What are your favorite puzzle games?
What are your favorite puzzle games?
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Not this one because I am genuinely not intelligent enough for it
Antichamber was a fun trip.
World of Goo I guess. I used to love Lemmings though. Core 90's.
Monkey Island
Bioshock: Infinite from the Bioshock series.
Magnum Opus.
The Talos Principle
Come on, how is that even a question? It's La Mulana 2. All other puzzle games should bow down before it.
Damjan Mravunac is a good music guy.
Very degenerate but a good music guy.
Who Zachtronics here
How the fuck do I solve ABC-5
this. I gave up by the 3rd or 4th world.
icy waters level 1 pissed me off too much. refunded it later
Talos Principle
Old Sierra PnC games if they count
>How the fuck do I solve ABC-5
ALL is a word.
I still have to finish this game but it gives a special kind of satisfaction making efficient machines
Either Baba or something made by Matthew Brown. Hexcells is great, but Cypher is transcendent. Still struggling through Alchemia.
I was thinking about getting into this guy's games. Worth it?
Haha filtered by the very "hOw wAs i mEanT tO kNoW thAT" level.
Little Magic
>Worth it?
It depends. The solutions are open-ended and each level has many different solutions, so it's less about following the developer's logical path, as it is about understanding the problem and generating your own solution.
This has led to people wasting thousands of hours trying to solve a puzzle in 1 fewer cycle or 1 fewer symbol.
Sorry, turns out I meant 4. 5 was not so much of a problem.
Baba is ___
Overlapping text.
The worst part is, every time I finally find or look up a solution, it always seems so obvious in hindsight, never like it was real bullshit. Just me having a raw IQ deficient.
TIS-100 was the only game of theirs I beat the story of.
baa baba ba ba babaabaa maa mama ma ma mamaamaa baa babab ba ba bamaamaa baa...
Infinifactory. It plays great, not that hard for a Zachtronics game, but can give you an absolute challenge if you want to. Spend a good 50 hours on it and I'm not even a puzzle fan.
>tfw zach rated Infinifactory's difficulty a 2/5 while Shenzen and TIS are 4/5
What the fuck is 5/5 then.
>I was thinking about getting into this guy's games. Worth it?
Absolutely. His games are essentially similar with the same goal (optimizations) but each has their own unique premise.
>push the wall text against the jellyfish
oh yeah makes total sense
Talos Principle. Haven't played many others.
Is there some plot or lore for Baba, or should I just take that Baba wants flowers across the island?
there's no story at all
it's just a puzzle game
That wasn't the only solution. I think the intended solution was "Wall and baba is you" then you control the many wall tiles that can bypass the jellies through sheer numbers. It was probably supposed to teach the player the very important difference between "wall and baba is you" in which you control both, and "Baba is you and wall" which makes it unplayable.
I beat both Portal games flawlessly with no guides but got stuck on the sixth world. Am....am I a brainlet?
You posted it.
This is the only non-word-based puzzle game I can actually play somewhat. God, I love it, but God, it's still too hard for me.
A-at least I'm good at those Layton fuckery puzzles
Is it normal to hate a game for its gameplay but to love it for its characters and story?
And also because you have a fetish that the game contains a lot of content for
you're never invincible but TEXT IS TEXT would help
Puyo Puyo Fever 2
Talos Principle
Return of Obra Dinn
>Obra Dinn
My nigga. Godlike game, I hope that we get more like it in the future. Only problem with it is that some of the mechanics are kind of irritating, and that I had to bruteforce certain puzzles (fuck you Topmen, I literally did all those guys last)
The witness
Obra Dinn
These are probably my top 3 for completely different reasons
i wish i wasnt brainlet so that i can go back and optimise my shit
Obra Dinn was pretty cool, and unlike reddit bait like cuphead there was actually a good game under the excellent graphical style.
That said the events of the story could've been a bit lighter on the tropes and chinese people all look the same.
For raw puzzle brilliance baba is best
Game for unironic 200 IQ fags
>chinese people all look the same
It's a good thing there is actually an easy way to tell them apart.
>all games released in the last 3 years
Don't you have any shame
I got up to the ice planet before stopping because I just kept getting stuck. My main issue with puzzle games like that is I tend to start with "Ok, I need to start THIS way" and when that doesn't pan out I get stuck because I don't want to change my start, even if it's what fucking me.
I'm too much of a brainlet for this. I legitimately don't even know how to start the game. The only thing I have is a list of numbers it keeps running down when I start it, but I don't actually know what it wants me to do with the numbers. At least Spacechem I had a clear idea of "Ok THIS is the final product you need, go nuts" but TIS-100 just didn't really give me anything to work with.
>chinese people all look the same.
But they didn't look the same. There just wasn't an immediately obvious way to tie a name to each.
Does this count? I guess it counts, right?
I just finished this last night at 4am. I fucking knew they were going to do a bittersweet ending, I knew exactly what they were going to do and it still hit me like a sledgehammer. Why is there never ever going to be a sequel, bros? Also holy shit, that twist.
The Talos Principle
or if counting adventure/p&c games also;
Grim Fandango
Full Throttle
Sam & Max HTR
how to abc secret