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Lord of the rings lore is cringe.

theres already a lord of the rings mmo and its terrible. and it was even made by devs that have made mmos in the past.

we already have a LotR mmo

>Tolkien refuses to let anyone adapt his works for media
>family sells license to anyone and everyone
It's all so tiresome

Why is LotR music so good, damm it.

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>subscribe to amazon prime to get boosted xp

They want money.

>Gandalf the Black

It's HBO, not Netflex

another one?

>another shitty mmo that follows a shitty tv show
Does no one remember Defiance? The show and game were shit

Was the matrix mmo any good? It seemed kind of fun from what little I saw.

Never played it man

Ok guys, Listen to that: A LotR game but it's like The Sims.

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LOTR racing game

LOTR really doesn't lend itself well to an MMO experience
the races in it aren't like the derivative D&D roleplay stuff at all
not to mention MMOs have stagnated so much since WoW came out it's not worth playing a new one

Lotro already exists, and its as much a lotr mmo as anyone wanted. What the shit would be the point of making another when one already exists and is probably going to still be less annoying to work with

What's wrong with WoW Clone #265?

eagle mounts when

What is that Blue in The Shire.
Is it Hey dol! Merry dol!

>Upcoming LOTR TV show
The movie trilogy was perfect, we don't need Netflix to make some second rate show.

i'm stealing this

LotRO is good though.

its gonna be a fucking phone game just watchem


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Do zoomers even know what LOTR is?

it was good at the time but would look like absolute shit today

>black elves
>white man orcs

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>was good

Yes, but only the books.


They will make the orcs white men.

what happened to the league of legends mmo?

scrapped for auto chess

>t. Illiterate faggot


I don't care what you say, I'm interested.
It's too weird.

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It's made by some literally who chinese company.
It's just a blatant cross promotion for the new show like Defiance was.

MMOs just do nothing new nowadays, there's no ambition outside of minor studios that may or may not be scamming people

Oh god, please stay away from Lotr

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>cash shop
>PvP focused
Yeah DOA.

>PvP focused
I'm listening
I like ffxiv but I miss the world pvp of wow.

Tell a newfag about defiance

>Try to create a syfy show that has an MMO tie in where events in the game would be influenced by the players as well as the events of the show.
>Game is fucking awful
>Show is fucking awful
>Gets rebooted with an HD coat of paint and nobody cares because it's still awful

Was the show even alive long enough for anything in the game affecting it?
I don't remember hearing anything about it after launch.

Their other MMO turned out to be a Rust clone or some shit
I'm hoping this is good because I love LOTR but I'm not holding my breath

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It means no endgame content and hyperbalancing.

I didn't keep close enough tabs to really check honestly. I just tried the game when it came out and did some poking around and realized it was going to be a dumpster fire, that's just the overall rundown.

Tolkien sold off the rights for video games in the 70s dude. Stop being a moron and talking out of your ass.

Lotro's entire dev team is 1 guy in a basement somewhere, it's been on maintenance mode for years after Turbine ran it into the ground.

I miss the days when people didn't feel it necessary to turn every work into a multimedia empire with adaptations and spinoffs out of the ass.

Why didnt the eagle drop frodo into the mountain


I’m sorry but I have bad news. You’re not a target demographic.

They didn't even have TVs in the 70s dude

>video game rights
You high user?

sounds cool

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What about the existing one?
is it ofline?

Because howard shore is an absolute legend.

Yeah, but still, I don't get why everyone's pisstaking over the concept when the idea worked out okay before. Still give it 95% odds they completely shit the bed, but it's not like it's dead on the drawing board.

cant wait

That sounds familiar.
Because it was already made.

not another one
haven't they learned from the last one?

>men smarter than elves
you idea is kinda cool tho. Sims Medieval isn't really a Sims game but it's the closest to your concept I can think of.

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Elves cannot be considered smart when they make use of all their gifts into doing nothing, they might as well be deers.



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Just wait till his son dies. Then you will see the true whoring out.

yes, his IQ is around 300 000 so he pulls up the average

If Warner Brothers was making a Lotr Rts, they cant make it like the LotrBfme series?
or even as a sequel?
or how is the legal stuff there?

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I bet you feel stupid

I'm always ready for adventures in Middle-Earth

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Is somethign wrong here?
she sound pretty much like a OC Eowyn

Inaccurate map.

They will know once once they release the Amazon prime Show they are making

just a crazy qt
I'm thinking about art direction and similar things. Shadow of Mordor/War took some things from the movies but did a lot of original stuff as well (not always successfully, mind you).

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that one guy was an exchange student from Harad

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As far I know, the art direction of this MMO wont be close to the Movie style like the SoM/W try to do.
Because one thing is WB doing their stuff based on their movie rights.
But at the same time, Amazon claim the MMO be based on the incomming show.

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I can't imagine any company having the guts to make LoTR media that doesn't look at least a bit like the movies.

It's probably going to be like TOR in how it handles existing designs and music.

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Haradrim were dark skinned not black. Most likely inspired by northern Africans. But I guess you need token blacks in your games this days no matter what.