ITT opinions only you seem to hold.
Paladins are the best rpg class.
ITT opinions only you seem to hold.
Paladins are the best rpg class.
2D Fallout and Metroid >>>>>>>> 3D Fallout and Metroid
The Soldier is a shit class because he's OP
Metroid Prime 3 was the best Prime game because of the motion controls.
Switch is one of the worst console Nintendo made to this day.
Fatal Frame 5 is as good as Fatal Frame 2.
Yeah I'm sure you're the only one who likes ones of the most popular rpg classes
nigger every deus vult redditfag and his mother loves paladins. it's probably one of the most popular classes for virgins
Sony hasn't ever made a good console durability wise.
What's a paladin?
Prime 3 does have the best controls but I don't think the actual adventure element of it is quite on par with 1 or 2. But yeah, it definitely plays the best. Besides, 1 and 2 now have those controls with Trilogy anyways.
Vita's decently solid. Otherwise, sure.
I think Spyro 1 is the only good one
I haven't thought about that video in a long time
i prefer my anime girls with nice thighs and wide hips over big breasts
I prefer all 3, personally.
its a shame they never actually stuck with their mobile platforms, they were better than their competitors for a while
I think the total war series was always overrated
The wiiU is better than the switch
I can't understand how someone can be sexually attracted to a cartoon character but I respect waifufags
i want more polearms in games
I want less polearms in games
The amount of polearms in games is perfectly fine
I like Nioh more than Souls. It was probably a mistake to play the former before the latter
I'm excited for the Medievil remake this Halloween
Pantsu isn't even good fanservice. You get more mileage by showing less.
Same dude. That shit was one of my childhood favourites!
Grand strategy is boring as fuck because all it really is is a fancy game of solitaire that takes several times longer than it should have to finish, even though you're the one deciding how many hands/points to play to to win.
Tales of zestiria was an awesome game.
Nah, you're right on both fronts.
Doesn't mean that Fallout New Vegas or Metroid Prime/2/3 are bad games though.
FFXIV combat and class system is fucking terrible. It rewards no creativity, and classes all feel the same. I’m sorry, standing on a different side of a monster and having .3s different cooldown rate does not make a class different
I mean I agree the tease is the best part, but if I know there's nothing rendered under the skirt or no way to see it under any circumstances, the tease factor goes away
Console warrior faggotry is dumb, and that includes PC elitism
Every MMO should adopt Wildstar's command evades and unusually-shaped AoE attacks for players.
I'd say 2D and 3D Metroid are pretty on par with one another.
I think WoWalikes might just not be your thing laddie
I think they’re for people with ADD. Pressing the button faster doesn’t make the combat better
>opinions only you seem to hold
>post popular opinion
why OP is always a fag?
I don't give a shit about Final Fantasy and Resident Evil. I wish those 2 franchises would just stop existing so I could stop hearing about them
Fallout 3 is shit, but isn't the point of the game to make a personality for the character you want?
Demon's souls is the worst out of the souls series alongside Dark Souls 2...
Uh-huh. I feel the same about everything Rockstar has done. Sometimes we don't get what we want.
Don't play or pay attention to them then you fucking dweeb
The only good rpgs are turn based
>only you seem to hold
there are tons of patricians out there, though
That at least has a mechanical basis. I personally like Dark 1 the least because it goes straight to hell after Biggie Smalls.
I don't play them, i just gate it when people ask me if I've played the new FF or what I think about new Resident Evil.
Then tell them you don't like the series and don't play them... It's not hard yo
Imagine being this much of a fucking sperg
Not as spergy as their fanbases
Could you be any more of an underaged meme shitter ?
Is it that fucking difficult to just say "sorry dude those aren't my kind of games"? You sound like the sperg here
So what's the problem then? People are gonna talk about things that are popular.
Having a bad day?
I love DS1 but the 4 direction roll whilst locked on frustrates me the most. it was perfected in later games but it's still not as bad as DS2 rolling.
Non-target mmo are shit and not mmorpg at all
Jesus that gif is so 2011
go back
Skyrim > Morrowind
Oblivion > Skyrim
Dark Messiah > Oblivion
3D ruined the Zelda series and Minish Cap was the best one.
N. Sane Trilogy is superior to the original Crash trilogy.
Except for the jumping...
The changed jumping is such a minimal change it's completely overshadowed by the added content, Lex Lang, and IMO better music.
I agree for the most part everything has been improved... Just except the jumping. It's a tad off which makes a huge difference. Hard to reach jumps are made even harder because of it.
I heard it's because they based it off of Crash 3 and applied it to all 3 games so the jump mechanic wasn't designed for the previous crash games. It's only most noticeable when playing the first game though.
never played metroid but fallout one is tru.
gothic2=morrowind>gothic 1>dark messiah>risen>oblivion>skyrim
Linear game with large open ended levels > Hub based > Open World > Linear game with linear levels
World, exploration and atmosphere is more important than game mechanics in non-arcade games.
Dark Messiah is largely overrated and the only thing it had going for it was being able to throw stuff at enemies and kick them into spikes/off ledges.
Same sex TF is boring unless it's weird and or extreme, TF/TG is popular because it adds on another layer to the TF and adds to the humiliation, domination and bondage aspects of TF.
Deserts are really cool settings in video games
>Dark Messiah is largely overrated and the only thing it had going for it was being able to throw stuff at enemies and kick them into spikes/off ledges.
True, but it was fun as fuck regardlessly.
That's the point. Cool spells and wacky physics system. You could reload 5 times just to fuck with dumb ai and the freeze spell oh, and feeling of 'adventure'