Portable gaming gen. Whatcha been playing on your portable device?

Portable gaming gen. Whatcha been playing on your portable device?

>dont tell me you dont have the official PSVita carry pouch.

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Need a console that you can use while on the run from the law

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post moar black hands

favourite pokemon character

I'm emulating MHFU on my phone :)


Wow blacks are already more based than 90% of you Yea Forumsirgins through this image alone


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Reminder that you have NO EXCUSE for not having hacked your portables

nigga where's your switch ??

Omg the gorilla stole little Timmy’s vita.

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He haven't stole one yet



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>putting a disgusting nintenbabbie console beside the perfection that is the vita

are we seriously reducing ourselves to Yea Forums tier humor again?

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The only way you can get me is if you post one with a rtx 2080 ti :)

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Haha someone should have their cock in the picture. Not as a gay thing or anything like that lol i just think it would be a funny twist to this meme haha

Too many games to play!

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I've been stuffing my vita in the PSP pouch the whole time never knowing this existed. Is the lettering recessed like the PSP one?

I broke my 3DS recently

Whys your peepee so dry bro. Damn circumcised cocks are ugly

I thought bbc was just a meme. Has 4channel been lying to me?

Why is the floor so dirty

Its just cause he is black desu. Negros are fucking ashy. Ever see their elbows? My penis is circumcised as well and it doesnt look dry at all desu

It’s not dirty it’s a pattern user. Maybe my dick was distracting you?

It’s dry because your girlfriend sucked the moisture out of it.

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Oh I get it, black people like portable games since they're always running from the police.

Please fuck my wife


Majora's Mask 3D
Too bad NA 2DS can't charge in Europe

>shaved pubes
>backwards bending thumb
>splooge on the controller

You're not gonna make it

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Cut dicks are in general dry and indesireable

I’m gay bro

I colored in the lettering on my PSP case with the PS2 gradient and I think it looks pretty good.
Been playing acid 2.

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post a nice uncut dick

sure thing

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Keep seething white boi. No girl has ever complained about my dick.

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give it back jamal

>reddit image
Gas yourself

>bringing up girls' opinions when talking to gays

It's sad that we can tell you're pretty old judging by the wrinkles in your hand.

no problem :)

is this a large penis?

post some more

that's just how a black hand looks

>no more ds handhelds
>no more sony handhelds

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-imbus 3000

Running through Tennis Aces on my Switch


Such a damn good game. I gotta get the iso and replay it

return those consoles to their owners, jamal

nah, blacks like portable games because those are the ones they can steal

Yo-kai Watch, Ace Attorney Trilogy, Smash, and Art of Balance... mostly. I have so much stuff on my 3DS that sometimes I don't know what to play.

I'm trying to keep my RPGs to at least one or two at a time.
After Yo-kai watch, I'm either gonna start FE:A or replay SMTIV because I never finished it completely.

Attached: Yo-Kai Watch.jpg (432x528, 98K)


Xenoblade and Ever Oasis


My literal nigga.

I refuse to believe that you actually play them on that thing until you show your DS3Remapper settings

So we should post more cocks. Not as a gay thing, but to create a sort of tradition

Where did you put FBI?

looks comfy af user - thinking about getting a psp-go to round out my collection, but I can do any psp things on my vita (though the go would be pretty sweet as an ultra portable). What games you playin?

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it's in a folder.
system junk and the like in the one on the left and homebrew stuff on the right.

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This user has a monkey paw on his desk to influence RNG!

>but I can do any psp things on my vita
I don’t seem to recall Vitas doing so hot as ultraportable PS1s with CRT-compatible TV Out. That’s the remaining niche where PSP Go really shines nowadays.

>trap porn background


>Whatcha been playing on your portable device?
Vita - Mhfu, Soul Sacrifice and Dragons Crown
3DS - MH4U and Shiren the Wanderer
Switch - God Eater 3, Crash Team Racing and Dragons Dogma
Phone - Fire Emblem and Pokémon Emerald for GBA, DQ 9 for DS