Aren't you tired of your stupid and meaningless console wars?

Aren't you tired of your stupid and meaningless console wars?
What's preventing you from owning multiple consoles and investing in a gaming PC and enjoying all the games you want in 2019?

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this is a nice comic OP but I would opt to have everyone getting along rather than being bitter

What kind of fag has wojak paintings on his wall?

I don't even play videogames. Just shitpost about them. Same thing with politics. Voted for trump then rp as a butthurt liberal.

>even richfags dont buy xbox one


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I have more then enough funds to own all the systems but I honestly do not have the motivation. I only started making serious money last year and spending 400 bucks on a machine that I am only going to use for probably 2 games is still in to stark opposition to my learned spending behavior.
I have a nice gaming pc, and the catalog on there caters to my needs anons, no need to turn it in a colectathon.

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Xbone has no worthwhile exclusives

Console wars aren't a real thing, it's just a template for shitposting.

So you're not a gamer?

I only need consoles.

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I don't know what "gamer" means user. It looks like a carefully crafted corporate Identity designed to make you buy shit. However I play many games and I still enjoy my time with them greatly. I have yet to become jaded in regards to them.

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post more

ok I do not know which webms contain porn though so I might get the thread wrecked

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Why are you posting here then

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rate my steam library, Yea Forums

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Why would I waste money on a babies console or a work machine when my ps4 pros work perfectly

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I don't care, post more

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i would like to play nintendo games but i don't want to buy their console. why can't they just release their games on PC?

>no super mario
>no zelda
looks like we win again switchbros

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>What's preventing you from owning multiple consoles and investing in a gaming PC and enjoying all the games you want in 2019?
Money and time

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>everything just in an unsorted "games" list outside of specific franchises
>not sorted by genre
You disgust me, barbarian

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Seething sonygro.

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imagine being a poor pathetic non idort

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Damn these bitches are fine as hell. Names?

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Based chocolate poster

I own every console this season except the Xbox One, and I own a gaming pc.
I mostly play on my PC since all my friends have one. One friend owns a crash team racing on the Switch and another has it on the PS4.
They can't play together, so if it comes out on PC they will likely repurchase it so we can all play together.
My friend and I repurcased Monster Hunter Worlds on the PC (we both had it on PS4) so we could play it with our online buddy.

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Nice collection. Have a great day


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She kawaii as fuck

>get tired of console wars
>join PC master race
>now CPU/GPU wars

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>participate in stupid fanboyisms everywhere you go
Your fault

fuck off rugerell

miss click

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I am sick and tired of console wars, OP. So why did you make a console war thread?

to post Nubian goddesses

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based ebonyposter please continue


They all look like animals to me, bro

>nice OC
>ruined by wojak
i hate this fucking board

forgot file. I have fever otherwise I probably wouldn't dump

different strokes for different folk m8

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>not being into beastiality is gay

I thought everyone had a few consoles and a PC? Console wars are just funny pretend shitposting, right?

Like how the fuck can you otherwise call yourself a gamer?

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>What's preventing you from owning multiple consoles
Having a brain.


Stage 1: Anger
>spends all his time on /pol/
>complete racist
>hates Black people
>lonely and resentful
>hates life and finds meaning by connecting to racial identity

Stage 2: Shame
>alienation drives /pol/user deeper into isolation and porn addiction
>taboos become attractive
>jungle fever spam starts having an effect
>begin jacking off to interracial WMBF porn
>shame from anti-white perversions drive the /pol/user deeper into shitposting and isolation

Stage 3: Giving In
>in loneliness, horniness, and sheer boredom the /pol/user hooks up with a BLACK girl
>though shy and nervous, the moment his whitoid dick enters black mouth the /pol/user is hooked
>months or years of porn and fetishism aligns to make everything- the BLACK woman's moans, her heavy, thicc thighs, the anons pale hand slapping ebony ass- reaffirm the user's fetishes and send so much pleasure into his racemixer brain that there is no going back

Stage 4: Dedication
>/pol/ user begins having interracial hook ups at increasing frequency
>gets natural testosterone boost from sex, more body conscious, begins working out for a better body
>starts going out more often and building a social circle

Stage 5: Happiness
>the based user posting these pics
>completely mind broken by BLACK QWEENS and rebuilt as a better man
>doesn't even find white and asian women attractive anymore
>family and friends all surprised at the transformation from racist loser to productive member of society
>now happily married to a BLACK woman
>no longer alienated, now extroverted and sociable
>has circle of female black friends(some of whom his exes) who he hangs with and helps them get white boyfriends
>plans on impregnating his wife and making many cute caramel babies
>views racist /pol/ user with mixture of pity and bemusement, uses imageboards only to post jungle fever threads
>thanks Black booty daily for changing him from an angry, resentful loner into somebody with a full spectrum of human emotion

Last one all the other are not 4channel friendly have a nice day fellas.

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Are there any pornstars with skin this black? I love that super dark skin color, but all I can find in porn sites is brown ghetto trash.

i wish there were niggers like that at my school, wolud def reacemix.

This being the most quality thread on Yea Forums tells you something about the state of this fucking board

I mean, just having ONE console and no PC in 2019 is a joke right?

This isn't the 1980's, we have disposible income, why have only one console.

I have ps4 pro, xbox one x, switch, 3ds and nvidia shield, plus my PC, and im not rich or anything, i work a 9 to 5 and save my money right.

>I have an Xbox One X plus my PC
So you're retarded

Who's this?

Why not? I collect consoles, gonna go next to my dreamcast.

Yeah, I don't get it.
Funnily the console that get's most action in my house is PS2.

sticks and stones, broski.

I enjoy some games on the xbox, also t¿i have the game pass feature.

also some games are PC exclusive, which is why i have the PC to begin with.

Without Jewish-made consumerism everything would be on either a unified system designed for peak performance or multiple systems but all at a PC-level in hardware power. Consoles use to lead the market in technological advances due to their competition, but now they can easily get all the money they need from stupid fucking faggots who will pay for a brand name regardless of what comes attached with it. That or they put people who truly enjoy video games into a headlock over a single exclusive, knowing that many are too fat and lazy to ever bother simply reselling it back on ebay for half the price. And why would they care anyway? They already have your money, and what they don't make from a niche not being a returning customer they'll overcompensate in retarded fucking underage dipshits paying an extra $20 for games on top of another extra $20 for meaningless digital pre-orders.

This mentality of turning everything into garbage because it's cheaper to feed the rats than it is the actual people and they know everyone will buy it anyway. David Mackenzie Ogilvy, the world's fattest kike in marketing, said that the primary goal of advertising should be to indoctrinate customers like a cult would and draw in the absolute loyalty of a smaller market while using their funds to ensnare the larger market into buying your cheap shit. Does that remind you of anything?

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My bro kept the dreamcast when i moved out of the parents house.

He's still obsessed with MVC2.

>I enjoy some games on the xbox
Like I said, retarded. There's literally no reason to own a console whose games are all on PC aside from trash like Halo 5.

Yup, that's gotta be it.

moar niggetss please.

Then go ahead and explain what "games you enjoy on the xbox" and why you couldn't enjoy those games on PC.


Yeah, didn't think you could, retard. Go back to sticking your hand in your asscrack and licking what you find. That would be a better suited activity to your IQ than discussing video games.

This. I don't even play video games but nintendies are the easiest group to bait after americans

>Aren't you tired of your stupid and meaningless console wars?
Yes, I am
>What's preventing you from owning multiple consoles and investing in a gaming PC and enjoying all the games you want in 2019?
I own all consoles but I'm a NEET so I don't have a PC.

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>Not Mania
absolute awful taste

>without muh joos or cabitalism gaming would be great
Why can't you fucking nazis and communists understand that video games wouldn't even exist in any context other than liberal consumerism? There's a reason why China and the USSR didn't develop video games when they were taking the war against capitalism seriously. They invested in classical music, etc. just like Hitler would have continued to invest in Wagner or some other autistic shit, but they would consider videogames to be bourgeois or degenerate.

I understand not liking "capitalism" or consumerist society, but you people are denying reality.

no. you.

Doesn't Pc make more sense for neets because you can steal shit

We won't need to sort genres anymore when the new steam layout comes out

About the response I'd expect from somebody with an IQ I could count with my fingers. Bye now [-]

Most NEETs make more than the average lower/middle class person.
We get to pay so they can live for free :)

I like physical games and only really pirate anime. Games are a luxury anyway and I'm enough of a leech as is.

What are they going to be sorted automatically into genres by their game's tags? That won't be retarded at all since its not like people list CSGO as a strategy game or anything like that

Who is trolling who here?

>new steam layout
Please god no

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What nation are you talking about?

You dislike the neet life? Are you disabled or do you have other reasons that stop you from becoming a normie?

I don't get any kind of financial support from taxes or anything, I never signed up for NEETbux. Guess some people do though.

You’re a non-believer. Why should we waste time on kabuki?

I got my ps2, ps3, a ps4, my fucking bad ass PC, a wii, and that's about it. Really not into consoles desu. Plus, with how exclusives are being treated, it just feels like a waste of money to even get a console. It's just gonna come out on PC, right? I feel bad for console owners sometimes.

US, UK and most Euro nations.

Good for you dude.

You wasted your time replying just now, retard. Can't take 30 more seconds out of your precious life of nothing to come up with at least one bullshit reason? No? Probably because you can't.

I never pretended to want or like to play every game out there or to even have the slightest of curiosity for certain genres. I like platformers, I like fighting games, I know where to get them, I stick to these.

>You dislike the neet life? Are you disabled or do you have other reasons that stop you from becoming a normie?
I don't really enjoy it, I guess I'm resigned to it. I don't know, I guess I just don't have any willpower to do anything else. I can fix myself, and it'd be cool to, but my brain doesn't want me to is the best way to put it. I don't like most people, I don't like outside, I feel pangs of nervousness when I think about getting a job, was even offered a job by my sister but turned it down, still don't know why. Guess life's just not for me. I could get a job, pursue a dream I had at some point, and be normal, and I think about it most nights, I just can't bring myself to. Guess I'm just retarded.
Sorry for the blogpost

wholesome comic OP

You can search games in your library by tag

I have never bought a sony playstation but their TVs and most audio equipment they make is pretty good

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No. Not till I know I’m not wasting my time.

That sounds retarded, something like 50% of my games that aren't strategy games have the strategy tag on the steam store because people are really fuckin stupid.

These hoes are ratchet, I can tell from experience living by Oakland


I'll just take that as a concession that you can't and cut things off here since all you want to do is go in an endless loop. [-]