Why don't you move to GOG, user? You could rebuy some of your games to vote with your wallet

Why don't you move to GOG, user? You could rebuy some of your games to vote with your wallet.

Attached: Di9ZWifXsAAsJg5.jpg (1000x1000, 236K)

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I mostly play old games, when they're not on steam or are cheaper in gog I buy them there.

>buying games

>move to GOG
From where? You can have an account on multiple places you know.

I do. I download the files and stick them on drives. It's the only way to get a physical copy any more.

>rebuying games
>voting with your wallet
That being said paying for DRM-Free games is the most sensible option

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Does she have porn

If that Galaxy 2.0 really works, there will be no point in moving to a different platform.

>You could rebuy some of your games to vote with your wallet.
Not going to work since taking fortnite money from Tim is always more profittable than taking money from customer.

GOG doesn't have half the games Steam does.

>rebuy some of your games
That's why

I mostly buy on GoG yes.

I've already started transitioning more of my purchases there. Being able to keep backups of my games is nice.


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Nobody thinks like this.

wtf i love epic spyware store now

1. GoG has no games
2. Even if it did have games, buying from them would literally be like paying to pirate
3. already have a sizable collection at Steam and I don't want to start a new one or use multiple clients
4. I just really dislike CDPR and wouldn't want to give them money

>already have a sizable collection at Steam and I don't want to start a new one or use multiple clients

Every time I see this girl I subconsciously think it's a VA-11 HALL-A thread.

you don't need a client to use GOG though
download the game installer from their site, install the game and it runs right away, no bullshit launchers that check your connection every time you want to launch a game

>Trying to drag GoG into Epic's bullshit.
Shame on you.

Attached: 1356970119396.jpg (309x254, 62K)

>buying digital games
lmao PCkeks

It bugs me that GOG just focusses on new games now. It should be exclusively for rounding up old and obscure games that are hard to obtain otherwise instead of just the latest new indie titles.

>what is literally every consolefag

>rebuy some of your games
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>2. Even if it did have games, buying from them would literally be like paying to pirate
Because they're DRM free?

So you're actually saying you're more inclined to purchase games the worse deal you get? That you actually want more DRM in your games?

>4. I just really dislike CDPR and wouldn't want to give them money
Instead you prefer Valve which push for tons of anti-consumer practices. One of the more infamous ones being paid mods? Yeah, sounds reasonable.

Someone made her in Koikatsu, so yes.

As opposed to not wasting your time needlessly clicking stupid shit that gives you nothing of worth? Yeah, I'm gonna pick that option instead if I can help it.

Most of what you said is already covered by point 2 in that post. Actually wanted to say services instead of clients in 3. "Hmm, let me just check which of the 6 online stores did I buy Game X from and then go and log in there to download" Not what I'm looking for.

I buy the gog version when there is one, also started using galaxy to keep my games nicely sorted

post her card

Not just DRM free, free of any other kind of features as well. Just as if I downloaded it from a torrent site. I like the lack of the automatic update feature though. If I could roll back my Warhammer 2 Total War copy by a few updates on Steam, I sure would.

And yeah, I prefer them. They're not scum liars, they're not trying to sell pirated games, they don't try to get ahead by trying to make the competition look bad instead of making themselves look good, they don't try to shill themselves here non-stop as "the good guys" when they constantly pull EA tier disgusting shit, they don't try to dabble in culture war bullshit. With them I know where I stand and aside from the occasional blunder every few years, they are solid, and have been for the past 10 years.

There may be a better or more up to date one somewhere, but this is what I got

Yeah sure I only use GoG, Steam, and Uplay anyway.