Initiate dialogue

>Initiate dialogue
>Time freezes around you and the person you're talking to
Is this intentional or can gamebryo just not handle real time conversation?

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didn't 4 handle it?

>actually wanting real-time conversation
FO4 had it and it was garbage

Probably the former. What would the game benefit from by implementing real time conversations? Sometimes, there are upwards of five different options that you need to read and think about.

They jury rigged it in later when they rebranded with Creation Engine.

>Fallout 4
>Talk to the NPC
>Fucking scorpion fly smashes head on into the NPC, breaking the conversation
>Have to kill it
>Have to initiate the interaction again and listen to the same dialogue all again.

Damn, that's so much better!

Attached: 4214124.jpg (317x159, 7K)

>Initiate dialogue
>Time doesn't freeze and a bunch of monsters attack you, you accidentally hit the NPC whos becoming hostile and you die

Attached: 1562242543770.jpg (255x98, 6K)

I love immersion and shit but real-time conversations have a lot of problems

Its actually less """""immersive""""" and the only reason it exist is because when the writing is really bad you basically HAVE to give the player the option to just walk away.

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Real time convos suck in FO4, people walk away mid convo, you can suddenly be attacked by a settlement raid while talking, etc.

I don't like Skyrim, but the devs handled real time conversations pretty well.

For as many problems as the real-time convos can have in FO4, it's nice to be able to simply walk away from a conversation, and it can actually be useful for certain glitches and skips.

Yes, but there is almost always an option to exit convo in fnv, no matter how annoying accidentally taking to someone is

new player, when should i play the dlc and in which order?

Far Harbour is better than the base game. Once again, Bethesda made something that should had been then entire game.
>when should i play the dlc
Does that matter?

i mean new vegas dlc

he was talking about new vegaas, zoomer
starting with honest hearts and either finish with Lonesome Road or Dead Money

Fuck, play it in order. Or at least, LR should be the last

Real time conversations aren't always the way to go
The amount of times I've been playing stalker and someone I need to talk to gets murdered mid conversation...

Honest hearts when you're like 15 to 20, then dead money when youre 30, then OWB and lonesome road in that order when you feel like it

I prefer the real time convos, I remember a time in Skyrim when an enemy was giving a monologue before triggering the fight and I just exited the conversation and bashed his head in

it was this way in oblivion so good enough for bethesda for the next ~20 years

Start with 1 and 2, then play NV. You'll get the most out of it that way.

Start with Honest Hearts, end with Lonesome Road