Dark Souls 2

Dark Souls 2

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BB wasn't that good and Sekiro was better than that

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Wow, a Souls tier ranking that isn't total shit. Never thought I'd see one of those.

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This is good, but switch Bloodborne with Demon's Souls and it's perfect

Ds - ds2 - ds3

Dark Souls 2 is the Dark Souls of Dark Souls games

In order
>Dark Souls
>Demon's Souls
>Dark Souls 3
>Dark Souls 2

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>Sekiro over Bloodborne
>Dark Souls 3 over anything besides 2
Nah, man. Just nah

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Dark Souls 2 was an okay game but the worst of the souls series. Combat felt the worst disregarding ADP because of how floaty everything looked and how landing hits or getting hit felt like it had zero impact whatsoever.

I will always contend what makes Dark Souls 2 the worst game has nothing to do with the level design, layout, number of weapons, plastic look of everything or even ADP. Its that combat just FEELS unrewarding and terrible because of the absolutely shit animations and reactions everything has to hits and damage and how they move.

That is the biggest failure of the game.

Its not by any means but I guess its okay to have a weird opinion

Bloodborne would be higher if it wasnt strictly on PS4, so yeah man just yeah

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>What platform something is on changes its quality
>Demon's Souls ranked that high when it was also an exclusive
At least stay consistent with your shitty lack of logic.


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>max Hex
>max sunset staff
>equip 4 copies of dark orb
>spam R1 to everithing

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Obligatory give those games back, Tyrone post.

DaS2 is the only souls game with powerstancing, real dual wielding and UGS that can parry while two handed making it an automatic top tier souls game.

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3D Zeldas suck

is shit.

oops, wrong image

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Dark Souls 2

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I’m starting to see why they call you Bloodbronies

>why, yes I play INT builds, how could you tell?

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You post shitty "memes" so it's pretty obvious that you're an incel.

>best gameplay
>best plot
>best bundle of DLCs
>best characters
>best fashion
And all of these with a troubled development and change in directors. Dont @ me cucks

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DS2 is a scuffed masterpiece

>>best gameplay

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>if it was also on PC it would be better
>Demon's Souls was the first to "try it" so to speak, therefore has a pass to be exclusive
>Aso also, consistency in the souls series for anything at all...kek

Sekiro is only good for two play throughs.

seriously if DaS2 had gameplay like 1, DeS or 3 OR BB then I might rethink its position

best game in the series

>ds 2
>that low
get fucked faggot

Why does there have to be a better anyway? The'yre all fun in their own different way

>he doesn't like dual wielding maces or greatshields
Out of my face.

Because after Dark Souls 1 people obsessed over Miyazaki. DSII is like Portable Ops in that regard. Which is funny given how uninspired III is in pretty much all regards

I do like doing those things in Dark Souls 3.


How can one man be so right?