This is a warrior dressed for battle

This is a warrior dressed for battle.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I will now buy your game sir

Yes, and?

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If fite girl my peeepee would be big and strong, peepee have so much blood taht no else have than get killd :( At least see ass and bobs b3 die.

>maximum mobility.
>shield gives better defense than an armor.
>using a helmet because that really matters.
>a beautiful Ass to rise the morale of allies.
i dont see a problem.
also a true warrior knows that armor means nothing if its not your destiny to die in your next battle.

I like realistic armor, even on hot hot ladies

Attached: 354547.png (1124x1337, 1.02M)

>realistic armor
>on a slim woman that have no muscles to wear it

>Not knowing anything about historical war but still talk like you do

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post more of this semen demon

is this the best you can do? Pathetic

I want to make a baby with this.

Looks great.

I don't need to do better, you are already defeated

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You're imagining things you dumb faggot

Stupid niggers don't even realise when they are beaten

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>trash opinion gets destroyed so hard he only can post nazi frog in response
the absolute state of shitnigger

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Toriyama is genius

This is a golden, seven-headed dragon.

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I don't even know what to say, i mean, ur acting like ur in the right, theres no reson for me to respawn as you will just do this even tho ur a dumbass and a cucklord
it's just cringy, please die nigger

Attached: 34578889.jpg (500x480, 19K)

w-what game?

>I don't even know what to say
You don't huh
Get destroyed bitch and never come here again

one of the early Dragon Quest games


I have no idea what you fags are arguing about. But posting the ronald mcfucking kill yourself image marks you as the loser.

Dragon Quest III

Well, niggers gonna nig, keep nigging nigger, you will fucking die of stupidity soon so i don't care

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What a loser.

Whats wrong with ronald?

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>uhh die!
Lurk more you dumb underage faggot and never talk to me again

Isn't that the game where one of the classes just wears a bunny girl outfit?

The Goof-Off.

Attached: Dq3-goofoff.jpg (213x209, 15K)

she's not dressed just for battle

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This is a legendary hero

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A battle with muh dick

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>ywn go on a harem adventure with hot women

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Wheres she from

Is this really the party in this game? Which DQ?


These are all female party members from DQ3. Thief was added in the remakes.

Pick up to three party members and start adventuring.

>played DQ3 when I was a kid
>chose male fighter because picking female character is gay

fucking why even live

If you're also a hot woman it could happen

Attached: Sofia slime.jpg (800x800, 499K)

Erdrick is cute.

Attached: Underwerdrick.jpg (450x600, 52K)

Wow okay guess I'm playing this then. Thanks anons.

very, very cute pantsu

>no female Hero alts in Smash
I am so fucking mad

imagine a hentai game with this graphics

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god imagine having to do physically intensive stuff in that getup haha
i hope i don’t forget not to bend over at the waist haha

no femDrick is so fucking dumb

Remember to play the fan translated SNES version. It's great.

Imagine not having a fashionable and functional leotard for adventuring.

Attached: Sophia fluff.png (611x1000, 450K)

Male Erdrick is iconic to the series and they wanted to represent as many protags as possible. No idea why they didn't go with Sofia for IV and make her alt color 9 since that one could also be female.

Secondary reminder that if you play SNES look up who not to talk to in order to not have your save deleted. Happened to me.

Attached: dqiii.jpg (642x358, 60K)

As opposed to want? Bend over at chest level, snapping yourself in half like a twig? The fuck?

Could bend at the knees?

Attached: Sophia card.png (248x346, 145K)

>those doujins where all the females get violently raped

9 is in.

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That's not bending over.

looks like 5 heads to me

>Save deletion
Wow, but if you are playing on an emulator, just make sure to keep a save state every so often. Using the in game save is already much slower, so why bother?

For legitimacy's sake. It's arbitrary but it was what I wanted to do.

which one has the biggest cock?

Love the big hair on this lady

Goof-off. They would always be masturbating too. Next biggest is Cleric, who is always trying to purify people with it. Smallest is Hero, who is constantly bullied by her companions. She's been forced into sex with all of them and has been pregnant five times.

Warrior > Priest > Merchant > Jester > Thief > Fighter > Mage

Since Sage is a prestige class, she can vary based on her former class

women as "warriors" is a ridiculous concept anyway. The top women can not deal with the sligtly above average man. So they should just be in games as eye candy
Who gives a fuck anyway

>muh realism
never a women would be able to support that much weight
>muh realism gone

That’s a hairy shoulder

That's a good aesthetic for a video game. I've played plenty of games with "realistic" looking armor and you still die from stabs and slashes. It really doesn't matter what still it is, people still get fucked anyway. People who don't like bikini armor are just lame and stupid.

I miss the era when a heroine's costume was a leotard

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She is too big, need someone more compact.

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She looks like a whore.

Shame that only her original sprite art has her in this. All official art, from her character design to anything modern has her in that tacky yellow pant suit. If they ever did a proper remake of 6, Celes would look disgusting.


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did shields that big actually existed?

>Big scarf cape and a waist cape

Obviously, how are you supposed to take her seriously if she's one wedgie away from a highly visible cameltoe?

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They could give her a new outfit that would be better. Still green, with yellow accents, more in line with what Leo wears. But I would see them just giving her what Amano had her in and calling it a day. Modern SE has no design sense.

I don't agree

Attached: DQ9 Warrior.jpg (500x1106, 125K)

Her game is so good.

yes, but they were usually semi stationary defensive equipment for archers/crossbowmen/handgunners
I saw one in the New York museum of art that was about 6 feet tall and 4 feet wide, weighed about 100 lbs and had about 20 bullet holes in it
pretty metal

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DQ9 was still when they had some sense, also you are talking about Akira Toriyama. Manga artists like him will never change their perverted ways. Compare this to FFXV. Nomura's design philosophy went to shit when he stopped trying to troll the production crew with modeling hundreds of belts and tried to take himself seriously as a clothing designer. Shame that even DQ went down the drain with designs. DQXI feels so safe.

>he can't get past the panda

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This is a sage

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>he feels the need to gatekeep porn

*GUSTO intensifies*

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Is there a follow-up to this?


Now we're getting somewhere.

Haha 9/11

I love Sagebutt so much

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Why yes I did choose to take a warrior into battle with me. How did you know?

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So does there actually exist a Dragon Quest game that is this sexy or is it just fanart?

What kind of stats does the pumpkin armor have?

DQ3 is pretty sexy if you give all your party members the "Sexy" personality

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These are robots dressed for battle

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Dragon Quest games have always been pretty, how should I say, VA VA VOOM! If you know what I mean. Pretty based series all in all.

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>going into battle
>doesn't even need your strongest potions
Why even live potion bros?

>nazi frog

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>VA VA VOOM! If you know what I mean

Sorry, an illustration might be in order skip to 1:10.

Surprisingly decent, and fairly round but a few holes. Still worth having.

I feel like I'm watching an uncut anime that was dubbed by 4kids.

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