Buying Cybersleuth on anything but PS4/Vita will degrade the video gaming industry.
Buying Cybersleuth on anything but PS4/Vita will degrade the video gaming industry
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I'm buying it on PC and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
Fuck off i already bought them on my ps4
Im getting it on switch solely because i was stuck on one fucking mission where i couldnt find the air vent or someshit
Good it is where they belong.
You should kill yourself.
How about you instead be happy more people will enjoy a game you like?
>playing games in sub 1440p/60fps
no, thanks. i'm getting it on pc
i'll play it on pc and i'll play it with a nopan mod for femc
>lingerie mods
I welcome this.
>being a pedoshit
How many fucking times are you going to make the same thread, why can't you just make a regular digimon thread
exclusivity is killing the industry
buy all ports especially PC
How about no?
This is the saddest thing I've ever heard.
Quite the opposite, no one loses when a game ports except the game hogging faggots
And the console where it was birthed. And the people who bought it. And the developers who no longer make money from it. And the industry as a whole, you mean?
Don't be retarded.
I don't understand how any of the things you say are true because the game got ported?
Damn right op
Ps4 saved the industry
I'll buy it on PC just to make you seethe
There is nothing that surprised me in this picture at all. This is exactly what I see in my head when I partake in threads like this.
already beat it on vita like a year ago
its shit dont get it, its braindead easy
Will they release complete edition on ps4 later?
Can we atleast agree the story is a fucking slog to go through?
Yeah it was quite easy to get lost in the poorly written mission text where you have to go find someshit somewhere when it doesnt even write where it is properly
I know OP is being ironic, but some people actually think that. We had a huge Snoy meltdown when Digimon was announced for PC and Switch few weeks ago.
He makes these threads every day. I don't think he's being as ironic as you think he is.
PS4 already has the games.
I was actually not aware that african americans posted here. How did you find yourself to as vile a place as this?
the basednigger in his natural habitat
How does it feel to be a black person and consuming media that only cares about white or Asian people?
If Ive seen a game with a cast of 95% black people I wouldn't buy it. What made you like this, black man? You have no pride in your own race, you're submissive to the white man.
You can tell by how old that hand is that's the original rugarell.
This thread convinced me to buy the game on Switch. Thanks OP!
is it worth it bros?
I kinda want to buy it because lately I've been having a huge nostalgia feeling for digimon.
I have a ps4 tho
Might as well get the Switch version since it is both games bundled together.
Already have it on ps4 but now I will buy it on PC and Switch.
Way too obsessed with race. You don't have to be he same race as a character to identify with their struggles. Your thought process is why everything is getting blackwashed these days.
Time for suicide op.9
>everything gets blackwashed
No that's just the usual "we care, see?" atitude but far from being everything.
Whats will all the digimon threads lately?
A lot of anger, bitterness and outrage. At first I thought it falseflagging but now...
Pokemon fucked up so bad that people are scrambling for a alternative
This is sonys pokemon, its fucking ridiculous to play it on any other platform. Especially at 200p on the switch
renamon posting
Everyone knows that Digimon truly belongs to the Wonderswan
Only Sony should be allowed Digimon. Switchlets get pokemon.
Reminder that these come out in a week
new game announced plus cyber sluts rereleasing on pc and switch
>2 games ported to switch and pc
>new game in development
>shitposting in general
>This is sonys pokemon
No it's not you nigger. Digimon never belonged to you. You get invizimals
Me and a friend are each getting one, Me red and him Yellow
Are there any stuff exclusive to each color?
Fuck you. Everything from Adventures and up until now worth playing has been on Playstation. Literally nothing but crap for the lessers.
Never had one of these, what's that?
The actual answer
>New Digimon game coming
>CS ports for Switch and PC
>New X-Antibody forms because of the V-Pets
>Current head of the franchise said they're planning on making a game with all of the 1300+ Digimon included
>Pokémon fucked up with Sword and Shill
>Numerous pokémon fans start giving Digimon a try
>They finally realize the Digimon franchise is actually completely different from pokémon and is actually way better and more charming than they thought through their whole lives
It's finally getting the respect it deserves, honestly. t. former exclusive pokefag
>Numerous pokémon fans start giving Digimon a try
>They finally realize the Digimon franchise is actually completely different from pokémon and is actually way better and more charming than they thought through their whole lives
Now I hate what's happening with Pokemon right now and have always liked Digimon anyways, but that's pure delusion.
Do you just feed them and make them poop like the old tamagochis i had i the 90s?
Literally Tamagochi BUT FOR BOYS
Digimon was created as a compete with Tamagochi, not to compete with Pokemon
Yeah, and it evolves into something different depending on how you treat it, that was the point of digimon to begin with.
You can also fight them, either singleplayer or connect with another device and fight someones digimon
Bamco made the tamagochi
DIgimon was just a spin off of it marketed for boys
It's mostly just this one guy making this exact
"It wont be the same without PS4" bait thread every day.
But most people just ignore it and talk about Digimon so i'm cool with it.
Who cares, the threads always turn out to be comfy anyway
Nope, they're all the same. Comes with a bunch of mons tho
I kind of enjoy these threads actually. Despite OP blatantly wanting to start some consolewar faggotry it usually turns into a pretty good digimon thread.
Digimon threads are always mostly comfy.
Who's the green freak behind tyrannomon? Looks like the good natural evolution for tuskmon or ogremon I always wanted
Personally looking forward to Survive too! Cybersluts will be on PC for me though.
Look how fucking smug that Angemon is
Its Titanmon
You'll also be pleased to know that Ogremon has a X Antibody version now
God I fucking love edgy designs so much.
Thanks, I didn't even know this guy existed.
You're right, I am extremely pleased to know that. I want to go see his thrash metal band.
He knows how it is.
I have this on my vita but I haven't played it because I saw a post saying I had to fuse away all the cute girl digimon if I wanted to beat the game.
This thread lacks Nokia.
Is there a version that combined the two so the new Digimon from HM are available in the first one with some way to transfer Digimon between the two? I can't find much info about it, but I've seen posts mentioning it.
Does the X antibody just turn everything into edgy early 2000's versions of themself?
Well the complete edition is both games in one, so its speculated all the digimon that were added Hacker's Memory will be available in Cyber Sleuth
That's what usually happens, but sometimes, things just get odd.
Yes and it's perfect
>those thighs
>Oujosama curls
>living clothing
It's cuter than the original lol
Ultimate mommy
Now we just need Angewomon X so that Mastemon X can exist
They're avoiding giving the angels X-Antibodies for now, so they've most likely got stuff planned for them later.
My testosterone levels are normal so I don't own a PS4
Design is kind of funny, but at least it's cute.
user, it's okay. It's no longer necessary to start Digimon threads with bait in order to keep them alive. You can just make a Digimon thread and people will come.
What is with all the new X antibody stuff anyway? Those designs haven't been relevant for like 15 years
I'm pretty sure it's just the artists going back and having fun with some new designs. I'm not sure they actually appear in anything.
Bandai has been releasing X vpets, all these new X Antibody digimon are exclusive/first show up in them
Yeah, I knew about that, I'm just wondering why they'd dig up the concept as the selling point when X antibody stuff was more or less DOA in the first place and never went anywhere. My cynical side says it's just a way for them to market old designs while at least appearing somewhat new.
It is
But the fanbase doesn't really care because it just means new designs for their favorite mon, so it's all good
IT'S LORE! They need to show us which Digimon survived the Digital holocaust. Ranamon didn't :((((((((
>Digital world is overcrowded
>Lets just infect everyone with digiAIDS and start from scratch
Yggdrasil is a dick, why the fuck do the Royal Knights keep putting up with its bullshit
But the Warrior Ten's whole thing is reincarnation, some Digimon just needs to find the Human Spirit of Water again and she's back.
Yggdrasil literally did nothing wrong,
except in Tri., there he's just a dick for no reason.
I feel like Digimon is gonna get a bit of a surge of new fans from people being disappointed in Pokemon Sword/Shield
That would be the case if fan interest were the determining factor, and not bamco giving less than zero shits about the franchise.
It's just gonna get a surge from the newer games being available on more platforms.
The Pokemon thing is just a bonus.
Wake me when they announce an anime that isn't Adventure-related
We had Appmon roughly two yeas ago.
How does digimon naming scheme work?
Didn't even know that mah boi got an X-antibody version.
[word roughly relating to the digimon's design, lore and/or abilities] + mon
The higher the gen, the more pretentious the etymology, then you add mon in the end
Whatever related to the creature+mon, anyone in particular you are curious about?
also, they all have "mon" at the end of their names because that's their file extension.
Is this Digimon?
but Appmon aren't Digimon
I need a bipedal dinosaur digimon on the perfect level that isn't a fat Tyranomon, a Tyranomon cyborg, a Tyranomon fursuit or a bean pretending to be a Tyranomon.
And it was pretending to be something other than Digimon
I don't want that either
Name + mon
thats because the filetype for Digimon is .mon
Honestly, Appmon should just be grafted onto Digimon and given traditional Digimon attributes and levels. As shit as many of the designs are I'm sure it would ultimately be a good idea.
this is probably the most pathetic temper tantrum a person could have over a game getting ported to a console that isn't their favorite; just be happy that people will get to play a good game you little bitch
>As shit as many of the designs are
Fanboys do not adhere to logic. They only understand "MY SIDE GOOD ALL OTHERS BAD" like most of the internet nowadays
It's just console war bait, this guy makes this thread pretty much every day, just ignore him and talk about Digimon.
I mean, there's a lot of great ones (Warudamon is the Witchmon evo that never was, Gatchmon, Offmon, Dokamon and Musimon are pretty cute designs and their lines are okay) but then you have shit like Wallmon, Calendamon and Newsmon and a number of recolors that seem kind of silly.
Wonder if Appmon will be in the "Every Digimon ever" game they keep teasing
If not then they'll hopefully be included as DLC. Maybe in the extremely unlikely, ridiculous pipedream case of "character classes" they'd end up being a fourth (Tamer, Spirit Warrior, Xros General, Appli Driver)
Everything past Super grade is pretty solid.
I can appreciate the lower grades weird designs though, just wish they weren't all chibi sometimes.
I can say that it has better chances than shit like this
Reminder that things like this pad the category lists, making the total number of potential playable Digimon seem higher than it would actually be in reality
This, Weddinmon and Shortmon are actually pretty ok though. Their existence as a whole is kinda weird, I agree with that. Are they even officially considered Digimon in any capacity given their singular appearances?
Hopefully they spend the 20 seconds to fix the trivia, I lost the image from the last thread in where Botamon was the one that "Dual Wielded guns"
I can't even get mad anymore at this point
>black X7
technically he has been in a game, since he is the boss of it
Sure, but was only there because they needed an excuse to put in a new boss for the arcade machines. I don't think they're going to use a recolor with no discernable differences from the the original recolor of a Digimon that they can't even seem to fit in the new games anyway again
but black x7 was already a boss for the machine, what was the point of mega black x7?
Birthing you degraded the human race.
What season is the best and why is it Tamers?
It's bigger
Ah, the western boss design philosophy
I have no idea. I can't tell the difference between their models. That's the point of my post
Chiaki J Konaka
No, current gamefreak's gimmick design
the developers still make money, the people who bought it still got to play it, and the console is an inanimate object with no feelings on the matter.
I'm on the fence about whether I'd want them to fix the godawful engrish in the digiline. On one hand, it's bordering on impossible to understand what some people are actually trying to say. On the other it's fucking hilarious.
Anyone have the screenshot of the job posting for the maid from the paranormal club? The one that vaguely reads "A message from the girl you like! What do I mean? Do it with her!"
Savers was the best
>not wearing your Digimon like a scarf
Literally us
Savers is a very basic shonen anime, but at least it's better than Frontier.
I'm gonna pirate it on switch and there's nothing your cute little boipussy can do about it
I hear Xenoverse 2 has the worst translations to the point where the correct lines are technically cut content
We're cute
>Savers is a very basic shonen anime
So is every entry in the entire franchise. Savers just does it best.
Tamers does it better.
Tamers doesn't do a single thing better than Savers, other than maybe characters, but it does characters at the expense of literally everything else. The plot is barebones, the pacing takes forever to get the show on the road, and the action is very limp-wristed especially with how lame the D-Reaper is as a final villain
>The plot is barebones, the pacing takes forever to get the show on the road, and the action is very limp-wristed
so exactly the same as Savers
Maybe if you're a brainlet
My copy of the first CS should be arriving tomorrow, and will be the first digimon game I will play. What am i in for?
an SMT game wearing Digimon like a hat
Farming, in more ways than one.
>Buying Cybersleuth on anything but PS4/Vita will degrade the video gaming industry.
Congratz. Your boy survived cancer
I fucking hope they are
I seriously hope you aren't talking about pic related
Would make sense but there's no dot so it wouldn't work. I wish they would expand more on the digital side of things and try to roughly explain how Digimon work as data. Can Digimon be just files to entire programs and applications? Are they all written in the same code language with the same format or do they manifest from different kinds of sourcecodes?
appmon cardmon is okay, he's cooler than the cardmon that appeared in the video games
That's Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children.
It even has everyone favourite digimon Jack Frost.
What would an actual Digimon/SMT crossover be like? Would it just be another idol game?
Tamers was the only continuity that got more into the technical stuff
There digimon were just basic self-learning AI programs
Idol game with all the waifumons and press turn system?
I'm fucking in
YHVH and Zeedmilleniummon decide to fuck around a bit
Oh noes, these bad underpowered PCs that hold the industry back will be harmed, whatever shall we do?
It does say Shin Megami Tensei above the Devil Children title.
>Use the Devil Survivor designer
>Yuuko is literally law hero
>Nokia is literally neutral
>Arata is LITERALLY chaos hero
>uses Raidou's field ability system
how the fuck is this game so smt
>Yuuko is literally law hero
No, that's Kyoko. Yuuko is the neutral. Nokia is a retard.
>Law is a vaccine type
>Neutral uses a virus type
>Chaos also uses a virus type
they should have given Yuuko a data type
Not even
It evens out since her Gaioumon started as a Rise Greymon
What the hell is going on on that pic with Deputymon, Devimon and Myotismon?
Oh my god I never noticed those :3 tubes
I think they are trying to bribe tankmon
Game is fucking gabage
Why are Sonyfags so insecure about losing 3rd-party exclusivity? Do they not understand that it doesn't benefit them at all personally whether or not games are PS-exclusive?
Nokia is The main character of an anime
She gets the two MVP of the franchise and her ark is all about friendship and shit, her digimons even evolve when she shows more affection towards them
>Not buying the superior Switch version with two games + all DLC included
Imagine being a snoyfag
And yet, she's ironically the least important member of the main cast. I can't even think of a moment where it would matter whether she was there or not.
Hacker's Memory for the PS4/Vita is the version with two games and all DLC, retard.
I'll play it on switch, the only console that plays both digimon and pokemon.
Other than ios/Android
She is a digimon anime main character, her digimon is more important than her in the end, just like in the anime
Daisuke didn't do shit, Veemon did, same with nokia, she didn't do shit, Omegamon did
Hacker's Memories comes with the first game and all the content not available to download for it? Didn't know that.
I wouldn't really agree that that's what happens in most Digimon anime. In the anime, it's always the kids making the decisions, never the Digimon. The Digimon usually just do whatever their tamers need them to do and don't really have larger role in the world like Nokia's Omegamon
I liked Savers best
What did he mean by this?
>What are emulators
>Ogremon got a cool Mega and X form
It's good to see your digibro get some love
>that Angewomon
I love those little drawings, got a link to the artbook?
Why does Lucemon X form looks so much like Dio?
It even has a little stand like companion with clocks in it, it's clearly on purpose.
Digimon references several media franchises
zeedmillie would just thanos snap yhwh out of all megaten timelines retroactively.
Wh-what is that Nanimon plotting?
He's going to gently walk Angewomon home
I know the mission. You are supposed to go to the top floor cafe and press x on the left wall once you're inside the cafe
He's an Adult level and she's a Perfect level, what could he possibly do to her?
>Let's just make a cute art of Angewomon just because
Thank you, Bamco
They made a lot of stuff
I'm a little surprised I haven't seen shitposts using that Etemon image
Holy crap there's a lot of reaction pics here
>Official naked gabumon
>Love for Frontier
>Chibi lilithmon sharing pipsicles with cutemon
This is too much soul
get your shit together, Chackmon, this is like your one thing
In Japan it did.
In the West it only released on PS4 as a standalone title
I have it on PS4 but have yet to play it. I might just sell it and get it on Switch since that version is going to have both games.
>That completely out of place one with Sleipmon X and Craniummon X
Even the OC soccer beelzebumon that some kid designed got in
I have it on ps4 but i'm scared of the bug so haven't played it yet
*ding* *ding* *ding*
Now that I have your attention...
Why is this digital demon whore so cute
Too far
Thanks user
Because she is perfect
No problemo
Honestly? Based.
Uh takatomon, why do people like Digimon?
Does the Japan version have english voices? I'll pick that up instead.
The English version doesn't have English voices
>Buying Cybersleuth on anything but PS4/Vita will degrade the video gaming industry.
Guess I’m degrading the industry then, since jarpigs and TVs don’t mix well for me anymore and the only way to get them on Vita in the US was via PSN and they’re delisted now.
>Ultimate level Digimon go to school
Why am I only now aware of such lore?
get a fucking job neet
Because Pokemon fucking sucks
I just can't stop thinking about Flamedramon.
Look mate, they said every Digimon, so they're in too.
There are a LOT of Digimon, user. If they do manage to pull off a game with every single one of them down to the napkin drawings from old create-a-mon contests, it's at least a safe bet that dozens of alternate forms, X versions, manga/anime/mobage-cardgame originals, and spinoffs like applimon could wind up on the chopping block.
How can Bamco include 1300 digimon in their game, but Gamefreak can't even manage 850?
They never said when we're getting it. It could be in another generation of consoles. When technology is powerful enough to handle every unique design, recolor, X-forms and Appmon. It wouldn't be a game with every Digimon if they didn't add EVERY Digimon (including the incredibly obscure ones that only appeared in one game/manga/anime)
make sure to follow @bandai_digimon on twitter. they routinely tweet out illustrations like this, as well as high-quality official artwork.
october feels like its a year away
I didn't even know there was a Metalgreymon Virus X
it's one of the all-new digimon in the upcoming v-pets.
Buying pokemon in it's current state will actually degrade the video game industry
buying digimon no matter what console is a good choice
Didn't you get btfo by jobberleomon?
Canonically pure
digimon revive so he'll never stop existing and being the best
Digimon World 3 had the best story, just a boy going to challenge people in a virtual world with his digimon team.
Now if they could manage to combine Digimon World 1 with Digimon World 3, then it would be the perfect digimon game.
I'm getting it on PC.
This desu
I preordered one in May in-store at FUCKING GAMESTOP. They came in yesterday at my local store. They said they had 6, but when I went to pick mine up there were only 5. They had one of each color and an extra yellow one. Better preorder while you still can if you want a specific color V-Pet with either the Anime Agumon line Red/Blue or Anime Gabumon line Gray/Yellow.
Japanese 'Agu Red' = English Red/Brown and Blue
Japanese 'Gabu Grey' = English Grey and Yellow
Until the furries and waifufags come
Now's the time for Bamco to push the games and anime
Thanks for posting this. I should call my Gamestop tomorrow about my pre-order and see if they got it in.
like I would even buy this shit at all
user, Gaiamon doesn't exist
it's just a name some villain digimon came up with to his final form once he fuses with some shit
How can habu include something that doesn't exist?
They could finally create an actual design for him, or...
There's an Appmon called Gaiamon. Canonize them as the same lol
I know you're baiting, but in retrospect it is so hilarious people did compare the franchises for years just because both have tamable monsters in it.
I'm guilty of it too, but now I really cannot take that seriously.
Pokemon is like a Sentai, Digimon is like a Mahou Shoujo. Their similarities are all superficial, at their core they're complete different experiences and targeting different demographics.
Don't die Digibros
I'm too busy collecting these
Oh, I just noticed the middle finger
we have this thread every single day
>it wont feel right on PC
>its not meant to be played with a K+M
>60fps will ruin the experience
>it belongs on PS4/Vita
>supporting it on other platforms will kill the franchise
it gets worse over time and you retards still bump it up to 400+ replies
Sorry user, too busy trying to save everything on sadpanda I can because its gonna get nuked in 6h
we're just talking about Digimon
console war threads are always guaranteed 500+ replies because people are legitimately subhuman
Read the thread, dumbass
most of the thread is console war faggotry, if you want a digimon thread make one, don't give free replies to some shitposter and allow this shit to stay on the catalog
Why are there always blithering retards like you who insist Yea Forums should be some moderated bastion of quality? Yea Forums is a dumpster fire, always has been, if you need pedantic nerds to sift through all the content and nix Everything You Don't Like, then fuck off to some shitstain of the internet where they police everything and turn it into a sterile echo chamber full of retarded motivational parrots somewhere between televangelists and that part of deviantArt that makes Thomas the Tank Engine OCs unironically.
This is Yea Forums's Yea Forums. If you mention video games even tangentially you're in the clear, and that's fine, sometimes I want to laugh at the gigantic disconnect from gaming's origins and the market nowadays. Sometimes I want to laugh at how we still make rookie mistakes like hair clipping through shoulders and unskippable cutscenes without going into gross example. And sometimes I want to just sort of watch a bunch of nerds go at each other over something completely fucking Alex Jones-tier insane.
And then there's you, coming to a dumpster fire and being all, "It stinks here." No SHIT, FAGGOT. What did you expect? It's fucking Yea Forums.
>technology is powerful enough to handle every unique design
Dude it's always gonna be a ton a work having a more powerful console isnt gonna make it magically easier to put in all digimon
Just finished watching Tamers as my first digimon anime after you guys recommended it to me a couple of days ago, I loved it, God it made me feel like a child again, and the ending made me feel like a little girl. I'll get this game when it comes out on PC, thanks for talking about the series bros.
this has to be some kind of copypasta
is guilmon in Cyber sleuth
Yep, all the way to Dukemon