Gta 4 or gta 5?

gta 4 or gta 5?

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V is better and has more content

this is a thread for gta iv zoomers to pretend their game wasn't the beginning of the death of the franchise
fuck off


4 was good but i prefer 5

IV had a far better physics engine, shooting and running over people just feels right. Everything has realistic weight. You can cap people in the legs and they will realistically react to it. You can shoot guns out of people's hands. GTA V removed all of this, the physics are a joke and cartoonish, not satisfying at all.

4 is the only one that has ever been appealing to me as someone who didn't ever play the games

SA = VC > IV >>>>>>>>> V
they ruined it with no flying cars

shotguns dealt ridiculously little damage if you were shooting at a target further than 3 meters, which is not realistic in the slightest

that said, IV was way more enjoyable than V

I like both

Cars dont lean that much when you make a turn. IV driving physics were exaggerated as fuck (tank driving) while V they were too arcady. I hope Rockstar finds a middle ground.

>sport car with body roll of a shitbox
GTA 5 in this single case wins. I don't know the rest but Im speaking of car games.

V, because IV has dull colors like my soul.

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5, 4 is so boring

Why is IV so fucking ugly? Like it's probably the worst looking AAA game I've ever seen compared to the games of it's time.

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I like heist movies, so 5.

V all the way

Every car in 4 handles like a malaise-era landbarge. It's fucking awful.

The franchise never died and GTA is still a high quality series especially for normie standards. Even if you managed to stick all contrarianism on Yea Forums in your reply, this would still remain the truth.

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Attached: GTAIV vs V Physics Comparison.webm (994x560, 2.68M)

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>spamming the same shit threads because you don't want IV to be irrelevant

V Cars, IV Bikes

Only correct answer.


I mean it was made for the Xbox 360 and PS3... it honestly wasnt considered that ugly when it came out

Also reminder that GTA5 was originally made on that exact same hardware, which probably explains why the physics are so tuned down


GVA4 driving looks like it's under water.

GTA IV car feel was almost perfect if not for the fact that suspension, brakes and tires were all out of 70s

>muh play doh suspension is so realistic

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>Shit or shit
Maybe play the non shit PS2 games bro.

V is soulless, i don't even remember the story other than a couple heists. The one heist in IV is far more memorable.

>he's never taken a turn faster than 15mph

Should be 4.5, some leaning but not that much

Cars dont dip that low when turning fucking retard.

>muh physics


>hes never driven a car before

They both have overly restrictive mission design that suck out any fun that could be had with the sandbox map because Rockstar is more concerned with winning awards for their super serious mature writing than making an actual fun game.