No GB/N64/GBC/GBA/GC virtual console

>no GB/N64/GBC/GBA/GC virtual console
Fucking why?
It'd print money with absolutely ZERO effort
>muh N64/GC classic editions
You'd think they'd rather people buy the new hardware
>no need to develop new hardware
>once people have a switch for said retro games, they're also likely to buy switch games
>le hack it
That's not the point of this discussion.

Attached: Nintendo-Switch-Games-news-N64-GameBoy-GBA-and-DS-games-COMING-SOON-to-virtual-console-732079.jpg (620x420, 41K)

because nintendo have a rule they have to fuck up on one thing or another. lol.

gonna be honest

I hacked my Switch because I wanted to play emulators. Because of that, I also learned how easy it is to pirate games and now I don't buy any games anymore.

They're doing a massive overhaul of their service and can't get it right. I'm guessing internal conflict between conservative suits and everyone else. It'll probably be the flagship of the next console and have some kind of games as service plan for all their shit.

Saving that for a slow year.

>I also learned how easy it is to pirate games and now I don't buy any games anymore.
do seriously not know how to pirate video games until recently ???

>begging for the privilege to pay money for 20-30 year old games

Attached: 1378136300762.jpg (245x250, 6K)

Paying for shitty rom
GET cucked fag!

I expect a huge dump of beloved titles on Nintendo Switch Online soon after Switch Lite releases. Either that, or "HD" releases of Mario 64, Sunshine, etc. for $60 a pop.

Man ikr?? I'd pay $60 a year for Nintendo online if I could play my gba games

Why is the n64 emulator such a ducking joke?

this for sure

I don't know. it's the one of the most frustrating things about the console. I have no idea what they're waiting for.
the switch could be the god Nintendo platform, nearly if not better than the Wii U if these motherfuckers got it together.

If 2019 hasn't been a sIow year, I don't want to experience what is.

it's not "how to pirate video games", but "how to play pirated games on the switch and suffer no negative consequences for it"

it has pokémon, that's enough, controversies aside is still gonna sell a lot.

People would pay $30 for a barebones Mario 64 port, I don’t understand why Nintendo doesn’t do it

why do you care so much about that? you can emulate all these games on a computer without much effort

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you didnt get banned ?

ofc not

online still works fine for me

just use emunand

Do you have a particular trick to not get banned?
>inb4 SXOS

No I think it will sell worse. But it will be the best entry to date. It was 1:1 the same with bw. Shitted on the end not liked by many, even I didn‘t liked it at first. Then I gave it another shot and it became EASILY the best gen in this whole franchise.


I respectfully disagree, guess we'll have to wait and see my friend.

wait what? Is there finally a real emunand? I'mma pick up that shit again

Last year was a slow year. This one has been pretty spot on and just what the Switch needed to keep the sales going.

So you have to buy shitty indie games to fill the length gaps between game releases. Also so they can use them to shill their awful online service. I don’t know why they only have NES games though, NES games are almost all garbage even the SMS was better

Because it would take interest away from the "free" nes games that come with your online subscription, and therefore subscriptions themselves. Virtual Console is an ace up Nintendo's sleeve, so they won't announce it while things are already going well for them.