Post images

Post images
Recommend games
You know the drill

Attached: 94291.jpg (796x1012, 254K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Anno obviously.

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Assassin's Creed Black Flag

Attached: 54f21b0.jpg (2720x3640, 838K)

Sid Meier's Pirates!

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>cant as mods rangebanned me for literally no reason without warning

dawn of man

Empire total war

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Blame the phoneposters, unless you're one.

I'm not, posting from pc right now. I guess fuck me for wanting to post any images ever again. Fuck nu-4channel is garbage.

Age of Pirates II: City of Abandoned Ships

Tell me what to post and I'll do it for you bro :)

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Vice City

Sea Dogs, Age of Pirates; Akella's Pirate themed games in general

Also Anno 1404


When we will get a new proper XVIII century ship game with good rpg, action, simulation parts?

(the wonderful 101)

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Fallout 3

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(pc only)

You a britbong? It sounds like their entire IP got rangebanned. Probably because of fallout from the new PM.

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yes I am. Did they really rangeban all (or almost all) UK addresses? That's absolutely retarded if true. Will this be reverted at any point?

thanks user
I've even got that game in my backlog and forgot about it

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Scarface the game

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No idea man. I just heard it from a bunch of Brits in the ESA threads complaining that they're all range banned from image posts. So either one dedicated shitposter was at work or there was a flood of them. Hard to tell how long they last, because it all comes down to how asspained the admins were.

Fatal Frame 2

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Assassins Creed black flag or Rogue

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Stubbs the Zombie


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The division 2



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the sims

resident evil 7

Master and Commander

Attached: Yujo.jpg (796x505, 60K)

Sea of Thieves


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the talos principle

Double Dragon

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Why can’t women appreciate boats?



Napoleon Total War

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Deus ex

Attached: Tiananmen_Square.jpg (772x512, 150K)

They don't relate to it the same way I don't relate to some Victorian drama about women having romances and affairs


When you download Naval Action

Serious Sam

Kamen Rider Climax Fighters

Pretty good rec


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>paid beta
How about you fuck off, shill?


It's released. Not their fault literally nobody actually cares about naval simulation.
Your alternative is to wait for Ubisoft's Skull & Bones which will probably be crap anyway.

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Daemon x Machina


Maybe I'll try it when they go ftp. Right now it looks like a barely populated overpriced mess.