Two items with the same name have different stats

>two items with the same name have different stats
for example 2 longswords, 1 has 14 dmg, other 16 dmg.

Attached: fury.jpg (248x203, 11K)

Dumb wojak poster

But one is blue and another is green

thanks for posting an example

>Weapons have base stats with some very slight random variation
>Get a rare drop that has 2 less attack bonus than what it could've had

Attached: Soyboy Wojak (116).png (475x619, 92K)

no, not in the games I play, same color

>he doesn't know about random stat bonuses

epic longsword vs rare longsword

they are crap, never good, just give me solid stats for gods sake

Attached: Guncry.jpg (250x243, 8K)

no, both the same I, literally said that in the example, Genius...

>Basedboy Wojack (116)
Delete that entire folder you absolutely cancerous nigger.

Attached: 1556157861290.png (390x370, 182K)

an entire folder of 100+ wojaks?

Can you google drive that?


You think I can just give my life's work away for free?

Attached: file.png (1444x814, 658K)

im coming to exterminate you

Attached: 97A8710E-3AAA-4170-9C12-E7D2FDE9B9C6.jpg (700x700, 22K)

>that filename
Jesus christ dude, I like to make the occasional wojack post myself but get some fucking variety in your shit posting.

>they are all onions wojaks

you know what? keep them to yourself, I don't want that cancer

Attached: Cat in trash.jpg (250x239, 4K)

>game has character creation
>lets you use wacky hair colours but not make a ginger

Attached: 20190606200606_1.jpg (1032x1066, 314K)

not saving everything with default filenames is soi


>mfw losers are seething at my wojakposting

If you don't have a number after it then you won't get free soi replies such as yours
>Basedboy Wojak (242)
>user please seek help!!

based catposter

Commit die.

Wow, look at all that cancer!
>they all have s*yboy in their filename
go die please

You're welcome