So is this game actually any good? I see it has a cult following, but are these people just a select breed of retard playing a mobile tier F2P?
So is this game actually any good? I see it has a cult following...
it's grinding just for grinding
there is no end game, just more grind
hurr its not like a thread asking the exact same question just got over 200 replies answering this
fucking underage retard. the game is free. too hard to just try that yourself, HUH? HUH? DID YOU HEAR ME COCKSUCKER??
There were 3 threads about Warframe today. Yes it's good. It's F2P, you don't lose anything by giving it a try anyway.
it has excellent gameplay, sound and art design. the only weak point is, it has no endgame. so people who had maxed out frames/weapons 3 years ago still have the best shit now. but the thing is, there is no need to max out anything in this game since there is no "end game dungeon" to use it in. also, you can literally buy the best gear for $5 since you can buy currency which further reduces the time you would spend in this game.
the strongest point of this game is, that it has a shit load of things to grind for, for a new player. but once you're done with this you are literally done with this game (no matter how many years you give them for updates). which, on average, takes a new player ~1k hours.
>This Is Who You Are intensifies
Grind is the most retarded argument against a game ever, I will never understand it. Yes, some games make you play for hours to unlock things. Yes, no games have no endgame. But if you had 500 hours of fun whilst doing the grind, what is the fucking problem? That's 50 movies worth of fun, and well worth the money you spent on it - probably during a sale, you jew. Grind is not a valid argument against a game if it's fun.
Everything in life is grinding.
*some games have no endgame
It's a grindy game sure but that's whY gives things. Bit more sense of accomplishment. Kinda like in mmo's and since the game is free and constantly updated it feels worth it to play since they always add somthing new.
When it comes to gameplay it plays very smooth. And the movement system makes you feel like nothing is out of reach. The game has some cool mechanics and charicters that are always fun to play. But you can defined burn yourself out (like u have) but I always come back for new content.
Overall it's a better game then destiny 2 and will likely last a lot longer. Hell it even has it's own convention every year.
Overall I'd say it's worth trying but it's not for everybody
People complaining about grind are ones that don't see the appeal in the gameplay, but at that point you should just stop playing the game and find something that agrees with you more. Also game only starts feeling like a grind when you focus exclusively on ranking things as fast as possible, MR24 and can vouch for that.
The devs are incompetent but thats only boosted by the terrible community. the honey moon section of the game only last 50-100 hours once you truly understand the mountain of grind that awaits you. if you lasted that long without getting gifts or buying "discounted" plat then you should quit cause its not going to get any better. You will see annoying bugs every 5 mins. you will start to question the mental capabilities of whales keeping this game afloat. that thing that you liked? nerfed cause reddit talked about it. the only tiny amount of fun in this game is making this poorly made game break in your favor which now they will perma ban you for if they catch you doing. hell they will ban you for using your vast knowledge of this game to make grinding faster doesnt even have to be an exploit if forum shitters and reddit convenience the devs thats its "unfair" in a pve game.
Out of all those things its gotta be the Rivenjews I hate the most.
> that thing that you liked? nerfed cause reddit talked about it.
I'm still fucking seething at the chroma """rework"""
All Chroma is good for is just Edlions and Endurance Autism , Vex armor is his only saving grace
It used to be before it sold its soul to twitch and discord.
Good thing they nerfed it into the fucking dirt then.
Interesting mechanics? No, but you can move while shooting your elemental squirtgun!
Well it’s DE they even admit they don’t play their game let alone know what the community wants or know about it. I.E Raids
>just a select breed of retard playing a mobile tier F2P
Spot on description.
People complain about having to buy the premium currency when you can easily farm it > 10/10
The game's only good for 40 or so hours, after you've played for like 50 already and you'll keep playing to recreated that only to get fucked because nothing comes close.
P2W garbage
i ahve 740 hours, its pretty nice but gets boring after too much grinding, also i have over 6k plat from trading a artax riven
>So is this game actually any good?
not really. the gameplay is shallow as fuck and it has a lot of gatcha tropes to it.
t.120 hours
This, the grinding in this game depends a lot on luck which I find completely boring, I'm fine with long grinds, but if you make it all luck it's just dogshit design
>still no auction house
>afk farming removed or nerfed
It's shit
why would you need an auction house
So I can sell shit without having to be online or while I'm in a mission.
Select breed of retards. They worship the terrible studio that made the game. Digital Extremes had the potential to make this game absolutely fucking amazing, and the game as it is now plays really well and is still amazing, just disappointing in a lot of areas. They wanna make it a little bit of everything.
The main problem is their retarded focus on balance in a PvE game, and the fact that you can get most of what you initially want relatively quickly. "There's nothing to do, no content" is a common complaint because it's true. The updates are shallow, much like the people in the company's management. It's a game where you grind for hours and get all the stuff you want, you get really powerful, then you realize there's nothing to use all this power on. The "difficulty" in the game comes in the cheapest form: hitscan enemies can sometimes 1-shot you from miles away, because bigger numbers is all the difficulty they can provide. Bigger enemy health, bigger enemy numbers and damage per bullet. The "sponge" effect, if you will.
The pointlessness of all the grinding and the "story" content just gives it all a sour taste. It's still a good game to pass the time if you absolutely have nothing else in mind, just don't expect anything particularly fun in future updates. Don't let the autistic and cult-like fans of the studio and the game tell you otherwise, because even some of the most hardcore fans have spoken out against all the bullshit.
As for the game itself, you'll only find it "difficult" if you begin at zero. After you get a decent frame (probably Rhino) at the start and a decent weapon, you've practically finished everything and you will only die to random 1-shots coming from off-screen.
You can tell the devs stop caring, even admitting they tried to rework how damage worked and they just flat out said they gave up. So most people gave up on them as well.
DE haven't made a good decision in years
I get your argument, but you're also dead wrong, because if you come to Warframe for the gameplay and not the grind, you'll get frustrated when you realize just how much you have to grind.
Put it this way: Devil May Cry didn't expect me to replay the same mission 15 times in a row hoping Dante's next devil arm would drop. It just gave me Dante's next devil arm. All progress in Warframe is tied to the concept of re-running content; it is like MonHun in that way. And like MonHun, if you don't like grinding content repeatedly, you will not like it, because even if the core mechanics are fun, you can get bored by being asked to repeat the same task over and over.
Some people find that relaxing, other people find it irritating. And the kind of people who are drawn to Warframe for its core mechanics (fast action-shooter hybrid thing) are typically not the kind of people who play games where you have to speedrun the same level over and over again praying for all the parts of something to drop.
no, you can try it and it will hook you up with like a month of gameplay. Rest is just retarded.
By the time you get to the point where you have legitimately endgame shit, you've put in 300 hours and can safely move to another game. I've put 900 hours in and only come back for big updates, now. When new content drops, I can whizz through it in 2 days. Goatman literally can't die and I 1-shot basically everything with an OP Dread.
Mesa and Mesa Prime are the best decision they ever made.
6 years and Ember is still total fucking garbage.
Where my Nidus chads at?
Fuck Rivenjews for killing off the endgame material.
For a couple weeks but then you start moving from frame to frame trying to make yourself enjoy the monotony. I started with Excalibur until it felt cheap. Moved on to Rhino because it felt mandatory but quickly jumped to Frost. Which carried me through most of the Solar system until I got mastery six, a Loki and found out I was a child. Just sort lost interest after that.
Where are those? I can't put shit on my good frame (fyi this is outdated) because I am missing those
Yo don't use umbrals, they cost too much and the regular/primed variants of them are usually more efficient.
>dont use umbrals
ok mrlet
I don't have Primed stuff
and when their synergy kicks in, the stat boosts gets stronger
Nigga, if you can't max them they're worthless.
Then get some from trading/baro next time he swooces in.
>are these people just a select breed of retard
Pretty much. They'll defend anything and tell you the game is amazing at any point. Don't fall for it.
The devs are not much less retarded.
hope he has better stuff this time. Last time it was nothing but "better electricity" mods
This user is right on the spot, i would add that the game is incredibly easy unless you handicap yourself, the developers are literally incapable of adding challenging content in part because they pander to their casual userbase which is a mistake and in part because they've given us so many tools that anything can be cheesed.
Great game however
In the summer of 2015 me and two friends played it all day every day, put in 700 hours, and never touched it again. it’s sort of mindless but very fun with others
Not at all, in fact you should NOT max them because the benefit from the last point is not worth the cost in endo and capacity. Umbrals are EXTREMELY useful, you seem to be new
Destiny 2 is currently better.
The gameplay is better, and they haven't been able to ruin it yet, but in terms of updates it's just another kind of absolute incompetence.
Because it has Endgame and a somewhat cohesive story.
The melee combat is like dynasty warriors, you can double jump, wall run, "bullet jump" in any direction, do slow motion "aim glide", there are 300+ weapons (About a third of them are unique or worthwhile).
The game is piss easy because you can mod each weapon to exactly your tastes but its very fun mindless killing, there are a bunch of side activities like fishing, mining, hoverboarding, capturing animals and a goofy mortal kombat minigame to distract you from the endless grinding.
The game itself only recently got a story (very slowly over the past few years) so the "endgame" is sortof open ended or non existant, there's a boss fight that gives you arcanes, playing the trade chat to make platinum (the pay currency), kuva survival which gives you a resource to roll weapon mods with random stats, all the fashion stuff, and clan/alliance events (if you join a not shit clan).
Oh and despite what people say you do require plat very shortly after starting as your progress is tied to how many weapons and frames you fully rank and slots are bought with platinum. You can trade for the platinum but as a new player you're going to struggle because you're an idiot.
theres good and bad honestly if you dont plan on becoming super attached to the game its great fun for tens of hours just ninja-ing around fighting space robots and using magic child powers
after a while you have to wait and grind to unlock shit and theres no real end goal so you get burned out
I'm getting to the point where the grind is just annoying me and drawn out
K-drives are garbage, I need ~8k more plastids, but don't care to grind for them, and relics bore the living daylights out of me.
I got a shitton of game time out of it, but there's really not much to do anymore that doesn't require boring grind instead of fun grind
Oh, and mutagen mass, I need ~30 more of those fuckers