Why Yea Forums hates this game so much while pretending to be quake and unreal players?
Why Yea Forums can't admit this game is good?
Why halo and cod are more respected here?
Do you faggots ever played an arena shooter in your fucking life?
Why Yea Forums hates this game so much while pretending to be quake and unreal players?
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It's too popular, hence contrarians will shit on it.
Cs fell from grace when the modding game community basically died
CS is an OK game. It's not the funnest shooter in the world for people that grew up playing arena shooters. I started playing shooters online when quake 1 was released and I even started playing CS during the beta version 0.3. CS for me was pretty fun until version 1.0 when it started gaining a lot of momentum and then normies started playing it and then all the cheater came in. It became fun to hate on CS because it was the halo or the fortnite of its day. To tell you the truth I played all the half-life mods back then and in my opinion CS wasn't even close to the best mod for half-life. I think new players gravitated toward it because it was a slower pace and a lot easier to get into.
>it was the halo or the fortnite of its day
stop fucking lying and larping as arena player.
The gameplay loop of shooters is just overall boring period. It would be a good thing if FPS games didn't get released or played for 5+ years and freshen the fuck up a little.
You're just butthurt dude. I'm 35 and been playing shooters since the mid 90s. CS brought in a lot of new players to the pc scene. Tuth be told it blew up because it was babies first fps. It was easy for new players that never played shooters on a pc before, that's why it became so popular. The truth hurts but yore talking to a guy who played CS literally in the beta stages and saw the progression of the game. Get over it
lmao Yea Forumstards are mad because they suck at this game.
yeah sure.
you are mad because your favorite subgenre is dead.
I installed Condition Zero last week again. Fun as fuck and cozy!
>saying im butthurt when quakefags spam threads saying cs takes not skill
ok. the reason why cs was popular it because novel and different, people got bored of arena shooters.
It's dead because it's too hard for most people to get good at. I'm at peace with that. Not my fault people are slow and have poor motor skills and prefer slower games. I've come terms with the fact that most people prefer slow paced hand holding easy games. I still hop on quakeworld servers from time to time and get my fix playing with the big boys. When I want to have a laugh I play CS once or twice a year and school kids that literally play it everyday.
hahaha sure champ.
You just suck at cs.
it was fun for LAN parties almost 20 years ago
now it's an incoherent lootcrate mess full of hackers and Valve doesn't give a shit because they're making bank
ebic quakecucks got uppity again.
I love old CS, it's CSGO that's dreadful dogshit.
Did you just read what I wrote? I play like twice a year and school kids that play it everyday. It's not really a hard game. I know it makes you feel good about yourself but you need to get real.
>tfw like both quake and cs
action half life was fucking kino
CS isn’t that fun, dying and then watching as retards walk around for 2 minutes or camp isn’t fun. Just respawn and move on.
whatever helps you sleep at night, quakecuck.
>i've seen some contrary opinions
>because i like this game so much i'm exaggerating
>the truth is I can't possibly know if all of Yea Forums fits these questions
>i'm just a faggot who can't start a thread so i used controversy for (you)s
op you suck bro
mean to
im tired of you zoomers pretending to be hardcore arena fps players while shitting on other games.
That's just a dumb excuse from casuals, same thing from everyone calling it dead despite having active players around the world for a 20 year old game
For me anyway the slow pace is what kills me, I hate how you don’t immediately respawn when you die. Deathmatch has always been my preferred mode, if you see it move, kill it.
>i'm tired of YOU zoomers
>pretending to be HARDCORE
Son, this isn't elementary school anymore, you don't have to create conflict just to get out attention. Your boogieman is probably ten people who still play either of those games.
Does anyone even play CS anymore besides slavs and spics?
oh look quakefags are denying that they shit up cs threads now.
Do those old Yea Forums servers still exist? I remember there being two of them and the server owners throwing shit at each other all the time.
>It was the fortnite of its time, im saying this as an arena player.
Don't think so, in some thread someone claimed he and some others were playing regularly but he didn't invite anyone. Probably didn't wanna invite shitty players which is annoying to deal with
Yeah it was dope. Did you ever play "the specialists" mod? That was my favorite.
It was the fortnite of its time.
>Why halo and cod are more respected here?
How can someone compare CONSOLE SHOOTER and PC SHOOTER???
How can someone compare 30 FPS / 30 TICRATE SHOOTER vs 144 FPS / 128 TICRATE SHOOTER???
americlaps laugh that CS is played by 3rd worlders while they play fucking controller fps games... how embarasing
I like both CS and Quake :3
ok retard.
careful you will trigger some posters and they will call you casual for playing cs.
Halo is coming to PC though
if old Yea Forums had cs servers, why do you hate the game now?
>cries a different fps game is flourishing while his arena shooter is dead and forgotten
is this becoming a daily thing for the quakebabby? lets see how long this thread will last from the samefagging quakeshitter.
ebic Yea Forumstards another cs hate thread.
>Why Yea Forums hates this game so much while pretending to be quake and unreal players?
You do realize they play vastly differently, right?
>very low time to kill
>weapons are all realistic styled ballistic ones that all handle relatively in a similar way
>focused on a single mode
>recoil follows a specific pattern and disregards where you're actually aiming (as in bullets don't hit where you're aiming)
It's like comparing Doom to CoD and while exclaiming
>why don't you Doom players also love CoD????
that's no reason for spamming cs hate threads.
Hmm Quake is too difficult. What if we...
>slow the game down
>nerf movement
>make the game team based
>make the game round based
>remove all the pickups
>allow players to buy the weapons
>remove projectile weapons
>make TTK so short that anyone can frag if given enough luck
And then the cycle always continued from card games to battle royales. In an attempt of trying to invent a product that as many people as possible can consume.
Twenty years of the series that turned skill based FPS games into crouch+shoot hitscan weapons with le epic headshots. The fortnite of its time.
CSbabies still can't refute this.yuki.la
Your game was always hated.
are you the same schizo whos been making 24/7 self bump quake threads?
have sex
>Why Yea Forums hates this game
Why DOES Yea Forums HATE this game
Fuck off ESLs
you still didn't give me a good answer.
>this kills the cs toddler
i still play it my dude come and fight me right the fuck now
>is the best gun in R6S
>is the best gun in CSGO
You did take the FAMAS pill, right Yea Forums?
Beta 4 was the best. Pimp slapping bads with your Swagnum or Deagle was hilarious as those faggots always trying to play the game like CS by crouch spraying the assault rifle always wondered why it didn't work.
Fuck itchta users though, that pump shotgun was fucking horseshit OP. Could one shot you across the map randomly.
Can we all agree that old cs is a classic fps game?
It's a surprisingly really good rifle for its price in CS but easily overshadowed by more expensive rifles because of its slightly lower damage (if you missed the head it takes one more shot to kill if you hit the stomach), stronger recoil and heavy weight making move slower when equipped.
>Did you just read what I wrote? I play like twice a year and school kids that play it everyday. It's not really a hard game. I know it makes you feel good about yourself but you need to get real.