Now: Cuphead
After: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Later: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City ($25%)
Now: Mages of Mystralia
After: The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
Now: Cuphead
After: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Later: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City ($25%)
Now: Mages of Mystralia
After: The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
Other urls found in this thread:
me on the right
Hey, bros. I'm enjoying the runs.
Always remember good time
>TMR actually cloned himself for this very match
The absolute madman.
Why is this shit getting shilled here so much? Speed running is fucking autistic.
there's also GDQX now as well in case you forgot, so that's probably over 10% at that point
you people dont actually donate to these things do you?
I did for $20% last night.
What is it about the cuphead art style which makes me want to have sexual intercourse with the characters? Is it just my retardation?
yikes and skip from me
Greetings from Germany, long time donator first time watcher.
Have to give moneys to a great cause.
Alzheimers is something that affects me greatly as I am in the early stages myself.
Greetings from Germany. Long time watcher first time donator.
Good lucks to runners.
You could go full crazy and watch the smaller online only ones too like GTA Marathon, ESA Movemeber ect.
thank you :)
i'm just gonna leave this here and there's nothing hulk hogan user can do to stop me
Sweden Finland strong like ox
add in RPG Limit Break too.
Fuck off, faggot. You're run was shit.
Why do these mermaids have navels and breasts? They obviously have a fish bottom and thus lay eggs. No need for umbilical cords or feeding children with milk that's exclusively done by mammals
/r/'ing a distracted boyfriend meme with SayviTV, Dist2 and Larxa please
Me on the trampoline.
>2017 shitters still don't want to admit this year is superior
If they are so strong, why are they losing then?
Friendly reminder to all y'all.
Don't let seething GDQs ruin your ESA fun and enjoy the runs.
>Speed running is fucking autistic.
Did you forget where you are? This is a dumping ground for the autistic.
i mostly agree, good job. thank you for not being like that megu-poster faggot from SGDQ who'd put every other run in SSS tier and spamming his shit 5x per thread
Congratulations OP on being a literal piece of shit.
Couldn't you pick a image that didn't alienate female gamers?
Screw you.
>favorite PC game is Farcry 3
fuckin YIKES
Going to take a nap and be back for the GTA race. Later gators.
This game's art is so fucking good, jesus christ.
the fuck is wrong with the blonde guy's face
This map is outdated.
Greetings from great cause, long time money first time survivor.
Had to give Germany to beat runner, it's something that affects me greatly as my cancer is a donator of it
Good luck to all the charities.
clown boss was the pleb filter for me. actually had to git gud, pretty much coasted through every other fight
>no more MOMMY
its over
looking forward to OoT rando
for it was the dragon lady
She look like Sue Lightning
Fuck female gamers.
lol watch out user you'll get the spergs mad at you
what a CUTIE
>she's a druggie
oh no oh nononono the absolute STATE
shit this is actually kinda tight
You know that dragon is a boy right?
I miss the shitposting about this image.
i don't care
If the best platform players in the world used XBOX 360 commercials, why does Yea Forums always say DS4 is superior?
>what is slitfucking
>he thinks they'd fuck a female dragon
>smoking hookah
>ate nearly an entire jar of grey poupon in two days
a-am i going to be ok?
the robot boss was pretty easy, don't understand all the shit thrown at him
You're a retard
unironically imagine letting yourself go to end up in this state
>he doesn't know
It was intentional.
what's that?
Puffing smoke doesn't make one a druggie
Just know you are the biggest fucking cuckolds for stalking her
>34 degrees outside
>hear thunder
Damn, this is actually a good race so far.
>4channel won't let me upload pics
>defend her honor online expecting attention from her while she's getting railed by distortion nightly
yeah, sure, we're the cucks
You have no idea what stalking looks like, faggot. This is all shit she intentionally uploads to places she wants people to see.
top tier mustard brand
Lemme guess, brit?
kys degenerates
why isnt anybody clapping
you think she's a freak in the sack or just a memer?
This run is KENO.
Get the fuck away from my BBQ.
>Lemme guess, brit?
Yeah. Was someone from the UK spamming Yea Forums with CP or something
Someone send a Yea Forums gamers rise up donation
She is made out of memes. She probably yells out Twitch emotes during sex.
She definitely sticks her fingers up Dist's ass.
would you call someone who drinks socially an alcoholic?
she will look back on this in 5 years and just facepalm, then her grandchildren will show this to her in 60 years and she will facepalm again
>upload pics of yourself on a publicly accessible account
you actually think this is stalking? i bet you think the people who watch her on twitch and donate/sub to her are stalkers too
One of the coolest memories I have is from this place
>Campsite in a forest
>Which suddenly halts at a sand dune that's slowly eating the trees and even an old toilet block
>Which is taller than said trees and drops down to the beach
>One of the nights got to run up it and watch a lightning storm several miles inland
is that a man
is that why I can’t post anything? fucks sake
shall inquire /brit/ about this one
>yellow mustard
not even yuro but spicy brown mustard is superior in every way for every situation
Works on my machine
I just told you. BBQ. You put brown mustard on a hot dog or a burger and you'll be drawn and quartered in the South.
I recently went to the netherlands and ate cheese with sweet mustard. it was a match made in heaven, based nederlanders know their cheese
where is this? looks beautiful
Damn I guess people who vape are fucking narcomaniacs now
There is literally nothing better than Giant Mermaid bosses in video games.
I bet she is getting (((BLACKED))) on the regular
I think it's only on this board.
It's can't be all of the UK. Scot here and I can upload just fine.
not that unusual to put brown mustard on a hotdog. also referring to burgers and hotdogs as BBQ will get you lynched in the south
t. current NC fag, former TX fag
Just how fucking desperate are you fucking virgins to always stalk and post her Instagram and Twitter in this shithole?
Do not fucking post or talk about larxa on here!
Belgium truly is a meme country.
>someone mentions larxa
>hulk hogan fag tries to white knight for her
>entire thread is shitposting and creeping on her now
based, fuck white knights
I doubt she's getting railed by a 2 inch manlet dick. She has gotten fucked by three other dudes and one girl before though.
Maybe BT users
based but ironically
Filename, silly
unironically shetland here so I’m as far from that IP range as possible and I still can’t post
tfw she is farting with such ferocity its causing chromatic aberration
nothing makes me want to talk about her more than seeing you post this every thread. i'm assuming you're baiting because you actually want people to talk about her, otherwise you're a fucking moron for drawing attention to her
why did chad do that to brad?
BBQ as an event not an object, you redneck.
focus on the commentary Dist
I remember walking to my town from camp in a clear night and there was a thunderstorm there. Could perfectly see the lightings on the sky, that was damn pretty cool.
bruh, IP range is nothing geographically. if you have the same ISP as the user who got banned you're getting fucked (also many ISPs share one network on the grander scheme of things)
This is the only fucking based poster in these shit threads. Keep it up user.
based as fuck
bro that’s a PepeHands
this game has maximum soul
Can someone explain what the fuck is going on in that gif though?
buy passu
that's how lads bond up north
This shit sounds comfy
100% run
FF7 went 20 minutes over estimate.
haven’t been IP blocked in at least two or three years so I’m still unfamiliar with it, likely just my ISP getting shafted yeah
Yeah right you dumb fuckhead. You're just a lonely cuck who gets off stalking and and posting her pics in these threads. Don't deny it now.
FF7 went a bit over estimate
>people unironically donating to not fight the last boss
Are you BT?
bros... I just hacked my 3DS after having it collect dust for over 2 years. I just started installing Pokemon Ultramoon, gonna be my first pokemon game in a long ass time. Is this awesome Y/N ? Gonna play while enjoying some ESA
>50 cents difference
you don't actually think REEEing at people to stop talking about her actually has an effect, do you? fucking retard
I assume most of them don't know the implications of "bad ending"
post times you were DEVILISH
>donate to kill the animals
>comment says to save them
prefer not to answer
Worst pokemon game after Let's Go and OR/AS, don't expect much
It's ok. Probably have a better experience with it than the sadfucks who bought SM then the USUM versions later
That only happens in America.
Same. That's the reason then
actually a pretty close race, 1st place has changed a lot. wasn't excited for cuckhead at all but turned out not bad
Based MexicanRunner. That was a rare good race.
>mugman's gloves are yellow in the winscreen
>but white in the cutscene
that was actually a close race
USUM is way better than XY.
Why is TMR so much more friendly and well adjusted than most speedrunners?
Literally the second best run in the whole marathon.
What part of TX
Mugman is Ness
He's probably from a wealthy family in Mexico to be able to travel around for marathons so much.
nice race
Because he's not an incel.
>no PSS
>Sekiro run
Hm, I haven't played it yet, watch the speedrun regardless? These games really live from the exploration/surprise effect tho
>tfw you want to watch sekiro run but you have yet to play it and don't want to spoil it
It hurts
What time is 18:34 in American?
6:34 pm
Just woke up. Did Yea Forums get what they wanted from FFVII?
>DMC5 M19 Royalguard
>only on Human
Get the fuck outta here
depends what coast, it’s a big country innit
13 ft 17 inches
He lives in Poland.
anyone else getting a ton of ads for this sex comedy starring 10 year olds between every run? who the fuck is this supposed to appeal to?
The speedrun will probably go for the ending you can get halfway through the game so you won't ruin everything for yourself by watching it. It will show off some major plot and boss reveal spoilers though so be careful if you care about that kind of thing.
our girl savyi is up next
And you don't actually think stalking her will magically get her to like you right?
rich people
burger time
category is "all memories"
I mean I know about the old dude, he's constantly spammed over Yea Forums but I'll probably sit this one out anyways
i know that feel bro
It's on purpose
Finally! My wife!
pedos probably
I wonder if that superhero show would be any good?
The run is all memories which means they're gonna do every boss in the game which means going to every area in the game, so if you wanna avoid spoilers then don't watch
Oh in that case I would definitely recommend not watching. Some bosses you can completely ruin by watching gameplay of beforehand.
I wish Hyperoptic was available here.
>Speeds are fast
>Speed the same for up and down
>Just need 14 people to have interest in it in their area to have it available
>Uses it's own wires so no BT line rental cancer
But noooooo, retard here would rather get fucked in the ass by garbage. The people here are so fucking stupid.
holy shit
Where is that pic from ?
Dorito pope doesnt look happy
He's just a nice dude who isn't up his own arse about how good he is.
Recent E3.
so... who is in the right to claim her as theirs? G*ermans or 'Muricans?
I can’t go to Yemen, I’m an analyst!
why the long face
alright, switching to stream 2, thanks lads
fuck bros I hope the swat 4 run is gonna be good
Don't worry, Boris will fix it
Aw shit, how did I miss that
Literally nobody has pronounced Sekiro correctly the entire marathon. 50% of you clowns speedrun Japanese games and you don't know how to use any sort of Japanese pronunciation.
>another race
getting real sick of this shit
sometimes 5heads are so cute!
>GTA VC or FF12 later
wake me up when it's GTA
>tfw no German bf
>Ela and Maral in the chat
Oh boy...
Josh looks like he aged a decade in the past few days
they're hyping up GTA too much, it's gonna be cancer
it will be either a top tier run or a complete trainwreck, I can't see how it could be anything in between
Chances are you mispronounce it too unless you are genuinely autistic about the correct pitch accent and pronounce every phoneme perfectly.
>not watching Japanese restream
what is she so smug about?
sekiro is a lot more fast paced than the other souls games, theres also a lot of platforming so it should be a good run
Would you please let it go, she is with me now.
They got rid off Ben so it obviously won't be as fun
Can't believe miltent cucked him on cam
>tfw like vice city but the runner is a cuck
>$25% can completely fuck up only one of the racers
Just use this to watch both at once.
X was the last passable FF game, GTA definitely
grow up.
It's three syllables you infant.
Keep crying, faggot.
based KZ keeping it real
>Josh missing the segue into the monitor plug
He is so precious.
>took today and tomorrow off work to watch this shit because i have lots of vacation days saved up and nothing to spend them on because no friends
anyone else know this feel?
>hating gays
>not focusing your hate on tr*nnys
literally who
stalking her and announcing it to a bunch of anons on throwaway threads reeks less of desperation than going to said threads to attempt to make them stop.
cope zero
>run actually finishes early
>extra time is completely consumed by set up
at least they have the announcers talking more instead of just cutting to audience cam for the entire set up
>God's work?
kek based josh
The guy on the left is a fucking faggot
>God? tone it down
stupid fucking cuck
No because I haven't had a job ever.
Are there more pictures of her in that outfit?
Full image?
t.burger who pronounce it "saykirou" with no regards to accent and think it's fine
Don't have a job but also no friends so kinda?
Nobody cares that your boyfriend got banned, crossboarder.
To be fair I wouldn't refer to anything a average twitch chat does as God's work either lol
someone needs to give these presenters some coaching. Don't sit with closed body language and crossed arms, don't jiggle your legs, its not that hard
Your lack of intelligence isn't my problem. People who mispronounce words deserve the ridicule they get.
I haven't had a job for like 9 months.
these little tutorial vids in between runs were a great idea desu, very comfy
>if you have twitch prime, use it, it's for a good cause, trust us, twitch twitch twitch twitch, monitors, twitch twitch twich
>all this twitch dick-sucking and gravy-felching
dude sounded like finnish james bond.
Just woke up. What was Tifa's name?
I prefer amateur presenthing thank you.
>Go to first link
>See trailer for the boys
>Looks like shit and is completely missing the tone of the comics
>Actual twitch content comes on
>Some fat fuck and a tranny goblin
I really don't know what I was expecting.
>/our girl/ no longer has SJW dyed hair
perfection is back on the menu, bois
Mommy won.
>Barbie manspreading
>hubloo bloo bloo give me (you)'s
seething bald fatty
that's how having a supporter for something works. You gotta suck their dicks or they wont give you money anymore
I’ll remember this post when I present at next GDQ.
>city is so desperate it pays these people to hold their event here
how big of a shit hole must malmo be to need exposure that badly?
Yeah, they especially deserve to be corrected by a smartass non-native speaker who also mispronounce the same word, so he can artificially inflate his ego.
What the fuck does speedrunning a video game have to do with learning the language and pronunciation of the original dialogue and cutscenes that runners will do anything to skip? A ton of runners don't even know the stories to the games they play.
It is literally, unironically, the rape capital of the world.
Look forward to seeing you back on the desk in 2 years. You should also remember not to mention Yea Forums, gays or maymays.
Looks like I was right. Keep crying.
some faggot tried to snipe at the last minute so that guy who wanted his dead grandma's name for tifa would win, but he was too late. truly a glorious day for MOMMY posters
So which runs have been the best this year?
You're still acting like I mispronounce it. I don't. Obviously. Stop getting ego defensive over shit I'm not even criticizing you for. I'm criticizing the people who are speaking about the game publicly. You're more than welcome to call it sugido for all I care.
Why are there so many names in the SWAT 4 run?
they should advertise that more, looking up flights right now desu
Okay, but give me some sort of buzzword or phrase for me to horseshoe in so that you know it’s me. I’m dead serious.
Malmö & Göteborg deal in a lot of music rather than videogames, it has only increased over the years
Are ela and maral still a couple?
It's the title of the game. It's the least you can do. I'm not expecting people to learn fucking kanji here.
>The Last of Boomers no longer top tier
It's a co-op run. 2 teams of five.
you have to be a woman or a black/muslim if you want to participate
it's the third largest city in Sweden
>another race
Kill me.
>switching players every five minutes
why did they have to add this fucking cancer to the run? a race is bad enough
>Less then 5 months old and Sekiro already has a speed run
>Yea Forumstards will say the game is hard despite this
>rape capital of the world.
Wrong. Don't spread right wing populist propaganda here please
> Malmo, along with other urban centres in Sweden, has one of the highest levels of reported rapes in proportion to population in the EU, mainly due to the strictness of Swedish laws and how rape is recorded in the country
>The rate of reported rapes in Malmo has not dramatically risen in recent years and has in fact declined from its peak in 2010, before the recent large increases in refugees.
>be on-straight in the 90's
>be part of the LGB community
>try to get equal treatment for people with different sexual orientations
>ugly low-effort drag queen appears talking in a stupid voice he's trying to make sound higher than it is
>You need to add another letter to your community's acronym so that people who disagree with biology and advocate for self harm are also represented!
Gays, lesbians and bis should hate them. Adding T to LGB was like adding "influenza" into peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. Completely unrelated.
imagine the smell
ay a decent run
aaand its a race
this fucking marathon bruh
People start speedrunning games literally the day they come out bro.
How do I know if you're pronouncing it "right", should I just take your word for it? Upload it to vocraoo faggot. More often than not non-native speakers overrate how well they actually pronounce things. Many people are pretty tone deaf and pay no attention to intonation, even if they speak grammatically correct.
>skip cutscene at the same time
>one side loads 2 seconds faster than the other
how jealous is larxa right now that her bf is hanging out with a real woman
girls dies
this is it, the most retarded post in the thread
They don't fucking care. All they want to do is skip as much of the game as possible to get to the end. Most of these people speak multiple languages, they just don't spend time of their lives learning how to properly pronounce their video games so they can impress weebs.
>five seconds in
>sayvi choked already
girl gamers, everyone
think i'll pass on this one.
I didn't really like Sekiro and uninstalled it.
The inflection is on the first syllable and the "r" in ro is rolled and is close to a "d" sound which is how Japanese is pronounced. These people are putting the inflection on the second syllable. This isn't rocket science.
Could you guys shut up?
Some of us want to watch the marathon.
>relay race
What is the point of doing this? Just do a 4-way race if you want all 4 runners involved
>runner chokes in the first two seconds
lemme guess, they will literally never recover from this early fuck up
How did distortion evne get together with her in the first place? Was that when he started facecamming? She looks super psycho
Time to catch up on cuphead
I missed the intro, why isn't Dist playing?
I missed the part where sayvi fucked up. Why is she like 30 seconds behind in the beginning?
does Sayvi have a boyfriend?
To be fair, unlike the other Soulsborne games or whatever nonsense you wanna call them, Sekiro had a mesh viewer developed for it really quick, which let people see all the collision data. Sped up the routing process by a fuck-ton. Also yeah the game ain't too hard. Hopefully Elden Ring isn't so easy to crack open, unless you're into that.
Yes. I'm her bf.
Thank you so much. It's really cringy and frankly incel that Americans don't pronounce Japanese correctly (completely ignores Japan butchering every single loanword)
they switch controllers every five minutes for some stupid reason
Died and left seem to be loading faster. Thinking I might skip this one.
bad RNG
>bro why don't you just waste your time learning how to properly pronounce all of your manchild honorable Nipponese video games like me? It's not like there's better things you could do with your life, you must be dumb.
Yeah me
Reminder Sayvi is pure!
>choking on ogre
>check the twitch chat
>hundreds of messages saying "i love you larxa"
>check her channel
>1k subs
All it takes is a few memes huh?
>Guy readin donations
GDQ would never allow that joke
IIrc she's unironically asexual
>another race
who likes this, stop it
that's just anglophones in general, they can't into anything other than English
does anyone here genuinely hate watching races on ESA/GDQ marathons
can't see shit
Sayvi was choking very hard.
It's the title of the game. It's the bare minimum if you run the game. It's not a big deal. It just makes them look like fools. Obviously they don't care they look like fools, but their apathy doesn't give them a free pass.
>the girl is already 2 minutes behind 5 minutes in
Do you think Dist has suggested a threesome with him and Larxa to Sayvi?
Oh no, not that creature again.
Have a pity (You)
Thanks for explaining, but what the fuck is that horseshit? Races suck shit to begin with and now this.
I think most of them already burned out on running Sekiro, so I imagine there will be many more chokes.
>IIrc she's unironically asexual
She wouldn't be if she met me and I gave her a good dicking
dist and sayvi have totally fucked
Hope speedgaming has something good coming up until GTA:VC
>streamer on ESA2 brought his wife with him to commentate
>Dist chokes
>Does it again
Ehhhh, guess I could go play something for an hour.
>unironically asexual
I think normal human beings can't be asexual, it's against nature
She reproduces by mitosis? There's more than one of her?
sayvis parents are americans and her german is fucking terrible despite living in this country all her life. give her a burger flap.
>watching on my 60 inch tv
can't relate, my dude
real reason for races and shit like this is multiple people submit the same run and to avoid getting anyones feefees hurt the staff asks them if they want to do a race instead. no one really wants to do a race not even the runners
Should've had her cosplay Zelda.
>stream 2
no reason to go over there til after vice city
think i'll pass on this idol
Karma from last years banter.
Very nice of Dist to choke even harder than Sayvi just to make her not look that bad
I want a wife that watches me do autistic shit
>sudden downpour
>not just picking the runner with the fastest time or most charisma
fug dis
Zelda is actually the name of the princess, the playable character is named Link
>relying on ichimonji
>she's unironically asexual
Yeah, I don't think so.
>our team gets ichimonji because i only know the old strats tehehe
i feel bad for distortion for getting stuck with her. at least she'll give him head later as thanks
She's actually pretty cute.
This race was suggested as a race between Dist/Larxa/Ela/Sayvi originally, when they all were hanging out at twitchcon ESA iirc but Ela flaked out and I guess Larxa wasn't feeling confident about it
distortion is garbage tho
"The inflection is on the first syllable". What does this even mean? Inflection = determining the grammatical category of a verb or a noun. First of all, Japanese has moras, not "syllables", secondly, there is no stress in Japanese, if that's what you mean. Accent is based on a tonal intonation pattern of low and high intonation. In other words, each mora is pronounced with equal length and in either a high or low tone. Nothing you said indicates to me that you actually know enough about Japanese phonology to be able to pronounce the word correctly.
The final MOMMY donation was at July 25th, 2019, 3:44:40 AM CST, this was RIGHT before they got to Tifa to name her.
This lad's $200 donation was at July 25th, 2019, 3:55:12 AM CST.
So not only did he try to snipe and wait too long, he was about 10 minutes off the fucking mark.
are you retarded
I really want Sayvi to make Dist look like a fucking chump and totally outplay him.
Donation in question
they are in a team
anyone else know that feel?
The chadness of this guy is OoB
qtt is so cute
There was a twitch rivals competition where both she and dist were in, she walked away with the most prize money and I remember chat being salty about that
Didn't she come second or last in this anyway right at the end?
Yeah, that's what I mean. I hope she does great while he keeps choking and he just has to sit there and watch her embarrass him.
You're retarded if you think I'm going to take your diarrhea seriously. You know what an inflection on a syllable is if you speak English. If you would pronounce it incorrectly then that's your business, but the way I described it should be pronounced is correct. You can waste your time shitposting with someone else.
Is Sayvi a virgin?
>hurrr firecracker and shuriken are the only good proshetics durr
I thought only Yea Forums was this fucking retarded. he's a Yea Forumsedditor isnt he?
>choked in first two seconds
>they'll probably never recover that time
yeah i'm thinking she's not showing anyone up
kinda, i only did it in her ass
I'm afraid not
kill yourself attention whore
Are they switching on deaths?
name a better prosthetic. if you say umbrella i'll know you're a pleb
No I checked.
sure sometimes the runners do that if they already know other runners are submitting. to make sure they at least get to play it or to not look bad in the community. especially if they are online "friends". still all of them would prefer to do a run alone
I bet the grandma story wasn't even real. Probably just some faggot who got triggered over MOMMY being a possibility.
I think something's wrong, Sayvi's forehead isn't as shiny as usual
spotlight isnt directly shining on her
What other prosthetics allow you to beat the game faster than those?
Listen to that giggling from Sayvi, lads. That's the giggling of a woman who was recently CUMMED inside of.
it was never top tier, I just left top tier to do a couple of days in.
tech should get on that, it's throwing me off
Dist choked harder with the Snake.
>Listen to that giggling from Sayvi, lads. That's the giggling of a woman who was recently CUMMED inside of.
what's with the milf on stream 2?
I wonder if Larxa licked the creampie out of her pussy after Dist finished
>all memories
how do they get sword saint AND the other isshin? do they beat the game twice?
I cummed her up, bro. I did it for real.
> I use linguistic terminology wrong so just fuck you faggot lol
>I pronounce it right, just trust me lol
No you don't. You don't know shit about Japanese and the actual correct pronounciation.
based big dog ben
That's the runner's wife.
only way to make up time is try some swag strats
I want to know everything!
runners gf/wife
most probably sits in his chat as a mod lol
why does that ugly ogre need to be there in the audience. get her the fuck out.
>these comments after a female appeared on stream
Have manners.
mist raven
she's kinda hot desu
this would have been so comfy if it wasn't a race and just the two left guys as runner/commentator
waster potential
imagine getting a handjob from that
>we tried last night with three people...
what did she mean by this?
tell us everything, ben.
You're dancing around acting like I'm wrong when you're unable to describe how to correctly pronounce it without that description being identical to mine. Who do you think you're going to fool when you won't do the simplest thing to prove me wrong? You're humiliating yourself.
>theyre showing off steam big picture features in the run
epicbros...... how can we even compete
Damn, how does dist manage that with 5'2"?
Team 2 miraculously catching up, thank god for team 1 chokes
I should be allowed to talk about my wife.
Fuck both of these runs. I'll go watch Bawkba's own multigame marathon. He'll probably do RE Outbreak insanity with viewers again afterwards
stream 2 is peak comfy right now
>Sayvi choked, again.
>sayvi donation on stream 2
>they added a second hook point under that bridge
Kys, nigger. She only dates white guys.
Sayvi resting at EVERY idol rn
Are females just physically and mentally unfit for speedrunning?
shut the fuck up, this is a stream 1 thread. stream 2 wont be relevant until after swat 4
>you will never be a 40 year old boomer running a game to 1500 people while your wife cheers you on
Zelda run is fun
>Links awakening
>tech difficulties
Pretty comf.
Yeah, not watching this. I'll be back for GTA:VC
>all this talk aout Sayvi getting choked
What's happening?
They're just generally bad at everything.
who else /drunk/ here??
most girls who FUCK black guys DATE white guys, that's how it works
built for breeding and little else
>bio brb
LOL have fun lusting over a woman who will never know you exist. I'm watching based Zelda.
Replace speedrunning with basically any other high stress activity that requires a lot of autism and motor skill, and you won't be wrong.
They are too mentally fit to be mentally unfit and therefore not able to speedrun
cuphead race was ok but sekiro don't, sayvi always choke at games in marathons. I'll be back in an hour when it ends
Have fun lusting after another man's wife who will never know you exist.
at GDQ Sayvi won the Dark Souls reverse boss order race.
>left ahead
>left has audio
>left doing 99% of the commentary
why was this a race? right is just a waste of screen real estate at this point
Shit comeback. No points awarded. Seeth harder.
Sayvi likes shorter guys, she says it makes it more believable when she asks them to dress up like shotas for her.
Dist? More like CHOKE ARTIST. Amirite, bros?
Bros it's so fucking hot what do
>putting the two worst runners on the same team
pretty cruel desu
Can't wait until they all choke on memory Owl
chill out dude
The cute girl is in the right.
the russian is 1st and the dane 5th in this category
and both burgers are not even top 10
very lol
stream 2 is where the comfy is at
Turn on the AC
>this guardian ape fight
holy fuck that was fast
18C with rain here
sayvi aint a burger
>thunder and rain forecast
we survived the 29c weather
Where are the $1k anonymous donations?Why is it still under 50k
Pour warm to hot water across your forearms, just for a bit. Also get a fan, manual or automatic
Dist will choke on Owl
parents are american, she went to international school
her german is terrible despite living there all her life
watching zelda.. why is there a super mario chomper attached to link?
>runner just bugging bosses, no real skill shown
hamburg is in germany
in a part of the game you need to rescue gradnma chomp chomp to enter a dungeon.
would unironically sniff her panties
Only boss you can't really cheese is 2nd Owl, the rest is super fucking boring.
The hamburger is German and she is American.
Nobody cares about your stream 2.
I bet her anus is bleached
reminder that being caged while Tifa sits on your face and rubs your pussy all over your mouth and nose will NEVER happen to you
Shout outs to our tech team
>Whining about the temp when it's even hotter in Texas
>watching stream 1
Thank God.
>your pussy
I wish
Someone start the bloody thread before I piss meself
How wet is this milf right now?
cutie alert on stream 2
>these boss "fights"
And people have to nerve to call DS2 a bad game, lol
I'll be making the new thread any minute now. Just hang on for a little bit.
Make me country of soi
>You're getting excited, because you think we're going to fight the boss, don't be.
>start spamming firecracker
well, atleast that guy knows what's up.
considering the race is already over, I think I'll just tag out.
id rather she acted like a lady instead of a whore anyway
It still is.
*makes you*
What now bitch
oops meant continent
Let me spoonfeed you some more, moron. What you so retardedly called "inflection on the first syllable", is actually a high tone, followed by another high tone in the second "syllable" (so your poor brain can follow along) and then a drop in tone in the third "syllable". So it's HHL (high high low). That part right there is what many second language people don't give a fuck about but native speakers pick up on it right away. All the vowels in Sekiro are straightforward unless you're a burger and diphtongise everything. For brainlets; pronounce the "e", "i" and "o" as you would the corresponding Spanish. The "o" is also elongated. Your description of "r" as "rolled" I don't have a problem with but it's a flap technically. English speakers mess it up all the time, and frogs and krauts also tend to mess it up. Spics sometimes make it actually "rolled" and overdo it, Slavs, nordics and Arabic speakers have least problems with it.
Sayvi incapable of love UNTIL being close to dist. Now she'll plan a visit and stay in his basement for a few months. Larxa's freaking out the whole time.
It says (NG) they only fight Sword saint.
Pretty sweaty probably. It's 28°C in Scandinavia right now.
whats does that mean?