what do you think of street fighter v?
What do you think of street fighter v?
I genuinely don't comprehend why people make shitty threads like this on Yea Forums. Very obviously fishing for jack off material when there's like 6 porn boards. There's a street fighter thread up right now on both /aco/ and /h/. You don't want to talk about video games, so why shitpost here?
post more booty
need the webm
your thread is garbage
shut the fuck up
I think any game where the threads about it focus more on porn than on gameplay is inherently shit.
>tfw EVO is gonna be an announcement of an announcement
>tfw actual announcement is new earrings for karen sponsored by jared
It is pretty bad when the game is only shilled by fgg autists and that blue dot guy.
The game is bad, if I wanted a rushdown heavy fighter there are better choices where I can have a more varied offence. Shitters think it is neutral based cause they have never played a neutral based fighter before. When whiff punishing is a skill only 1 pro is jacked off for, and not just a cery common occurrence you have issues. Fireballs still suck ass, you can't establish a good slow paced match with basic fundamentals. Go unga, make them scared of the unga and then go in again. Get a 50/50, maybe eat a vtrigger comeback.
It has less entrants than sf4 at evo, that says a bunch. Super/Ultra won't change its fate unless it is a complete conversion.
more entrants than tekken :^)
Shittier time slot than Tekken
Kolin is a fun character.
its actually a way better timeslot lmao.
nobody in EU will stay up for Tekken when it runs after 2am on a monday when people have to go to work.
By like 50? Tekken never beat SF4 either but has at least shown growth. SFV has only lost entrants to the point where Tekken is even relevant to the discussion. Don't see how this is a positive for SFV.
SF use to run EVO, now 2 years running you are fighting for scraps.
thats some advanced coping mechanism
Says the guy celebrating just getting 2nd after falling down.
Its a great fighting game. Best SF easily.
Also glad to see the absolute shitters on Yea Forums still upset about it as it remains the king of the genre so many years in.
imagine thinking anybody competes with smash.
by the way where is DBFZ lmaoooooo
Yea Forums hates it because this board is filled with terrible shit tier "players" that go 0-10 when challenged and then make posts like these.
But SFV did better in its first year. It would be competing, if it wasn't a bad game that so many dropped. Now you fight games that were never a threat or couldn't last a year for consolation prizes.
>the only fighting games Yea Forums likes also have autocombos
this should be posted everyday as first post
seriously though these threads are garbage
nobody is competing with a nonfighter
Yea Forums thought dbfz would become the leader of fighting games lmao
source of this compilation
could you get past the cheeks?
Weebo fapbait.
>street fighter Yea Forums?
yeah I'm good. otherwise just use your fucking hands its not hard jesus
Been playing it these last few weeks with a real effort to try and understand how to play. Still at ultra bronze but have online friends giving me pointers, being more defensive, not just pressing buttons on wake up, etc... i really like it a lot. Guess im late to the SF party, i kind of hope it isn't over already.
its never too late really, things you pick up now will be useful in future games.
you can also check out giefs gym for some guidance.
eww remove that disgusting piece of shit off of my waifu
Shittier time slot
>being more defensive, not just pressing buttons
>Still at ultra bronze
Well there you go, the game requires very aggressive play. Defensive play is weak here, you very little off defensive play as it is easy to keep up safe pressure. So much being +2/-2 gets brought up a lot, but the low pushback on block doesn't help either. Playing defensive is just saying I want you to make me guess for my entire life. You are better off forcing your turn whenever you can as playing safe carries as much risk but for less reward.
It was fun but now there's nothing new coming out for it because they're releasing VI later this year.
I mean yeah, sort of, but at Ultra Bronze he'll win games by anti-airing people that won't stop jumping at him. Plus learning to play defensive first I would argue is a way better lesson than learning how to be aggressive.
what a garbage post lmao
and remember to report and sage these stupid threads
>they're releasing VI later this year.
>that fucking sexist outfit
They’re turning it into an incel series like DOA aren’t they lmao
This. Incels seething and trying to ignore it but it’s true, these softcore porn bait threads are reddit tier
Street fighter? More like STREETSHITTER LMOA
>more V AE work
but they aren't doing anything for V, so Ono is just lying like most devs do
of course he isn't just gonna randomly post "btw working on VI today, it's going ok"
>every SF to date started off shit but got good after a new edition or two
>SFV not only started shit but got worse instead of better
I'm not saying that defence is a completely irrelevant skill, where its importance lies is just different than a lot of games. I think of it more like an anime game but lacking the extra defensive mechanics many have.
Low rank players can't handle real pressure well. If he wants to learn defence lower ranks won't prepare him for much, you need to be learning frame data and the real mixups characters have. In bronze everyone is just throwing out bullshit and if you play passively it just gives them free turns for no reason. You need to learn to start pushing people for trying anything. You could even argue that defence in this game requires aggressive play. The way you get out of pressure isn't good defence, because unless you go on the offence it never ends. Your means to an end is always offence, while in other games just slow defensive play can take you out of many situations.
>If he wants to learn defence lower ranks won't prepare him for much
all of your posts so far have been garbage but this is peak retardation.
low rank is AMAZING to learn anti airing and punish play which are essential for defense.
please stop talking about fighting games you are actually giving people awful advice.
street fighter 6 fucking when? im getting tired of kekken already.
Bullshit, IT IS a Lot better than Vanilla, gut still mediocre
sf4 got worse after super
You're talking about "you hold back to block." I'm talking about an actual defensive style of play.
>punish play
He should be studying frame data then, punishing doesn't require a more passive defensive play style. A large part of it can even be playing aggressive to bait certain things. You don't figure that shit out online, more likely to get a bad impression about what is punishable and how.
>low rank is AMAZING
Oh really you are going to learn real mixups playing bronze shitters? You know in a game where being carried to the corner and made to guess is super common.
Capcom's method of balancing was a head scratcher. Feels like the game was centered around 5 fighters with the rest being filler every patch. And waifu's. Worst SF
I just want to be Chun-Li
full cyber body replacement when
you arent even reading my posts properly you need to fuck off you fucking bronzie fucktard
/aco/ doesn't have softcore porn.
what can realistically save sfv?
it doesnt need saving desu.
it will remain strong and active until the ps5 comes out and then capcom will bring out SF6.
No. Not even close. S2 and S3 are both worse than S1. S4 is barely above 2 and 3. SF4 only got worse with AE before getting better with AE2012 and again with Ultra. Then SFV deprived it of that last patch that could’ve kneecapped Elena’s U2 and nerfed ERyu.
>imagine that fat ass smacking your face at that speed
>imagine your face buried in there when she starts twerking
God, I love Menat
That would be /e/
It's more thrilling as to what you can get away with on a blue board
I need some sexy mods
>Yea Forumsirgins throw raging shitfits over an OP with a sexy picture instead of discussing video games
As bad as the people you make threads tor age about.
s1 was trash lmao.
ultra was garbage too.
Opinion disregarded
>S2 and S3 are both worse than S1
We playing the same game?
imagine defending s1 mika and trash like red focus and rolento
The girls get a lot of porn. No one talks about the game itself.
I'd rather have a nerfed Yun than a nerfed Evil Ryu. Plus Elena's real problem were her hit and hurt boxes being all weird. The healing ultra was just icing on the cake.
thoughts on kolin?
Disastrous launch, despite many updates to characters and systems the core mechanics have some issues that hold the game back, still has been vastly improved from release over the past 3.5 years. Best set of newcomers in any SF, underrated OST, can still be fun to watch at a top level and play on occasion. I really can't hate a game that introduced one of my favorite characters to play as in the entire genre.
USFIV > ST = 3S > SFVAE > Alpha 3
All of them are good except Alpha 3, Alpha 2 is better. I admit ST might be higher if I wasn't in my early 20s and actually played it at its height.
They designed the game like a moba and the characters are actual functions.
Shitty sequel
Don't forget braindead S1 Ken, Chun, and Birdie.
I cant believe how many retards would die for a game as shitty as 4 of all SF games.
Realistically the game will never blow up now, just has so much bad press. Also save is silly as the game still has a lot of players, though granted it is losing them and the DLC or free weekend bumps have much less of an effect now. So it probably will need something to take it to a SF6 if that is 2/3+ years away
My suggestions
>Increase normal lengths
They just feel bad to use, no one likes using shitty buttons and they haven't really helped in that regards. Longer buttons would allow for space control and punishes at longer ranges. Which allows means going in isn't as necessary.
>Remove priority system
It just seems pointless. Jabs are just okay unlike SF4 which revolved around them too much. Heavies don't always need to win out when they have enough bonuses.
>Crush Counter toned down even more
They've done some, but no one seems to like this system and I don't see why heavies need more of a reward. You get a good combo and damage off them as is. Just being an easy confirm
>Make CC like SC6 or MK11
Redistribute them around the buttons and moves with extra criteria.
>Just defend
More defensive mechanics are good
Make all of them useful for each character, we have a better understanding of how they play and what would be useful now. Also add a new one for each character
Make it safer and take less bar, can be used in vtrigger
>Increase walk speed, decrease dash speed and start up
Make walking your way in seem like a better option
>Invincible reversals back, and more of them
Being locked to ex is silly. Characters should have strong tools you need to respect and play around. They haven't been a problem before, even SF3 had them on certain DPs without meter (though I think Ryu lacked them)
The other thing I want is projectiles to be stronger, I'm not really sure how to achieve that in SFV never mind on top of the changes I suggested.
Just drop the Mega for the Mods
>dude tekken 7 and sf4 are so much better than sf5!
Looks horrendous I'll never understand why people jizz their pants with those pig disgusting models. As for the actual game SF4 is better in pretty much every aspect.
Not anymore
Imagine liking neutered DPs and getting shit on by Rolento.
Yun already got nerfed. ERyu’s damage was too consistent. Why they gave him a low forward fireball that was a true blockstring and could confirm into max damage at all ranges is beyond me.
Elena wasn’t the only one with those fucked hurtboxes so I’m not gonna put all the hate on her but whoever put a healing ultra on a character with that backdash should be shot.
High level cope
You could punish Evil Ryu's fireball on block though.
no you cope for having the objectively worse timeslot with fewer entrants.
SF boys will have a good time at EVO.
I love neutered dps because I'm not some shoto faggot that wants to turn every situation into a guess :^)
The disaster that was the launch and the first season completely destroyed any interest I had in that game. From what I've seen it's better than it used to be but for me it's too little too late.
Cammy makes my heart go doki doki
FUCK, look at that schnoz
It's trash, but my dick thinks highly of R. Mika
That’s not what I said but good luck being close enough to do it with those dancer’s legs he puts out.
Sounds like a personal problem, scrub. Too bad the retard mentality you hold only served to make the game worse and an even more unga bunga 50/50 shitfest.
I couldnt find the h thread
season1 was the biggest unga bunga 50/50 shitfest.
I'm REALLY glad they didnt listen to fucktards like you.
Imagine if she had an accident and liquid shit leaked from her asscheeks and you got to lick it up hahaha
up until 3 it was great with a black sheep or two in the family now it's just becoming crappier with every new game
imagine being so ass blasted about people not liking your shitty game that you go through the effort to make this image
>From what I've seen it's better than it used to be but for me it's too little too late.
For me it is like they have made it into a better version of something I just don't like. But to do that they have stripped the game down a lot, load of universal nerfs and options weakened. Be they unintended but not harmful things or basic mechanics that weren't even too strong. I'm left not seeing the appeal, they've made it a better game cause you are more constrained. If I want some unga I could play anime, or if I wanted a more grounded fight KoF or MK are options. And those games would give me more mechanics to play with.
The point of SFV seems to be that the brand is strong. I don't think many modern fighters would do well if they lacked a brand, most do sell on it over quality. But SFV especially.
So where's the lobby
I think you mean S3. Sure loved Abigail everywhere. They would have been better off doubling down on S1’s high damage unga bunga that actually had DPs instead of trying to backpedal into preserving what pathetic neutral this game has. SFV will never not be unga bunga so you might as well go full retard and make it fun to watch.
no I mean s1.
abigail was NEVER as retarded as midscreen wallclap mika.
you're clueless and a retard.
kof isnt an option because its DEAD.
MK is absolutely infinitely shittier than any SF. fucking hell talk about a brand selling.
>shoto faggot
You know the whole invincible nerf wasn't just shotos right? If anything the game could have done with more as it would have weakened pressure, so less guessing.
>that wants to turn every situation into a guess
But it is anyway. The threat of a meterless invincible DP means you had to consider your approach. It is easier to get in and make someone guess without.
You’re right. Midscreen 70% damage into unblockable corner setup was totally not as retarded. Fuck off, actual retard.
Because everyone here is a porn addicted teen who can't stop touching their peepee.Am going to reddit,at least am not getting visually assaulted by porn and pepes/wojacks every single second
yeah it wasnt just shotos, it was shotos+2 characters lmao
it literally wasnt as retarded and abigail had a way harder time setting any of that up than mika who could just fucking get in for free with her trigger and then OS clap into looping 50/50s.
you goddamn fraud.
My ass Abigail had a harder time doing it. That shit happened all the time and on a long range CC button. Mika wallclaps were some shit but they aren’t the worst thing to happen to this shit game, cunt.
fucktards defending s1 just shows me that this board never progressed past silver rank
he had a WAY harder time doing it off a CC button that is easily whiffpunishable.
you are 100% clueless. stop posting.
Oh no he got whiff punished (maybe) for 100 damage when the payout for landing it was 70%
>whiff punishing in SFV
You first. You have no clue what the fuck you’re talking about. Go back to /fgg/, dickhead.
there's nothing in /h/ liar
It is a weird one. On the one hand I like that you can establish a safe play style and work around that, then depending on how you feel go more unga or safe. But it is also nice that people can't just fall back on basic stuff and really have to feel out an opponent. Though ultimately for SFV's way to work you really need a better range of options and ways to style on people. If you can't just fall back on stuff then give people a large range of really different ways to go at it. Really let you build the gameplan around what you want.
The problem at the core is woshige's whole philosophy of every button having a set intended use. Rather than giving a character a tool kit of properties that should help them out but not overly specific.
imagine not being able to whiffpunish a fucking 49frame move.
Yea Forums is THIS shit at fighting games
daigo isnt entirely right or honest with what he says.
you couldnt establish a fully safe playstyle in SF4 at top level.
you only could against mid level players that werent aware of all the OS that came into play.
so yeah in that way you could elevate yourself over some shitters, but its just based on things they simply arent even aware of. its not based on strong decisionmaking or plays.
SFV shaves that away and daigo does compare it to SF2 in that regard.
Hm, lemme just attempt to whiff punish this big ass normal with my stubby buttons while not getting CC’d before it retracts to the other side of the screen. Fucking retard. If it’s so easy why didn’t pros do it all the time? Why can’t they whiff punish Birdie’s equally retarded fierce all the time? Or Dhalsim’s limbs all the time? Absolutely clueless moron. Fuck off back to your cuckshed general, mong.
I wish they never rushed production for EVO and just added all the basic shit we have now. I'm hoping for a new update to buff Juri but it'll most likely go f2p and get abandoned for SF6.
pros did punish abigails buttons all the time.
any zeku player can easily slide in as an example.
birdies are great at punishing it too. even ryu can ex hadoken it on reaction.
abigail didnt win a single event and you're shit at fighting games. the Yea Forums standard.
>She'll use her intellect, her beauty... whatever it takes to serve the society.
what did capcom mean by this?
hey where's that schizo that claimed that SF would fall way below tekken in EVO entrants because they didnt give out shirts this year lmaooooo
>these few characters could do it because they had arms and legs
>b-but Ryu could blow bar
>didn’t answer the rest of it
Better than (You). Fuck off.
I didnt respond because you claim that birdies hp is on the same level as abigails VT1 CC which is retarded lmao.
People whiffpunish Dhalsims limb casually all day btw. Sweeps are the go to. We just had some euros expose Gllty on stream two days ago doing that all day.
So yeah, you're shit and a retard. LITERALLY cannot whiffpunish a 50frame move holy shit.
>Birdie’s VT2 fierce isn’t just as retarded as Abigail’s VT1 fierce
>People whiffpunish Dhalsims limb casually all day
Yeah, we’re done here. Enjoy being a brainlet. Better than you.
>you couldnt establish a fully safe playstyle
I don't think he meant fully safe as in you can't do anything about this. But just safe in the normal way, low risk not absolutely no risk. Which is true, you had more defensive options including many OS. You could play an effective low risk game easier and it would generally be more rewarding than SFV. While in SFV low risk isn't going to be winning you most matches, unless you play Menat like Justin. For the most part you need to choose when to take moderate and big risks to stay on top.
thanks for conceding.
you're a real fucking waste of time.
Never conceded. Still better than you.
sure bronzie
Should I buy SFV or Tekken 7 on PS4? Which has the bigger player base? Tekken is on sale for pretty cheap right now. Mainly just looking for a fighting game to play online pretty casually. I don't care about overall depth that much I just want to get in and get fighting at a competent level as quick as possible without having to waste too much time.
what people talking about defensive OS forget to mention is that tons of offensive OS existed in the game that unhinged the defensive ones.
but thats the thing. if you're not aware of them you will not be able to open up players who do.
thats why top level play still devolved into setplay hell.
Diamond Birdie before I uninstalled last January. Better than your projecting ass.
only diamond lmao
Better than only silver like you lel
Urien has the best ass
the original design for Juri would have been so cool.
Great waifus but gay gameplay
If you only want to choose between those two games, then Tekken 7 is probably the better way to go. Much better community and more resources online to check out once you hit a wall and want some help getting better. There's not much positivity surrounding SFV anymore, so I can't imagine it will be very fun getting into.
*January 2018
They both have kinda crappy online.
>what people talking about defensive OS forget to mention is that tons of offensive OS existed
That doesn't disprove the point though, SF4 was a very defensive game. Having an offensive side doesn't disprove that as players could slow down matches and play safely. Both ways worked at high level, a better player can take control of the match and push it the direction they want. SFV you will need to go offensive at some point, even Justin's Menat who I mentioned earlier did so when she got vtrigger. You're basically saying only offensive styles were strong in SF4 at high level, so if you want to fight that Sleep Fighter 4 was actually an offensive game then have fun I suppose.
tbf it was for a while, people love tag fighters & dbz and since mahvel flopped it's the go to if you don't want discord matches
She's Illuminati.
>SF4 was a very defensive game.
it really wasnt though. it was a game in which characters like yun, viper and seth around permanently since AE.
Super was probably the last time the game was actually turtly.
and its funny when you call out lame menat players going in when they have a resource when exactly the same thing happened with Rose when she got her U2 ready. literally the same situation.
and you REALLY shouldnt use streammonster opinions as fact jesus christ.
is that why she wants to fuck Urien
>You're basically saying only offensive styles were strong in SF4 at high level
Not him, but after vanilla and Super: yes. Wasn't quite as bad in Ultra, but the top tier in AE/AE2012 was characters who could get in and stay in easily.
you need to go back
This, pls sauce
this one was for
Uhh I guess?
I think her true allegiance is with Illuminati in general, and has nothing to do with personal feelings for anyone
Sfv has crossplay so buy steam key for 7 €.
>it was a game in which characters like yun, viper and seth
This just seems to be you not understanding different pay styles can exist inside a game. It is like pointing at ST Rog or Gief and going see zoning is shit you can just get in and hit buttons.
wouldnt recommend SFV vanilla at this point. AE minimum desu.
its often on sale and maybe keysellers have better deals for that.
only that there were no o.sagat equivalents in SF4. zoning heavy characters like dhalsim and gouken were trash tier. the only good guile player at the end was nuckledu who actually played him in a super aggressive way. bonchan was the only sagat and he got exposed by the most basic anti zoning mechanic.
mongos like evil ryu replaced all regular ryus because they could just ham their way in with their low crushing hopkicks and divekicks.
this go jack off you dumb cunts
she's the best thing to come out of sfv tbqh
>only that there were no o.sagat equivalents
Okay you missed the point so hard it is hard to believe. I wasn't making an argument about zoning in SF4, it was an example of how your current logic is flawed. You only seem able to accept a game having 1 style of play, the example was how that isn't true. Kinda seems like you just don't want to get that. Have fun telling everyone SF4 was all about offence, maybe next time Daigo streams you can correct him and say safe play was impossible in later versions.
If you buy any version of SFV it'll be AE. You just won't have all the characters unlocked.
this board is ruined
I would correct daigo all day if I knew japanese lmao.
japanese are wrong about plenty of things.
yeah I know that. and SFV vanilla is pathetic content wise compared to AE.
It goes like this, except it's people trying to have a discussion
You whiny fagbitches know you can discuss both the in-depth master strategies of a game AND the sexy women in it in the same thread, right?
the next character will be oni
I want Adon tho
No not really, because pornsick little faggots like yourself just spam the thread into oblivion posting with your dicks and giving such informative posts like "I want to tongue fuck her butthole", completely destroying the comfy atmosphere and quality discussion cultivated by anons who aren't cumbrained wasters like yourself who don't actually care about anything beyond the size of X "waifus" ass or thighs or tits. Fuck off.
There are more posts bitching about fanart posts than fanart posts themselves in this thread (and more discussion posts than either but I doubt you really care).
>Shitters think it is neutral based cause they have never played a neutral based fighter before.
How many times have you beaten Daigo, the main proponent of this.
>completely destroying the comfy atmosphere and quality discussion
Sounds like you have a really short attention span. Have you considered trying to ignore any posts that aren't relevant to the discussion you're having? You'd be amazed what you can accomplish when you actually try to use your brain to do more than one thing at a time.
I'm cool with either, but I secretly want Sodom.
So you're incapable of not throwing a shitfart spasm when you see a picture?
looks like @AdnarimYdeth on twitter
What are the odds they release ULTRA Street Fighter V on the Switch?
thank you, user
seems like the exclusivity deal is still binding, even though sony are assholes and bailed on the support.
I think why didn't you post the webm with the oil and bounce physics mod?
Make sure to sage if you reply then hide
Reporting doesn't do anything on Yea Forums. Just don't bump the thread and let this shit sink.
/e/ is so slow they have threads from several years ago still up
I prefer ecchi over hentai or super hardcore stuff when it comes to vidya girl fanart, but it’s hard to find
You’re right, I’m not denying that, but I just wish /e/ was faster and more active
That shit was funny as hell when so many people took that seriously. How can you not grasp the dripping sarcasm when he put those two characters on screen.
I hope your realize most of this thread has been normal fighting game discussion. I doubt you care though and after last year's retarded no fap phenomenon I'm convinced this place is actually full of puritans that get triggered by sexualized images being posted on an image board.
>This triggers the cumbrains
People are retarded
Among other things: make DPs invuln again, but get rid of easy mode mashed dp. Problem solved.
>xiv threads deleted
>at least 3 of these types of threads are up at all times
mods are fucking niggers
Those get deleted because they've been recurring on Yea Forums for like 5 months. How are you people do willfully ignorant?
>report video game content that I don't like, it makes me very very angry!
Hey. Fuerte is fun as hell to watch.
why is her ass so big?
Yeah we need more faggot pieces of shit like you whining over how terrible the Witcher and Bloddstained are. Goddamned pariah.
Pretty fun. Like playing chun-li even if I only can get one combo with her and get my ass kicked all the time on online.
stick to vg nigger
Blow me, fagboy. Worthless goatfucker.
I just got SFV. I like it fine. I've never played another Street Fighter game. But it's painfully obvious both from the sales and the general tone of the community that it's a downgrade from SFIV.
why is kolin so hot...
So it can accommodate Poison's giant dick.
based and redpilled
you wish, tranny
I get my ass kicked by people playing her all the time, 10/10
you'd be stupid to listen to the unwashed masses.
Dont need to in the missionary position
You people always lash out in the most insane ways when called out. Yea Forums has tons of problems but that doesn't mean one mmo should get to have a general here when other games don't.
Whining over this thread existing is bitch tier faggotry.
Those smug vs pepeday matches were so fun to watch.
Smug is always a good time. I forget what tourney it was but he had to face Kazunoko and Momochi and he managed to body Kazu and squeeze out a close match with Momochi. Super good sets.
I hope your realize the irony of coming into a fighting game thread to whine about this or Witcher or Bloodstained threads existing because yours got deleted.
Haven't posted any threads, queer.
how do you even satisfy a woman that's built like this?
By not being a dicklet
not even a horse can satisfy her
God I wish I were Kolin
Kolin's gf
Wasted potential. The story in SFV is garbage. How the hell did they fuck up the Charlie Nash/Guile encounter THAT BADLY? Don’t even get me started on the Necalli issue
This is a softcore 2D thread, not a fighting game thread.
imagine all of them taking turns sitting on your face spreading their sweaty asses so you have to smell their big sweaty assholes and some of them accidentally fart when you press your nose into it
Fuck the story man. I agree with you. They built up necalli as this god and he jobs every single time. Nash didn’t do shit to bison, and Ryu finishes him with a punch.
like all of the street fighter games, it's bad
it's the best looking 3d street fighter game tho, and one of the best looking fighting games on the market rn
KOF will always be king tho
Menat and Laura and Chun Li and R. Mika have the best asses in the game.
oh good, there goes my arousal.
My nigga!! That series is filled with personality and passion.
Nigger detected
Really didnt like her at first and thought she was pretty generic but playing her and her alt costumes made me appreciate her more
Literally nothing in fighting game history can top the american sports team, the designers had so much god damn fun creating these 3 characters.
>posts best boy
How can one man have such refined and utterly godly taste?
Fucking agreed bro. The team just had an absolute blast creating these characters, as well as giving characters actual personality beyond fighting. SF seriously can learn from KOF, especially with how to care for said characters. SF Characters can be so beyond stupid, that it kills any tension of anything they do.
Fighting games are full of niggers.
Clunky, slow, bland on presentation, but has great mechanics, damage balance and cool newcomers.
KOF I’ll always respect for making not only the story matter, but keeping the gameplay solid as fuck. The girls there actually do shit while the bros always have something about them that you can either relate to, or have such fun movesets that you want to master them. The main issue with street fighter in my opinion is that the story never progresses at all. Nobody is going to die, there’s no real stakes on the line, and most of the characters don’t have any sort of personality to stand out.
There was a guy in the neighbourhood I grew up who only used the US team, his Ex Bryan still gives me nightmare.
this is now a KOF thread
post best boys and girls from KOF
>his animations
>his voice lines
>his swagger
is there any reason Heavy D! is not the ideal man and the greatest boxer character in fighting game history
I play the sports team nowadays, occasionally swapping Bryan out for Shingo, but always D! on anchor. They're just so unbelievably creative and fun characters
I still can’t believe how much they fucked over everyone in that story. Only rashid came out good in the story.
I’ve got to agree with you on this one. Why the hell cant we have characters like this anymore?
>*picks Rugal*
Pic related made me want to get into it. Specially with how based Capcom has become lately. Should I get V at this point or wait for VI?
>that retraction of his fingers when he’s boxing
Now THATS attention to detail! Jesus games need to go back to this shit.
>you posted best boy
>pic related is best girl
Now's a good time to jump into SFV. Whatever announcement they make at Evo next Sunday is gonna bring a lot of people into the game
>that time Rugsl bodied the fuck out of Akuma in CvS2
Heavy D! is a fucking marvel of sprite animation, he's just such intelligent design + super attentive and principled animation.
Like, all of his punches have a twisting/corkscrew motion, which is a super common and arguably necessary boxing technique that's often missed in boxing media. He tends to open his fists and relieve tension in his fingers after a particularly hard blow. His white gloves contrast with his dark skin to make his fists visible on any background. there's so much follow through in his jacket. the concentration of colors on his upper body draws the eyes there, since his attacks are all from above the beltline.
He's just probably one of the most expertly crafted characters in fighting game history and deserves far more credit than he gets, and I think the same can be said for a lot of KoF characters especially pre-XII
I really want the american sports team to make a return in KOF15 cause theyre my favorite team in the series history
I hope that KoF XV brings back not only the US team, but the soul of the franchise.
>Stage intros
>Background teammates
>Less heavy on max combos
If there's one thing that bothered on KoF XIV was how anything hitconfirms into a 50% max combo, this shit is gets lame pretty fast.
Since everyone's talking about it now what's a good KoF to pick up for a first timer? Or what's the most active one online these days?
It looks ugly.
tbf hard-hitting combos were always a thing in KOF, especially 98 where a round could be solved super quickly
but the difference there was that KoF98 combos were really high damage and short lasting, and usually only last round when both players had plenty of meter.
The best KOF experience is definitely when both players are constantly going back and forth, with aggressive mixups and a volatile neutral game, getting in a lot of hits and short combos. 98 definitely finds the greatest balance
>tbf hard-hitting combos were always a thing in KOF
Thats not really my point, its just that seeing every single hit connect into the same 50% damage is pretty lame.
At least in old games like 98 itself we could see a lot of mixups and neutrals going on, and not so focused into finding an open for a weak normal to take half of the opponents health with a lame max combo.
I just want SNK to realize that the appeal of KOF is that it's a super non-combo, neutral/mixup focused game
most KOF98 matches go by without so many combos until 2nd/3rd position characters come out, but it's so exciting because the game is so fast paced and intense in its neutral play. SNK needs to make a KoF game that embraces this nature, focuses less on the combos, and way more on making the neutral feel energetic and rewarding to win.
>ywn be Cody and impregnate all the women in SFV
I could even use 2002 as example, even tho it had a system that rewarded execution and combo oriented characters, it didn't completely overwrite the neutral/mixup game, brawlers were still relevant.
what do woman's asshole smell like bros?
KoF 98 on Fightcade, I don't recomend you to jump straight into online matches tho, unless you do this with a newbie friend.
I'm really glad Ono shot down SF6 being revealed at EVO. I want them to work as long as they possible can on SF6 so that it doesn't end have a shitty release like SFV.
glad KoF is dead when the best they have is faggot posers that dont play their games shitting on other games with real communities. desu.
SF6 is probably still at least 2-3 years off.
Grab SFV when its on sale. Its on sale very often. EVO next week guarantees a sale.
buy AE at least, the base game is lacking in content compared to what we got now.
>I hope your realize most of this thread has been normal fighting game discussion
likely due to the existence of the post you responded to, who said nothing wrong
>KoF is dead
>Smash is the face of FGC
If anything this only screams that people don't really enjoy actual fighting games anymore.
there are too many faggots that talk about loving their fighters but they dont actually play them.
KoF is a prime example of that.
its like they expect scenes to happen on their own and that watching streams is enough to be a contributing part of the FGC.
Go be gay somewhere else
>easy mode mashed DP
You mean that you can do any of these to get DP is "mashed"?
Why do you think increasing input skill barrier will solve anything? Also with invincible DPs half of the roster which doesnt have DP move are totally screwed. Even now when you play its extremly annoying that any shoto character can interrupt your pressure anytime they want, often it doesnt even cost them EX meter...
Story in fighting games is like story in porn. Its expected to be there, but it isnt the main aspect.
Nash "died" tho...
Yeah bro wait next 4 years or so
This. This is the reason why threads never take off without a twitter screenshot, ragebait or porn. Unless you make people horny or angry your thread gets eclipsed by consolewars, porn, pepe/wojak, and janitor taunting threads.
How many threads of random SF females doing menat's animations do we need? How brand-fucking-new do you have to be that you wouldn't have that saved already if you wanted to see it that often?
But scenes exist tho, its just that KoF was never really big since its not a noob friendly game, plus the fact that SNK went broke and is just now getting on its feet again.
>its just that KoF was never really big since its not a noob friendly game
kof is not particularly harder than other fighting games that have actual players.
Btw what do you anons think about this "newest" zoomer game called brawlhalla? Its basicaly smash, but you dont need to buy anything to play it.
Its getting pretty big scene with its own tournaments and stuff. Is it the same case as with smash aka
>not a fighting game
I'm not talking about skill ceiling, I'm talking about pick and play aspect, Tekken is hard to git gud but also very noob friendly.
good visual shit gameplay
what do you think retard
also ugly as shit game jesus christ westeners should be banned from making games.
Capcom makes some good Russian girls.
what is your honest opinion on kolin's ass?
Took a lot of blue/red cock.
That ass is too big.
Ireland please...
season 1 was good everything after that was pretty shitty
imagine beeing a girl and teasing nerdy virgins with your thicc butt and make them spill their dirty semen, that would be funny.. haha
is kolin based?
>really enjoy her gameplay, frim the long pokey normals to the charge
>exists as nothing more but an accessory to Ed, has the personality of cardboard, will never come back after SFV
What a shame, I really enjoy playing her personally but capcom couldn't have made her more of "one and done" character if they tried.
cringe, take your mental illness elsewhere
First of all, the people who tell you smash isn't a fighting game are fucking retards.
Secondly, Brawlhalla is ugly as sin, floaty, fucking freemium, and the gameplay relies on items.
If you're willing to play something that looks that bad at least do Rivals of Aether or Slap City.
she will probably be back because they obviously want to continue eds story at some point.
Yeah, I enjoyed her gameplay a lot too, and her looks are also cool in my books. The funny thing is that she and Ed are my fave newcomers, I just wish he didn't had that stupid emo fringe.
fuckiing based
I dont need to imagine it!
You actually played it? I only noticed zoomers on my steam friend list plays it a lot. And yeah, the graphics deteremd me from trying it yet.
But the game has to be doing something right considering how many people play it and the size of actual offline tournaments...
will she be back in sf6?
I need more Hourglass modded SF girls, show them to me.
Best first post in some time
less fun than samurai showdown
less fun than smash
God I love how buff Mika is
Probably, since Illuminati now are the vilains
I'm pretty convinced that she and G are coming back.
Seething cum-brains trying to cope
G is coming back for sure, they hit gold with him
Which is funny right!? He was the newcomer with the lowest expectations.
What is sf3 kolins hair style called?
Ed might, I doubt she will though.
Even as a leotard lover I hate her default costume. Her cat suit is fantastic though, I wish she was separate from Ed and this was her default design persinally.
The "justfuckmyshitup" style.
God she is hot. And I agree with you, thats also my fave costume.
Her body is 10/10, shame they forget to write a personality for her. Though I guess no personality is better then an annoying personality. Case on point: Laura.
>First of all, the people who tell you smash isn't a fighting game are fucking retards.
poor thing, so desperate for attention
I like Falke and Ed because they were Capcom trying new things with the inputs, and i like Falke more because of her pokes, it's a shame that her chances are so low
I feel the same way. Falke feels like she does the whole "no directional inputs for specials" concept a lot better, Ed feels quite rough.
Zeku and Menat are very likely too
>Falke's supple green lips will be gone forever after SFV
Its not fair.
Since you don't seem to know: it's a relatively new thing being able to reversal a dp. What I mean by this is it used to require the inputs in a strict enough manner that you couldn't just mash the buffer. This was a problem in sf4 and probably contributed to their decision in 5 to remove the iframes.
how do i get a gf like kolin
Be Paint half of your body blue, the other half red, and wear a luscious blonde wig.
Zeku I'm not so sure. Young Zeku is basically just Guy, who is much more popular. I would love to see a refined version of just Old Zeku's moveset but I doubt that will ever happen.
why does kolin walk like this?
People play it because it's free and it gets what nominally count as "content updates".
I tried it for a few hours awhile back. It was floaty as fuck and freemium.
keep telling yourself subgenres don't exist, retard
>You will never have your dick suplex'd by Shermie
Why even bother living?
>couldnt just mash the buffer
If you tried to clarify you failed :-(
DPs needs to be unsafe. If they were plus on block, they could rename street fighter to DP fighter. DP beats literally everything but block (or parry if you are god tier and call it beforehand).
I bet you dont actually play sfv, do you? What rank are you?
Yeah, THIS is why. Not the rampant shit posting or console war faggotry (which in itself is shitposting). It has nothing to do with how the current userbase of this site is constantly trying to out ironically unironically meme each other. Nor does it have to do with the constant race baiting. You know just a well as me that this is no place for discussion.
Fightans needs more booty wrestlers like Mika and Shermie. Fuck Gief and King.
>Fuck King
With pleasure.
Yeah sorry. In the old games you couldn't dp during a block string, for instance. This is what I mean. In sfiv this problem was exacerbated by fadc to make mashed dp safe, confirm into ultra, etc. DP in every game is unsafe, except 4. But that is because of fadc, a universal mechanic that cost meter. In 5 there is nothing like this, so why remove it? It makes no sense except to further the mindset for esports capcom seems to have had since ssfivae
Hell yes my african american brother, Female Grapplers are where it is at.
God I wish I were that dog.
You just know.
That she lets the dog fuck her? yeah it's basically canon.
Why you gotta be like that?
What's your favorite thing about Kolin?
Her hair.
the fact that she's so shit tier she makes Makoto and Elena look 100x better in comparison
To be fair, Makoto is a 100x better then any girl.
Eating pussy
Or this, alternatively.
Get ultra street fighter 4 instead.
Shit, duh.
yikes and oof
have sex
Those porn boards are slow as fuck and most threads belong in /d/.
>how to kill a boner in 5 seconds
Find her a nice bull
my weakness, fit girls in leotards
You're incapable of doing it?
>Competing with BBC
not possible
Mmmmmmmmm so salty.....
Congrats on outing the newfags.
I hate it and I wish I had never spent any money on it
There is plenty of actual discussion in these threads
What image would you propose he post?
A picture of the cover?
>Reporting doesn't do anything on Yea Forums
it does, you idiot