Alright, was Fire Emblem Fates as a whole really THAT BAD as everyone says it was?
Alright, was Fire Emblem Fates as a whole really THAT BAD as everyone says it was?
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No, it’s just Revelations that sucked, Conquest was kino and Birthright was meh
What about the story and characters?
Gameplay was mostly an improvement over awakening. Story was bottom of the fucking barrel.
no, I enjoyed it, I liked the gameplay tweaks and the music is easily the best in the series
three houses' ost is pretty good, but fates is still king
>great characters
>see Camilla
Seems legit.
Pretty eh. There are some cool character here and there, but the story doesn't do much interesting with them outside like Takumi on Conquest route.
I think I'm in love
No it was the best in the series, Conquest is at least. Who gives a shit about story and characters in a FE game theyre all garbage
has there ever been a fire emblem with a remarkable story?
I've played a lot of them, and it all becomes a blur after a while
path of radiance/radiant dawn had a pretty neat arc
fates had some great moments
>outside like Takumi on Conquest route
>gets possessed by evil dragon and gets killed
Yeah, so interesting.
Story-wise? Yes, absolutely. Otherwise, it's alright.
Who cares? Why do FEfags get hung up on this?
there are plenty of good moments
the invasion of Hoshido in Conquest is one of my favorite moments of the entire series
Maybe not remarkable, but Fates was offensively bad.
Conquest has Belka and that's all i need
Was literally listening to this while making that post. MY OST is all in japanese so it just says 黄昏をつれて too.
Fates has the best artstyle, music and characters
Characterization is one of the main appeals of the series. If you want pure strategy, you go to another series.
Nope, FE never had a good story. Birthright and Revelations was trash.
Conquest is a beautiful symphony of pure FE strategic gameplay, with no fillers
>has there ever been a fire emblem with a remarkable story?
FE4 has the best twist in video game history. Oh, it's so fucking good. The rest is just a song of ice and fire which makes it good.
>rock-paper-scissors simulator
What do you think?
The game okay at best, the main reason that it gets shitted on is because Treehouse did the localization and fucked it up with their unnecessary censorship and dialogue changes.
I don't give a fuck about the story, but Conquest is in my top 3 FEs, next to Radiant Dawn and New Mystery.
Playing Birthright after Conquest was a mistake because it was a snooze fest. Revelations at least had meme maps to keep you entertained, but those suck on a second playthrough. And the stealth chapter is the worst chapter in the series. PoR already did stealth better (enemies only notice you if you step into their range, not if they move and you end up being in their range), so why did they fuck it up ten years later?
How can it be bad when you can get onee san cummies?
why? you didn't like head patting minigames?
the only people that complained about fates were lgbt cause nintendo limited their degeneracy in the game's pairings
Based and Conquestpilled. As hamfisted as some of the reasoning behind it all, Corrin having to effectively murder his biological family for the greater good is a stonkingly good hook for drama. The difficulty of the maps really manage to hammer home the fierce desperations with which the Hoshidans are trying to repel you. When you finally emerge victorious through all of the hardships its an amazing feeling of accomplishment that I legit never felt in any other FE.
Agreed, 10/10 post.
I was talking about the story.
Rev and birthright are shit but conquest is great, even though the story is hot trash. Also it gave us Camilla to which I have shot countless loads.
Thing is the gameplay of 4 is pretty fucking Jank. Sigurd easily carries the first half, holy weapons trivialize the second and foot soldiers are a liability with the fuckhuge maps. Its still enjoyable for the novelty of how different it is but the gameplay is honestly some of the blandest and most unengaging in the series.
whats the best moon rune patch for this?
I've never played it in english
Who was worse: Aqua or Edelgard?
Damn that's fucked. Are they doing translations for 3H as well?
There's only one decent. And remember that Swords are stronger than Axes.
I love Conquest so goddamn much but I won't even spit on Birthright or anything else.
Am I mad that all the casual garbage was segregated into a separate game? No. No I am not.
It's hard 'cuz, you know what, after the first half. If you don't know it's coming and prepare properly (or just cheat by reading up on it online) you can get terminally fucked.
FUCK Camilla
Birthright was Awakening 2.0 so most people saw nothing but flaws because they were familiar with that style of FE.
Revelations was a shitfest because there was no unit balance because all the royals were available and the missions are just bad.
Conquest was the only one that was good in my eyes and the only good parts of it are the gameplay on maps which I loved.
Overall Fates is pretty bad. It has shallow characters like Awakening with an awful plot that just becomes WOAT if you play Conquest. Like Conquest's story is so bad I've seen people who actually love the gameplay dismiss Conquest.
The translation was pretty heavily criticized as well as the weeb elements like the headpat simulator that still made it into the game. I remember most of the shitposting was from that god awful "muh ol'emblem" crowd that was still salty about Awakening. Legit criticism finally came and I think it helped set Fates into the right place in the series. It's about as bad as people say and there's only one part of it that I'd recommend and even then it would be with an * that stands for "this is the worst FE story I have encountered since playing FE6".
Gameplay-wise, no, but everything else was so fucking garbage it seriously brings the entire game down
headpatting is the best part of the game
No, it was even worse.
>New Mystery.
Do not want.
I'm neutral on it, but I saw posts that were research paper worthy about how headpats and weebs ruined FE.
I don't want to talk about it anymore because I know it'll summon that autism here.
Conquest's story isn't that bad. On a chapter-to-chapter basis it's quite good.
You want to see what a bad story looks like? Go watch game of thrones. Specifically the last part.
The premise of the story is about a kid who’s never left the castle is taking war advice from a stripper and leading an army despite having 0 battle experience.
He played a lot of chess
>Conquest's story isn't that bad
It really is.
Game of Thrones completely shit the bed at the end, but even that wasn't as retarded as Fates
You're being stupid. Fine; how about I say that every story in every video game is bad? Because they are.
Takumi as an antagonist was cool because he was literally the only antagonist that had a believable and interesting motivation against Corrin.
>hurr nothing else matters but the gameplay!
If that was really true then you wouldn't be wasting time on a barebones SRPG series like FE.
All three games were shit.
No, not at all. While the story wasn't airtight it was at least entertaining. Regardless, all that really matters is gameplay and it was top tier in conquest and pretty good in the other 2. People just like to hate on what's new.
GOT shits the bed by the end, but Conquest is diet Season 7-8 writing all the way to the end.
It's fantastically bad. Like a 1 season anime that just crashed and burned
I haven't played the original Mystery. Is it really that much better? I don't really give a fuck about Kris and that's usually the only complaint I've seen people have about NM
Fates had a great OST, but I love Echoes'
Fates is good if you have the special edition. Broken up it feels incomplete. It should have just been one game.
ugly art, music wasn't as good
>Ugly art
Okay now I know you're baiting
>ugly art