Games where the good guy wins?

Games where the good guy wins?

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What is it with blacked countries voting for blonde clowns lately?

Real life.

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can't trust a man named boris, sorry

What is it with conservative leaders having terrible hair?

we didn't get a choice, this was an internal vote by the conservatives for new party leader

then again the fucking tories never should have won in the first place, and everything about brexit is the proof of that
fucking actual baby boomers "ooh thatcher got me a cheap house in the 70's, so I always vote tory"
can't wait till the older generation die off completely

They didn't, party insiders did.

Not yet.


fuck off /pol/

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discount drumpf

Third times the slime.

Make Britain Great Again!


literal who

Labour is for trannies


He looks like the idiot that you see in bad comedy shows. Who approved that haircut?

the fuck is a tory?

high test


I can't cope, my country is being run into the ground by a bunch of self-serving upper class morons who have no idea what they are doing

Those fucking teeth jesus christ

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Wrong board, tranny

I remember the type of person who got Es at A-Level. I don't want that type of retard as PM.

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>falling for the a-level meme

Your country will die with them.

>being poor means you're a tranny
based retard


Kind of sad for middle class/poor Brits. They will lose everything in the upcoming economic crisis.

Are there people that actually defend the tories?

Yeah, the younger generations are just great, aren't they? Everything is going to be fine once the old people die.

what have a bunch of faggots and weirdos got to do with the Tories constantly abusing their position for profit, and not actually delivering on any of their promises?

>good guy
>is openly owned by the jews

Stay cucked, faggot OP.

>falling for the trade school meme

>upper class

Let me guess youre a commie who thinks classes shouldn't exist.

>muh A-Levels
Most pointless qualifications ever. Don’t even need them to get into uni.


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What's Brexit mean?

I wouldn't necessarily defend tories, but labour are utterly abhorrent and the rest of the parties are irrelevant, so it is what it is