>play Japanese game
>it's fun, there's no identity politics, and the girls are cute
Thanks, Japan!
Play Japanese game
t. braindead porn addict who faps to visual novels all day
>play Japanese game
>there's no identity politics, and the girls are cute
>the gameplay is shallow and unsatisfying with cardboard cutout character archetypes
Why can't we ever have our cake and eat it too, Yea Forumsros?
cute tummy
i like diana too
post more diana already
I want to ___ inside Dianus.
Sorry sweetie but Akko is for Andrew.
Too bad there's no gameplay either
name 433 games
name one western game that fits your criteria
It's not identity politic if the girls are cute
and to think ALL games were like this right up to 2013ish
it all started with bad reviews for killer is dead because of the gigolo missions, nobody cared before that
what happened?!
Diana fucks ugly old men
Have sex incel
>No identity politics
>Implying the fags and trannies aren't rushing to cahnge that as we speak
>and to think ALL games were like this right up to 2013ish
Fun? Hell no.
>When a dark skin character is added Yea Forums bitches about blacks and trannies taking over Japan anyway
You forgot to add this user
>gacha bullshit
good bit
>Read Japanese game thread
>It's full of softcore porn
Thanks, Yea Forums!
Yeah, I miss the days before /pol/ took over Yea Forums. Actually I just miss 2006 for Yea Forums, 2003 for the internet in general, and the 90s/early 2000s for life in general.
This but unironically
Who said I was being ironic?
That sounds nice OP. I can't get into Japanese games myself but thankfully we have modders making games like Squad and PS.
>and to think ALL games were like this right up to 2013ish
And also shit
>play western game
>its open world
>floating dmg text
>generic skill point level up system
is this how games lost their identity ?