Horde Paladins, Alliance Shaman
Flying mounts
40 man raids ditched
All gear made worthless.
fuck wrath
>Gay elves in my horde
>Boring alliance race nobody cares about
>Flying kills world pvp
>Old world is a barren wasteland because every 60+ is in a different instance completely disconnected from the rest of the world of warcraft
>No time or incentive for people to do Naxxramas
>Outland full of boring and aesthetically poor zones
>The beginning of the road toward modern retail
Yeah, nah
elves in horde...
flying mounts...
linear hallway dungeons...
welfare epics...
sanctuary city...
horde pallys & alli shammys...
lore retcons...
Ashkandi has the same dps as the halaani claymore which is 67.
Impending scarab is still great.
t2 chain heal shaman was so good it was nerfed
Flying mounts are slower than ground mounts unless you pass the enormous barrier to entry.
50% of the raid doing something vs 100% being active and critical
Nah man.
Fuck you buddy.
Wrath was the best expansion.
yeah... no
>TBCbabby thread
your expansion literally ruined the game
WotLK... home....
>No time or incentive for people to do Naxxramas
What? You had plenty of time to finish Naxx before TBC
Bruh, look at this dude...
TBC is terrible
All you fags praise it but you havent played it.
You forgot the linear boring ass dungeons.
The rep grinds, which there are a ton and you WILL need to do them if you want to progress (keys, gear and recipes)
The slow ass profession grinds (which makes pretty much 2 tiers worth of gear completely useless for some classes)
The Dumb class balancing which make most classes be a literal 1 button spam, See Hunter and Warlock.
The slow leveling even though its more streamlined than vanilla. the zones look horrible and the quests are still boring as shit.
I swear i can´t even look at HFP without wanting to kill myself.
At least it was until arenas fucked everythang up.
Arenas were godsent because unskilled no lifes were stuck at 1600
Only 6 months which isn't that long considering the gear became useless after that.
>make most classes be a literal 1 button spam
You mean classes in general back in vanilla? Fuck I hate classic fags.
Least it was before I fucked everythang up.
it gave us the best thing that came out off WoW and thats are the Draenei
so did the lore ever explain how we killed kael'thas in tempest keep but he's fully alive in magister's terrace patches later?
Felweed overdose
Imagine clearing Naxx and then having your gear invalidated by quest greens
WoW expansions were a mistake
he's not fully alive he's missing a verdant sphere and has a fel crystal lodged in his chest
>Illidan gets a redemption story because everything he did was for his people and it turns out he wasn't that bad and us killing him was wong
>Kael'thas did everything he did for his people as well
>lol fuck that loser
Nope, Kael'Thas was shoehorned into it, Metzen penned tempest keep as some ancient dranei prison originally, KT wasn't suppose to be apart of it at all
Then why did he shoehorned Kael into it?
If Chink Chank doesn't want to play Horde then why the fuck did they put Blood Elves on the Horde
They stopped giving a shit about WoW lore after Vanilla, they got really burned out on the creation of Vanilla
Warlords of Draenor.. home..
>TBC is terrible
cool opinion
>All you fags praise it but you havent played it.
i played it when i was 16. TBC and WOTLK were my favorites expansions.
>You forgot the linear boring ass dungeons.
oh wow i totally forgot how non-linear classic dungeons were. oh wait.
>The rep grinds, which there are a ton and you WILL need to do them if you want to progress (keys, gear and recipes)
bullshit. the only necessary thing from your list is keys, and even then only one person needed to have it for your group to enter.
>The slow ass profession grinds
not an argument. nigger.
>makes pretty much 2 tiers worth of gear completely useless for some classes
No. the 3 piece tailor set was good for like 2 classes, and even then, it was only 3 pieces of gear.
The Dumb class balancing which make most classes be a literal 1 button spam, See Hunter and Warlock.
lol you're so full of shit. i'll admit warlock was like that, but it was like that in vanilla too. i actually played a hunter in TBC, and it was nothing like that.
>The slow leveling even though its more streamlined than vanilla. the zones look horrible and the quests are still boring as shit.
cool opinion
>I swear i can´t even look at HFP without wanting to kill myself.
maybe you should just do it.
>i played it when i was 16. TBC and WOTLK were my favorites expansions.
There it is. proof that you know fuck all of what you are talking about.
the game hasnt aged well, nigger. also what the fuck, everyone needs the fucking keys to do Heroics. Are you mental?
Anyone play on Northdale?
So that Horde has a pretty race, so that Asian play Horde
TBC proved that Blizzard did not know how to evolve WoW.
>also what the fuck, everyone needs the fucking keys to do Heroics. Are you mental?
you might be right about that. i thinking of shattered halls and shadow labs.
>outs himself as not only not knowing tbc well, but also vanilla
>dismisses anything he disagrees with as "cool opinion"
you actually can't make this shit up, tbcbabs confirmed cancer
The dungeons were linear but far from boring, they required a lot of CC and coordination.
>guy mixes up 2 instances and attunement
>haha better ignore his other points
oof yikes dilate
Imaging making an expansion that trivializes everything that went before it.
Oh yeah... that actually happened.
Peiple complained about magister's because hard CC were almost mandatory
>elitist jerks had to theorycraft bis gear taking into account t2 shaman and comparing it to 70 heroics and early raids
>hurr durr trivialize
Your mispkaced servo arm is useful halfway into the xpac, yiu would have complained about content drought if it was useful until 70 raids
As a resto druid/warrior 2v2 player I think TBC was perfectly fair and balanced.
I deserve those shoulders and title
is this really a thing? vanilla fags play inferior version of a game and somehow think they're superior in some delusional way?
my bad. it's only been 13 fucking years. have sex
TBC was the best WoW expansion. Nitpicking with your 20/20 hindsight won't change any of that. It might not be as detailed as Vanilla, or have the best lore, but it improved on the gameplay and balance in pretty much every way while still keeping all the core elements and RPG aspects in tact.
Vanilla > TBC > WotLK > who cares
They complained about it because not all DPS had reliable CC and you were pretty much forced to have at least 2 guys on CC or the tank melted
While I do love tbc, the attunements were ridiculous before getting nerfed. Revered for heroic keys, which are required for several raid attunements. Long quest chains, several requiring groups outside of dungeons. Then they basically nerf them out of existence rather than the preferable light nerf.