I’ve never played this game. This thread will decide whether or not I try it this weekend. Why should I or should I not play this?
I’ve never played this game. This thread will decide whether or not I try it this weekend...
Good sandbox game, you should play it. Just fuck around in the open world until there's nothing to find anymore, then complete the main quest and quit the game. Should keep you entertained for a good 40 hours.
It's fun
Kill this thread before shills and shitposters ruin it. This is the perfect and most truthful answer.
It’s fantastic. This thread is gonna become one of THOSE threads soon, so
you should play it as it's a fantastic game that plays like a modern immersive sim
It's good
I dont give a fuck whether youll play it or not but its a good game that i'd recommend antmy person who claims to enjoy video games
form your own damn opinion!
it's shit
>>asking Yea Forums to make decisions for you
If you were actually interested in it, you wouldn't ask here. Just buy the fucking game.
How about you decide on your own instead of relying on other people user
I’m not buying shit without reading reviews from my peers
You shouldn't play it because it is boring trash devoid of real content, you will get 45 minutes of fun spread out over dozens of hours of boredom
And you could quite easily not notice how board you were until afterwards which adds to the frustration.
It's the only Zelda game that I've bothered to 100%.
its shit
you should really go for single digits
nintendo bonus
ill shove this cope up your aSS
Its one of the most acclaimed video games ever made.
Haters will pretend none of that counts though because they can't handle reality.
But from my personal opinion its one of the best games of the past 20 years.
And skyward sword got a 93
Zelda games often get rated higher than they should.
you two just killed it
Skyward sword is a good game
>Haters will pretend none of that counts though because they can't handle reality.
Or maybe because it's the worst game in the Zelda series, maybe even the worst Nintendo game.
For the love of God op if you must play it pirate it instead of wasting your money on this trash, the wiiu emulator is pretty much built around this game so it runs flawlessly.
You are still seething 2 years later
>the worst nintendo game
You were doing ok until this slip up. Never go full retard.
You are dam right I am seething, I brought a switch day one and I was dumb enough to get this and 1-2 switch instead of snipperclips leaving me with nothing worth playing.
>worst game in the series
definitely has the worst soundtrack. its kinda weird since ALBWs is so good and koji had nothing to do with that one
>Its one of the most acclaimed video games ever made.
>Haters will pretend none of that counts though because they can't handle reality.
Do you really let others form your opinion?
It’s fun, not my favourite Zelda game though.
The way to play it is just explore and find interesting shit and don’t just focus on the main quest
>Do you really let others form your opinion?
He literally stated own personal opinion in the same post. Let me guess; you can't stand his own opinion either, right?
>it's the worst game in the Zelda series, maybe even the worst Nintendo game.
Journos also praise other m
>nothing counts!