Meh reviews

>meh reviews
>only 6k players on launch day
Is Wolfenstein finally dead now, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Machinegames did a fine job resurrecting series with The New Order and The Old Blood only to kill it again with the mess of a game like The New Collossus.
With Youngblood it looks like they are beating a corpse.


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Looks like the Nazis won Antifa bros....

If they removed the shitty one-liners the game would be atleast a little better. Looks kinda shit so far. Story sounds cool but would be better if it was his sons trying to find him instead of daughters or whatever the fuck

Meanwhile Doom Eternal seems to will be a hit on arrival.
Get red pilled, pockets filled?

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wow I love how many fans are making threads about this amazing game and everyone posts about how great it is, it's doing so well!

Truly a fan favorite :)

tranny bros...

hahah indeed, tranny indeed :)

Well played fellow Yea Forums poster, what a fantastic burn you posted there xD

seethe more

Congratulations Jews and Liberals. You made killing Nazis boring for the sake of pushing thousand other little things.

Tannies in a video game! xD

you sound fucking retarded

It's really good to see so many fans bumping the thread and keeping it at the top so others can know the game is out. It truly warms my heart.

Hopefully we can keep this thread bumped all night!

>it's real
holy shit a 6.5 on IGN is like a fuckin zero on actually honest review sites
this game has to be shit with a turd on top

>Killing Nazis used to be the most popular genre of FPS in the early 2000s
>Now gay politics bullshit has made it fucking lame as hell

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But it's an awful game isn't it? Aren't we supposed to just keep bumping the thread? I'm sorry am I doing it wrong fellow Yea Forums poster? :/

I too learned about basic reverse psychology in third grade.

Nazis are bad, punch a nazi! xD

Amazing, you are very talented.

Please tell us what else you learned in third grade :D

*boops thread xD

Pic related happened

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>Be big badass dude killing nazi scum
>Or be big badass dude pontificating about his own mortality in a game about killing nazis
>Or be ugly twinky-looking girls making sassy jokes and slapsticking in a game about killing nazis
And this is why I don't care about western devs anymore.

why don't you guys want to kill nazis? A-are you one of them?

Oh my hahaha a very clever meme!

*boops thread to keep it up so more anons can know the game just came out n.n

please, bethesda, have more shitty conferences like this one

it was hilarious

The gayest thing is that New Order/Old Blood were before the fucking 2016 election so they actually had a cool idea of what it would be like if Nazis ran the world
But after every fucking retarded lefty faggot decided that anyone right of fucking Mao is a fucking Nazi Fascist, the entire writing had to become gay political bullshit

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It was very hilarious, I enjoyed it immensely. I think we are very alike fellow Yea Forums poster

*bumpy* The game just came out everyone, go check steam! o_o shoooo!

Even Forsen hates it, yikes.

>Instead [of stealth], you’re supposed to use the blatant design Band-Aid of the cloaking device, an ability so essential it’s one of two you choose from when initially creating a character (and quickly unlockable if you choose the Crash ramming ability instead). Even before you upgrade it to last longer and let you move faster, it lets you walk right up to an economically anxious German, step around him, and stealthily ventilate his spleen. It feels like a cheat, probably because it absolutely is a cheat. The designers cheated not only the game, but themselves. They didn’t grow. They didn’t improve. They took a shortcut and gained nothing.

Fuck nazis and fuck germans, americans should have had nuked Berlin instead of Nagasaki and Hiroshima

The game is getting favorable reviews from the people who are buying it (it just came out btw ^_~)

dies aber unironisch


Lets get this thread to 100 replies everyone!



Wwwwww wwww w wwww wwww

annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd GOOOOO BROKE HAHA!!

edgy americunt

Dumb AI

are you ok?

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Kek, that was cringe but mostly because the dude's accent makes him sound like he is the nazi in disguise.

will it reach 10k? fridays and saturdays usually have more players

>stop being nazis
>only I can be a one you impure shitbags

Keep the threads bumped, more people will know it just came out and more will buy it!

We can do it together!


never thought about that but he does sound as forceful as an old man trying to be hip for the "youths"

stop letting swedish marxist socialists with cuck fetishes make videogames for fuck sake

TNCs all time peak was like 16k so it might.

tranny seethe

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Nearly preordered it too. That was close.

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>kill a nazi in his room
>find a letter on his desk
>its a from his mother wishing her son well on the service and hoping he comes home
seriously what the fuck happened to the writing team?

Uh, didn't you hear buddy, nazis aren't allowed to be people anymore. Get with the times bro

Good luck with your shit.

Wolfenstein's not dead. Young Blood was just a shitty idea. They should've know from the start.

I'm totally down for a coop Wolfenstein game
but character level affecting what enemies you can and can't kill is pants on head retarded in a shooter

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played it because i got it with my gpu

the game is easy as fuck, it looks like ugly shit and the main characters are constantly screaming at eachother about how epic that kill was

its still super slow and clunky compared to DOOM but at least it runs at 140fps in 4k and maxed out.

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You may notice the HATRED in Todd's eyes in seeing his company being fucked up degenerate SJW Private investors and dems.

Nazis used to be an actual threat worth fighting.
Now "nazi" refers to that guy down the block who doesn't like open boarders.

i want to buy doom for 6 €

did they finally Killed BJ to push shitty propaganda?

Bethesda fucked up their own company, great devs like MachineGames and id are saving them.

And antifa refers to anyone who roughs up a racist. Nazis are still the true threat, antifa doesn’t shoot up 50 people in one day.

There's a new Wolfenstein?

I fucking hate it when people are against someones right to open their house for room and board. It's fucking disgusting, it's their right as a homeowner to do so. Those fucking NAZIS against boarders and boarding need to FUCK OFF out of AMERICA.

Pretty sure the entire point of 'anti-fascist' is that anyone they disagree with becomes a fascist, much like a high schooler who just learned the word, but not the meaning.

Nazis don't exist. Retards calling anyone else disagrees with them a Nazi takes away from the actual threat of [national] socialism.

no bj is old weak man who got captured by the nazis now the next generation of nazi killers will free him!!

>Not as good as TOB or TNO
>Nowhere near as good as Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
>No multiplayer since RTCW and ET
>Shooter without multiplayer for retarded reasons like "The story will carry it" or "You might play as a Nazi! EEEK! EEEEEEK!" Or somewhere in between.
>Fucking healthbar over the enemy because apparently I'm retarded.
>Made for girls anyway so why would I bother with it?
They wanted a new audience anyway.

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Antifas are the Real facists you west college leftshitter.

Fucking brainwashing ideology that rewrites history.

>>Fucking healthbar over the enemy because apparently I'm retarded.
I hadn't thought about it, why the hell does FPS enemies have a health bar? do they honestly think that the players are so stupid to the point they dont count the shoots needed or cant recognice when the dead animation starts playing?
Nvm i realised that they have that because they are bullet sponges and apparently thats fun now

>Lets make this game a SJW wet dream of women killing evil nazi men! All main characters are women and all enemies are men, no feminist backgrounds at all! Also lets make two only characters you can play some random lifeless cringe women without any background that say nazi each 3 sec and make retarded jokes like "i hunt nazis not animals"! Completely no bias included and an amazing gameplay of shooting retarded AI!

Same story with BF, try to force you leftist shit even more on games faggots. This wolfenstein feels like it was made by butthurt feminist antifa member that cry on tweeter every day that Trump is a nazi

>literal grammar nazis
>comically evil nazis only

The dialogue had me in literal tears laughing at how bad it is.

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Oh god that dialogue can't be real

I'm sick of fighting nazis wearing power armor bring back regular nazis with the rare super soldier and occult shenanigans that's what made me love Wolfenstein. TNO was a fun take but I really hate how these new Wolfenstein games keep getting more and more focused on futuristic technology and robots.

Reeee antifa are the real terrorists also gas the kikes. You contradict yourself.

Holy fuck

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woman writers really capture emotion so well.

Now BJ is getting cucked out the protagonist role, Wonderful.

Fucking based. I love seeing nazis get triggered as FUCK by this guy and his game.



wow that's so funny

This shit has to be edited

An antifa member literally just fire bombed an ICE office like a week ago.

>France has been occupied by the Germans for 40 years at that point.
How long was America occupied in the nu-Wolfenstein universe? Did you run into American Auxilia units in TNC? Shouldn't there be entire regiments of French Troops in the German Army in France? They've been Germanized for 40 years now. I don't doubt that Resistance would still exist, but the Romans had local Auxiliary not even 5 years after conquering a territory.
I didn't play TNC because I'm not gay, but did you at least run into American/Nazi Sympathizers in TNC?

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I've been playing it with a friend since he gave me his buddy pass. The game is essentially Wolfenstein meets Life is Strange with how cringe the dialogue is. Runs just as smooth as New Colossus did though and the gameplay is alright. The ability to give eachother different on the spot buffs that you can change is a neat idea

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The first Wolfenstein remake turned me into a Nazi. It was set in an incredible high tech world where Nazis were planning awe inspiring trips to Jupiter. The Jews were secretive terrorists who built demonic weapons in underwater temples.

Ah yes like Andy Ngo, a gay Taiwanese man, truly the poster child of racist nazis.

Lol, was this written by a robot? Holy shit

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Cringe, did women write this?

i like nazis. i want to play as a nazi that goes around purging the world of degenerates.

>when you lie on your resume but still land the job


He thinks black people are genetically inferior, that’s known as racist in the real world

are they talking about 2? omg

Closest you'll get

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Replace the wheelchair vet in the last panel with Richard Spencer and you'll have an accurate comic.

>nothing but bloodlust and desire to kill other people
Just imagine replacing Nazi with terrorist/confederates/etc. and it'd be clear as day they're sociopathic

>Antifa are so weak that I live in constant fear of them attacking my white supremacist rally even though I’m not racist

Its so strange to me that a lot of people in the west are obsessed with "resisting" a dead political ideology that couldn't survive a single war almost 80 years ago

Reminder no one on Yea Forums is actually pro-antifa, just people baiting for (you)s

Nah, he should be replaced with a gay asian journalist.

Are people on Yea Forums actually pro-nazi though, because antifa doesn’t kill people

I work at kikestop, this exact dialogue string is heard during the trailer which plays ad nauseum every other hour

>because antifa doesn’t kill people
Only because they're so completely inept.
Antifa literally tried to molotov a concrete building before getting domed.

ya finna seething little guy?

They weren’t trying to kill anyone

>Are people on Yea Forums actually pro-nazi though
No, Yea Forums has a whole has never been pro-authoritarianism, whether it be right or left wing.

Reminder that all national socialists and international socialists are not human.

Who says black people are inferior, sorry pussyboy got what was coming

>guy who went to an ICE facility armed with molotov cocktails and a semiauto rifle wasn't trying to kill anyone
Ok, bud.

Attempted murder doesn't make it any less egregious. Be glad that Antifa are so fucking inept that they can't even kill a person despite ganging up 4v1 almost every fight.

>People got paid a comfy living wage to write this

Obviously yes. People idea of what a Nazi even is needs redefining though.

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If they wanted to kill people, they would just shoot them like you do all the time in mosques, synagogues, and predominantly black churches.

BJ's dad was, The game was very heavy handed in making the father a irredeemable piece of shit.

Basement virgins Nazi skulls need refining

Didn't he have a child with a Jewish woman though? Since they're saying BJ is Jewish now.

/pol/ is though, and that's why they need to go back to fucking reddit.

Reminder that all socialists are not human.

Mom was jewish but daddy was abusive and also racist towards jews despite breeding and marrying one.

>Swede liberal devs have daddy issues.
You'd think that BJs dad of all people would have been a resistance leader.

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Nazis are capitalists, Nazi Germany coined the term privatization and killed leftist members of the party during the night of long knives. There’s your education for the day.

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i'm beginning to root for the nazis

imagine wasting your time and money on this piece of shit

>Hearts of iron at 21k

>Implying that most, if any antifa/commiefags even have a firearm license
Actually, wasn't there a shooting with a tranny that couldn't even kill anyone?

It came out already?

ITT "I'm totally not a Nazi" trying to act smug.

it doesnt matter if the game has shit reviews or if it doesnt sell
this gay trend will continue
they're the only ones making aaa games
better find yourself a new hobby bigot

Is that why commies are mostly LARPing NEETs?

The real question is, why are both of BJ's offsprings white? wtf is this racist nazi propaganda?

Yeah find a new hobby like driving nails into your dick, fucking losers

/pol/ as a whole isn't either, you dummy.

>Nazi's are capitalists
>Ignorning the fact that the night of long knives happened because J*ws starting assassinating high profile Germans
the state of copelets and people that took 5th grade history seriously.

keep your fucking politics out of my fucking games

>nazis were the baddies
god i hate this trope

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The target demographic are woke white dykes that don't play video games.

He's not wrong though

everything is political, shaun

>Take a co-op game
>don't change anything from the last single player one
>Make it story-centered
Well, it would obviously be bad

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>wasn't there a shooting with a tranny that couldn't even kill anyone?
Yeah, two of them if you count the guy going ghost.

Is it true you have to use the Bethesda launcher for co-op?

Yeah incel sure you’re doing a lot for society

Can't people understand the SJW stuff is the least of the problems?
The actual issue is making fucking Wolfenstein of all franchises more like the bogstandard AAA game of today. Forced co-op, leveling, grinding, not setting your weapons on stone.

It's like Dead Space 3 all over again, but somehow worse.

I'd hate it too if the Allies genocided my shitty failed ideology.

This is actually coping.

Fuck Youngblood then, but how is Cyberpilot?

i got this game free with my graphics card, is it worth playing? can you play it by yourself?

I mean he's getting plenty of (You)s which is all that really matters, just stop replying to him and he'll fuck off to another thread

>Micro-transactions in a narrative driven FPS.

I assume the hardest difficulty is balanced around them?

Did they remove these?

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who is ideology?and why did the allies killed him/her?

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This has bothered me for a while, actually. All the soldiers in the new Wolfenstein games have been German (or at least sounded so). How the fuck is one country supposed to occupy the entire world?

>You hear a soldier crying and being comforted by a comrade because his wife left him and took the kids since she didn't want him fighting this war
>The same soldier fears for what might happen to his bloodline

I don't get it. Both TOB and TNO still managed to find a balance between making nazis hateable but also giving them character and depth. This is sad.

That physically hurt me.

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>hardest difficulty
its a AAA game. enemies will just get increased health and be laser accurate

>this was suppose to compete against the new fire emblem

Robot dogs, I guess.

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Thank God antifa are noodle armed faggots or else our trash cans would be in real danger.

>More copes
Right user, because the people that buy nu-wolfenstein buy it for the gameplay BAHAHAHAHAHAAHA

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how in the fuck do you see doom as woke?

That's because right wing terrorists actually possess some amount of intelligence and plan their attacks to inflict the most possible damage upon his enemies, left wing terrorists are either niggers, sand niggers, or pathetic so.yfags who exclusively consume fake news they watch on CNN and collectively don't have two brain cells to rub together to make a third.

Everyone should remember, this is a co-op game. Your experience will differ drastically if your playing solo

you faggots don't actually buy any games to financially support these kinds of idiocies and it's only discussed briefly because of its release before it fades into obscurity forever, like the studio that made it :)


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Wait a new wolfenstein is coming out?

>The dialogue had me in literal tears laughing at how bad it is.
So nothing's changed from TNO?

This is what bothers me the most.
The co-op doesn't even seem well implemented. Both characters play identically functional, the only difference is what both of you do with your weapons, when this has always been a series about keeping your weapons set in stone.

Doesn't help that there's also this shit of levels and healthbars. Why did they jam Borderlands into my Wolfenstein?

With their lower iqs, lower earnings and higher violence? Sounds right.

Hopefully, I didn’t even bother with W2 because of the ridiculous marketing campaign that tried to capitalize on the punch nazi thing. I’m not even american, but it felt disgusting that they’d do it to please the SanFran crowd.


ANTIFA is a very dangerous group that hospitalized a random journalist for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, right before one of their members tried firebombing a detention center. Also, the fact so many Bourgeoise kids support them is disturbing as they would be among the first lined up against the wall in a true Bolshevik revolution.

>Doesn't help that there's also this shit of levels and healthbars. Why did they jam Borderlands into my Wolfenstein?

So they can charge micro transactions.

>prevent them from going to school
>why aren’t they educated

Because they lack muscle, not for a like of trying.

Evidence? Since you doxxed the man, you should have lots.

>Andy Ngo racist
Good thing you can definitely prove that, and prove he's so racist that it justifies ganging up on him and cracking his skull with a weapon, right? Right?

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Don’t capitalize it, it’s not an acronym normie

Red pilled, not woke. People like equating the demons to refugees.

what is the deal with trying to reinvent these high test action games to some cinematic bullshit anyways, nobody plays doom or quake for the story

>the fact so many Bourgeoise kids support them is disturbing
It's good boy points. They get to FEEL like they're doing something """"good"""""

It's not July 26th. How you are playing?

wolfenstein the new order and old blood were actually good games
wolfenstein 2 was just garbadge everything felt worse and the cutscenes were way too long

>multiple alt right shootings per year, death toll in the double digits
>antifa throws a milkshake on 1 guy, have literally killed nobody

antifa pls :'( we're tough guys but pls don't throw dairy at us or we'll call the cops

replace it with jews and you got an antagonist scene there

It is in other parts of the world you know

Faggot game journos will keep pushing it because it supports their agenda

>and the cutscenes were way too long

Every character development related section that was entirely optional in the first game was rammed into obligatory cutscenes in the second. This fucking obliterated the pacing of the story and made each fucking cutscene so long and dragged out. And since most of it was fucking awful, it's literally a lose-lose situation.

I don't hate the second game like most people here but holy shit, it was a disappointment.

>That moment when you realize you were hardly killing any Germans.
>Mostly Auxiliaries from Europe, North America, and Argentina just doing their jobs.
>Then when you really think about it, the bridge?
>Nuking Area 52?
>BJ killed civilians.
>Now his bastard kids are child soldiers molded by an extreme ideology that has completely dehumanized another ethic group in a tragic twist of irony.
Wolfenstein is pretty fucking dark when you actually sit down and think about it. Of course, the Devs are using the 'REEE! NAZIS!' to shut down any and all negative criticism.

nah, is just that the audience they're aiming doesn't play videogames

He's objectively correct.

>White as fuck country
>Total land area: 13,068 square miles
>GDP Per capita: $3,399
>IQ: 95

>GDP per capita: $4,101
>Total land area: 481,000 square miles
>Black as coal
>IQ: pic related

And this is comparing two formerly communist countries that didn't get unfucked until the late 90's. Same political system, similar GDP per capita, and yet Moldova is leagues ahead of Angola.

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but the national socialist were disbanded in 1945 and Germany made sure to have a variety of laws to prevent them from reappearing in germany

People with a lower IQ benefit society more than you, through labor.

More of the same shit, people are tired of these games

No, sadly they killed a fat mexican kid who charged the tranny. Poor hero kid saved his entire class and was buried under, "Are you transphobic?" articles.

Internationalist plutocrats and commies were both so deathly afraid of fascism/national socialism they had to team up to destroy a nation the size of texas.

Even now when there are no actual Nazis anymore they are both still seething with foam from their mouths and shit like this game gets made.

Like holy fuck imagine still making people seethe 80 years after you're dead and gone.
I gotta applaud that.

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how the fuck do you know that he wants to gas kikes?

It was badass being BJ.
No one thinks it's badass to be a chick in power armor.

It doesn't matter if you're weak if you're ganging up on someone unarmed with a bunch of makeshift weapons and concrete-filled milkshakes.

I'm 5'3" and could probably kick every Antifa faggot's ass mano e mano just because of how onions-addled and anti-testosterone they are. They all have the efficacy of a woman.

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Isnt doom anti-theist now?

>push your degenerated political agenda to critical levels in every way possible
>even normies start to throw up
mhhh. really makes you think

Yes, I am, at least ideologically.
Hitler was on point, and the jewish threat to our race has to be exterminated.

attempted bombing and was only looking to disable trucks that were going to round people up, he didn't walk into a building and kill innocent people like all the other right wing terrorists

I don't believe that people having lower IQ makes them inherently undeserving of rights, I just believe that certain people groups have lower IQ. But that makes me racist for acknowledging the truth.

I'm also a taxpaying citizen, unlike literally everyone on the left who disagrees with me.

>Get red pilled, pockets filled

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Remember when god hand got a 3 from ign

>I'm 5'3"

Can you not conceive of the possibility that most people are against political violence in principle, regardless of who is doing it?
Antifa isn't stopping the violent right wingers, the police have been perfectly capable of doing that themselves.

You're just pouring oil on the fire and creating more problems for law enforcement.

>turn a boomer series into some weird feminism charged political commentary
>it flops

I don't need to find anything new i'll just buy japanese games and avoid any western shit like the plague it is
>Inb4 we will censor
PC exists faggot

Have sex

In terms of statistics, black people at less intelligent than white or Hispanic people though. Not saying that there aren't obvious exceptions to the rule, I'm simply pointing out that black people are simply genetically disadvantaged.

I'm pretty much an ethno-nationalist but i could still get some enjoyment out of TNO and TOB. Seems semitophile devs just couldn't resist jerking their dicks way too hard over muh nazis though and completely ruined a genuinely enjoyable series. Feels bad honestly

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The game is about literal nazis

If you REALLY are not a nazi, why do you get offended about a game themes around killing actual nazis

Itd be as if i made a game about beating up cucks and you got offended

Yeah. Why do I get the feeling you're getting paid for this? Your game has serious problems, and aligning with a domestic terrorist group has done you no favors.

effort for the sake of effort is not commendable


And you believe the vast majority of people want anything to do with antifa?

Nobody wants anything to do with them or neo-nazis

>the cute loli faithfully follows the leader
thats just too wholesome for me

I just wanna say fuck the left and fuck niggers.

>I’m pretty much an ethno-nationalist

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I miss him brehs...

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Killing nazis has never been more fun

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>The game is about literal nazis
We've had this discussion so many times, so I'm just going to cut to the conclusion and call you a fucking retard.

I'm fucking laughing

nothing changed except your perception of nazis in media, dumbass

>Killing Floor 2 that low

w-why... it's so good.

it has. this game is shit.

if you're gonna be a neonazi at least learn the language, moron. stop reposting shit with obvious grammar mistakes.

And what, pray tell, might be the "actual threat" of national socialism?
Not having a class of parasitical kike overlords running our financial sector and organizing the demographic displacement of our race in our fucking nations?

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cops haven't stopped a single shooting except that retard LARPing as the punisher who didn't tie his boot laces. They don't do anything to foil their plans, even when their social media is always plastered with guns and cryptic messages days before a shooting.

Are any of the new games good?

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It definitely has been.
Game is fucking boring.
Tell your devs to play RTCW and take notes, shill.

what part of antifa is an organized group? who is its leader? where are they located? can you tell me any of this?

>/pol/ "intellectuals"


bend over

Wow great argument dumbass

Go back to being triggered and calling games about killing nazis problematic, cuck, you sure showed me

>Hey all, scott here!

i bet you dumbfucks believe the 3rd reich was a socialist state in any way. murican education right there.
"[national] socialsm" LUL

Yeah they're pretty fun. Don't listen to Yea Forums about them though, they can't handle any video game that has politics.

The new order and old blood are worth a playthrough. Avoid colossus and this new one.

You are Yea Forums

Instead you want another kind of parasitic government officials who literally tell you what to think like the retard you are and implement a literally unsustainble economic system based on national spending

Did you know even before the war germany had a shirtage of consumer goods? Lol nice system, lefty

Sure but I'm not the majority of this board that freaks out and spams endless threads whenever a video game features a black person or a woman

>cops haven't stopped a single shooting
Right, I forgot it doesn't count if they don't preempt the shooter before he does anything.
Or do you think they're all still on the loose killing people?
Police don't have legions of officers reading social media. People have to report shit to them and they have to investigate with a warrant.

How many criminals has antifa put away?
None. In fact there are plenty of them in their ranks.
They're not even vigilantes. They're just agitators making things worse.

not him, but look at this tweet and tell me they weren't referencing Trump. The marketing for TNC was heavily politicized and divisive.

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cringe as fuck

those are good numbers for a game released a couple of years ago, and a lot of full servers too

HAhaha way to get em, fellow centeristsbro
*tips fedora* fuck learning am i rite, everyone is just stupid xddd not like us!

>fascists calling other fascists lefties

words have no meaning any more

Can we just nuke swedes, please?

Saying that Nazis are fine people is divisive, Trumptard

You're beating your head against a wall user, antifaggots don't learn.

>make blazkowitch an old depressed guy
>blazkowitch ever retiring without having destroyed fully the third reich
they killed the serie by making him into this instead of keeping him like the badass he used to be

unintentional comedy is the best genere

I unironically fucking am.
Fuck globalism and fuck multiculturalism. I will never recognize people of other races as my kinsmen and thus I will never have any solidarity or loyalty towards them. The notion that just because they have the same passport as I have due to their parents coming here as immigrants, should mean that we belong to the same people revolts me. I'd rather kill a random somali shitskin with a Finnish passport than ever treat him/her as a fellow Finn.
They are not members of my ethnic group, or even race, so fuck them, and their rights. To me, they are nothing more than members of an invasive population that should be fucking exterminated from our lands along with the traitors and enemies that have facilitated their arrival here.

Heil Hitler.

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and you just completely outed yourself as a moron

Who said I was offended by this game?

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>smart marketing that capitalizes on recent real-world political events involving nazis that happen to line up nicely with the release of your upcoming video game about nazis
what's the problem here exactly

So the trannies arent even false flagging anymore? They're just straight revealing themselves and acting like tards?
I'm sure that will work in their favor lol. Now reply to me b8tch so I can piss on your (you)

>Bethesda knew it was shit so they didn't even bother charging full price for it like the other wolfensteins
We should have known bros...

Remember to punch your local nazi

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>missing the point

I thought the left supposed to be good at propaganda and subversion
this is just laughable

Yeah faggot quick-drying cement is a milkshake

>he doesnt know

>antifa sucks because they aren't killing people, unlike the radicals on my end of the political spectrum

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i'm not white, rabbi

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Keep on seething nazi

>Just lost a world war
>The crippling treaty of versailles
>J*ws inside germany rattling the cage hard
>Rest of the world on a forced boycotting of german goods
>Couldn't afford imports
>(((wall street crash)))

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>Or do you think they're all still on the loose killing people?
oh wow good point, well done on those cops for stopping the christchurch shooter after killing 51 people and not just letting him go

>How many criminals has antifa put away?
antifa isn't a law enforcement organization you fucking retard, they oppose the cops because the cops will always protect right wingers flying swastikas in the streets and beating people half to death in parking garages



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>siezing private ownership and businesses
Pick one.

So why not just put a bullet in your head now rather than siding with the people who will

>most people are against political violence in principle, regardless of who is doing it?
then why waste time getting bent out of shape about milkshakes when there are people actually committing murders?

Hey dumbo, im libertarian, i believe collectivists like nazis, commies and other freedom-hating shits should burn

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Kill yourself forsentranny

Someone put this chad in black, we need him on the streets punching nazis.

why do trumptards look like soiboys?

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Isn't this the guy that sperged out about pedophiles in Magic, only to defend a pedophile when they agreed with him?

quick drying cement doesn't work in a milkshake, sugar is the first thing you would put in cement to stop it from hardening.

There has been 0 evidence of that being the case regardless, it was always right wing crybabies playing the victim like always

>National Socialists are capitalists


>arkane had to waste their time on fucking worthless wolfenstein trash instead of making something worth a damn
I hate you Bethesda.

And it's still not selling.

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Are all women evil? My mom and older sister never seemed evil. Are women only evil to the men they fuck? Someone please fill me in
>inb4 have sex
I did and now I'm confused. Bitch is evil

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i was never a big fan of the series but a thing it always stood with me was the supernatural stuff. RTCW almost felt like an indiana jones game. i want possessed soldiers, nazi ghosts and all that shit.

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Did all the talented people who worked on The New Order & The Old Blood leave the dev team after release?

Seriously Wolf 2 was a massive dip in quality and this looks like its continuing the trend

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I literally do not give two shits about the finer workings of the economic system as long as it is in the control of my ethnic kinsmen, and put towards the wellbeing of my ethnic kinsmen.
I care only about the survival, and thriving of my people, all other factors are secondary to this higher principle of ethnic survival and well-being.
A system that allows any room for foreign groups to gain power over my people is illegitimate in my eyes, and has to be destroyed.

Hello fellow Resetbros, is this the damage control thread?

>Being smart enough to not go full chinamode means you're a capitalist
Uhhhh yikes bro

1) thats the marketing team, not the dev team
2) wasnt trump talking about actual nazis when he mentioned "fine people", i remembered he was refering to that neo nazi gathering that ended up with one of those incels running over a bunch of people with a car
3) are you new to america? When has a president not been referenced in popular media


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I mean yeah, it's hard to mobilize the public against a threat when they've shown themselves to be complete failures almost all of the time.
I wish they were better at what they did.
It would give the right better optics and they would still be targeting basic bitch boomer conservatives.

because a lot of fps these days seem to want to be RPG/FPS hybrids , with like health bar , skills etc

>they oppose the cops because the cops will always protect right wingers
Then why are they so much better at locking up and prosecuting right wingers than they are antifa you disingenuous faggot?

why do people who follow politics have such huge egos

>>Killing Nazis used to be the most popular genre of FPS in the early 2000s
It's the same with movie remakes, people got tired of killing nazi's a while ago too. Go back to late 2000s to early 2010's and you'll see a ton of reviewers complaining about killing nazis AGAIN and how much they wish they'd have a new thing already, just like how hollywood remade everything in that era and people got sick of it.

But instead of doing new things, they just rebranded their same shit with the 'woke' sticker and how punching nazis isn't just a tired trope we've done a bunch of times, we're sticking it to a real threat that's here right now and you're winning just like they did, or with movies its the old movies are finally for a new era because their cast is so diverse and modern unlike before! Now critics have to praise when nazis get punched or when a great movie gets badly remade, because its different this time.

Its just more bullshit marketing.

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Maybe because antifa has never stopped at milkshakes, dipshit.

I just want all /pol/tards to know that you're irrelevant, your opinions are irrelevant, your actions are irrelevant and you will never have any impact on society, the world will move forward and you will be left in the dust

They changed the director after Old Blood.

Man this thread really made people seethe huh
Nu-wolfenstein sucks, get over it.

noooooooo! what do we do antifatrannies??!!

>everyone is american

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please show me one (1) example of somebody identifying themselves as antifa actually killing someone

>muh end of history, liberalism has won, ur on the wrong side of history racist.

The delusional cries of increasingly desperate liberals/progressives etc modernists is sweet manna to my ears. Ethnocentric awakening is spreading like wildfire in Europe, while authoritarian leaders rise all across the world. Liberalism and democracy, these evolutionary dead end ideologies, will die within our lifetimes and I couldn't be happier.

Pretty amusing the local shills haven't responded to this. Their game literally falls apart.

>This cope
ohno no no make it stop bros it's happening again, but this time it's not just western europe hhh noooooooo!

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I thought we were talking about nazis, user?
Why are you bringing up trump?

Because antifa isn't law enforcement, or even an organization for that matter. It's people who show up to counter protest fascist demonstrations.
How are you so braindead that you think antifa is the left's version of law enforcement?

It's not very smart when your sales go through the floor

Hello fellow /pol/ NPC. Is the seething thread?

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Right, there's nothing in between throwing a milkshake at someone and actual murder.

>implying Native Americans didn't deserve it

>did you at least run into American/Nazi Sympathizers in TNC
yeah they make a point of showing how easily civilians bend to the lick the boots of the nazis at one point

>wasnt trump talking about actual nazis when he mentioned "fine people"
no, he wasn't.
Obviously, I can't say with 100% certainty, I'm not in Trump's head. I also can't say for 100% certainty that there's an invisible purple unicorn in my room right now. When Trump said there's very fine people on both sides, that's just a factual statement in the sense that not every right-winger there supported nazi-ism, and that's obviously WHO Trump was referring to.

Do you guys think they'll keep that "Mortally challenged" joke or did the SJW reaction scare them into removing it?

I love smuggies

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when one side is killing people and the other side isn't that's all that matters

they're obsessed with him seriously. It's been over 2 years and they still cry everyday


>MUH TREATY OF VERSAILLES (which was actually lenient compared to what the germans made the russians sign)
>literally force 90% of jews out including prominent scientists and still runs out of cash
>calls jews greedy and yet force banks to lend money to the government
>couldnt affort imports depite "working"
>utterly fails in italy, spain and argentina
>destroys democracy and individual freedom

Free market capitalism
>pulled both japan and germany out of post war misery despite the fact WW2 was far worse rhan WW1
>major world economies now
>pulls african countries such as rwanda and botswana out of absolute poverty despite the fact the former had a genocide 20 years ago and the latter being the 3rd poorest country at the time of independence

Do yoy know what the landmark of a good system is? Its success can be reproduced

Oh and i sure would like to explain how the german government was planning to finance their idiotic spending on welfare, public works and rearmament

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Sorry, let me rephrase:
Why are they so much better at arresting and locking up right wingers than they are left wingers.
>It's people who show up to counter protest fascist demonstrations.
Yeah, all those awful fascists at the free speech events.

Have you been to /pol/?

Antifa are the chaindogs of the Democratic party. They're used as a bludgeon to break up opposition gatherings, dehumanizing said opposition as 'NAZIS' so the Antifags believe they have the moral compunction to do anything they want to them. Even if it's just some poor guy caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, or a hero kid trying to save his classmates. To them, Nazis aren't even a generic soldier wearing jackboots as they march all over Europe. They don't have an appearance, they're just a label that combines everything they don't like in one good ready made package that can apply to anyone at all.

Which makes Antifa extraordinarily dangerous.

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>trannies unironically SEETHING ITT

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Shut up, nazism is a religion of peace

>Why are they so much better at arresting and locking up right wingers than they are left wingers
because left wingers aren't committing domestic terrorist attacks unlike the right wing. What should they exactly be arrested for?

No, the people murdering other people are being locked up, and you're out there attacking people who aren't, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.

hopefully, the last few games were fucking garbage on top of being blatant propaganda

They need to just finally kill the New Order timeline. Give me a post WW2 Wolfenstien about hunting former Nazi occultists and space age concept weapons

Free market capitalism has led to a situation where native germans are now a fucking minority in the age group of bellow 7 in their own fucking homeland.

Sure is a nice fucking system for the financial elites, who gives a damn if the natives are demographically displaced over a couple of generations, it just means new meat for the (((chosen))) to enslave.

most definitely they'll remove it, western devs have proven themselves to be soi filled pussies with no backbone or self respect, they literally cannot say no to the mentally ill blue checkmarks on twitter and game journos

>(including both ideologically and non-ideologically motivated homicides)

Are black men right wing or left wing?

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Delusional. There is no go broke. They re use assets and their previous engine. This shit costs them pennies to make for the profit they will rake in over the years.

>antifa the people who haven't murdered anyone, whose most dangerous stunt is throwing milkshakes are incredibly dangerous

>don't worry about these guys who wave swastikas, shoot up synagogues and run over antifa in the streets though

>What should they exactly be arrested for?
Assault and battery, you fucking idiot.

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God the economic approach is so fucking retarded. I could nitpick and argue all your points but then we just go tit for tat all day and never get anywhere.

They literally built a force that could sustain itself while fighting a massive war on two fronts while having masses of resources thrown against it. All while having a tiny landmass for a base of operations. Despite their difficulties they literally rose from the dust and whatever you have to say about "muh democracy" doesn't matter because 97% of Germans were literally thanking god on their knees that the next savior had come and thus were all willing to fight to the death.
You could nitpick Modern American or UK's economy all day, they are all heavily underutilized properly. does it matter? The economy exists to serve its people, not the other way around.

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>Yea Forums is actually complaining about killing Nazis
The fuck is wrong with you people? Are you that underaged?

>can barely reach above 6k players
I'll never get tired of watching /pol/ absolutely destroy leftoids.

One of the last defenders of Berlin IRL was the SS volunteer division Charlemagne made up entirely of Frenchies willingly fighting for Hitler.
Those two bitches would be genociding half of France at that point.

>Came into this thread to see what was so bad about the new game
>People post examples of why its so hilariously retarded
>Instead of providing examples of why the game is good, the trannies just go nuclear
Jesus fuck lmao

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>this level of cope

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>Free market capitalism has led to a situation where native germans are now a fucking minority in the age group of bellow 7 in their own fucking homeland.

>Sure is a nice fucking system for the financial elites, who gives a damn if the natives are demographically displaced over a couple of generations, it just means new meat for the (((chosen))) to enslave.

Do me a favor, check this list of countries ranked by their economic freedom

And tell me with a straight face those at the top are worse off than those at the bottom

Economic freedom is directly coorelated to with hugher economicnprogress, lower corruption perception and less crime, for fucks sake rwanda has less homicides than the USA and its the second most economically free country in the region

My system works everywhere in the world, your collectivist crap failed time and time again

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TNO was great as a one-off, and I was happy with TOB as a side-story prequel. Everything since then has been a bunch of wasted potential.

Titling at bustles of straw. Try harder.

Is it a "full" game or something like The Old blood?

retard, it still can cause caustic burns and the information came from the police department. The danger isn’t it setting, it’s the chemical burns. Also, if they really didn’t intend for it to do anything, then why put cement in it in the first place?

it's a spin-off and it's only $40, not sure about the length though. definitely seems like a stop-gap before wolfenstein 3 happens

I do not fucking give a rat's ass about "muh economci system" you materialist little shit. I care about the survival of my ethnic group. I'd prefer living under ethnocentric communism in an ethnically homogenous nation, surrounded by my kinsmen, than in the most libertarian and free multiracial and multicultural melting pot shithole.

Economics matter only to me regarding if the economic system serves my people's survival and wellbeing, and if it allows people who are hostile towards my people any power over my people.

Capitalism and international communism both fail those checks, as both care nothing for the survival of my ethnic people and only view the world trough the lens of economic materialism.

Fuck you, and your kike mentality.

I liked TOB because it had a heavier focus on the occult stuff than TNO even if the execution of it was kinda underwhelming. Also the pacing was great in it one of the few games out there that engaged me from start to finish in one sitting. Something I'm having an issue with in TNC right now.

Having said that, the germans literally granted hundreds of thousands of people proper housing, reduced unemployment to 0 in a matter of a few years, began working on overseas developments, build beautiful works of architecture and remodeled broken cities, made sure children of all classes were in some form of schooling - something that UK and USA still couldn't achieve, subsidized training, had strict hygiene regiments and introduced low cost domestic holidays.
They did was was most necessary for themselves to survive and keep their people happy isntead of following any jewish economic flowchart. Arguing against their economy is just weak and a poor cope.

>pointing out facts is now grasping at straws

fuck off retard, you can't spin everything so you're the victim

Any game that lets me shoot nazis in the face is a 10/10 for me

If you're a white straight non degenerate male you're a Nazi. Why would I want to kill myself?

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Is the old blood worth a buy now it’s on sale? Loved New Order

The game itself pointed out how terrible their actions at the bridge were. When they set off the weapon, BJ gets upset at the scale of the destruction it causes. TNO was intentionally dark, they chose to have one of the first resistance members you meet be a suicide bomber for a reason.

The information came second hand from the police, they reported an unverified report. There was never any cement at all


Alright Yea Forums.
Is killing Nazis good?
Yes or No

No modifiers, just yes or no.

That's what happens again and again when you force SJW bullshit into video games. I'm so glad.

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How large is MachineGames?
Would it be difficult to send some devs backed by journos and resetera trannies to do damage control? It's swedish leftist psychopaths we're talking about, killing NOTCHEHZ doesn't cut it anymore.

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It's more of the same (so yes)

Yet TNC wasn't and carefully tiptoed over... Well, making a good chunk of the Southwest uninhabitable. Then there's the fact that the Nazis trapped in the submarine were starving to death, the limited air supply going bad, like rats trapped in a barrel.


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Nope, not anymore. 15 years ago, hell yes.

>God the economic approach is so fucking retarded. I could nitpick and argue all your points but then we just go tit for tat all day and never get anywhere.

Ranking of countries by their economic freedom, those at the top have on average much less corruption, crime and poverty than their less free neighbors, this is irrefutable

>They literally built a force that could sustain itself while fighting a massive war on two fronts while having masses of resources thrown against it. All while having a tiny landmass for a base of operations.

Now this is some top level delusion, they had roughly twice the population of france

And if weapons was a measure of success then the soviet union mustve been a booming economy

>Despite their difficulties they literally rose from the dust and whatever you have to say about "muh democracy" doesn't matter because 97% of Germans were literally thanking god on their knees that the next savior had come and thus were all willing to fight to the death.

Funny then that hitlerino outlawed all other political parties

I mean if he was THAT popular, would he be afraid to lose?

>You could nitpick Modern American or UK's economy all day, they are all heavily underutilized properly. does it matter? The economy exists to serve its people, not the other way around.

And you imply free market economy does not serve the individual? The collectivist is telling me he cares about the individual, lol

Play Old Blood.

>pregnant lady with tits out covered in blood with a gun in each hand murdering the shit out of some nazis
this scene was cool as hell, fuck off

It was retarded and cringy as fuck.

>I just believe that certain people groups have lower IQ
Is it so hard to believe that IQ tests don't really test intelligence, so much as the closest approximation we can figure out? Psychiatry is the softest of soft sciences, they don't know what the fuck they're doing.

Of course it's good

>he thought that scene was cool
This is why your games don't sell, Bethesda.

damn you got me with your buzzwords, what will i do now

IQ tests are the best measure we have for the general intelligence of people tho. We literally have no other system that has comparable track record.

Did they really remove the swastikas or is that a censored version for certain countries?
>maxed out
>that horrible AA on the tower

who would have know that having a proper protagonist would be so important for a story driven game.

in france and germany you can't show swastikas

What's there to respond to? There's a good chunk in TNO that makes BJ seem like he's lost his fucking mind after seeing America lost. The whole game is basically a deconstruction of your typical action hero thrown into a situation he had no chance of winning. Then the sequels fucked it all up.

>kill the fucking redhats
W-what did they mean by this?


LOOOOOOOOOL so you ran out of arguments

The reality is that you only care about MUH RACE cuz you are a sad frustrated little cuck that had nothing else of value in his life

Heck you think all of these nazi fucks shooting up mosques lile breivik and that nz guy had anything valueable in their lives? If so, why throw it all away?

Thats really the bottom line of anybody who hides behind their heritage

You claim to be so strong but you have nothing for you, the tragedy of the collectivist

Killing anyone for any reason isn't good. There is always a better solution.

why are so many people playing the worst Total War?


The fact that the daughters are crazy psychopaths who should horrify BJ.
>Then the sequels fucked it all up.
Big time.

There's literally nothing cool about a woman dual-wielding machine guns while being naked and pregnant. Literally nothing.
if seeing a woman at her most vulnerable state imaginable, a state that goes against the fiber of your animalistic being, you are genuinely psychopathic. I don't care even is she had akimbo tank turrets for hands.

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Being atheist isn't exclusive to one side of the aisle anymore.

that could be the direction they're going


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Don't bother. These people have zero spirituality. They're basically just hollow husks that need to consume and exploit. Peak kike mentality.

One day you might realize that you would be nothing without your blood, family and people.

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No, since I am a Nazi myself.

Tell Bethesda to bring back Wolfenstein 2009

Yes, for some idiotic reason, they decided instead of continuing with the grim tone of TNO that everyone liked, they were going to turn the series into a lighthearted comedy while still including all the grim events, just played for laughs now. I don't know what retard thought that was a good idea, but I hope they get fired. Maybe TNO is like Donnie Darko, a fluke, they made an engaging story by accident and showed how truly incompetent they are with all their follow-ups.

Doesn't look like it. Both TNC and Youngblood are taking a lot of delight in the mass murder and chaos our erstwhile 'heroes' are causing while TNO had a more morbid attitude.

Calling you a materialist is an accurate description of the essential aspects of your world view that centers around economics.

>The reality is that you only care about MUH RACE cuz you are a sad frustrated little cuck that had nothing else of value in his life
Strawmen are not arguments.

>Heck you think all of these nazi fucks shooting up mosques lile breivik and that nz guy had anything valueable in their lives? If so, why throw it all away?
Why do men join up to fight wars voluntarily? Why do people in general sacrifice anything for something that brings no benefit to themselves? Because some people, have actual beliefs and convictions, for which they are willing to throw away their own freedom and even lives.

>Thats really the bottom line of anybody who hides behind their heritage
No you fucking retard. This is about the future. I do not want my people to be reduced into an ethnic minority in our only homeland. This is about ensuring the survival of our population, not some worship of the past. This is about ensuring that we don't get fucking outnumbered, and thus outvoted by competing ethnic groups whose interests and desires do not align with us. This is about ensuring that we don't fucking end up like the native americans.
Do the world a favor and end yourself, you disgusting rootless, cosmopolitan parasite.

I really wish someone would explain why this same point is made all the time, when it's not only wrong but just a condescending hand wave.
Never have these controversies been "muh minorities and women" it's the heavy handedness and double standard on display that cause such vitriol. This game once again, replaces the male character with female ones, whilst making them unappealing, whilst making the game suddenly a "men r bad now"

I think the people make the argument know this but need a screen to hide behind, there have been decades of female protags, you ever stop to wonder why NOW it's a problem? Probably because they're doing something underhanded or intentionally antagonizing people.

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it should have been cool but it felt (and was) incredibly forced, there was no reason for it to happen the way it did and it has no impact on anything except the few nazis she killed

I have no words for this.
Just know whoever wrote this actually got paid for it.

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I'm pretty damn sure they sacked whoever wrote up the antagonists from TNO/TOB since they haven't been able to write any memorable villain character since then. Strasse, Jager and Schabbs got more characterisation than any character in the sequels.

I see some now agreeing TNO was a fluke, that even MachineGames didn't know what made it good.
At least one review called it a looter shooter.

>that purple heart medal

fucking kek

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You got hoaxed by the media, here's the transcript.

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Jewish DNA is an inherent carrier of psychopathy, so that's actually completely normal.
The funny thing is, according to jewish dogma, race is passed on by the mother, so that'd make his daughters white because their mother is polish but not jewish like BJ.

If you go to the wiki, BJ is listed as jewish yet of caucasian race at the same time, which I find fucking hilarious.

The best measure we have is not the same thing as a good measure. Acting like you've scientifically proven that Angolans are genetically predisposed to be stupid is as stupid as you claim them to be. IQ tests are made by people with an American / European perspective who will unconsciously have American / European biases that affect the results of the tests they design. It's silly to try to quantify intelligence when it doesn't even have a singular quality to it.

Have you ever taken an IQ test? Even just the person administering it can have an impact on the results. Why would you set store in a system that flawed?

>Calling you a materialist is an accurate description of the essential aspects of your world view that centers around economics.

Because the economy is what determines your level of freedom, the more money you have, the more options you have, thats just a fact of life, i have the freedom to spend this money on me, my family, friends and partner

My happiness is not determined by spooks of race and nation, but rather by my own goals and achievements, in short i am free to pursue my own happiness, you arent, because you are obsessed with controlling that which cannot be controlled, other people

>there have been decades of female protags, you ever stop to wonder why NOW it's a problem?
because right-wing reactionaries on the internet suddenly seem to believe that the inclusion of women or minorities in a video game is longer something developers can just do, and instead think it must be because they're "virtue signaling and supporting the liberal/SJW/jewish agenda"

>PC version 6.5
>Switch version 8.1
W-what did IGN mean by this?

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>I might be living in a dystopian destitute shithole but at least I can romanticize the actions of my long dead ancestors!

Because it is the best system we have.
The standard of "unless we have a perfect system, we shouldn't measure it" is not something you apply to anything else in science, why the fuck are you applying it to intelligence studies? Is it because of ideological dogmas you hold, which state that all humans are inherently equal and thus any notion of some human groups being prone to lower levels of intelligence is basically heresy to you?

Couldn't care less after the disaser that was The New Colossus. Let it burn.

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>some stupid fucking idiot actually believes this

You actually do need to cope, you miserable sopping cunt of a human.

>One day you might realize that you would be nothing without your blood, family and people

Thats the thing homie i care about MY family, MY friends, individualism isnt lack of selflessness, in fact it is putting the wellbeing of those close to me, over those of an abstract collective such as race, not even you like all white people, you despise liberals, your view is fundamentally flawed

Moreso ideologies like nazism considered ok to trample families in the name of their collective, thats why families with disabled kid were forced to have their children euthanised

Is this the pro-family regime you defend?

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Nice bait fag..

I think it's fucked up that people actually draw some sort of symbolism from the demons and actually connect them to migrants. They need to seek help.


but youll forget it anyway ugly pay so your screwed so fuck everything but you’ll forget it ugly pay so fuck everything anyway

Migrates especially ones from South America, the Middle East and Africa only bring drugs and crime into our great nation. It is not surprising that they are viewed as demons.

You're literally doing what my post was telling you not to do, the disingenuous of this is nauseating.

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holy shit, chill out bro. this site is satire. we just like to make fun of the trannies, the niggerinos and the 15 year old weekend armchair commies here.
if you are so displeased with the current state of affairs, you should go into politics and steer against that trend.

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Dude commies are fucking retarded what do you expect.

newsflash, humans are ethnocentric tribal animals, and your perfect libertarian utopia will disappear the moment your homeland has enough of a voting block of subhuman shitskins that will vote for whomever promises them to take all of your shit and redistribute them as gibs.
Just because you are so "enlightened" not to be concerned race, ethnicity or nation does not mean that your life will be unaffected by those who do not share your "enlightenment". Do you think that a bunch of tribal niggers care jack shit about your lofty principles, when in their eyes, you are just (presumably) a rich white guy who does not belong to their ingroup, and thus if not for the laws of the land, you'd be free meat to rob and kill to them?

Freedom along with rights in general, are a meme. The only freedoms and rights you have are that which either you are able to enforce via the potential of violence of your own, or that which the current sovereign holder of monopoly on violence grants to you. All "rights" fundamentally stem from violence, and the capacity to inflict on other people to make them tow the line.

You are a delusional fool if you don't care about race and demographics while living in a democratic nation, as demographics are destiny. The browner the west gets, the more the property belonging to whites will be redistributed.

Ok they were not the fine people, aka the nazis

What is the issue?

Even then like i said, marketing != dev team

just rememer to take it easy cause of the frustration ugly pay and sabatage ugly pay ihjj

I think it's fucked how migrants commit the crushing majority of violent crime. Why the fuck would only a select group of people commit such a high concentration of violent crimes?
Aren't we all human, aren't we all the same? Why do only they showcase this phenomenon?

Huge amount of lost sales and the fact that the series didn't need to ride some political wave. All it had to do was to be a Wolfenstein game about a fictional dystopia where the nazis makes a shitload of cool and fucked up shit and you go in there to kill them all .

>I think it's fucked up that people actually draw some sort of symbolism from the demons and actually connect them to migrants
The game did that, not the audience. Everyone picked up on it except you apparently.

No, at least I will be surrounded by my racial kinsmen, with whom I have solidarity and trust due to our shared bonds of ethnicity, culture, language, religion and history, instead of being completely alienated and rootless cosmopolitan surrounded by mongrels, mystery meat people and racial aliens.

Bruh, did you really make an appeal to nature? Lol

I do have a hard to believing someone could identify him out of all journalists and people in the area.

>why the fuck are you applying it to intelligence studies?
Because psychiatry is a soft science which is nowhere near as rigorous as other disciplines. Did you ever take a statistics class? Did they ever talk to you about how different disciplines would consider different levels of alpha error to be acceptable and how different disciplines might reject a hypothesis at different p-values? Because if you did learn that shit, then you'd know that psychiatrists have to make do with far less rigorously proven studies.

The idea that you'd trust the least trustworthy science to tell you to make sweeping generalizations about large groups of people is more retarded than the stupidest Angolan.

Euthanizing disabled kids was completely normal before the brainrot that is christianity corrupted European moral framework.

Yes, and besides migrants 13% of the US population commits even more crime. In fact they commit 50% of the crime, we need to deal with them as well as migrants.

I loved the new order but everyone says the new colossus is horrible. Is it just the politics or is the gameplay bad as well? I'm in the mood for a new Wonfelstein and already played old blood

Why? You would be in the camps with the rest of us dumbass.

>thus outvoted by competing ethnic groups whose interests and desires do not align with us
They don't, do they?

>Blacks hate whitey for being on top despite being given every advantage to get out of the ghetto- if anything even marginally hard comes up they avoid it with a handful of exceptions.
>Asians don't hate us, but they do want to lead. Which is fine but Asians possess a very strictly hierarchical worldview based on ritual and deference to strict authority that crushes the individual. At it's best, you get Japan. At it's worst, you get China.
>We have absolutely nothing in common with the Arabs. Best I can tell? Muslim men only go to Europe and America to get laid, abandoning their women and children for a life of gibs and grooming underage girls. Nothing more, and significantly less.
>Mexicans tend to be divided: one half are lazy beaners who despise white people (and blacks even more) for having more money while gleefully taking gibs and complaining about not having enough gibs. The other half are hard working, but push white people out of whatever industry they find themselves in. They possess a very clannish culture and the gringo will forever be an outsider. Plus La Raza is a very real thing.
>Amerinds got fucked. Sad, because they're the best of the bunch by far.
Doesn't look good.

These are the same people caught up on a 2002 quote and pushing a video from 1992

Lol how about you let me and my hot anime wife decide that faggot? Its not up to you


What makes you think I am not low key involved in my homeland's politics?
I am not really a political person however. I have no shame in admitting that I am more of a follower than a leader, and should a right leader rise, who would be willing to push the outlanders from my homeland, I'd join him in a heartbeat.

Finland belongs to Finns.

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I think we should also add those certain chosen ones to the list as well. You know, those special peoples who partake in infant mutilation, subversion, scientific experiments that literally replicate the Apocalypse in an attempt to bring Satan here. Those strange little fellows God had the almighty wisdom to christen His chosen ones. Those people.

make a post crying about it lol

>waaah, aussie shitposter dabbed on 51 kebabs going to a known jihadist breeding ground
>shids and bisses himself as he furiously types his gay ass fucking opinion into the reply video.
>collapses onto the floor crying because Yea Forums saw right through (((your))) retarded statement
kindly slit your wrists

I mean, I agree with the fact that migrants bring a shitload of problems into the western world. Especially those from third world countries. I just don't see the semblance with demons - it's just a videogame.

Whatever, it makes the far left mad so that's at least something.

What is government intervention in the market retard. And when it happens again in a couple of years it will make the great depression look like a cake walk.

Bush was unequivocally worse than trump to a point where anyone who would even draw a comparison between them would be insane. Yet the media bent over backwards to defend him for years. Even when he was exposed as lying, the media would lie along with him.
The way trump is talked about by media is just petty and childish, because modern america is petty and childish.

Yes, because we are creatures shaped by nature and it's laws. Pretending that the last 200 years of technological development somehow erased away the behavioral traits our incredibly violent evolutionary past ingrained in us is nothing more than modernistic hubris that will crash against the reality sooner or later. For the vast majority of the existence of our species, we lived in small, ethnically homogenous social units that were bound by ties of blood, culture and language, and who were in near constant competition against other such groups for survival in harsh and unforgiving environments.

Denying the tribalism and ethnocentricism of our species is creationism tier retardation.

Based vrchat

In the first gameplay trailer there were a bunch of set pieces making jokes about diversity with demons being our strength and not to use "offense" terms to describe them. The parallels with dogma surrounding "refugees" in Europe was blatantly obvious.

America is fucked m8. Balkanization or outright civil war is your future. As a Finn, I am desperate to stop my homeland from sinking to the same insane pit of multiracialism your society has plummeted head first into.

>keeps saying he works a day time job despite multiple daily uploads
>says he has a wife but has never been seen to or spoke to off camera
>has -2 charisma despite the fact that his entire YouTube career is talking about shit
>doesn't bother grooming himself and has all that manchild validation shit in the background

Maybe in some trashy B-movie, something Wolfenstein isn't

What's the deal with all this "immigration" stuff these days anyways, I remember reading about Europe and muslims or something some time ago and now it's America and whoever it is we're letting in.
If this is causing such a problem everywhere why don't we actually work on stopping it then? I guess I don't really understand the pros of immigration in an already crowded area I live in.

You mean those people that are in one nice small area that can be easily wiped out with a single nuke. Yes, I agree.

>Reddit spacing
>modern statistics when talking about a country that existed 100 years ago under entirely different conditions
??? They were outnumbered by russians by like 9-1 at most points and weren't limited to just fighting russians, they had to cover their asses from the UK.
also population alone has nothing to do with a countries fighting stength, you need food, travel, organisational structure, good health, etc etc. all which can be measures of a countries strength.
I get the impression i'm talking to an underaged commie twerp with a chip on his shoulder so i'm just going to stop wasting my energy typing to someone clearly too immature for a real discussion.

Oh no my tiny white peepee is threatened


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fucking surprise, no one wants a wolfenstein game where you dont play as a bearjew

Killing one another at the behest of political ideologues is bad. If we're so incompatible then there's absolutely no reason why we can't separate and live by ourselves.
Killing politicians is A-ok, though.

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I forgot this game was even coming out. That and how it's marketed made me not have any interest. Oh well.

I wouldnt say the media is cutting bush a break, but you are right on one thing, they thrive on sensationalism, gets your news from more than one place, thatll help you understand better the whole picture

Easy way to understand why this immigration shit is being pushed, in three points:
>Mass migration pushes down wages of the native working class, thus benefiting the rich fucks at the top. Migrants are usually also debt free, and thus make for new debt cattle for the bankers.
>Migrants can be pandered to by leftist politicians, which translates directly to power in democracies (especially shitty ones like USA where there are no fucking voting IDs. Anyone who tells you that illegals don't vote is lying to you trough their teeth).
>There are powerful groups nested within the western academia, cultural spheres and financial spheres that simply despise peoples of European descent (aka whites) and simply want our race to be exterminated trough a slow process of demographic displacement and racemixing, reducing our descendants into mongrelized, rootless slave caste over which this group of "chosen" people can rule.

bait, or maybe you'd prefer "your fragility is showing" either way. You tried, now out and back to where you came from.

You can tell this is true by the long line of contrarians rushing to disagree with it

>I just don't see the semblance with demons

Ok I'll take you seriously then:
I don't know if you're religious or not. Regardless, being human means being the apex existence in our little floating rock ball of the universe. Thus, being at the top, you have an inherent responsibility to make sure that what either the universe or God brought into existence just so you could experience and cherish its wonder, doesn't get treated with what your superior being wills to be utmost sadistic cruelty.

Some humans then, through their actions, choices and morality, relinquish that which makes them superior beings custodian to all that's good in the world. What would you call someone who for example rapes a child, if not a demon? They've certainly thrown away what makes them who they are, violating something as pure and innocent as a child. Demons is the perfect choice if you ask me.

TNO came off as a little campy. They had a few over the top live action ads for the game then recreated American music for for the time. Meanwhile the game was as realistic as they could be when filed with mechs.
TNC tried to take a serious approach with everything while trying to stay in the Wolfenstein world.


Considering the human condition used to be one of poverty and hunger, ad nature is a terrible argument because even IF something natural, it doesnt make it logical, right or appropriate

Thats like saying

>"dude what does it matter if i shat on the carpet, its only natural, 100 years of internal plumbing cant change human nature"

>a single nuke
Bruv I'd throw so much crap on there it'd render 10% of the planet uninhabitable, just to make a point.

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Because they're cucks that only talk shit.

They changed the law in Germany last year or earlier this year, Vidya can now display swastikas in the same way movies can. Mostly you need a reason to put them in there and no "Nazis are cool" stuff etc.

killing is never alright
One should always try to avoid violence

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Also bait from the same guy, you already flopped. The sequel will have to wait.

So your argument literally is that "cuz we can't make measurements that are accurate enough, we can't draw any conclusions"?

Again, this is not a standard that is applied to any other field of science. Early astronomers didn't fucking stop taking notes on the movements of the planets because all they had were funnly little lenses and a tube trough which they looked.

Admit that you are only desperately trying to defend the foolish notion that all races are inherently equal in their intelligence.

You fags really love retarded false equivalency, don't you?

It doesn't matter, even if nazis were a real threat, antifa should go fuck themselves. We have police and military who can handle shit like that, random idiots LARPing heroes by getting angry at people their stupid friends told about and going to punch them before fact checking is the fucking problem. Fuck vigilantes.

I am not saying that it is "morally right" because it is natural. I am explaining why ethnocentricism and tribalism exists, trough the fact that they are traits that formed in us during the course of our evolution because for the vast majority of that time, they were beneficial traits.

The reason to why in my view, ethnocentricism and tribalism are MORALLY good even today is because in my view, they are necessary traits in the task of preserving the existence of my people, and guaranteeing the future for white children.

Damn, that actually makes much more sense then I had thought. Figured there was some dastardly scheme behind it but just never really dived into it until suddenly people who don't even live here gained more value then those who did.
Wasn't the biggest fan of this change, I appreciate the 101.

Well using your own measuring stick germany today is far better than nazi germany, except they dont waste millions in pointless rearmament, but their people live better and longer and have the freedom to control their lives

Also its funny you call me commie, cuz from where im standing, both nazis and commies are filthy leftists

You know the landmark of a good system? It works everywhere, if facism was a good system it wouldve worked on every country it was practiced on, but it didnt

Free market capitalism on the other hand, has worked on singapore, korea, japan, botswana, rwanda, chile, etc

>the human condition used to be one of poverty and hunger
That's an unfathomably incorrect statement to make. For 5 THOUSAND years, humans have congregated en masse to create wonders of civilization, culture and ethos.
If the theories of lost civilizations and rewritten history are true, humanity has been producing opus magnum on this fucking planet for even 100.000 years. Humanity is comprised by niggers eternally butchering each other while bathing in cow piss.

And appeal to nature is an appeal to nature, its fundamentally flawed logic

Some additional little tidbits of forbidden knowledge.

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Humanity isn't comprised*

I got burned on the last one and lost all interest in the series. Didn't even know there was a new one coming out.

I think it's the same for a lot of people.

theres 5k ppl playing it on launch day.

prey had 24k players on launch, and that was a huge flop

Except again, Germans are on a fast track to becoming a fucking minority in their own lands.
Your wankery over economics does nothing to hide away the ongoing demographic displacement white people are facing all over the world, barring Eastern Europe.

Killing Nazis in the earlier FPS days of WW2 shooters because youre "experiencing" a time when the major players in the world were actually at war with them.

99% of humans will go day to day and never experience a "Nazi" but one teen spray paints a swastika on a brick wall and the story is shared 100 million times.

Most of us really don't give a shit about Nazis anymore

Heres the thing, in places were business thrive, bullets dont

The beauty of capitalism is that its about coexistence by design, i might hate your guts, but if you provide goods and services i need, its in my best interests to not fuck you up

And SSHIIIIIETTT, we have a free market capitalism country, rwanda in which a genocide happened 20 years ago and the country has recovered, people arent killing each other anymore, granted the government is also a dictatorship but its clear free market capitalism helped them coexist, because i dont care about your race, gender, sexuality, just give me my goddamn burger

Did you check the human life expectancy befoee the industrial revolution by any chance?

lol you do not realize everyone here will be in the camps. All it takes is for your neighbor to lie and say you are a jew etc.


>make a game for all the strong women nazi killers
>barely sells any copies

like pottery

Actually my economics DO explain that perfectly and prove its almost impossible for any ethnic group to take over anything

Theres this thing called demographic transition, basically, the better living conditions and life expectancy, the lower the birth rates, this applies to literally all populations, from europe and japan, to botswana and chile

Its magical really, capitalism even solves overpopulation, and these migrants stop having children as soon as their living conditions improve

But all that is really secondary, if people live long fulfilled lives, nothing else matters, and only capitalism can provide that

>The beauty of capitalism is that its about coexistence by design, i might hate your guts, but if you provide goods and services i need, its in my best interests to not fuck you up

Wrong. Co-existence is enforced via the monopoly on violence the state holds, nothing else. Without it, what is there to stop me or you from FORCING either of us to bend to the other's will?

Hell, democratic systems in essence already force us to bend to the will of the majority. Your tax rate is not decided by you, but by the majority, and if the majority becomes shitskins that hate your guts due to you not being member of their ingroup (and because certain folks have been preaching about the historic evils of your race to them since kindergarden) you can kiss your free market capitalism good bye, and say hello to the new racial redistribution of all of your and your kinsmen's assets into the hands of the new brown masses.

Your purely economic view of the society simply does not work in the real world. It is not economically rational for Mudslimes in UK to groom the kids of their white neighbors and rape them, but to the mudslimes, it is perfectly legitimate activity because according to their world view, women of infidels are free fucking game as far as Allah is concerned.
Stop thinking about society like it is some neat little economic machine where all interactions are determined by cost-benefit analysis and rational purchasing activity.

*Blocks your path*

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this is the most beta outrager on youtube. Literarly defend a pedo because he was agreeing with him
Also why do look all of those type of youtbers look the same?

You see, if you change the definition a little bit you find that nazis are everywhere. You probably know some.

>All it takes is for your neighbor to lie and say you are a jew etc.

kek bullshit.
This isn't communism where you can say your neighbour isn't a true communist and they will throw him in the gulag.

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What part about competing population groups do you not understand? The "new germans" do not see themselves as members of the same group as the native germans. They view themselves as their own ingroup, with their own desires and needs, and as they have no real solidarity towards the native germans (outside of the bare necessities the current state enforces), in the long run, they will have no qualms about fucking over the native germans if it serves their own ingroup. This shit is already happening in USA between the different ethnic groups. Again, people are not just some rootless little cogs in an economic machine. People have ethnic and tribal loyalties and often are mostly indifferent, towards other groups, if not outright hostile to them.