Where were you when Tim won

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Excited, this should bring in at least a few thousand new players for For Honor, also getting Alan Wake post-license expiration is pretty cool.

Shame Hulda looks like pure cancer if the /fhg/ leaker was telling the truth, which looks to be true at this point, we'll find out in 3 minutes though.

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>another one chink spam thread
Mods, it's easier to do a range ban than trying to put dog eaters down one IP at a time.

its not even a mod, its a seething valve shill jannie

>Went from giving away a free game every two weeks, to a free game every week to two free games every week
They're getting desperate.

>getting Alan Wake post-license expiration
That's old news, the game is back on steam.

But Tim, all your games are free!

Thanks, Tim!

Ubisoft don't care about For Honor. It's main art director was moved onto other projects, and so was the community manager just months ago. If you saw how little effort each update got (compared to i.e. Siege), it's obvious they just want to kill that garbage off.

If at any point you have given your game away for free I consider it morally acceptable to pirate.

>Shit games

Still waiting for a free game that isn't A. Bargain bin tier and B. not already owned by like 75% of people who have ever used a computer.

yeah dude, DED GAEM and all that. That's why they're building up to a huge Y4 and have replaced all the positions that people moved from. Clearly because it's ded gaem.

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I've wanted This War of Mine for a long time now so I'm pretty hyped about that. Anyone know if Moonlighter is decent?

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This sort of shit is planned months in advance, tardo

If they want to kill the thing, why would they keep adding heroes and updates

Why the fuck can i still not gift someone games?

Which one of those is For Honor

>duuuude now I can finally pirate this online game
Based retard

It's like recettear but worse in every way. not mad that I played it but I put like 50 hours into recettear and by the time i opened the last dungeon in moonlighter i was over it and blasted through to the finish as quickly as I could. fun enough to play for free, not so much to purchase

Bit of both, I'm pretty sure I got it when it was free on steam

Playing beyond: Two Souls.

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>free on steam
Pretty sure that was a free weekend. It was free on uplay. That's the store you're defending lmao

>Shitty Recettear
>Art "game"
>Game anyone who slightly gives a shit bought when Remedy was selling it for $1 before music rights expired
>Ubisoft live service shit.

I thought Ubisoft already gave away For Honor for free back then

It was a giveaway on steam. But yeah, I'd defend uplay over fucking epic. I'd defend anything except maybe the bethesda launcher over epic.

>Open Epic Games Launcher
>Add Moonlighter and This War of Mine to account
>Close Epic Games Launcher
>Purchase games that aren't free on Steam
Oh no I can't believe Epic is winning look at all my money they're getting.

>have EGL installed
they already got your worth

Thanks. I'll definitely try it out. I couldn't get into recettear myself even though the concept was neat so maybe I'll prefer this. Worth a shot at least

this, also based Tim should just put every game on EGS for free since hes paying for them for us anyways.

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As does every other service I've ever used. Privacy is a meme and you only pretend to care

Oh no they have all my information now, now they know that Dongus6969 likes to fap to big fat bat tats. Not muh privacy!

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Hold up
Can I just get the key from EGS and activate it on uplay without having to deal with the EGS client at all?

The Chinese government is going to use the Epic launcher to blackmail neets across the globe in order to... uhh... I haven't figured out that last part

>Last time Steam shat out a free game it was some trash tier game that was released like 5 years ago

>Epic Game store gives you 2 free new games every months
Steamdrones need to be gassed

EGS gives free new games every day

As if your opinion could not be more irrelevant.

and they'll take them back once they run outta fortnite money!

Don't reply to the dogfucker.

nah, tim paid them for my copy

That's not how digital games work.

Based namefag, btw now they give out two each fcking weak.

Go ask tim yourself then

i love beijing tiananmen

Still never downloading Epic and Pirating Phoenix Point when it comes out because of it.

Seriously fuck Epic.

Current Yea Forums is too stupid to do that.

So it's been a sinking ship for a while, I see.

Attached: epic just.jpg (400x400, 30K)

>epic just.jpg

Nothing to explain here, working with bugs slowly killing him inside.

Who even is this man.

Ubisoft had given For Honor away for free on Steam like last year anyways

Is another launcher really that bad?

Adding another choice on top of the other choices I have to make when starting a new game sucks

>Is another dick in my ass really that bad?

Handing out free stuff is not a sand business practice. It'll only attract people who want more free stuff.

>lazy rogue-lite shit
>5 yo game
>9 yo game
>half dead MOBA that should be F2P

Just a reminder that Epic has no DRM and therefore you can run the games through Steam without launching Epic once installed with -EpicPortal in Steam launch settings.

for honor was already free and i aint playing that shit


meanwhile on steam...

Attached: Screenshot 2019-07-25 at 10.55.36 AM.png (1144x909, 752K)

I looked him up, and he looks more badass now than in his older pictures. Not JUST.

But a-user s-steam is the best gaming p-platform out there

Explain yourselves, gamers. You could be out finding a real woman to have sex with instead of you playing your incel games.

>choice is a bad thing
okay cuck

Steam doesn't have forced DRM either. Both platforms are the same at this, both let the publishers decide to include DRM or not.

For Honor was free on Steam last year, during E3, Even when it comes to freebies, Epic is a year behind.

to play ubisoft games you literally need to install uplay.

>intense sex game
I hope these idiots never see a taimanin game. They'd probably have a stroke.

Gabe Newell 纽厄尔加布 Valve Software 阀门软件 Steam 蒸汽 Half-Life
半衰期 Gordon Freeman 弗里曼戈登 1998 Black Mesa Incident 1998年黑色台面事件 Seven Hour War 七小时的战争 Resistance 抵抗性 Red Letter Day 大喜的日子 City 17 uprising 城市17起义 Lambda 拉姆达 Index 指数

The starter edition based retardo