucking retards

Pathetic how this board has regressed to literal boomer opinions lately

>all this unironic christfaggotry
What happened to this fucking site?

Attached: it's not shutting down.jpg (500x619, 51K)

Smiting demons isn't murder you retard. It's God's work.

>Not seeking the truth of The Monad.
Enjoy having your soul trapped in the false material plane for eternity, fuckboy. I'll be over here ascending to a being of pure divine energy.

Games have been political since before you were born, you moron.

we found salvation

>made games that challenge my current political views
if they did that i'd be impressed. instead it's just "capitalism bad" and "rich man bad" and "white man bad" and "religion bad".

Grow up kiddo.

2016 happened and it's been awful ever since.

Yeah... the corpses of the space marines killed by the demons, dumbass. They're all literally space marine corpses. Unless Hell is only reserved for space marines, right?

>we will never have games that unironically make you think like the original Deus Ex and MGS2 again

It stopped being your safe space/echo chamber. Do you think it should be?


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>based on verbal testimony unbacked by records
>implying it somehow contradicts her ideology you know nothing about
lmao what a pathetic faggot
no she didnt you lying fuck she was a bestselling author throughout most of her adult life and left an eastate worth over 500k back then
your impotent butthurt is amusing nonetheless

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Fedora posting

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>"made games that challenge my current political views"
>if they did that i'd be impressed.
> instead it's just "capitalism bad" and "rich man bad" and "white man bad" and "religion bad".
So you agree that capitalism is bad and white men are bad? I dont get it. Are you having a stroke?

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>being an unironic Randfag

Nu-Doom is gay and stupid. The jump to actual 3D was a mistake.

Attached: Doom Slayer Enjoying the Slaughter of Demons.webm (500x331, 2.71M)

christians don't masturbate to drawings of underage girls.

The fuck are you talking about? /pol/ has entirely become a trumptard safe-space. I can't even have arguments with commies on that board anymore because they instantly get drowned out by their incessant shitposting the instant they see something they disagree with and the mods won't do shit about it.

Ofcourse we wont, because retards like sperg out at politics in muh bideogames

>yes goy just keep on playing your new FPS and don't worry about your dying white race you stupid goyim

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I agree

Doom has always been 3D though.

>So you agree that capitalism is bad and white men are bad? I dont get it. Are you having a stroke?
and I'm supposedly the one larping as a retard.

I'm ok with Ayn Rand being half a millionaire, because she was half right about the world with her hatred of communism.

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>people are so insecure they'll switch their beliefs on a dime because they get made fun of

can't wait until christfags get made fun of for 2 weeks then everyone here becomes buddhist

I was going to argue with you, but then I realized you're probably still in sophomore year highschool like most randfags.


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That's what I said. Pseudo-3D had its charm.

I don't go on /pol/ so I have no idea what you're talking about dude. I'm just a Christian newfag who's been here since 2011 because there is nowhere else on the internet to go. And truth be told even in that short 8 year span of time, boards like Yea Forums have become borderline unusable. I don't know why you expect better of /pol/ after both gamergate and the 2016 elections.

I'm pretty sure no one, not even the Christfags here would honestly give that much of a fuck so long as the gameplay is good (and they fix that godawful UI)

You implied they werent using "politics you disagree with", then went on to say that they were saying "white men bad'.

This implies that you infact agree with the statement "white men bad".

Did you lose your train of thought?

You got a whole fucking sea load of left leaning sites on the internet. Move your fucking ass to one those if want to talk with leftists.

feels good man
im 27 and about to pay off my second house lmao keep coping

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A buch of faggots wanted us to suck dick and we said no

I agree, Void Bastards pulls off that kind of art style excellently. I don't really full 3D models were a detriment to doom 2016, though. Besides, it's hard to do vertical environment when you're using sprites in a 3D environment,

>/pol/ a Trump safe space
way to prove you've never been to /pol/

yah this place is garbage we should just leave and go to a more respectable forum like resetera. C'mon guys let's leave these losers to their cesspool.

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A game non-Italians will never understand

Why the fuck would anyone want to only talk to people who agree with them?

o no it's retarded.

Are you putting words in my mouth or did your post go over my head? I specifically said I originally came here because every other place of discussion on the internet was community-filtered echo chamber garbage. Yea Forums is nauseating now but there is still nowhere else to go

By Bible lore demons are angels tho

being an atheist is no longer edgy nor cool, its cringe thanks to reddit fedoralords and Christians being politically and socially irrelevant.

I know, you clumsily tripping over your own words every post makes it incredibly hard to pin you down.

It's Yea Forums contrarianism. If you think people here are unironic christfags, boy do I got a bridge to sell ya.

take of his helmet and find out why

>a video game based on alien demons from mars is taking my white heritage!!!

based retard

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>Ha, jokes on you R-tard. I've got 7 10/10 qts on my dick 24/7. I drive a lambo to work (I work at valve, btw) and my dick is 18 inches long.

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I havent kept up with NuDoom, are the angels going to be typical rats with wings or are we going to get those radical cannon designs

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I don't think they're christfags, they've only realized the value religion has in the world so they graduated from full blown anti-theism

good goy

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There was a time when I posted on /pol/ frequently because it was the only place on the internet where commies, fascists, liberals, and conservatives could all have a decent debate in one place without anyone getting banned for stupid reasons. Now it's all Trump threads and his sycophantic worshipers shitposting so hard in all non-Trump threads so hard they autosage in 15 minutes. The idea that people are trying to turn Yea Forums into a "liberal safe-space" is absurd, because the whole site's been overrun by the president's bootlickers and their fellow travelers, and the mods won't do shit to rein them in.

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angels are cool

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>someone fuckin typed this

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Last time I tried to post on /pol/ the thread was auto-saged in no-time flat because it got flooded by trump worshipers posting stupid meme images.

I'm an unironic non-/pol/ Christian though. Just ended up here pretty much accidentally a long time ago and have not been able to leave

He's a blazkowicz.

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no, sorry but no.

justr because a character was established doesnt mean he cannot be developed, thats stupid.

DoomSLAYER (not doomguy) was betrayed by the demons into killing innocents, including his partners of the night sentinels and his family, and he is hellbent into killing demons in order to atone for his mistake and ensure noone else makes the same mistake. that in and of itself is development already.

and now in eternal, its being implied that he is getting betrayed by the angels, and he is not gonna let that happen, for someone like slayer, its a perfectly logical next step.

People jumping to dumbass conclusions. If we do indeed fight angels it will just be a rouge faction.

The angels appear to be some sorta cyborgs or something. I suspect they are not what they appear to be.

Oh boy heaven sure would be great with having your will removed and always having to do what you're told.

Jesus fucking christ you're dumb.

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This. I came here through /tg/ sometime in 2013 and this shithole got its hooks in me.
Still better than fucking reddit though

He's Jewish and hates whites. This is canon

You're probably the only actual Christian in this thread, then.

i love that you are doubling down on your lack of reading comprehension. keep insulting other peoples' intelligence though, it's really funny.

Care to explain how you think ID software is killing white people? or are you just going to post a star of david or something you complete mongoloid?

>devout Atheist

Attached: Download.gif (498x280, 784K)

Saying it first makes the other guy an npc?

fuck niggers

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The irony in this post is beyond me ability to express in type.

>thinking mortal freedom is good
Everyone is enslaved to something. Others just deny it.

Carmack doesn't even work at id anymore.

Doomguy is a simple character: he intends to kill all the demons. Doom Eternal's trailer implies angels of some sort will try to prevent him from killing all the demons because it is "their time." Ergo, Doomguy will kill the angels if they get in the way of his killing demons. Not that complicated.

>2 billion Christians around the world
>only actual Christian in this thread, then

I thought heaven for most humans was just being lobotomized by the glow of pleasure from being so close to God, don't

Yeah, devout. Atheism is as much a belief system as other religions since they treated it as such.

>Hey I think you messed up and said the opposite of what you meant



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I'm so sorry political shitposting has rotted your brain, I hope you get better soon

Guaranteed you would be whining just as bad if not worse than anyone if somebody hamfisted politics you disagree with in a game.

This might be the worst Doom thread I've ever seen.

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>lack of belief = belief
You are an idiot.

>whites: FUCK GOD LMAO

I started on /tg/ too, back in 2009.

and every thread from now to launch will be just like this one

don't take the lord's name in vain, retard-user.

I'm the guy he was replying to and even I know the statistic unlikelihood of a Christian ending up here. A lot of Christians have a weaker constitution than me, I imagine they'd be turned away from the content this place churns out pretty quickly.

just keep the unwashed third world masses out of your country and you won't have to worry about "the dying white race" like the Japs, is that so difficult?

Would Doomguy make for a good bf?

Attached: I can be your daisy.jpg (1280x1801, 344K)


>game franchise created by metalheads
>almost 30 years later user realizes they don't like Christians
You guys couldn't be dumber if you tried

Yea Forums must be destroyed

They do it all the time, user.

You literally start FF7 as an eco-terrorist blowing up an allegory for a nuclear reactor.

I swear to christ you fucking idiots. Its like you're wearing blinders to anything that isn't "M-M-MUH SJWS!!!"

Attached: neov.jpg (700x695, 192K)

Yeah, probably. Do you honestly think the people screeching about doomguy maybe killing angels are doing so because they feel it offends their religious sensitivities? They're just obnoxious attention whores, nothing more. If they proclaim to be Christian, it's for the same reasons they're screeching in this thread. They have no personal values so they just seek attention for validation.

>lack of belief
>atheists not glorifying science as god and treating critics of religion as saints
You people are as fanatic as the people you look down upon.

not all metal is made by Varg Vikernes, user.

only a very small fraction of all atheists treat it in a religious way. most people simply don't believe in any deity and don't think about it.

Sounds like bullshit to me. Trump being a kike puppet is a pretty common opinion if you even take a passing glance at a thread about Trump that isn't /PTG/.

Boomer Doomguy would since he killed hell because they killed Daisy.



Science is provable and testable. Gods are not.

who do you think is pushing the degeneracy on young white kids to turn them into trannies you fucking retards?

Atheist just means non-theistic. I've met atheists that believe in Chinese "herbal medicine", reincarnation, and heaven. Not all atheists are Richard Dawkins, they're as varied as any religious sect, perhaps moreso.

there's a huge difference not liking religion and being Varg

What is a snowflake if not someone who gets offended at angels being in a Doom video game. This board is the gayest fucking place on earth.

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>happens all the time
>gives an example only the most autistic faggot in the world would be offended by
You're not really making a good case for yourself here.

Civilizational entropy and decline. It happens to literally every empire, Jews or no Jews.

Maybe thing's have changed. I haven't bothered with that board since mid-2016. Hiro really needs to reboot it like Moot did that one time.

the bullets traveling through a bent barrel. Its going to come out inaccurate

Name one game that portrays religion in a positive light.

Why the fuck are you retards so obsessed with transgenders? It's not like there's suddenly more of them, they're just more visible now because they're less afraid of being murdered for being transgender.

this thread is like 2 people actually offended and most people either apathetic/curious to see what the fuck's going on in the lore
Hell, I'm one of the Christfags here and I barely give a shit, what are you on about


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The novels. Yes, there were Doom novels.

rent free


>>gives an example only the most autistic faggot in the world would be offended by

Have you ever had a conversation with an environmentalist? When was the last time you left the house?

>You're not really making a good case for yourself here.
Uhhhh. Ditto.

>Reboot it
Wtf does that even mean. You can't reboot the people who willingly choose to go there and make the board what it is.

I'm guessing what you want to say is that /pol/ needs to be heavily censored like the rest of the internet because that's basically the only way to enforce a leftist echo chamber which is probably what you want it to be.

transgender people are .06% of the population, and those kids that transition are scrawny autists that would never start a family anyways. Do you seriously think that if transgenderism wasn't a thing all these people would be total chads leading society as ubermensch instead?

>ancient Semitic war god
>BTFOs the other gods so hard he becomes an omnipotent universal entity
based as fuck, praise YHWH


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yeah, real science like physics is. Not social science like the transgender bullshit the modern left forces down our throats.

>I wonder if we get an orange hitler next.
We already have Orange Hitler, complete with concentration camps.

He's different in that he's more overt about being a complete shitbag. Most Republicans try to hide their shitbaggery.

>who do you think is pushing the degeneracy on young white kids to turn them into trannies you fucking retards?

Whoever made you this way, user.


Dark Messiah, any Dragon Quest game, Civilization 5, Stronghold 1&2. There are more but I suspect you aren't as interested in a truthful response as you are in just trolling, so I won't bother.

Angels literally boosted his power as a boon for his unending hatred for demonkind. The only reason he would turn against angels is if they actively try to fuck him or the world over and at that point, why would he not kick their asses?

If you want your devout Christian Doomguy, there's always the books.

Fucking awesome.

This. Every single goddamned thread on Yea Forums has the word "tranny" in it at least 5 times. You guys are so obsessed with them you've created your own personal boogeyman.

There used to exist a minimum barrier of entry into the internet based on technological competence and financial stability; now any mouth breather can hop on and shit out some hot opinions.
I really do miss the internet of the 90s and early 2000s.

>conversation with an environmentalist
I don't live on a university campus child. Speaking with hippies and spergs is a pretty rare thing for me besides what i'm doing right now talking to you.

When the broad atheist movement got completely subverted by social justice and buried it once and for all, so ~2014

yah i remember when the nazi's had to keep all the jews from flooding into their country; that's totally a fair comparison.

Way back when, Moot once deleted /pol/ and the mods started handing out bans to anyone talking politics outside of /news/. Eventually, /pol/ returned and it was good for a bit. Then 2016 happened. This should happen again; reddit's trash needs to be washed out of this site.

it's more like they're only visible on the internet because they're losers who rarely go outside

Shut the fuck up no one cares about your obsession with trannies, faggot.

>/pol/ mentioned 14 times
>tranny mentioned 2 times

you are one dumb motherfucker
must be a burger
it's always them with this weird atheism=believesystem notion
and what does atheism inherently have to do with (trusting) science (alone)? an atheist can be just as scientifically illiterate as you probably are
don't piss your panties non retarded mutts, I love america

>immigration rates lower than 2001
>flooding into the country
Pick one, because you can't have both. Here's a hint: reality is general more reliable than political sound bites.

Isn't Varg a neo-pagan or some shit anyway?


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That's hard to do when reddit is banning these people from that site. Just admit you want heavy censorship.

Japmoot Hiro knows that the gold passes are too good with all the horseshit pol traffic, no morality in his brain. Moot took on loads of debt and kept Yea Forums going for so long, his child, his dream, his burden ;-;

Fuck off tranny. You sick freaks already fucked up r9k

The novels also say there are no demons just space aliens created in the image of demons to scare the humans in an invasion. Imps fireballs are its mucus and the nobels have plasma guns. Also the rockets for the launcher are the size of AA batteries. Any argument about lore using the novels can be dismissed.

no hes not hes catholic in the books. the other character is morman

>not the edit

Yeah, they're both things that don't matter at all that Yea Forums obsesses over because it is filled with autists. What is your point?


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Real self fulfilling prophecy here

r9k has a bigger problem with normal-fags whining about their girl friends than trannies

>Here's a hint: reality is general more reliable than political sound bites.
And anything is more reliable than what comes out of Trump's mouth.

I'm just curious why you went to tranny instead of /pol/ when this thread is proof enough that there is more obsession for /pol/ than trannies.

I want moderation. When it's become literally impossible to even discuss Doom without some retard shitting up the thread ranting about athiests and libs and trannies, some houskeeping needs to be done. It's not censorship, it's shoving the obnoxious assholes out the door because they contribute nothing to this site.

>rejecting religion when gods and demons literally exist in your own universe

that's not atheism that just pure ignorance.

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The novels go that far into absolute shit, huh? Good thing I avoided them.

>not posting the truth

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ask yourself this
would you rather live in a white dominated world or a black dominated one?

I think it's simply Hayden run amok and established himself as God with his own cyborg angel creations. A twisted parody of pearly white paradise.
Also OP provide a fucking source we only have a trailer line and screen grabs we don't know anything more yet.

Not sure if it's ever been established that gods exist in Doom. Demons certainly do, and angels have been alluded to before, but their exact nature is unclear. Based on Doom 2016's lore, they might just be extra-dimensional beings.

>I want moderation.
thats how they get you, nothing wrong with moderation but then 4 years down the road and we have reddit-tier totalitarian losers than ban everything with a pulse. Jannies are bad enough

>implying that's not Hayden and his robo angels
>implying that's not OT Satan trying to prove to God that humans are evil by making them submit to demons
>implying it matters anyways because SMT is cool too

Of course, by the same logic, gods are not disprovable.
Sure, you can disprove specific religious texts, or realize that many organized religions are a sham, but one cannot design an experiment to select for the existence of a god. Faith is not a question of science to begin with.
Faith in science replacing faith in gods is just another religion, albeit one that promises tangible things.

>I want moderation
Yes, you want mods to ban people who espouse views you don't like. Don't think nobody understands what you're really trying to say here. And anyways who gives a fuck, if there was more interesting things to discuss then it would be discussed.

Don't have a sperg fit just because people talk about things that upset you.

No, this thread has more /pol/ obsession because the topic is on Christfags which are usually right-leaning conservatives.
You have to be retarded to think Yea Forums doesn't have a serious obsession with trannies, to the point where people blame nearly anything they don't like in the gaming industry or the board itself on them.

This is:
1. Irrelevant to any of the posts you linked to.
2. A false dichotomy.

Grow a fucking brain and think for yourself instead of spewing Ben Shapiro talking points for once.

>science advance axis
Is as if you wanted to be stupid on porpuse

I'd rather live in a world where every race and ethnicity has its place and home. Just because I'm a nationalist doesn't make me a fucking supremacist you good-for-nothing schizo.

>Religion is stopping us from exploring the galaxy!
We wouldn't have the Big Bang theory if not for a priest, retard.

And if God and the angels damn all of humanity to be slaughtered by demons and do nothing to stop it, what then?

No, I want mods to ban the autistic screechers who flood every thread ON THE VIDEOGAMES BOARD with rants about liberals and trannies. If they want to do that on /pol/ or whatever, I'm fine with that. It has no place on Yea Forums and actively reduces the quality of the discussion on this board.

There's a great character in Terry Pratchett's novel Feet of Clay who is exactly this, a golem given free thought and indepence who is skeptical of the gods despite there being hundreds of them in universe

>Series involves demons and cosmic forces beyond human control
>Heaven is real too
>but is also full of assholes that you need to kill
Why even have the concept of heaven in the first place if it's there as an excuse to have more enemies?

At least something like Bayo takes pride in being neutral and hedonistic.

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Hahaha you won't answer, you're scared to admit it to yourself. Pathetic.

that pic has got to be the most esoteric and obtuse reference I've ever seen.

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Get over it fag I want to kill angels AND demons

they're aliens you dumb fuck

>you want Yea Forums to talk about videogames
Yea Forums is awful at talking about videogames, Yea Forums is at its best when we ignore videogames and go off-topic

>newfags getting trolled by ancient bait

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>Ben Shapiro
>talking about racial differences
Pick one. Are you just pretending to be retarded?

based retard

Fuck off tranny

This is like asking me "WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE FRUIT, ORANGES OR MANGOES?!" and then calling me pathetic when I say I prefer apples to either of them. Your reasoning is totally incoherent and devoid of logic.

Blame the devs and the game industry for pushing politics then. Theres a reason politics in video games is brought up. You're blaming the symptom, not the virus.

I hope they don't go with the "God is bad too" route. It's so boringly unimaginative.

Literally nothing could be further from the truth. Just look at this shitshow of a thread.

Awww, still avoiding all the tough questions?

>they're extra-dimensional beings
this would be the biggest asspull and go against the spirit of the franchise so hard. They were always hell demons, not aliens or chaos creatures. It would be like in Warcraft where the burning legion was supposed to be the armies of hell itself and the crusaders had christian symbolism before Neo-blizz sanitized everything and removed the symbolism for culture-less kid friendly shit.

Niether. Domination based on race is for low-IQ identitarian retards like you.

The dark ages are called the dark ages because people weren't writing anything down, not because technology wasn't advancing. This meme annoys me more than most. The early medieval period is very interesting if you look into it beyond Hollywood crap. If you want galaxy-exploring tech at any meaningful pace we need another world war, preferably one that takes place on American soil.

>serious obsession with trannies
why did that even happen half a year ago no one cared about trannies outside of speedrunning threads and now its Yea Forumss favourite word

God is a faggot and so are you

Nice false equivalency. Is there anything you won't say to avoid the topic?

this thread is fucking pleasant compared to plenty of threads actually talking about video games

This sounds familiar...

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Angels have been in videogames for decades, nobody has cared until now. The autistic screeching and faux outrage is all about attention-seeking. They're no better than the people that pretend to be shocked that a game has a white male protagonist when there have been games with such for decades as well. "SJW's" and the "anti-degeneracy" screechers are two sides of the same coin: annoying faggots that need to get a damn clue.

Retard. Kiddie. "Muh aliens and angels how intriguing"

Do you think Ben Shapiro is alt-right or even far-right? I'm legitimately curious if that's what you think and how you came to that conclusion.

Ironic since the average iq of blacks is much lower than whites.

>they're extra-dimensional beings
Isn't that what demons basically already are and by proxy supernatural beings as a whole?

He is powered by an angel? Instead of being a force of nature just because? This game lame as fuck. And you sound too excited about this third rate fantasy novel lore. Idiot

Wtf I love high crime rates now

>B-but both sides are retarded guise
Another phrase for pic related. Thanks fellow r.edditor.

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>you like what I don't like
>lol u dum
Quality post

The 'wisdom of children' comes from a lack of experience with the world. If the golem traveled and experience the world around him he would come to acknowledge the god's existence.

This argument only exists when strawmen are created.

Maybe the angels are corrupt?

Oh I don't even give a shit about that. This thread was clearly bait for retards like you. i'm talking about more blatant things like making your characters transgender or gay or shoving dogwhistles to woke politics in your game like Wolfenstein TNC did.

You're autistic. Uhhhhh why people don te respect my video games safe space uaaaaa. Jesus......

Wanting doom guy to be some mute force of nature is reddit tier

Kinda. Their dimension is also like a parasite. It latches onto other worlds across multiple dimensions, and drains them while corrupting and killing everything.