
Depot A... where boys become men or where shitters get super mad and spam the thread

Attached: A.png (800x432, 209K)

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finally made it out of the nightmare death stalker tunnels at level 11

I've beat Underrail like 4 times on hard mode (not interested in dominating honestly). Depot A is still almost always a pain in the ass on almost every build I've used, with the exception being a sledgehammer build which steamrolled literally every part of it.

I've never struggled at Depot A desu. Not even on my 1st run, which was before the nerf. Sure, a few reloads here and there, but I never felt like I'm stuck, like I should reroll or any of that shit. I don't get it.

>death stalker tunnels
>at level 11
Shit son, what are you doing

make a general you stupid spamming shill faggots

>stop discussing games!
Go bac to your eceleb thread.

Same. First time was not easy, that's true. But it wasn't the brickwalling sharp difficulty spike it was hyped up to be.

It is hard for the majority of absolute brainlets who think they need to read build guides on the net to have any chance of playing

I can't figure out how to work the broken console when you go on a drunken journey with Dude.

A smash thread died for this.

Attached: al fabet smug.png (499x499, 78K)

Brainlet from last thread. Turns out you can just buy some cheapass boots/coat with +stealth and do the bug plant quest in Junkyard. I didn't think it was that easy, even with zero stealth.

Three console screens
Three numbers in each line
Three hints with
Three numbers each

It's not what you're thinking


I did Stealth/Knife and don't remember it being all that hard.

What's the best shotgun types?

>music puzzle
I-is there a solver for this? Asking for a retarded friend.

is the bear trap bro here

Noob here. Anything I can fix on this? I've only played to level 3 but didn't like my first guy. Appreciate advice on if I picked shit talents or if the order could be better

I want high persuasion and Mechant sort of goes along with that, and grenades made the early game so much easier so I'll probably keep using those, but anything else is up to change.

Attached: assault.jpg (2479x1339, 609K)

what are good weapons to use for a based throwing lad? grenades are expensive.

>18 fucking perception
>no sprint as a heavier dude
for the most part it isnt bad at all but jesus fuck dude, persuasion wont really be needed with how much ass youl be kicking, the mercantile is great but lad, for real, put in some agi for that sprint and shit, 18 per is a bit fucking overkill, maybe like 9 con for last stand and some more agi?

>kill someone with temporal distortion
>every enemy around is infected with distortions as well
>on death they trigger more distortions

Just downloaded this game, Classic or Oddity experience mode? Also any good tips to know, or should I just wing it blind for best results?

No there isn't, but if you want you can post some screenshots showing the mickey's code from the admin level and the intervals keys for him and I'll solve it for you. Or tell you how.

>noob here
>uses a fucking character builder
>still utter shit
how about play the game retard to see which skills are good before you get all microsoft excel about it

Is it good? I liked Wasteland 2 DX but felt it was a bit repetetive and dragging in many areas, how does underrail compare?

is psi fist monk the best build lads its just so fun and over the top


>no pointers about what exactly is shit
why the fuck would you NOT use a character builder in a game with no respec option? Eat a dick

about the same
maybe a bit more autistic fiddling but no squad to manage

I'll probably do that. I thought because it raised your effective gun stat you would want to all in on it. If 309 isn't much different damage-wise from 350 then no reason to not do as you say

>level 3
>why am I bad
>is my pre-planned character I planned without knowing anything about the game good

how about PLAY THE FUCKING GAME RETARD go leave Yea Forums now fucking level 3 you've barely cleared the tutorial and don't give me any of that shit about your first character if that's how you made this garbage

no I won't spoonfeed you a build go play the fucking game you obnoxious zoomer twat

Weaponsmith works only for melee weapons and you are what i assume an Assault Rifle specialist.
Armor sloping is taken way too late.
Playing heavy armor without sprint is literally torture, don't do it to yourself man.
Paranoia on a heavy armor build with high perception is overkill.
Opportunist + suppressive fire is a decent synergy but there are more important feats you should take before them.

How the fuck do people play pure psi
>Use crowd control!
Except that all of it costs half if yoy psi points, how do you kill the enemy after you used your entire pp pool to crowd control?
Im finding myself constantly out of mana even after using the psi recharge item

>he actually put points towards stealth

Attached: 20190725105545_1.jpg (1920x1080, 412K)

Classic, classic, classic. FUCK ODDITY. FUCK IT. FUCK IT FUCK IT!

lol, stay assblasted, retard. I'll post what I want and ask whaty I want, and you can fuck right off. This isn't Reddit; you can't downvote. Deal with it since you can't ignore it like a big boy. Last (you) for you

This is honestly where I quit when I pirated. Ran myself out of ammo for a gun that was disgustingly OP in the previous area, didn't want any part of fighting the same enemies again when I circled back around towards the beginning. Where was I actually supposed to be going in there?

have fun buying games you don't even play because you're too busy getting spoonfed theoretical builds you never have the attention span to finish

Great, thanks. I didn't read where it said melee. I'll move sloping forward more and move shit around and make sure to grab sprint instead of paranoia.


>one playthrough I got to core city
>20% of the others I restarted at depot A
>40% of the others I restarted at the compound
>rest I restarted even earlier

FUUUUCK, let's hope expedition will give me a build that I like enough to stick to it

Conflicting opinions here, lads.


made a pistol/nade character
Depot A was boring as fuck
I am wondering if I should make a full craft and chem pistol science guy instead

Nice. The squad management didn't gel with me at all. Having to autistically tinker with a single character appeals way more than to manage a team so that you cover everything. Seeing something and knowing that you don't need to bother if you can't do it is way easier with a single character if you haven't covered it between six characters

Do you like exploration and leveling up as the story goes? Play oddity.

Do you like grinding and being overleveled? Play classic.

the game is designed around oddity
it's the way it's meant to be played™ and honestly a welcome rework to how xp works in video games
can't grind level, encourages exploration and free choice as you don't need to kill every encounter for ""experience points"" but rather level up through rare loot

classic is for people who refuse that video games should change after 1992

You had to grab some keycards to open up some gates that would allow you to find the doodad you needed to get the drill in your home base working again.

The place is pretty hard if you're not prepared.

Attached: UnderrailMutant.png (1080x749, 356K)

If you're new, if you like to loot everything, or if your character is stealthy, then oddity.
If you have finished the game already on oddity then you can play classic for a character that for example doesnt loot ( once you finished the game youll have enough experience to know what to do to tailor your next playthrough to whatever you like )

about done installing.
wanna do swords.
what stats should i focus on?

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any tips for building a nade dude my man

Oddity if you like sneaking around and exploring
Classic if you like grinding and being overleveled

After playing for a bit, I'm not sold on Hit and Run although Sprint is the fucking tits especially because I'll be using the Psi haste after a while. Think it's worth going to 6 dex for Cheap Shots, or is Heavywight and Crit Power going to be enough?

Attached: hammer.jpg (2469x1338, 592K)

Roger that, thanks for the help. Gonna give it a go now.

level up throwing
you're welcome
play the fucking game

i went with swords and even with 95% accuracy i missed enough with flurry that i had to reload often so just go spears instead which are apparently very strong

Bought this game a long time ago just to find out my brain is absolutely broken and I can't get gud. Sucks because it's a cool game.

I did the Dude questline added in Expedition on accident.

problem with spears is unique ones suck and are rare but they are strong as fuck

Congratulations, you have the same curse that I have. Doesn't just happen in Underrail, happens in literally every game I play in which you can build your own character
I also keep remaking characters. Usually after Depot A / Core city.
>Play grim dawn
>Spend hours making a character
>Play for a few hours
>Get that niggling thought in the back of my mind saying 'dude what about this type of character, holy shit wouldn't that be awesome'
>Try to ignore it
>Can't keep focued, not even having fun playing with my current character anymore because I can't shake the feeling that the NEW ONE will be better
>Never make it past chapter 2 because of this


Luckily I think I've found the perfect build in Underrail though finally (I restarted after my previous character beat depot A again, my new char is in depot A now and I'm still enjoying the fuck out of it).

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>refuse that video games should change after 1992
That's me. Video games were unironically better in 1992.

Finally figured it out. That was some bullshit.

Not that user but i'm happy to know i'm not the only one cursed, Even though i'm having fun with my current sniper/shotgun i have THE URGE

That was the easy one, just wait till you get to the music puzzle

This is probably the best line in the entire game.

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they were better in 96-99

I've done the mutagen puzzle in the base game. That was pretty difficult too. Didn't even know about this extra Dude mission before, I didn't stumble into it when I played the base game.

Just find or craft an electric powered one. The electrical melee weapons are pretty much always better than any purely mechanical ones.
I always go stealth/assassin/ranger builds in games so I never have this problem. What is the build you love so much user?

It was only a little frustrating at first because of how many attacks it took to kill things. Once they all respawned and I hadn't really accomplished anything, that was the "fuck you" point. I think this was also right at launch. No idea what they changed since then.

>discussing video games bad
>twitter threads good

>Dogs are humans too!
is better.

As an adorable meme line, yes.

Is there a list of all the responses to you saying you're the Invictus? I once tried to avoid talking to absolutely everyone until I got the Invictus rank so I could see if there were some unique responses I missed out on, but I couldn't hack it. My favorite response was the Camp Hathor guy thinking you were a larper.

Attached: UnderrailTalkingToRocks.png (936x936, 49K)

if you're mostly using metathermics for offense, does tranq or psychosis fit better?

Spears as weapons are pretty weak, weak stats bad customization options no dex AP reduction shitty uniques, but their special attacks are great.
Spear throw is probably the most powerful single target special attack in the game when it comes to damage per AP, impale is obviously great with cheap shots and sweep is good if your spear has an electroshock generator.
On the defensive side they have Fend and Spear Guardian which give you 100% block chance, riot shields max out at 55% as a comparison.

I mean with 6 specialization points spear throw can do up to 480% weapon damage at max range, it counts as a melee attack which means Cheap Shot affects it, it can crit, it has 1 turn cooldown AND it costs 10 fucking AP.

how do I play psi
not asking for build advice, but psi points management
is there any way to increase psi points?

Those are the best kind. We get some amazingly dumb dialog options and I like to believe the canon protagonist would pick the all.

>What is the build you love so much user?
Ironically it's a stealth ranger.
Crossbow using, trap setting, poison abusing character. So fuckin' fun.

>meh... not a challenge for me...
Time to grab a fedora and make the edgiest character

I haven't seen you on /vg/ in a while.

make sure to grab that wicked sense of humor special plasma edge unique katana

just started supposed to find this newton guy but these psi beetles fuck me even if i just try to run away... do I just fuck this dude or will it not let me continue without finding him?

Swords, knives, or fists?

Is psi/melee viable? I'm thinking a spear or machete with psychokinesis and temporal manipulation

>do I just fuck this dude or will it not let me continue without finding him?
You can lie that he died, but the beetles are good practice for you. Don't expect the game get any easier later.

quick question, does psychosis increase the cost of ALL psi abilities or just the ones that can crit? I want to use the buffs and stuff from TM, but might be better going Tranq even if I don't go into stealth if it raises their costs too

fucking everything

timefuckery is tranquil mage territory

What the fuck was that

Attached: fug.jpg (421x544, 67K)

last question before I finally stop re-rolling, cyrogenic induction, pryomanic, both, or neither?

There are better psi feats but they can pretty useful.

cryogenic induction with max specialization
shatter literally anything with implosion

waste of special points, man

anyone figured out where to get this yet?
i made my sword build with bleeds in mind. and this is the only sword that can afflict them.

Attached: W6Ut6xh.png (432x748, 48K)

not on max difficulty

You can't build your own?

Just be careful in Deep Caverns, I heard that build struggles the most against the final boss. Make sure you bring special arrows that can penetrate the FB's high mechanical armor. And bring TNT charges.

Just start the expedition and you will get more than you would ever need

its a unique sword. i dont think you can build bleeding swords. only regular and curved machetes.

>level 2
>gun does no damage if it even hits

practice or not, it's impossible


Get that Fold-M back to camp to find out!

>found a 30% acid resistance coat prior to depot A
well that ought to make things easier

I kind of ran out. While going Tranq, I dropped Psycho Electricity and Neural Overclocking. I took packrat because I didn't see anything else fantastic and if I'm going to take it might as well be sooner rather than later.

Not sure if my idea of getting lots of initiative to always start out combat with my bonus is wise or not.

I could always dump those dex points and go for Con for last stand + specialization in it for 4 turns and 6 turn cooldown (5 with TM), but I don't know how well Tranq with last stand would work in practice.

beetles have like 200% more mechanical damage threshold if their brain isnt exposed.

just an FYI: if they open up their carapace to cast psi-skills their resistance drops like a rock

Then what's the difference between the two? Better off with a bladed puncher or a serrated knife fighter

Forgot my image.

Attached: shitwizard.jpg (2405x1247, 590K)

there are 2 of them, one of them can just freeze me and then the other will send psi blasts, there's literally nothing i can do as a level 2 character.

Where can I find more rifts?

the sword playstyle is a risk reward thing. you can get much more damage than other melee builds but you also can risk loosing the damage.
basically if you hit you gain damage and crit. if you miss you loose it all and your main damage ability goes on cooldown for 3 turns.
its kinda xcom mode.

No snek, constant fights you can't win
Lotsa snek, walk right by the bots and high five em as your leaving

user, he can just make corrosive arrows and crit the boss to death

use throwables
at the very least you should have gotten a bunch of nets during the cave hopper quest

First time playing, can I make a melee character?

Foundry where the sniper was located
Agriculture storage room in SGS
hidden nook by Hathors hq
The rest I legit dont know, but probably a spot or two within Rail and new Expedition

psi fists is one of the strongest builds

Do you know why they're there?

This dude just doesn't give a fuck.

Attached: absoluteunit.png (364x271, 229K)

He's earned his life.

doesn't matter when they resist my 5mm peashooter and/or i miss every other turn

Sadly that wasn't enough, he couldn't capitalize on that cryostasis well enough. But I respect how stubborn he was.

molotovs deal a shitload of unresisted damage and cause them to run away in fear

i am lvl 2 at literally the start of the game i can't afford molotovs

Many various types.
Heavyarmor sledgehammer with single huge hits
Unarmed, which in itself has different builds.
Unarmed psi monk
Knife, crit damage + bleed based, you can throw in throwing knives for ranged component
Sord based on gambling where you get stronger the more you hit and fucked if you miss, learn how to remove dodge from enemies
Spear which relies on special attacks to do damage and has built in melee block. Also spear throwing for ranged damage.

>believe the memers saying lockpicking and hacking aren't mandatory
>arrive at depot A two full levels behind last attempt and poor as fuck
Fuck you faggots

well, if it's to hard then
don't fight the psi-beetles? you don't actually *have* to fight them early on
sure you'll miss out on saving that one guy but if you're not up to the task then go do something else and come back when you're better armed

Someone feed me an energy pistol stealth build. I've got 30 hours in this game but I keep restarting.

you're right, nobody's ever done that quest with pistols at that level. impossible. better give up.

you never have to fight two at the same time at any point in that quest. They get stronger the more of them are around, so if you're fighting two at the same time you already fucked up.

Oddity, it's the way the game is meant to be played. Classic is boring, will leave you overleveled the entire game, and will punish you for exploring and finding creatives solutions instead of just murdering everything in sight. It's the same as picking Easy really.

I want to do quad psi but I can't help but think, what do you even get out of it. With 4 disciplines worth of psi, you won't even get to use 90% of your stuff. That being said, its nice to have a solution to every problem ever. And its a meme build that would probably beat the game without too much scary shit happening.

>there's literally nothing i can do as a level 2 character.
I recommend you go get some more XP then. If you didn't pick the little electrical stations from the first mission clean, you can probably get another level there. Hoppers are easy but a little tedious to kill, however they drop an oddity that is worth good XP. Failing that, you can go back to your home base and take the elevator to the top floor and go exploring there for more oddities although at your level I recommend turning around if you see anything besides a rathound (aka pigs, warthogs, but especially lunatic or ironhead camps.) Watch out for mines.

Besides leveling up and getting stronger, you might get lucky and stumble across a stronger gun.

You might also want to invest in caltrops. You can throw them, get a beetle's attention, shoot it when it's brain is exposed, and then hide behind a corner. The beetle will slowly advance, and use up all it's movement points walking over the caltrops, allowing you to shoot and hide once more.

>sure you'll miss out on saving that one guy but if you're not up to the task then go do something else and come back when you're better armed

Is there a time limit on saving that guy now? I always just fucked around exploring what I could and saved him later on.

oh and just a general advise at lower levels: CRAFT A TASER

Wait, it's just a way to get around the underrail? That's disappointing.

If you go full tranqulity you can actually use vast majority of your arsenal very well. It's only on psychosis where you really won't have enough ap and psi to cast everything you want.
Most of the Temporal Manipulation stuff is buffing-debuffing anyway, piss easy to incorporate.

>murdering everything in sight
>most fun part of the game is the combat (to me)
>just be creative and avoid the fun bro, spend your time opening every trash can, that's much better
I'll take getting rewarded for having fun over getting jack shit after a tough fight because the RNG gods dindn't like me.

Is there any greater combo than the taser + execute one?

They've been here got a good ass while user, the marks. Styg probably wanted to add em a while ago but didnt wanna give us godmen tech or anything so now he made it like this. Lorewise, you heard Dude.
Hey, its very usefull user.

>he has fun being overleved, essentially playing on Easy
This game isn't for you but hey if you have fun cheating go ahead, it's single player after all.

>not fun
Just look at this murderhobo.

Attached: savingrejects.webm (720x480, 2.71M)

>Lorewise, you heard Dude.
It's travelling through a dimension?

I like how you failed to address anything I said

lmao look at this coward

So about that mutagen puzzle. Is it trial and error along with writing a book down in an attempt to figure out a pattern or am I missing something?
I know I have all the mutagens and I did read that one entry that explained things about them (although that was a while ago and I don't want to trek back to the power station and the lab just to read it again) but I am stumped.
I don't see the logic here. Not asking for the solution, just the nature of it to see if I'm on the right track.

>A webm showing how to do something thati s literally impossible without turning the whole faction hostile
Why are murderhobos so stupid?

>50 hacking locked door on the second level of GMS Compound
>like 8 psi boosters and around 30 mushrooms at the same time in one container
Just give us more skill points so we can experiment with builds better Styg, hacking and lockpicking feel borderline mandatory given the amount of bonuses they provide.

>without turning the whole faction hostile
>not wanting to kill every single NPC as soon as you're strong enough

based Slitpipes McGee hobo

Attached: jj good.png (578x790, 386K)

>want to make a psi character who makes the psi headbands and psi vests
>two fucking items, that's it, all I want to craft
>have to grab every single crafting skill besides chemist
>want to not use heavy armor
>two fucking skills to dodge shit
>want to open locked stuff
>two different skills
I don't think I ever used persuasion or intimidation even once
who the fuck has the skill points to grab that shit

>getting jack shit after a tough fight
You get loot.

The solution changes every playthrough, so I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to.

Basically there is a specific sequence of chemicals that you need to get. Let's say the chemical sequence is A B C 1 2 3. You need to mix chemicals in a machine until you get it.

Let's say you have a chemical with a formula of A B X C 1

You can then add a formula with A B C 2 3 if you add it, it'll change the formula to
A B X C 1 2 3

Duplicates are not added, just different parts are added.

Now let's say you got a chemical with that is A -X 1 2 3 if you add it the new formula will be
A B C 1 2 3 which is what you need. The negative X will cancel out the positive X and remove it from the sequence. At this point, you can tell the machine to make the new chemical for you and use it on the final boss by injected it into it.

Does that make sense?

Literally the people who forgo crafting or lock picking/hacking.

The best psi armour carapaces (from dlc psi crabs) have like 70% armour penalty. Just forget about dodging, you won't need it if you go full crafting + psi anyway. You may as well be an immovable rock who stands near a bunch of burning, screaming, horrified enemies.
Persuasion is mostly there to give you better options for the story. Intimidation is legitimately great if you go balls into it with Yell. Mercantile is better than both because it makes a jew out of you.

Crafting skills don't need to be maxed, far from it. House bonus and int food exist.
Hacking/lockpicking don't have to maxed, far from it. You can unlock everything in the game with 80 points invested in each easily, much less if you are doing a dex build. There's a ton of things that boost them starting with +stat food and ending at the +10 hacking/lockpicking armor.

The combat isn't fun if you're overleveled for every single encounter past the tutorial. Retard.

How's this for a new player build? I want to steal shit and throw knives at people, but in my research a lot of people are saying this is a hard archetype for a new player. I'm not going to plan any more levels in advance because I'm not really sure of the skills that I'll use the most or how much I'll need in each. What I'm asking is how badly can I screw this up? I don't really want to role another character.

Attached: underrailcharacterbuild.png (1920x1017, 105K)

The point is you have to make a choice. Your 4 psi disciplines at once, or fun. He gave us more skill points with expedition.

>Now let's say you got a chemical with that is A -X 1 2 3
I was following right up to that point. I've noticed that sometimes parts of the sequence get removed but there's no indication of positives or negatives. How do I tell which is which?

>He gave us more skill points with expedition.
Those are just going into primary damage/defense stats
The game would literally be improved for build making if you had 5 more skill points per level.

The negatives have a minus sign ( - ) while the positives don't have a minus sign.

>>not wanting to kill every single NPC as soon as you're strong enough
that's barbaric and pointless

I grabbed all social skills, all crafting skills (low bio and chem tho), lockpicking, hacking, evasion, some dodge, and two offensive skills.

You seriously underestimate Dude if you think he wasnt being serious. Yes nigga. You are literaly space time bending through a rip and tear of the Universe to translocate yourself.

Dude ishundreds of years old and a farseer user.trust in him, more than youl ever trust anyone else

If you need 40 skill points for your offense and dodge/evasion every level up you're a faggot 4 psi schools nig and you deserve what you get

Hol up. Am I supposed to take all the mutagens and scan them individually on the scanner at the lab because the mixture machine doesn't display the negatives?


You can completely skip dodging skills if you're using heavy/medium armor or has enough CON to tank shit.

>4 psi schools
true, nobody should try for 4 psi schools.
There no build that can survive dominating while also going for all 4 schools, you're just fucking yourself over.

As much as i like the idea of stealth psi, it's just straight up worse than tanky psi. You just don't have the points.

why is movement speed outside of combat so fucking slow?

If you had space only for one in your build, which would you pick?

Oh my god that's actually it. I want to die. Why would it be like this? I just went in to check what the formula for the final compound is and took the rest to the mixture machine directly since it seemed to display them there anyways. Well that's an hour I'm not getting back, oh well.

well gee, why dont you tell us what setting you chose for animation speed outside of combat in the settings you fuckin pencil eraser

>two fucking skills to dodge shit
There's your problem.

Attached: infusedpigarmor.png (280x608, 217K)

Hacking, more utility since it acts not only as a lockpick but also a generaly better loot opener and console/security controler. Both are enablers, but hacking is generaly better.

well, the puzzle is entirely optional to make the final boss easier, and thats probably why its a fucking horrible slog

I just went back to hard for a new character who I *thought* would have too hard a time on DOMINATING, and I blew through depot A without a single reload. Either people are intentionally not using the tools available, or something.

On the other hand, if you like using vents and have low STR, I'd go with hacking. They often allow for starting combat from a better position or to pick some enemies off without attracting others.

Critique my stealth sniper build. Not sure what to do with the specializations or what order the perks should go in.

Attached: build.png (1913x911, 114K)

I would agree with the people saying this build would be hard to pull off. There is a lack of defense in this build and this is a combat focused game that will push you into combat events. To make it work you have to plan out traps in advance for most encounters and know which fights you cannot handle.

Knives would be the worst primary weapon to use, not really sure if its even possible to complete the game with them alone or even with traps. You would definitely need to get grenader and make yourself skilled in grenades as well. I think you could potentially pull it off with grenades.

Why do you need mechanics and tailoring? Maybe you should put these into dodge/evasion instead?

? the only options are combat movement speed and combat action speed, there is no setting for animation outside of combat

> I'd go with hacking
lockpicking, fuck

The thing most people miss about mercantile is the extra shop stocks. It makes crafting much easier.

For those of you who want to check out the black sea I really really recommend you get the Chemical Assault Unit Armor first.

I can't blame them. Mercantile was legit useless in the end of 2015 when most people has played the game. It was buffed over the years.

sweet jesus you click the tabs and scroll. holy shit how much of the ingame stuff have you missed

Can you only get CAU set if you side with Protectorate?

I wish I could fit it into my current build honestly. I have half a mind to make a sledge tank build just because they seem to need very little skill points. Doing quad psi now and im scraping for skill points constantly.

You can still get it as free drones but you have to set off the alarm and they show up.

No, you can also get it as a Free Drone if you fuck up and get spotted at Epione Lab.

what kind of weapon should I use if I want to sneak around for a first play-through then? I was planning on using grenades as well, just for the record. I was looking at SMGs as well, but they seemed like too much trouble. To be honest as well, I wouldn't want to use traps as much, but I see it memed up a lot on these threads so I thought I should get them and learn.

the only options tab you can scroll are the key bindings you fucking idiot

>Doing quad psi now
What build? Stealth psi or metal armor psi?

Look at the key bindings moron

>still no cyberware
damn you styg

Attached: 1432344813652.jpg (160x192, 6K)

oh my god your playing on such an out dated version its amazing

snipers are great with stealth and you can use a pistol as an effective sidearm

Are all goid with stealth

Eh if it was made clear that the mixture console doesn't display negatives I wouldn't consider it a slog at all. Really though, much of the difficulty in the deep caverns is due to poorly relayed information in regards to game mechanics. Personally I'd place Leo early on and make him easier to find so that the player may be able to know what's happening.
I found that fucker only after I had eaten shit and fought scores of chortlings and felt like a fool.

>murder a gang of thugs
>loot all their armour
>sort out the most expensive things
>break down everything else
>use the parts for repair kits
>use repair kits to fix expensive things to their best condition
>receive mad dosh for a single sold gun or suit of armour

Attached: 1540753625731.png (202x188, 5K)

Use the + and - keys
The walking speed options aren't in the settings, they're keybinds

The best sneak weapon is knife because of the cut throat feat. Most satisfying way of stealthy killing people (Only works on humans). But you can also do crossbow or sniper.

But if you were to go melee or guns you would have to change up your base abilities. Use more strength (5-8) and/or constitution (5-8), you would have to sacrifice your intelligence and will stats for it.

Regardless of what you decide I recommend you go dodge/evasion because you can't use heavy armor for stealth.

Attached: CutThroat.png (409x519, 17K)

For sniper builds, do you generally want to load special ammo (incendiary, micro-shrapnel, bio) or tungsten rounds? Also FMJ rounds are shit right?

there's one in core city where you confront the black crawlers, just found it

man. i have this game from ages ago, i never played it. think i can still refund it? it looks really bad.

Having played a heavy armor sledgehammer build, I do think sprint is objectively the better option between the two, because those move points aren't affected by armor penalty (not sure if hit and run is; if so its garbage for you), but goddamn I really wish I could also have the cheap shots crit bonus; I can do 7.5k crits with a hammer, with cheap shots that'd be 9k. Do I need it? Absolutely not. I just really want it.

Attached: sledge 2.png (1379x521, 167K)

Yeah refund it it's not for you. Have a good ignorant life user.

The power of flurry.

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Do you recommend going any of the crafting skills at character creation? After speccing it out, I can max two more skills after switching from throwing to melee and dropping pickpocketing and trapping. I switched the points from the crafting stuff to dodge and evasion. Should I skip pickpocketing all together and grab two crafting skills?

one in core city after going down the ladder near the bar
one at the deep caverns elevator south of SGS

guy you replied to, theres also a rift by the ladder in the merchants square by HARDCORE CITY BAR, just go down and be by the druggie who calls you Dad, shits real nice.

You need to personalize a character. Put together all the options you really like the best; find something very specific to your own tastes, something you can get into the shoes of. Then play it "right" (only doing what you think is best, even if you know it's suboptimal).

>receive mad dosh for a single sold gun or suit of armour
And then the vendor runs out of dosh

Thanks, there's one in Junkyard where you raid that guys house for the disk.

Only for 90 minutes.
The patrician way is to stuff some guns into the dumpsters near popular vendors.

>Congratulations, you have the same curse that I have. Doesn't just happen in Underrail, happens in literally every game I play in which you can build your own character
>I also keep remaking characters. Usually after Depot A / Core city.
>>Play grim dawn
>>Spend hours making a character
>>Play for a few hours
>>Get that niggling thought in the back of my mind saying 'dude what about this type of character, holy shit wouldn't that be awesome'
>>Try to ignore it
>>Can't keep focued, not even having fun playing with my current character anymore because I can't shake the feeling that the NEW ONE will be better
>>Never make it past chapter 2 because of this

Patrician. I do finish GD characters though because my ideas are that good and destroy everything.

okay thanks

Also, I just found one in Rail Crossing in the yard in front of Buzzer's shop.

Its up to you, you can play/complete the game either with just pick pocketing and no crafting or crafting and no pick pocketing.

The advantage with pick pocketing is you get a lot free loot which is very helpful early game. Healing stims, money, and sometimes you can loot expensive weapons.

The advantage with crafting is you can potentially make the best gear for your character.

So I think long-term crafting is the best option, but pick pocketing can be fun especially for a first play through.

The only thing you have to do is make sure you improve your character's defenses and try something other than just throwing knifes. (Grenades, Melee, Guns, etc)

maybe, but its also kind of good that the puzzle is so annoying, since if you are lazy it forces you to a more difficult fight, on the other hand i was super conflicted since i wanted to do the quest because i like doing as much of the content as i can and also the puzzle seemed like some neat thinking puzzle which i don't really get to do often, but on the other hand i really didn't want to have an easier final boss so i opted out of it on most of my playthroughs

no, not at all
I kill tchort in like three rounds

sweet jesus this reddit spacing

Is 10 in constitution plus medium crafted armor good enough defense?

near merchants

Don't play path of exile,it will probably ruin your life

Do what I do and solve the mutagen puzzle every time, then reload a save from before you inject it.

Hack, lockpick, mech, elec, and tail are too high. The highest lockpicking check is 130. You can get a jack knife in the omega place that adds +7 to hack/lock when you hold in your active weapon slot and the best lockpick you can get is resuable and increases hack/lock by +15 when lockpicking and hacking. Highest hacking check for objects is 130 as well, but there is a conversation check that requires 135 hacking and the best lockpick bonus won't count. It's just fluff and not important.

Crafting wise, assuming that all parts you get are quality 160 and you can get benches in your house that gives you +15% to your crafting skills. 160 sniper frame and 160 smart module requires 153 mech and 128 elec. Smart gogs with 160 parts require 51 mech and 147 elec or 164 elec with nighvision. 160 leather armor is 154 tailoring, although I doubt its possible to find a 160 leather skin. Tabi, balacalva, and leather boots requires 128 tailoring. Leather boots with 160 metal requires 128 tailoring and 141 mechanics. Energy shield with 160 parts requires 166 elec. Cloaking device with 160 parts requires 128 elec.

In short 153 mech, 166 elec, and 154 tail. Get gun nut later, you're not going to be crafting that early.

how do i actually start the expansion story?

With regular bolts? I remember reading a gaming forum back in early 2016 and some guy said he couldn't kill Tchort with his crossbow. I fought him with melee, but I can an electric weapon that would only deal mostly electric damage to him. He has a very high mechanical resistance at least to melee attacks.

you're supposed to remember to come back later

Use the train to core city. As you approach the city, some NPC will run up to you and tell you where to go.

Are you actually in the building or did you go the wrong way around the river? If you're outside they're a little harder and you might be going the wrong way if you have more than one beetle on you. If you're inside, use the doorways to avoid their line of sight, they're not very fast. Use throwing nets or bear traps, they are very powerful and very cheap. If you have aimed shots fire at them when their brain is exposed. If you still can't manage, go buy a molotov cocktail or frag grenade from the SGS armory, these things will plow straight through most encounters in the first few levels of the game.


Rejiggered my assault guy based off of feedback. Lowered PER to get Sprint and redid my talents. Nimble is a placeholder as I don't know what else would fit there. Will take jugg before the pill and starting to use the haste buff.

I'm at work so all I can do is plan out a guy until I get home, really. I was going to go psy, but I like the idea of having high detection for secrets since I don't know where everything is.

Attached: assault.jpg (2406x1242, 575K)

of course not, ya dum dum
special tactics + adrenaline + super pneumatic cyclon + corrosive acid bolts, use last 25 AP on 2nd round to do an aimed shot with your super anatomical zephyr

Still looking for suggestions for what feats I should get as I continue. Perfect scattering and pellet mayhem don't seem worth it. I was thinking either conditioning + expertise(?) or the suppressing fire + opportunistic combo. Heavy armor build mostly utilizing shotguns, but I have an AR for backup. So basically any magic or dex shit is off limits. Maybe conditioning and the thing that gives vests 3 extra DR?

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I've decided to do this, using grenades and throwing knives. I had mechanical before to make knives eventually, but I'm hoping I can just steal what I need between grenades, throwing knives, and traps.

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This gotta be the best shield I made without Power Managment so far.

Attached: breddygoodshield.png (456x662, 196K)

what weapon/combat style requires the least investment in feats to be effective?

man, fuck gorsky

sledges and assault rifles, probably

drop off, pipeworker

I'm glad he burned to death in my game. Shame Dan got his ass frozen and shattered.

So, is the Stasis Mentor device in the Black Sea? I've got every other temporal manipulation ability but it.

so, is there any way to save buzzer without persuasion/killing the mindreader?

I dont know if they're *only* in the black sea, but yes.

basedboy cuck

Yes. Don't go there at all until you return from DC. The Faceless will leave without killing Buzzer.

Wait, so storage is permanent? I can stuff something into a random container and it will stay there forever?



Apparently yes, which I didn't know. Do the foundry quest that involves scouting the faceless.

Yup feel free to dump all the loot you can't carry in area in a easy to remember container and put a note on the map for it.

You can even toss it on the ground and it'll stay there forever.

God I hate these assholes

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how about a non retarded way?, hes supposed to leave without killing buzzer if you solve the faceless scout quest outside of foundry peacefully, but you need to learn about cornell first and only buzzer knows about him as far as i can tell and you can't talk to him until you kill the mindreader

Well shit, I've been playing this game totally wrong. Time to make some dosh.

Snipers are for killing in one shot. Ambush, snipe and aimed shot can do a ton of damage which will probably kill whatever in one hit. So niche ammo aren't needed. You can probably kill stuff with JHP in one hit too, considering how crazy the damage can get.

I want to experiences as much of the game as possible on a single playthrough.

Can someone please give me an example build that can do this?

don't bother picking up every single item, most of the shit you find is useless, even if you recycle it to make repair kits to sell/repair stuff to sell

>that portrait

4 school psi build with crafting and lockpicking/hacking.
You will only miss out on some secret passages.

>I'd have to put at least 2 points in dexterity to get that

Pretty tempting, not gonna lie. I might just do that since my strength and perception are both 9 and I dunno how worthwhile it is to pump them further.

Do I get to kill this faggot later?

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I understand that on some level, but unfortunately I'm autistic.

>how about a non retarded way?
Don't call it retarderd, it's a very nice bit of reactivity, even if impractical.

> but you need to learn about cornell first and only buzzer knows about him as far as i can tell
What about the mobile computer?


If you finish this quest first you can convince him to leave peacefully, but I think you need to get Chief's trust first.

Is the only way to get chief's quest to have already learned about Cornell? Because that really limits your options to getting the bloody computer and that is a fucking /hard/ fight.

stealth psi, that will let you do almost everything

i mean its retarded because the whole point of saving buzzer besides a good ending is getting him as a shopkeeper, and if i wanted good endings i would have taken persuasion

You can turn on the turrets and smoke the faceless and remain on good terms with them so long as you're faceless positive on the other quests and you're not going out of your way to kill them when you encounter them

Besides Cornell and Buzzer, you can also go do a quest at Foundry involving investigating a nearby Faceless Patrol which should get you the information from the guy with no much gambling debt.

You can get the chief's trust by doing the murder lady quest (easy if you break into her base first and turn on the turrets before going to her home to get roofied) or killing the beast (which is good to do early on anyways since you get early access to super steel.) Or you can just pass a simple persuasion check on the Foundry chief.

Is stealing viable?

What do you mean viable?

Does it make sense to steal? Are the good items to steal?

Not really. It rarely comes up and if you're playing a guy with stealing you're probably also playing a guy with lockpicking. Same with the social skills, mercantile and intimidate are good but purely for non-dialogue check reasons, you can dump them and play the whole game out normally.

Also, question, who the FUCK sells Sturdy Vests? I've cycled between Blane and the junkyard guy for a bit with no luck.

Lads, real talk. I got one fucking chem sprayer at 159 but I need to know where else to get the REAL GOOD SHIT besides just Oculus, I already reset it twice. Is there anywhere with actual high quality shit all the time? Im 105 mercantile.

why do people reccomend oddity XP?
It's awful
>explore place
>click on every nook and cranny
>finally find an oddity
>oh sorry, you already got this oddity too many times before, time to cuck you out of your experience point >:P
>attacked by 500 stealth scorpions while trying to get somewhere
>they don't drop a single oddity, got cucked out of XP again

Reposting a tip for new players: As soon as you possibly can, take a train to Foundry and buy a Jackhammer. It costs 13 coins and TNT only requires active use twice in the game (Once in camp hathor and the final boss) while also being significantly heavier and more expensive. The jackhammer runs on fucking batteries which constantly drop. Second tip: You can loot arena enemies if you kill them and have enough AP left over on the turn they die and they always have ridiculous amounts of healing and other goodies.

Attached: GetThisFeat.png (409x519, 10K)

Hardcore chips are the best.

I don't remember the final boss requiring TNT.

Pickpocketing gets you some keys you'd need to hack/pick. You'll never have money problems, and it's a steady supply of oddities and drugs. But there's nothing mindblowing that you can only get by stealing, no.

Alright, it's not required for the final boss, but it blows up his repsawning-add tanks.

the fucking gms compound 2nd level, sure the vents are nice to get around but those fucking sentries. i didn't even put shit into stealth fuck, do i really need to go all the way back for electronic damage shit

You can destroy the tanks with TNT.

Money is so retarded in this game. There's basically no way to acquire it in large amounts since shop keepers have little cash, but conversely there's also very little need to spend anything since you get all your gear and consumables via looting/crafting.

And then there's the endgame cash sink of supersteel.

Because it's what the game is balanced around and it doesn't make you feel like you're losing out if you skip unnecessary fights. If you play classic then you will pretty much always be a good bit stronger than you would be on oddity.

is snooping worth it? I saw a few psy builds where people took it. I understand it's probably not optimal, but if you're a new guy with no idea where to use buffs to boost detection could it be worth it?

Just leave them be and maybe come back later to kill them. They'll probably drop nothing important, although I think they have a chance to drop XP oddity.

Supersteel is now a drop in a certain enemy and all those charons can actually buy you cool shit in expedition.

Are Psi monks still good? I heard they were nerfed at some point and I haven't played since 2016. I want to play a Psi hybrid character but I can't decide exactly what kind. Psi/Sniper, Psi/SMG, Psi monk.. too many choices.

This. GMS lv2 was the difficulty check for me when I started rather than Junkyard.

Had a abuse quicksave a few times to get the robot patrol timing right even with the use of vents.

Go find/buy/make a tactical vest. Even a 3Con psifag will be able to tank them with a vest.

>Reposting a tip for new players: As soon as you possibly can, take a train to Foundry and buy a Jackhammer.
Carrying 2-3 TNT on person at all times is superior.

> only requires active use twice in the game
TNT is amazing as a remote noisemaker for stealth builds. Place it, move away, watch enemies go to the place of your choice. Jackhammer has no utility, cannot be used in stealth and draws enemies toward your location while you're busy.

>while also being significantly heavier
The jackhammer weights fucking 15, 2 TNT is only 8. Even 3 is only 12.

>>more expensive
It's not that expensive. You can craft it for even cheaper with some chemistry.

>The jackhammer runs on fucking batteries which constantly drop.
Yeah, and you are constantly using them to power shields, goggles, melee weapons, energy weapons, etc. They are not THAT plentiful.

Tunnel rat it like I did.
Just take your time picking them off one by one while jumping in and out of vent.

>Stealth based utility instead of murdering everyone

Attached: stealth.png (400x1000, 668K)

>cannot be used in stealth
Sort of can. You can reenter stealth while you are drilling, just wait out the cooldown before you start.

It's still lighter and leaves you vulnerable if you ever have to remove rocks around enemies. Jackhammer a shit.

because you are a bad player that wins games by grinding like a retard and overleveling content

you can literally grab one for free in the mines, just go to foundry and pick it up there and never be bothered with TNT unless you want do do something specific with it like sound baiting

this is my throwing guy. pickpocket is non-negotiable, i want to try it. but can i do dominating? can i kill tchort with some sick spear throws?

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an early crafted bulletproof vest makes you immune to security robots

is pickpocketing ever worth it?

i'm going to find out.

it really isn't unless you are roleplaying or have literally nothing else to pick which is never the case

>exploring places is grinding now
so what I'm supposed to just run trough areas without actually collecting things? I'm supposed to magically avoid hidden enemies even if I'm not playing a perception character?
Or did you not read my post at all and are just reflexively defending your beloved oddity system?

Classis has an objectively fucked up level progression. The game is balanced around oddity. It's only in the game because Styg decided there's no reason to remove it.

It's better than lockpicking+hacking and costs only half the skillpoints

is it possible to steal a fancy jetski from ray without aggroing all of core city?

worth it? sure; you dont need to max it to use it
necessary? never

You can steal keys/keycards to make some quests uniquely easy
you can steal ammo/meds from enemies before fights
you get some oddities earlier than normal, and you get extra money

How much do I miss out on by not rolling a psi character? I absolutely hate the idea of missing dialogue options or lore but I don't want to be a faggy wizard.

I'm sorry.

>Classis has an objectively fucked up level progression
only if you grind

Not really.

there's lore hidden behind psi skills
not that any of it makes any sense to me
I've been finding these monoliths and touching them and it's all nonsense

Fucking hell, the dialogue and shit in Expedition makes the north seem to be decades more advanced than the south underrail with its VR and implantments and other shit.

No, it has an objectively fucked up level progression regardless. The game is simply not balanced around it, it's a legacy system from before oddity was introduced and became the focus.

I've literally been build-crafting for 3 hours now, someone just give me a build that is not psion so I can play this goddamn game.

user for fucks sake, what do you want to play?

I can accept that classic is fucked up due to being neglects. I am playing oddity right now.
But that doesn't make oddity an less annoying with wasting your time with oddities that are maxed out and enemies that don't drop jack shit even if you don't have their oddities yet.

I want to play Underrail. I don't care how, just give me something so I can stop thinking about this shit long enough to play the game.

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user...thats because it is. South Rail is unironicaly like some ebonics speaking proto russian africa, filled with wandering gangs, live audience to the death gladiatorial arenas, actual oligarchial control over the major city of the place, terrorists in one side, facsists in the other and gigantic, fucking, huge spider scorpions, with paralyzing venom that eat you alive.

Yes bre, we are fucking decades behind. But we aint no band of fucking pipeworkers like the Northerners. We aint no quakers like their diplomats, and their corps aint nowhere near as DOMINATING as the South rail.


I want to try stealth sniper but I'm a brainlet at underrail builds
how to defense
should I be maxing dodge/evade or rely on crafting armour and/or just killing everything first? what kind of CON should I be aiming for??
also pistol/SMG mandatory secondaries or can I use a shotgan now too
pls help

Do I slaughter the mutie camp or give them supplies like a hippie?

>actual oligarchial control over the major city of the place
user that's everywhere in real life, they just mostly try to hide it

Take the Protectorate pill, user. South Underrail is worse than any 3rd shithole we have in our world.

Ha, see, thats the thing. Nobody even remotely hides it. The populace literaly calls em that and they are titled even by their own forces as the Oligarchs. People just dont give a rathounds ass and wanna see arena, drink some brew and fuck shit up hardcore.

Thats how fucked the South is. You got the entire Drop Zone being a thing, actual thousands of charons for the arena, and fuckall improvement ever. Its actual africa, if africa made cash with technicaly legal bloodsports and lived in a subway.

how good are shotguns?

Attached: 1471132957651.png (472x643, 11K)

8str 6dex 3agi 5con 8per 3wil 7int
gun/throw/hack/lock/mech/chem/tail free choice between electronics and mercantile
grab shotgun go innadepotA

I would say traps and grenades are your best bet. Psi also complements it very well, but psi is good with anything really.

Get a good anti-rifle jacket ASAP then you basically don't need to worry about bullets again. Use traps and psi to keep the melee fags away, you don't even really need dodge/evade.

Good for everything really until you get to deathcrawlers and they completely kick your shit in.

Seconding this. Is there any consequence to wiping out the mutie camp because they won't just let me scavenge the place?

Hoppershot makes a joke out of Depot A. Sweet sweet fleshy mutants, no resistance

Lemme put it this way. One of the ammos is called trainshot. It shoots 3 pellets, each with 1 3rd of your total shotties damage, with a 50% chance to daze if they hit. If they hit a nigga thats dazed, 50% to stun.

Agaisnt shit like acid dogs and whatnot, hopper shot has 20 pellets. It shreds them like a motherfucker since they have 0 fucking defense, making Depot A fucking useless. Trainshot can fuck up anything armored, everything else can fuck up everything too, 2 shots per round, get a big dick armor and a big dick shotty and you can do some serious shit. Also one of the few guns with an animation, namely pumping that shit, so walk up and just unload on a bot, shits good.

get agility to 10 for blitz
consider getting dex to 6 for grenadier (I'm not on my guy)
otherwise raise perception

keep going for feats that are good for assault rifles (and maybe sniper rifles), like full-auto, suppressive fire, opportunist, commando, sniper, etc

use persuade to get the .44 hammerer from lucas at the start, and buy a machete for your other hand
at some point you'll start getting AR's, SMG's, and Sniper Rifles and you'll probably want to switch over to those, but just use whatever makes sense in your situation
you'll always be able to equip whatever melee weapon you want (except sledgehammers; you'll need 8 strength for those, which a few items can get you up to)

Attached: gunman.png (831x840, 83K)

Early game its neat because you won't have money or ammo issues but once you know the game a bit or get further in its pretty unnecessary. Good for a first playthrough, maybe.

With a forward grip and psycho-temporal contraction/adrenaline shot you can shoot three times a turn for SIX turns or one burst and reload for six turns.

In purgatory. if you go low mobility full armor then most of the time you'd be better off with an AR. If you go high mobility middle armor then you'd be better off with an SMG. If you try to go somewhere in the middle of those it's even worse. but when you get 4 enemies in your cone and you crit your 3 round burst with 20p, it's satisfying

I'm sorry, but this man gave me feats, so he wins

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Which of the three original psi schools should I drop if I still want to go psi-only? 4 skills are a bit much to max out when I still want to fuck around with crafting and lockpicking. Leaning towards dropping Metathermics because I mostly only used the ability that turned niggas into an explosive barrel in my last pure psi run.

Attached: v-35-512.png (512x512, 27K)

Here's my build.

> anti-rifle vest
lmao, snipers absolutely cannot afford that much armor penalty. Your stealth NEEDS to be high in order to have good Snipe damage.

Attached: ExpeditionSniperPistol.png (1920x1080, 203K)

Meta. 10 will minimum is a must and the utility and power of MC is still there, with Locus being not only your best way to avoid stuns, it also acts as an aoe which you can stealth use for shit like enrage or, if psychosis, aoe mania trance crit headband nuke people with. Kinetic has force user perk which makes your already good forcefield into an amazing one and your punch into a fucking nuke. Temporal is, of course, utterly busted and good for everyone, even 3 will shotgunners.

Metathermics has that and ice spike, alongside aoe ice spike. Is it good? Ehh. Early game sure, lategame not so much and I just never felt like it was engaging or particularly fun to use meta. So tldr, you are right, ditch meta, get time wizardry shit.

>Game just came out
>endured depot A with a real shitty talks-a-lot shit character
>made it to core city to this show? not the gladiator one but one like survivor and shit after a colossal trip full of grade A bullshit
>got a game breaking break where i was basically trapped inside this live show or whatever, cant get out. something about a dynamite box or something similar
>Contacted the devs, they were more like just restart dood lol

did they grow some balls and fixed this shitty bug? If not then give me two good reasons to give it another go.

>4 skills are a bit much to max out when I still want to fuck around with crafting and lockpicking
You can fuck with all of those at once and even have a spare.

Attached: 1533646498948.png (1918x738, 204K)

I'd say drop metathermics too. Thought control > psychokinesis > metathermics.

The only thing of value you will lose by dropping metathermics are Thermodynamic Destabilization and Cryogenic Induction Cryostazis into Implosion. Which is less than what you will miss out by skipping other schools.
Needless to say, you can still max all schools and have grenades and other shit on your character.

Where is the damage coming from? Electricity spells and the new school's delayed nuke thing?

neural overloads and telepunches if you are strictly psi. Otherwise if you only max 2 schools you should have enough points to dabble in grenades and guns.

What was that patch?

>previous thread had talk about hacking the junkyard embassy door
>a few hours later a patch comes and changes one of the guards' placement and another's patrol route so it's easier
What a... strange coincidence.

Early game?
Neural Overload.
Telekinetic punch.
Electrokinesis as your best AOE.
Temporal Distortion together with fear and stun effects to delay enemies for 1-2 turns. Eventually with Continuum Ripple you can make that thing spread to other enemies on trigger. It also destroys mechanical enemies
If everything fails, frag and gas grenades plus molotovs.
Once you exit prologue you will get a shitton of options to murder stuff.

Yeah, pretty sure I'll do that.

That does look pretty min/maxed, maybe I'd like throwing to be a bit higher, but still a good template to follow. Eh, I can always level my metathermics skill at the mid game if I'm missing it.

Probably stuff like double Telekinetic Punch and Neural Overload, AOE Enrages and yeah, Temporal Distortion with the feat that spreads it seems potentially busted. Oh and probably grenades. Definitely grenades if its a harder difficulty.

>Temporal Distortion with the feat that spreads it seems potentially busted
Do mind that it will only reach its true potential once you have other, non-prologue psi like Stasis or Locus of Control. Basically what you need is to stun enemies for a few turns so the Distortion can settle in, rape one of them and start jumping around. But the damage is utterly devastating and single enemies that aren't immune to fear are getting utterly wrecked by that thing since very low levels.

Attached: MeleeAssassinBuild.png (1558x660, 76K)

drop strength and perception to 3, con to 4
raise will and intelligence to 5

get ripper, cheap shots, and expose weakness

I'm honestly starting to regret taking lockpicking and hacking. They're useful but not for the cost. I wish those points were in stealth or traps instead. Bear traps have provided more utility with zero points in traps that lock/hack have done combined.
Even opening vets doesn't matter since I can just use a crowbar.

You start missing them once you drop them. More fighting to get keys. Hacking lets you control/shutdown turrets.

Hacking has a few story uses and gets you out of two difficult fights if that's what you want. But you can go without either, I rarely miss them too much when I do.

Daily reminder only chads use Sledgehammers

>game breaking bug

they literally tell you that you can't leave unless you complete it and that you can die in it, its your fault for being retarded and not reading

So something like this? I could drop the con and fast metabolism and and rely just on shields

Guess I would take either Sprint or Packrat instead. I put a point into dex for no malus on lockpick/throwing and one into per for seeing mines with paranoia.

I have no clue if 192 detection is good; a perception based AR guy I planned out has 309.

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Should I join free drones? I did protectorate last time, but I do like rail crossing and I assume they get fucked if I just let the train get stolen.

I've only played the shitcrow PSI Monk build, how are guns? Do you have to commit to them full-blast or do you have room for some traps/throwing as well?

There is 95 points left; I cut it off. Could do more throwing or stealth or whatever but I figured by the last few levels I'll know where they should go by then.

but i fucking did and I STILL couldnt leave. what no?

Fast metabolism is good because it's extra 25 psi per hypo. I don't think anything else covering psi restoration.
Otherwise yeah, pretty good.

I just made a thread.

Yes. They have to leave, that's all.


First time playing through, what causes merchants to refresh? I have a metric assload of guns and shit to sell and these shitty merchants only accept so many at once.

Watch the drone go into denial when confronted with the consequences of his robbery.

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Real time spent playing
It's once every hour or something

its about sledgehammer chads

Is there any reason to go trough the small tunnels full of stalker fags sneaking around?

That fucking sucks.

Snipers get a lot more insane perks, but you basically have to pair it with stealth because it takes too much commitment to use as a situational thing. They also share a lot of perks with pistols and assault rifles so go with one of those, spec more into strength for ARs and more into dexterity for pistols.

do you want to get from point A to point B without paying for trains without taking a million years?

do you want a handful of oddities unique to those areas and at least one unique item?

90 minutes game time. recycle the shittier guns into repair kits (both blueprints are sold by the engineering dude in SGS) to get a better price on the good ones. if you find yourself still with too many guns then either stash them near traders to sell later or stop being such a packrat.

is there a way to have interactible objects highlighted at all times?
basically i want the tab buttons functionality reversed. i want objects visbible at all times and pressing tab hides them.
or just have it toggle.

They refresh every 90 minutes
Hint: Most of the loot you find in enemies are poor conditions, recycle useless items like knifes, sledgehammers, leather armor, fabricate repair kits and repair the loot that is actually good, you will be able to sell for more money

Welp, essentially you get a reset between dungeon raids or big quests.

>do you want a handful of oddities unique to those areas and at least one unique item?
I do want oddities
I was wondering them for a bit and didn't find a single thing so I was wondering if ti was worth it

Press Z

I've seen people say this, do you have to take the disassemble perk?

its the same as tab though. doesnt keep things displayed i have to actively hold z down just like tab.

How do I fabricate repair kits?

I'm a pistol character doing blind dominating and I made it past them. Fuck, there's like 8 of them in the building with newton.

For other new guys I recommend you go explore the lower rails for a bit before you go after newton. The rathounds and stalkers there are weaker than the psi beetle and there is a ton of gear down there like a .44 pistols and riot armor.

No, you need to get a 'blueprint', a blue flashdrive with instructions on how to craft things.
Find a 'recycle item' and 'repair kit' blueprint, you can find them on SGS vendors for a cheap price

there's a recipe for it

I can think of three types of oddities that are found there. Two that are unique singles, and another which has 5 and only I think 2 can be found outside these tunnels. I think another type of oddity is mainly found there as well, but I'm not positive. So yeah, 3 or 4 different kinds of oddities.

All right
time to get my knifeproof armor and go spelunking

>need to go psi for all quests/dialogue
>eight hundred different psi builds
help someone throw a functional build at me

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How do I deal with robots as a low level (5-ish) Psi? Fire and ice do almost nothing, and the TK stun has a 3 turn cooldown, while the elec zap is costly as fuck.

Max all psi skills (can't do this if you have the DLC, because the new skill), and just buy all of the powers, and then whatever feats buff the powers you like the most. Max Will always.

Level to 6
Get premeditation

emp grenades + HE grenades/mines + electrokinesis + stealthing right fucking past them

I feel like I should've rushed 15 biology. Psi boosters are so fucking expensive early

emp nades, punching it, netting it and running away, bear traps, emp traps, grenades, so on.

No Stealth at all. And my Agi is shit. I'm high Con/Toughness/whatever the fuck the game calls it.

Any response from the devs based on early impressions of the expac?

Forgot to mention, disassemble feat simply 'deconstruct' an item into the components it was created of, for example, if you disasemble a knife, you will get the knife handle and some metal. The catch is that these components will have lower quality than originals.
'Recycling' an item 'destroys' the item and will give you 'scraps', you can get 3 different scraps depending on the recycled item, mechanical scraps, leather scraps or electronict scraps.
With 20 scraps of any scrap, you can craft a basic repair kit to repair that same item type, with 40 scrap you can craft an advanced repair kit, for example.
Recycle a Sledgehammer, get 20 mechanical scraps, with these 20 scraps you craft a basic mechanical repair kit, that you can use to repair mechanical items, like most of weapons and metal armors
Recycle several bad rathound leather armors, get 40 leather scraps, fabricate an advanced leather repair kit in which you can use on that fancy leather armor that has a price on 5 digits.

Any further questions?

alright, well HE boombooms, emps, electrokinesis + premeditation + doors

are dodge/evasion knife builds any good or no? im just trying to finish the game on normal and i wanted to do something melee

They're putting out patches, shotgun shells got cheaper just an hour ago

What pairs best with snipers? I've seen people say pistols a lot but that kinda fucks your close-range doesn't it? No rapid-fire to instantly take out mooks that get too close?
Or is it better to spec into traps a lot so you can just pre-plan every encounter and not have to worry about anyone getting too close?

I played one up to lvl 14 on dominating and did just fine. Just be aware that dodge/evasion are supplementary; the minimal hit chance for melee weapons is 10% and 40% for ranged weapons (at least from evasion), and some attacks (like most psi ones) just auto-hit you.

They are perfectly viable. I finished the game with a knife dodge/evasion build.

Ive started this game like 4 different times and I get bored around an hour in each time. It just feels so bland.
When does it actually get fun?

Disregard sidearms.
Acquire grenadier and quick tinkering.

Just finished re-downloading Underrail
Excited to play it again
Think I'm going to try a Spearchukka build, I've read that the spear special abilities are bonkers.
Any pitfalls I should be wary of going down the spear route?
Or is it smooth sailing just have fun?

When you take your ADD medication

somewhat new player, do monsters ever respawn? i wanted to get more siphoner leather near the junkyard but im pretty sure i killed em all

>still no way to become a Faceless Centaur

I'm not even specialized in spears and use one. They fucking wreck.

How do I destroy the hives? They're fucking insane.

They do but it takes a long ass while.

I look forward to memeing Carnifex with a spear eventually.

need to go to the junkyard and the bitch said easiest way was the dock, but where the fuck are the docks?

sneak up and whack them a thousand times in melee before the locusts come out
then use a grenade to kill the locusts and hurt it some more, then continue

Aquire a weapon of longer range and pelt it. Get a good jetski and own it. Wear heartbreaker leather to deny locusts.

Bought the game awhile ago, haven't gotten around to playing it, expansion comes out, 2/3 the cost of the base game. Is it worth it?

Creatures respawn in most places, bots and humans never.

is flurry any good?

>lvl 9, docks and cave exit
>go to lvl 9, there are two exits

big hmm

Anyone got an answer?

is the end of the game still a scavenger hunt ?


Level 4 atm, it's actually been pretty easy. I found an early tabi so with that movespeed I was even killing 2 psi beetles at a time at level 1 by nuking them and running away until it proc'd.

I don't feel early metathermics was any easier

Its a high risk high reward feat. Unless you have an ability that can your opponent dodge significantly less, I don't think its worth having.

Yes, with no resupplying by traders

The only thing early memethermics will give you is ice shard but you can totally manage without it.

How are sword builds?

Crit damage is nuts. How do I stop getting wrecked by aimed shots and lucky crits?


Who knows

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Why do so many people wear rebreathers? There is obviously enough oxygen in the air for them to not be necessary.

cause it looks cool, jack

Because there's entire waste fields you can randomly stumble across.

Cave asthma.

user, considering how filthy most places are, youd also wanna get a gas mask for the absolutely fucking filthy shitshow that is the south. Seriously, without joking, imagine the fucking smell of a bunch of unwashed jacks and pipeworkers, most without basic ass sanitation, that usualy shank eatchother for a eel sammich or two, and with most cities barely having any cleaners.

Also looks cool, you ratter fuck.

It looks rad

>looks cool
Fair enough.
People wear them in town too...it would just get uncomfortable at that point.
You'd think people would be used to it if they live their whole life underground, they'd have acclimated.

Do you seriously think the air quality is good? In a fucking cave full of open fires?

>death stalker tunnels at level 11

which is the best jetski

Is the Mercantile feat worth it?


I got supersoldier drugs off of the Expedition shop. I can unironicaly get consistent 130+ chem pistol and frames up in the good stores. I can jew you and everyone, and Im barely even trying. 4 napalm in a shop once. Shits good.

where do i learn time manipulation stuff?

its relative, user

Are you a crafter?
Do you want more rare components and items on sale?
Do you want better quest deals?
Then yes, take it to 105 active points.

>tfw didn't buy underrail when it was on sale multiple times
>only now when the expansion comes out i really get to urge to want to play it

Literally 20 steps away from Tanner

Wait, the feat actually buffs whats IN the stores as well, not just what you make from selling?


only after you stupid fucking niggers kill yourselves

Well you get a 20% discount if you get both. It's not much but it's something.

First time getting to Junkyard, first playthrough. Are there any psi teachers here?

not on gog

Do you need to have the Juice buff on to see where rifts are located, or do you only need the buff to travel them?

Did they fix the movement speed?

It expands vendor inventory.

They added a speed up button, yeah. Doesn't work if you are encumbered.

Nah mane
Yah mane, press + 4 times if ya wanna speed shit up bromeo, - if ya wanna keep it just a lil sped up. Warnin tho, you overencumbered, you gonna cheat engine it instead.
Bottoms up for both.

But you do get the discount on gog too, there just isn't a bundle.

Depends on your build actually.

If you are a melee character, you're going to want the speed jets like Torpedo and Phaser. Melee damage on Skis are dependent on the speed of your vehicle. I personally like these skis the best because you run away from any fight you don't want you have some much movement points in combat. Also, you can kite really well.

If you are a gunner, you are going to want Devastator or Plasma Leviator. Your chance to hit is still dependent on primarily perception and gun skill.

There are some jet ski's like Glow that more middle ground/versatile, it can work for both melee and ranged, but not the best vehicle for either.

>doing the protectorate quests
>gas the drones

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Wew just beat the game for the first time my dudes.
Fuck those faceless cunts, I fought them tooth and nail at every turn and in the end that alien asshole just gives them my cube. It was mine dammit.
Anyway great game, gonna jump right into the expansion tomorrow I think.

>he actually decided to work with protectorate

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yeah shit sucks jack, but hey, you proved to be the biggest and baddest motherfucker around, so good for ya bre. If you want some fun, talk to Al Fabet about the place you just went through, the guy will go ecstatic.

>Electroshock pistols can jump to myself
Come the fuck on

>game is already too damn long
>new expansion is out

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Let's be real, he proved to be the biggest and baddest motherfucker cornered in an elevator and tazed in the dick.

what a shocking revelation


there's one in the fetid marsh
aside from the persuasion option with lucas, its the only one I know about


Cool would like to try a sword build some time. Wonder how the defense would work though. Probably can't get away with Nimble tier armor especially if going without stealth.

And there's another on the way!

Don't forget Despot.

Fucking hell, really?
i haven't even made a build for Expedition

Is there a list of psi mentor locations for Temporal Manipulation?
Can you even get them outside of DLC?

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Yeah, but it's not even officially announced yet. Knowing them we won't get it before 2023.

Damage range, ammo, crit bonus, spread.
Protip: for a regular shotgun type use a foregrip and short barrel for heug damage at close range and 3 attacks per turn with adrenaline shot.

interloper vs hit and run for stealthy smg build?

Sure, all regular sources sell at least one and they can show up in the old random mentor locations too.

oh but you can
that's what Ive been doing

10 agility, infused siphoner armor/tabis, nimble, jumping bean, sometimes adrenaline, precognition, energy shield, and lots and lots of move points

I also have stuff like temporal deceleration and stasis.

you can get them outside dlc areas if thats what you meant

check all doctors and electronic shops

1% less crit chance, 20% more crit damage, extra shell
highest damage potential but large range so it's inconsistent
5% more precision, slightly lower pellet spread, lowest damage spread

So is it safe to kill all the faceless at buzzer's shop? I have very bad stealth and zero persuation so the mindreader will end up killing him.

just play the game user, you dont need to know everything

shots are fucking great
>low maintenance
>easy to craft
>OP feats

I've played through it multiple times, just want to know if i will fuck my game up in DC with this minor incident.

You wanna move like a shadow, avoid contact, avoid detection and do shit. Better for when you wanna actualy stealth and steal shit, less so combat focused. Could be used to get closer.
>Hit and Run
You go into shit, you pop a guy, you relocate to a better location, essentialy a spec ops motherfucker who can do good shit.

Which sounds the actual best user?

Bite the bullet and go to war with infinite faceless gaunts in DC. Suffer as I have suffered.

Barrel stare + leading shot is fucking ridiculous

pickpocket completely alleviates any early game money woes btw


If you can dont kill any faceless, there's another way to get to the mind reader, you need to get pass the plasma bots and a burrower nest

>being a dronigger

Shotgun psi build or Melee psi build?

update, i'm the user who was complaining about gms compound 2nd floor. just used emps, grenades, and armor piercing 7.62 shots ez as fuck. now for that room full of raiders on the next floor, they are so fucked when i get more grenades hahahahah

Drones are useful idiots. Everything is good as long as it weakens Protectorate and exiles it from the South.

just b urself

The question remains if killing him will turn all the faceless hostile.

so better to let buzzer die than suffer in DC?

How do I complete the Crimson Meadow quest? Do I just need to get the coordinates for the next place?

This fucking place is a goddamn hellhole cursed with locusts and crabs by whatever god exists in this world.

No. I don't want to be myself because I hate myself, why do you think i'm playing an RPG?

Choose the third option

you sound like a shotgun kinda guy

Crabs are immune to stun and locusts deal bio/mechanical damage.
Oh and you need to use a special grenade you find to clear some plants on a console and door once inside the facility.

no, if this is the only bad thing you do against them, they'll be neutral towards you, meaning you can talk to them down there and they wont be hostile, but they wont be super friendly and informative either

I've done that already. Did I just need to find the coordinates or what?

Never done melee before, anyone got a tanky spear build?

Allright, time to punch in some ugly masks.

You can do it, man. You can do it.

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Why is there no quest associated with Gerhard Page?

Be sure to grab the mushrooms to make the INT+2 pill and the weird stuff from the hives.

there are plenty of named npc's with no quests attached

Is the increase permanent? Do you mean the glittershrooms or some other mushroom?

The increase is only for five turns but it's useful for crafting high end stuff.