Red pill me on VTMB2
Red pill me on VTMB2
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I dont want to hate the game but every time I dig into it, I keep finding politics in it for some ungodly reason
It's a day-one pirate. It looks quite rushed and needs things ironing out. Looks quite boring too.
Rushed? Didn't it just get announced 2-3 months ago?
After watching the trailer, it looks like they just stuck in a bunch of Unity assets in with motion blur and called it a day.
I can't really judge the writing until I obtain the game, but it ain't looking that interesting. Why the fuck are we in Seattle
>no playable malks
I still can’t believe it.
lightning rod for autism
If by "politics" you mean minorities dethroning imperialists, then it's good.
They are playable, check the website, it was the last clan reveal.
We haven't seen any of the game story yet, how can you be finding politics?
i think most people mad about the game are full of shit, it doesn't look amazing, but it looks ok, gameplay seems janky but fun, voice actors are all pretty good, story has potential and Schaffer's soundtrack sounds nice from the little we've heard so far.
Here. Enjoy your transexual vampires.
It's gonna be a major disappointment, guaranteed.
It is probably going to be decently written with a lot of the charming camp from the first game gone. Better combat and levels too but that doesn't mean a lot when VTMB 1 is the other contender.
It's the sequel to Gay Myspace Vampires, what exactly do you want from it when the original was unfinished shit?
too liberal for Yea Forums
It's worth keeping an eye on
>They are playable, check the website, it was the last clan reveal.
There won't be unique dialogue for them
says who?
Cool. Prove it.
>vtmb is shit now too
Fuck you and everyone else on this board holy shit name a good game
All I have are blackpills.
Try reading this with a straight face.
If I find it I'll post it but if won't long story short, they told how some of VTMB mechanics are "archaic for modern player", and I remember that SJW cried that malks offends disabled people
idk man already seems better than most western "rpg's"
Sure, try to find it, but what you are saying does not mean non-unique dialogue, it just means no-fishmalk, which is actually closer to the tabletop, but i'm sure you knew that.
Just did, what's wrong with it?
>game is set in seattle
If this was troika there'd be frasier references, funny commentary on tech multinationals and ripping on hipsters.
this is what happens when you 'appeal to a wider audience'
publishers, investors. tasteless marvel-movie watching consumers and identity politics
You didn't choke at all the self righteousness? You must be joking.
It's not out yet, we don't know.
Paradox cashgrab, where is the rudi poster ?
>fascists can't abide unique people or views!
>if you're alt right or """far right""" you need to seek help or be redeemed or killed in game.
I just don't understand these people. I'm sure nazi's were awful but this isn't 1938 and in today's world, these people are the closest I'm seeing to actual fascism in western cultures.
Try not to blow a vein dude. I'm not trying to stop you from enjoying your gay janky vampire sim.
>self righteousness
>Some might think Rudi's combination of practicing Islam and unabashed queerness contradictory
Not as contradictory as practising Islam and, you know, drinking blood which is strictly haram goes against core tenants of the faith.
stop using the word "politics" and just admit that you only hate racial/sexual minority representation
you retards clearly don't have any problem with political shit as long as it isn't about this topic
Not exactly telling that there won't be unique dialogues but here what I found
>Some might think Rudi's combination of practicing Islam and unabashed queerness contradictory
Address this cogently and explain how a vampire can practice Islam, or fuck off and admit that the """"politics""" are being poorly handled.
You need to win every argument, you're too stupid to do that, but in this instance you do need to support your viewpoint or shut the fuck up.
Seattle is built on older versions of itself. And full of bums. Perfect for Vampire
>Address this cogently and explain how a vampire can practice Islam
If you seriously have a hard time imagining such a concept then there truly is no hope for you user.
It'd make sense if he was one of the warring types. Going along with "religion of peace" angle is absolutely fucking stupid especially in vampiric context
>hard time imagining such a concept
Gee lets break it down here,
>homosexuality - haram
>drinking blood - haram
>he's still practising Islam though, that's what we're telling you hehe xd deal with it
You don't know a thing about the religion and neither do they. This is just stupid.
>if by "politics" you mean my opinion on politics, then it's good
dont post next time
Politics once: taxes, consumerism, mob mentality, control over the masses, corporations being corporations
Politics now: diversity
Fighting for freedom and equality is not politics, it's our obligation. If you want to be a jew lapdog, it's on you.
if only that was the actual political message in the game
it's not though so i dont get why youre bringing any of that shit up
>If you need you need help with making your portrayal respectful and true to life, ask someone who belongs to the group you are portraying
xd unless you need a faggot muslim box tick
>Red pill me on VTMB2
people who play tabletop will probably won't be impressed by it
people who play story focused RPG's won't be either
Did you play it to tell what's the message in the game?
>pre alpha buid
its nothing
Did you play it to tell what's the message in the game?
>Vast majority of devs are SJW feminists
>It will be a PC shitfest
its a no for me jim
sure thing user
>obligated to fight for equality
Retarded, honestly.
Some sort of sequel made by... a who studio (with people who probably didnt even play the original game) using the name of the first game as nostalgia hook since it seems the vampire setting is not enough to attract buyers. I'm suprised there is "hype" for this knowing the general age of players these days but, as usual, fake hype and pure delusion (I'm sure it will be better than the original!) is a popular strategy.
guess what time it is
0/10. All of those games are heavily political and you have to be a single digit iq brainlet to think otherwise.
It's not that games are more political, it's that they're writing has suffered in recent years and concepts that sailed over the heads of morons like you are now much more plainly spelled out.
You're fucking telling me that Bioshock isn't a political game? That Call of Duty and Metal Gear aren't political? Are you fucking retarded?
Okay, here it is
>rushed game by a dev that only made 3/10 meta games before it but wanted an ip to milk
>decision to set it in seattle was done in the first 5 mins of the first phone call if you believe them, not thought out at all
>infected with american twitter politics, just like the latest masquerade release
>animations look terrible, and facial animations are worse than they were in the original
>world seems way bigger and largely empty compared to the tight hubs of vtmb
>no 3rd person
>90s goth vibe is totally lacking
It basically looks like a bad Deus Ex game.
cant believe they showed this shit off. You have amateur flash fps games with better gameplay
1 shekel was deposited into your bank account
>minorities dethroning imperialists
That in itself is imperialistic numbnuts.
Not sure who you're strawmanning but the issue is that nuance has flown out the window and quality has been sacrificed in the name of shilling certain topics, ignoring others and filling specific quotas, which in the case of Vampire has now rendered the setting rather nonsensical.
bwahahaha you keep saying ya lil marketing biscuit but every time i ask you hey, who's paying me to kill your game? you get real quiet
>you're the jew now haha!
>don't forget to fight for diversity, goyim
Fuck off faggot. People aren't equal and nobody is obligated to pick up the slack, kill yourself.
Couldn't care less about your strawman, bootlicker.
what is this suppose to prove?
>no politics in mass effect
boy you did not play that game at all did ya
Youre an underage retard if you think diversity and immigration are new to politics.
that ur a faget
>you're obligated to fight for isra- I mean equality, goyim
>actually I'm not
>y-you're a bootlicker omg
You are a low IQ individual who lacks the self confidence to present an argument.
that image is sarcasm, dumbass
My post was a counter point to that image. The image was saying that "politics have been in videogames the whole time!" and my counterpoint was that actual politics used to be in videogames, not the gendershit of today
im not the one having an autistic meltdown because a game has politics
Buy it, play it, then punch yourself when you realize your mistake.
Keep in mind that none of the gaming journos who got their hands on the gameplay knew what the fuck they were doing, it's honestly kind of stunning to me, I knew some people in the industry are bad at games but it's like a new level of incompetency.
I think the game's unpolished and looks bad when it comes to the combat but aside from the masquerade not being violated in the demo when you're jumping around and aside from the look of the UI (which personally I fucking hate) there's nothing to suggest it will be a trashfire.
Politics doesn't stop being politics just because you dont like them.
>a game about vampire politics has politics
stop posting.
yeah desu that's why ur a faget
That the setting makes no sense anymore because they prioritised forcing bizarre diversity quotas over writing quality.
Daily reminder that there's an autist in every thread who keeps spamming the images below which are from v5 and which got the writer for them fired (but it was only for the PnP game, no real relations to VtmB2), the game will likely have nothing to fucking do with those.
>That the setting makes no sense anymore
how so?
And taxes, consumerism etc dont disappear just because the jew tells you to not talk about those things and just talk about genderqueer shit
Woah, hey guys...
>Keep in mind that none of the gaming journos who got their hands on the gameplay knew what the fuck they were doing
Paradox was playing the journos just told them what to do. Yes it was that bad with their own devs and they used the excuse they were tired.
I think you're allowed to drink blood if it's your only means of living. As in you know you are allowed to eat whatever available if you don't have any other food in a survival situation.
Well, they fucked up then. But I still think that, since this is prealpha, there's a lot of room to fix shit. And sometimes fixing just involves thrashing a feature that doesn't work, like that retarded "jump behind you" move that only worked once in the entire demo.
Someone said that the game is shaping up to be a bad Deus Ex - so, that's still going to be better than 90% of the AAA shit? Because that's unironically what bad Deus Ex means.
Made by a studio famous for releasing incomplete games so they can nickle and dime you with dlc later down the line.
He's a desperate corp bootlicker, and if you try to say that to his face he accuses you of being a commie/leftist.
>Hardsuit Labs
It's gonna be trash m8
Because those are the politics that have become obnoxious as hell.
He only got fired because of the company fearing for their lives though.
What if i told you gendershit is only so prevalent, because politicians-left AND right- both use it to distract voters from criticizing them. Balkanization helps the rich and powerful most.
Oh, look, the exact same images spammed in /tg/.
>I know you guys aren't big on homosexuality, and you make a big deal of avoiding consuming blood since it violates a core part of your pact with your God, but this gay vampire dude practises Islam!
It's just retarded. It's absolutely fucking ridiculous, they didn't look into this at all, they just thought "we need a gay muslim, it's time to do it, lets go."
By contrast, previous writers had a sect of vampires pretending to be Islamic to blend in, that was believable writing. Some of them genuinely believed Muhammed would cure them and would succumb to torpor because they refused to drink blood. That's nuanced, someone bothered to wiki "Islam" and do rudimentary research. Times have changed.
Not the quoted, but today's disinformation war promoted by the "democratic" imperialism is what's killing politics. Left and Right are both necessary, but are being severely brainwashed to fight against each other while the pigs keep profiting on both sides.
The problem with the statement is the left is completely uncompromising. Fact is open borders and 100 genders are far left views and if you want unity those have to go.
v5 and bloodlines 2 were developed in parallel, source: the fucking devs
try harder shill, now you pissed me off you get the fashion parade
i'd rather wait to see how it all pans out in game before coming to any conclusions of the story. besides, that's one faction in the story.
boy you have autism don't ya
post the nosferatu one. it's the most offensive
I'll give it a fair shot too, and I mean that. I want it to be good, I'm just not hyped for it.
What tryhard garbage.
i always save it for last
shit game not made by the original devs, pandering to the fans who will inevitably be disappointed
What the fuck is this shit?
Wake me up.
It will never live up to the hype, that aside, it's gonna be shit.
Currently replaying VtMB, god I'll never get tired of that game.
shitty cashgrab
nothing to do with what make the first game good
I want open borders and I am a centrist.
I strongly believe immigration only causes problems when police allow it to cause problems.
>I strongly believe immigration only causes problems when police allow it to cause problems.
That might be the most retarded thing I've read in months.
Yet, I bet you're a Kojima fan
>Red pill me
Fuck off, retard.
>Open borders
Yea no, open borders is radical left. Centrist is controlled immigration and far right isolationism.
The thing is, we can only reach a consensus about these topics by debating it publicly in a well-mannered way. Personally I'm against both, but I'm open to hear the other side because not everything I judge "right" or "wrong" are essentially true.
>politics r bad :(
Kill yourself.
Oh boy, I can't wait for whiny lefty bullshit shoved down my throat in between garbage combat sections
I'm afraid all NPCs with eccentric backgrounds and shoehorned political inclinations will be souless parroting uncharismatic puppets like whoever wrote them projecting themselves into the game.
>ywn be a based Ventrue living the good life
How about open the borders a little bit.
Accept the refugees from war zones, also children especially.
If someone misbehaves, throw them out. You've got the seperate the bad apples from the normal people as fast as you can. This is something law enforcement needs to do.
Man these vtmb threads used to be so chill, i miss those days
You're voluntarily playing something based on Vampire: The Masquerade. Have you seen the kind of people who play that? How do you even manage to tie your own shoelaces?
so saying there won't be unique dialogue was out your ass and the source you cited is completely unrelated, cool.
Kamiya is a leftist you fucking brainlet.
>how about use taxpayer resources to look after non-citizens
Yeah, no. They can come in legally with a skill the nation requires or they can die for all I care.
If you feel strongly about it, feel free to volunteer your time and money in their country.
This artwork. I have a really hard time Imagining old world vampires turning hipsters into vampires.
>name a good game
deep space waifu
I can now see why Baudrillard hated The Matrix.
Either way, a decent AA game, with plenty of dialog choices. Don't expect vastly different outcomes, they already stated in the reveal that it'll be like the original: linear with the illusion of choice(i.e. you get more or the less the same outcome with minor differences). Gameplay looked fine, janky and unfinished which is expected from Paradox.
Also don't believe anything you see on Yea Forums, way too many people false flagging and spreading misinformation.
The US does already accept refugees from war zones. Most western countries already do. You've been brainwashed into thinking that everywhere south of texas is a war zone where people need to flee from. Reality: south america might be a shithole, but it's not _that bad_. There's work, there's food, some people have access to luxuries.
i wonder how many people will go and murder people after the release of vtmb2
what's the season of the wolf thing going to be about? it kinda sounds like you're going to be able to play as a werewolf but it's probably just going to take place in the woods outside of seattle and you're going to fight werewolves right?
FPS Games need to stop having the fucking viewmodel take up so much of the screen, seriously.
>the game will likely have nothing to fucking do with those.
absolutely false, the pnp devs will not allow someone to market a product based on their rule-set without using the latest edition in print, you know, the edition they're selling and actively making content for.
This is the same reason baldurs gate 3 is based on 5th edition, no way in hell wotc will allow larian to use an older, out of print, edition.
Rude ain’t even the worst part of that edition. Can someone post that one pregenerated character that feeds on kids or any of the other edgy shit?
Paradox is publishing it so expect only 1/3 of the game actually being finished when it's launched and then having to spend about another $200 worth of DLC to get the rest.
Shitty combat + parkour > shit combat.
No one knows, speculation leads to you having to deal with werewolves and Gangrel finally being playable. I think there's some werewolf activity near seattle in the lore, but I'm not sure as I don't care for WtA.
>Ferrell told people that he was a 500-year-old vampire named Vesago, a character he created for himself after becoming obsessed with the role playing game Vampire: The Masquerade.
>It was his mother, Sondra Gibson who first introduced this cult to Rod
This is amazing. Absolutely amazing.
i expected the pc to throw the gun for some reason, it just looks so comical
Is no one else noticing the dude from the demo jumping off buildings and landing in the middle of the god damn street in public and pedestrians don't react to him, supposedly in a masquerade area. I really hope that isn't the case in the final product
I love the fact he's so unoriginal using the name vesago
>tfw giovanni will never be playable
>tfw you will never play a qt female born in an incestuous clan
why even make a new game at this point
Noticed that too, but I thought the civs really didn't notice him.
Brazilian here, honestly, our main problem is corruption, it fucks everything else, including the huge amount of good stuff we have going for us.
Everyone is against corruption, so they vote for whomever oposes it the most, they get elected, fuck shit up for 8 years and then the people get tired of the corruption and vote for the opposite side which actually does that exact same shit... I'm not a fan since i find it overly simplistic, but the horseshoe theory finds some pretty good examples here...
This is parkour
Than i guess it shouldn't say "parkour" in the image, uh?
If this character has very low firearms skill, it kinda makes sense,
This is already happening in most western countries user...
>our main problem is corruption
That is only a reflection of the real problem: the meddling of yankee influence in our politics and economics. We need REAL nationalist leaders that won't bend to CIA bribery/threats.
they can do something similar to the original game, where if you're moving then aiming is harder and when you stand still it takes a while for the crosshair to converge to a point, they can make it so that a higher firearms skill makes the crosshair converge faster and possibly diverge less when moving.
Oh yeah? you know what, user? I like how you think, both left and right mistake bulshit patriotism for nationalism while selling out to them. We DO need a real nationalist leader, we could be fucking self-sufficient in a lot of ways.
>How about open the borders a little bit.
What you're suggesting isn't even open borders, it's normal borders.
>Accept the refugees from war zones, also children especially.
This is already done to varying degrees around the world. However it is also better for those people to move somewhere close to them, a place that speaks their language. It's better for their families to stay together. It's also not the responsibility of any one country to take every refugee.
>If someone misbehaves, throw them out. You've got the seperate the bad apples from the normal people as fast as you can. This is something law enforcement needs to do.
So then you'd agree with ICE and most Republicans, but you have a leaning towards centrist Democrats on allowing in more refugees.
Vampires are shit.
vtm bros, i wanna get into vampire mood so i've been thinking about watching a vampire movie. should i watch let me in or let the right one in? also any other vampire movies i should watch?
I have another source, not in english that mentioned this interview, you can spend some time with the dictionary and see for yourself if your lazy ass want
>This links to the million dollar question, which is “Will playing as a Malkavian be a different experience with unique dialogue?” and yes, yes it will, in a similar way to the original Bloodlines. “Because it is the expectation,” said Mitsoda, “We cannot deviate from the expectation of what the Malkavian experience is.”
God fucking dammit. A quick google search and it tells that yes, Malks will have unique dialog. It just won't be the lolsorandumb shit.
Watch Martin
Rational post
>won't be the lolsorandumb
Isn't that what people like about them?
Yes, but they are toning it down and closer to what actual schizophrenia is. You'll still have some funny and zany shit, because that's what people expect, but it won't be some reddit shit. At least that's what Mitsoda was saying.
Yes, but, malks have mental illness, we can't make fun of any illness, its 2019, everything must be serious business, otherwise people will say mean things on the internet.
>reddit shit
The game was a fucking satire, worked perfectly with Bloodlines, now B2 is taking everything seriously, politics, mental illness, they are probably cutting supernatural creatures because fuck the player.
Also, no goths.
Goth culture is dead, user...
>malks have mental illness,
They don't though. Mitsoda knows this unless he's a fucking amnesiac.
Imagine paying full price for this
I don't care. There better be big tiddy goth girls.
obviously if they had any standards regarding the combat, they wouldn't have shown it off
the devs think this is "okay"
it might get better, but not by much
Game devs need to stop inventing bullshit terms, this is a fucking BETA
It's exactly like Fallout 3/NV.
It's a fucking video game, not real life, I don't give a single shit if goth girls moved on in real world, I want fucking pale goth girls, black clothes and trenchcoats in my vampire game.
They embraced more mentally fucked up people than the other clans, unless they have changed everything in the cancerous V5, which was made by literal retards, also, the new malk symbol is ugly as fuck.
Imagine giving money to Paracucks.
periodical reminder that Cara Ellison is a hundred times worse than anyone working at WW and she's the only one allowed to talk about writing, Mitsoda plays second fiddle to her
i'm still willing to give the game a chance despite that but denying the obvious SJW influence is dishonest
That is actually impressively cucked. Too bad.
I'll still probably play VTMB II though
Let the right one in has legit IRL cunny in it if that helps
lmao, this is worse than I could even make up.
>Goth culture is dead
Well, that's a pretty goth state to be in, makes sense.
Than play VtMB faggot.. vidya have since long moved on from the old goth themes.
Honestly, the game looks pretty goth, their Seattle is dark, foggy and full of old, beatiful buildings. The wxtra diegetic music too.
The chracters not so much, If you can costumise your PC than the only reason it will not look goth is your own taste.
Most people here when they think goth they think of mall goth shite. Kinda annoying.
The only people denying it are the people who buy into it, to them it's just normal and we're fascists for thinking otherwise.
I think most people have your mindset: I hope turns out well but I'm not holding my breath here.