>all those memories
>will be lost in time
>like tears in rain
What VIDEO GAME fits this quote the best?
All those memories
Other urls found in this thread:
CS:S Surf servers
>Nobody was more human than my friend, Cole MacGrath
Timesplitters 2
That one server from tf2 from 10 years ago.
Eternal Sonata, sad that I can never play it again. Probably the best rpg story that no-one knows about. Hope it comes for PC or that you can emulate it one day.
old Yea Forums
>2011 Yea Forums
I'm hoping for that and Ni No Kuni (the first one). There are probably more JRPGs that I haven't played due to exclusivity that I'm forgetting, but those 2 stand out.
These UT maps I did and I lost forever. I wish I could revisit them and realize how shit they were.
>old Yea Forums
Your MMO Clan
I had an existential crisis yesterday because of this.
The 'Tears in the Rain' speech means a lot more to me because I have early onset azheimer's. I can feel the memories leaving me, slipping through my fingers I want to cry anytiime someone brings up something and I just don't remember any of it. I find myself confused at the most ordinary things, I want to fix myself but I can't. I can just sit back and wait for everything that was me is lost to time, only remembered by others
Sounds like something Sans from Undertale could say. Like when everyone is cheering that they're going back to the surface in the pacifist ending, but he knows it's all gonna reset and be for nought.
Lmao who let you on Yea Forums in the home, grandpa?
>have Alzheimers
>choose to spend your last lucid moments shitposting
dont worry my based and redpilled election tourist. it will happen to you too.
Do diaries help?
No better way to go I’d say
I don't have Alzheimers man, but I do have really really terrible memory, to the point where I'll completely forget shows or games I loved a few years later. I'll still remember that I had played them but not remember a single detail about it.
Personally I think it's great. Think of it this way, you get to experience things you love for the first time again. Ask people around you to remind you of games you used to like so you can play them again.
kara no shoujo
Dude if that's not a pasta, then
yeah a lot, but sometimes it's pretty depressing read that whole thing back
its not all bad, at least you get to meet new people everyday
one thing for sure you'll be remembered as a very dramatic queen
you're not special and the world doesn't revolve around you because you have an illness, suck it up
Unironically this
How old are you user?
Outer Wilds.
pre dmc 5 devil may cry games
41 next month (I had to check)
>TFC Conc Maps
The 'Tears in the Rain' speech means a lot more to me because I have early onset azheimer's. I can feel the memories leaving me, slipping through my fingers I want to cry anytiime someone brings up something and I just don't remember any of it. I find myself confused at the most ordinary things, I want to fix myself but I can't. I can just sit back and wait for everything that was me is lost to time, only remembered by others
Are you perchance a woman? I'm only 18 and I'm still more of a man than you will ever be.
>wait till you get older
I'm not retarded like everyone else. What kind of prissy idiot allows themselves to lose their mind? The world's not that complicated to grasp.
>lmao what an idiot how come you let this irreversible degenerative disorder happen to you just push through user lol
Not saying there aren't things he can't do to make his situation better but you are a fucking retard.
Vagrant Story. Only a handful of people will know what actually happened there, and the secret dies with them.
The 'Tears in the Rain' speech means a lot more to me because I have early onset azheimer's. I can feel the memories leaving me, slipping through my fingers I want to cry anytiime someone brings up something and I just don't remember any of it. I find myself confused at the most ordinary things, I want to fix myself but I can't. I can just sit back and wait for everything that was me is lost to time, only remembered by others
funny thing, as sophisticated and made of organic material as the nexus 6 might be, they are still machines that can be interfaced with, and all their personality and memories are data, data that tyrell corp knows how to implant, and therefore should be able to extract.
batty could have asked for a new body via transfer, not for an extension of his planned obsolescence. in a way the imperfections of the copying of the data would have made roy batty Mk.2 not a clone, but something of a child of his, and to create offspring is the ultimate proof of life, which is basically what they wanted; to be recognized as having been alive.
Low effort bait.
that sucks man.
a very good but also very tasteless joke.
Tribes Ascend
>hhurrrrrr huurrrrr I no stoopid so I no get dementia hurrrr world easy to grasp hurrrrrr
You might not get alzheimers, but you're a lot more fucking retarded than a lot of the people who do.
>Roy Batty dies in 2019
>Rutger Hauer dies in 2019
>Officer K dies in 2049
>Ryan Gosling dies in 2049
Persona 3
Eve Online
Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion, C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. Literally
Playing the Alpha/Beta versions of Minecraft with your buddies. Nobody had a clue what to do but boy did we have fun
>and to create offspring is the ultimate proof of life
what a retard definition. so childless by choice people, infertile or gay people are not alive by definition then
>tfw you can play bloodborne for the first time again
> so childless by choice people, infertile or gay people are not alive by definition then
When they're gone and leave nothing behind they might as well have not been alive.
Vanilla wow, man. Yeah it felt like a job and leveling was fucking bullshit but I dunno being apart of that raid guild was fucking awesome. I regret treating the GM like shit when I left for my friends fucking dead end guild. I don't even talk to the nigger anymore.
Before any of you faggots ask fuck off with that COME HOME WITH US BRO because I actually hated playing the game and you can't pay me to go back to that watered down bullshit. If I really wanted to go back I'd go onto one of those vanilla wow private servers, so fuck off with that shit, homefaggot.
Fucking Observer, I guess, because this is clearly not video games and you just want to shitpost about Yea Forums-related subjects.
You're already the most brain damaged one here
tell that to Alan Turing
so what’s the best game you don’t remember?
Plenty of people have left worker drones for the next generation. If anything matter it's what you do and accomplish yourself. No one cares about who Einstein's dad was, or his kid.
There was a similar story about an Ukranian bro wasn't it? Or am I losing my mind?
I listened to the Bladerunner soundtrack a lot while playing Eve.
>no lost odyssey
Come on. It's a JRPG about being immortal, but your memory is suddenly wiped and you have to get it back.
Playing Morrowind for the first time
Silent hill
Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
You already posted this in the last thread.
Much better than current Yea Forums, which just be
>Tim Buckley comics
With a basedjak as the picture.
He might have forgotten.
which game specifically?
It's mind-boggling we still don't know enough about Alzheimer's to treat it (I think? My dad had it but maybe something changed over the years, I'm too scared of meeting the same fate to keep up with research) other than maybe knowing maybe some of the maybe root causes. I'm sorry user, I wish you all the best and don't lose hope, who knows there may be progress if not an outright cure. Pointless maybe to suggest but I'd listen to lots and lots of music, try out new stuff even.
I read my Grandpa's diary after he passed and he logged every important moment in it like when the family visited him and when his grandkids were born. The writing got worse as he got older until it basically became scribbles. The last page had my dad's writing noting his dad's time of death. Really fucking got emotional after seeing that. Time and getting old is such a crazy thing.
Both Nier games.
The 'Tears in the Rain' speech means a lot more to me because I have early onset azheimer's. I can feel the memories leaving me, slipping through my fingers I want to cry anytiime someone brings up something and I just don't remember any of it. I find myself confused at the most ordinary things, I want to fix myself but I can't. I can just sit back and wait for everything that was me is lost to time, only remembered by others
Frankie muniz that you?
With Incels, Interlinked...
Rutger Hauer's death hit me harder than I expected. I'm gonna have to watch bladerunner tonight. To answer OP's question, any game with a dead online, or gaming groups that fell apart. Such things can never be recreated and are only meaningful to those who've seen it, felt it.
Minecraft hardcore mode.
Look on the bright side, you'll be able to play your favorite game for the first time again
Just make sure someone else knows what it was because you'll probably forget
Most things that exist or have been alive will echo through all of spacetime in some way however insignificant, and you can leave something behind besides DNA. If humanity collapses before becoming a spacefaring civilization and gets swallowed by a ballooning Sun and nothing of significance will ever have left the Earth and all out radiosignals die out before ever getting observed then by that logic humanity will never have existed at all, which is false.
Everything perishes sooner or later, even the cosmos will likely die a heat death someday, but that doesn't change the fact it existed, even if it doesn't spawn a new cosmos. Cogito ergo sum applies even more on this scale, and we're the universe's cognizant matter, even if only barely.
Team Fortress 2
Ending of pic related.
I was gonna write something but I forgot what it was.
That's not what it meant. It doesn't matter if you have Alzheimers or not, most of your memories will go with you after you die, the rest will soon follow.
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Metal Gear before MGSV ;_;